A time selector that can select the next day across days

1. This component can be used in scenarios when dates are not selectable and time needs to be selected across days. The interaction effect is similar to elementUI’s TimePicker time picker 2. Legend 3. Parent component code // Used in html <TimePicker :id=”’32′” :time=”times” @selectTime=”(time) => times = time” /> //Introduce and register components import […]

The road to front-end godhood-CSS (selector, background, characteristics)

The road to front-end godhood-CSS (selector, background, characteristics) Table of Contents The road to front-end godhood-CSS (selector, background, characteristics) CSS day two 1. CSS compound selector 1.1 Descendant selector (emphasis) 1.2 Child element selector 1.3 Intersection selector 1.4 Union selector (emphasis) Test questions 1.5 Link pseudo-class selector (key point) 1.6 Summary of compound selectors 2. […]

k8s install ingress-nginx DaemonSet + HostNetwork + nodeSelector

k8s v1.23.6 install ingress-nginx Easy to understand: ingress-nginx forwards traffic to services within the cluster, and services within the cluster are forwarded to each pod node. To expose the applications inside the cluster to the outside environment through ingress, you can choose two methods (purchasing cloud services to provide load balancing and ignoring Loadbalancer): Deployment+nodePort […]

CSS (how CSS is introduced, CSS selectors, text styles, backgrounds, borders, pseudo-class pseudo-elements, CSS box model, margin folding issues, advanced selectors, floating, flex layout)

CSS css3, cascading style sheets, styling and layout Three ways to introduce ?Inline style (inline style): Use the style attribute of the HTML tag to define the CSS style Internal style: use? External styles (connected): use tags to trigger external CSS style sheet components Inline styles <p style=”color: aqua;font-size: 40px;”>This is a paragraph tag</p> Attributes: […]

[Transfer] WPF template selector DataTemplateSelector and dynamic binding, the use of DataTemplate.Triggers triggers…

In general, you should create a DataTemplateSelector if there are multiple DataTemplates available for the same type of object and you want to provide your own logic for selecting which DataTemplate to apply based on the properties of each data object. Note that you can set the DataType property on the DataTemplate if you have […]

Detailed guide to CSS selectors and code examples

What is a CSS selector? CSS selectors are used to select HTML elements to be styled. CSS selectors select HTML elements based on their id, class, or attributes. Basic selector Universal selector: The * symbols are used to select all elements on the page. Most developers will want to reset margins and padding to 0 […]

Web front-end-CSS basics: selectors (tags, classes, ids, wildcards), box size and background color, text control properties, font size, font style, line height, vertical centering of single-line text, font family, font composite properties, text (indent, alignment, decorative lines, color

Release Notes Current version number [20230920]. Version Modification instructions 20230920 First edition Directory Article directory Release Notes Table of contents Knowledge overview map CSS basics First experience with CSS CSS introduction method Selector tag selector class selector id selector wildcard selector Box size and background color text control properties font size Font style (whether it […]

CSS background, selector, box model

CSS background The CSS background property is used to define the background of an HTML element. CSS properties define background effects: background-color background-image background-repeat background-attachment background-position Background color The background-color property defines the background color of the element. The background color of the page is used in the body selector: <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta […]

android development xml drawing shape, Selector

Selector basic properties android:state_pressed=[“true” | “false”] pressed state android:state_focused=[“true” | “false”] focused state android:state_selected=[“true” | “false”] selected state android:state_active=[“true” | “false”] activation state android:state_checkable=[“true” | “false”] Checkable status android:state_checked=[“true” | “false”] Check status android:state_enabled=[“true” | “false”] enabled state android:state_window_focused=[“true” | “false”] status bar focused state <?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”utf-8″?> <selector xmlns:android=”http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android”> <item android:state_enabled=”true” android:state_checked=”true” android:state_pressed=”true” android:drawable=”@drawable/enabled_on_pressed” […]

css3 selector and css selector summary

css3 selector 1. Basic selector (1) Wildcard selector (*) * { Marigin: 0; padding: 0; } (2) Tag selector such as div p li p{ background-color: gray; color: orange; } (3) Class selector (.class) .important { font-weight: bold; color: yellow; } (4)Multiple class name selector p.items { color: red; } (5)id selector #first { background: […]