Point cloud voxelization in OpenPcdet – VFE implementation

1. Voxel grid generation

This process calls the implementation in the spconv library, the main process is points_to_voxel

from spconv import spconv_utils
from spconv.spconv_utils import (non_max_suppression_cpu,
                                 rbbox_intersection, rbbox_iou,

    from spconv.spconv_utils import non_max_suppression
except ImportError:

def points_to_voxel(points,
    """convert 3d points(N, >=3) to voxels. This version calculate
    everything in one loop. now it takes only 0.8ms(~6k voxels)
    with c++ and 3.2ghz cpu.

        points: [N, ndim] float tensor. points[:, :3] contain xyz points and
            points[:, 3:] contain other information such as reflectivity.
        voxel_size: [3] list/tuple or array, float. xyz, indicate voxel size
        coors_range: [6] list/tuple or array, float. indicate voxel range.
            format: xyzxyz, minmax
        coor_to_voxelidx: int array. used as a dense map.
        max_points: int. indicate maximum points contained in a voxel.
        max_voxels: int. indicate maximum voxels this function create.
            for voxelnet, 20000 is a good choice. you should shuffle points
            before call this function because max_voxels may drop some points.
        full_mean: bool. If true, all empty points in voxel will be filled with mean
            of exist points.
        block_filtering: filter voxels by height. used for lidar point cloud.
            use some visualization tool to see filtered result.
        voxels: [M, max_points, ndim] float tensor. only contain points.
        coordinates: [M, 3] int32 tensor. zyx format.
        num_points_per_voxel: [M] int32 tensor.
    if full_mean:
        assert block_filtering is False
    if not isinstance(voxel_size, np.ndarray):
        voxel_size = np.array(voxel_size, dtype=points.dtype)
    if not isinstance(coors_range, np.ndarray):
        coors_range = np.array(coors_range, dtype=points.dtype)
    voxelmap_shape = (coors_range[3:] - coors_range[:3]) / voxel_size
    voxelmap_shape = tuple(np.round(voxelmap_shape).astype(np.int32).tolist())
    voxelmap_shape = voxelmap_shape[::-1]
    num_points_per_voxel = np.zeros(shape=(max_voxels, ), dtype=np.int32)
    voxels = np.zeros(shape=(max_voxels, max_points, points.shape[-1]),
    voxel_point_mask = np.zeros(shape=(max_voxels, max_points),
    coors = np.zeros(shape=(max_voxels, 3), dtype=np.int32)
    res = {
        "voxels": voxels,
        "coordinates": coors,
        "num_points_per_voxel": num_points_per_voxel,
        "voxel_point_mask": voxel_point_mask,
    if full_mean:
        means = np.zeros(shape=(max_voxels, points.shape[-1]),
        voxel_num = points_to_voxel_3d_np_mean(points, voxels,
                                               voxel_point_mask, means, coors,
                                               max_points, max_voxels)
        if block_filtering:
            block_shape = [*voxelmap_shape[1:]]
            block_shape = [b // block_factor for b in block_shape]
            mins = np.full(block_shape, 99999999, dtype=points.dtype)
            maxs = np.full(block_shape, -99999999, dtype=points.dtype)
            voxel_mask = np.zeros((max_voxels, ), dtype=np.int32)
            voxel_num = points_to_voxel_3d_with_filtering(
                points, voxels, voxel_point_mask, voxel_mask, mins, maxs,
                coors, num_points_per_voxel, coor_to_voxelidx,
                voxel_size.tolist(), coors_range.tolist(), max_points,
                max_voxels, block_factor, block_size, height_threshold,
            voxel_mask = voxel_mask.astype(np.bool_)
            coors_ = coors[voxel_mask]
            if pad_output:
                res["coordinates"][:voxel_num] = coors_
                res["voxels"][:voxel_num] = voxels[voxel_mask]
                res["voxel_point_mask"][:voxel_num] = voxel_point_mask[

                res["num_points_per_voxel"][:voxel_num] = num_points_per_voxel[
                res["coordinates"][voxel_num:] = 0
                res["voxels"][voxel_num:] = 0
                res["num_points_per_voxel"][voxel_num:] = 0
                res["voxel_point_mask"][voxel_num:] = 0
                res["coordinates"] = coors_
                res["voxels"] = voxels[voxel_mask]
                res["num_points_per_voxel"] = num_points_per_voxel[voxel_mask]
                res["voxel_point_mask"] = voxel_point_mask[voxel_mask]
            voxel_num = coors_.shape[0]
            voxel_num = points_to_voxel_3d_np(points, voxels, voxel_point_mask,
                                              coors, num_points_per_voxel,
                                              coors_range.tolist(), max_points,
    res["voxel_num"] = voxel_num
    res["voxel_point_mask"] = res["voxel_point_mask"].reshape(
        -1, max_points, 1)
    return res

class VoxelGenerator:
    def __init__(self,
        point_cloud_range = np.array(point_cloud_range, dtype=np.float32)
        # [0, -40, -3, 70.4, 40, 1]
        voxel_size = np.array(voxel_size, dtype=np.float32)
        grid_size = (point_cloud_range[3:] -
                     point_cloud_range[:3]) / voxel_size
        grid_size = np.round(grid_size).astype(np.int64)
        voxelmap_shape = tuple(np. round(grid_size). astype(np. int32). tolist())
        voxelmap_shape = voxelmap_shape[::-1]

        self._coor_to_voxelidx = np.full(voxelmap_shape, -1, dtype=np.int32)
        self._voxel_size = voxel_size
        self._point_cloud_range = point_cloud_range
        self._max_num_points = max_num_points
        self._max_voxels = max_voxels
        self._grid_size = grid_size
        self._full_mean = full_mean

    def generate(self, points, max_voxels=None):
        res = points_to_voxel(points, self._voxel_size,
                              self._point_cloud_range, self._coor_to_voxelidx,
                              self._max_num_points, max_voxels
                              or self._max_voxels, self._full_mean)
        voxels = res["voxels"]
        coors = res["coordinates"]
        num_points_per_voxel = res["num_points_per_voxel"]
        voxel_num = res["voxel_num"]
        coors = coors[:voxel_num]
        voxels = voxels[:voxel_num]
        num_points_per_voxel = num_points_per_voxel[:voxel_num]

        return (voxels, coors, num_points_per_voxel)

    def generate_multi_gpu(self, points, max_voxels=None):
        res = points_to_voxel(points, self._voxel_size,
                              self._point_cloud_range, self._coor_to_voxelidx,
                              self._max_num_points, max_voxels
                              or self._max_voxels, self._full_mean)
        voxels = res["voxels"]
        coors = res["coordinates"]
        num_points_per_voxel = res["num_points_per_voxel"]
        voxel_num = res["voxel_num"]
        return (voxels, coors, num_points_per_voxel)

    def voxel_size(self):
        return self._voxel_size

    def max_num_points_per_voxel(self):
        return self._max_num_points

    def point_cloud_range(self):
        return self._point_cloud_range

    def grid_size(self):
        return self._grid_size

The specific implementation is implemented in c++ language in point2voxel.h:

template <typename DType, int NDim>
int points_to_voxel_3d_np(py::array_t<DType> points, py::array_t<DType> voxels,
                          py::array_t<DType> voxel_point_mask,
                          py::array_t<int> coors,
                          py::array_t<int> coor_to_voxelidx,
                          std::vector<DType> voxel_size,
                          std::vector<DType> coors_range, int max_points,
                          int max_voxels) {
  auto points_rw = points. template mutable_unchecked<2>();
  auto voxels_rw = voxels. template mutable_unchecked<3>();
  auto voxel_point_mask_rw = voxel_point_mask. template mutable_unchecked<2>();
  auto coors_rw = coors.mutable_unchecked<2>();
  auto num_points_per_voxel_rw = num_points_per_voxel.mutable_unchecked<1>();
  auto coor_to_voxelidx_rw = coor_to_voxelidx.mutable_unchecked<NDim>();
  auto N = points_rw.shape(0);
  auto num_features = points_rw. shape(1);
  // auto ndim = points_rw.shape(1) - 1;
  constexpr int ndim_minus_1 = NDim - 1;
  int voxel_num = 0;
  bool failed = false;
  int coor[NDim];
  int c;
  int grid_size[NDim];
  for (int i = 0; i < NDim; + + i) {
    grid_size[i] =
        round((coors_range[NDim + i] - coors_range[i]) / voxel_size[i]);
  int voxelidx, num;
  for (int i = 0; i < N; + + i) {
    failed = false;
    for (int j = 0; j < NDim; + + j) {
      c = floor((points_rw(i, j) - coors_range[j]) / voxel_size[j]);
      if ((c < 0 || c >= grid_size[j])) {
        failed = true;
      coor[ndim_minus_1 - j] = c;
    if (failed)
    voxelidx = coor_to_voxelidx_rw(coor[0], coor[1], coor[2]);
    if (voxelidx == -1) {
      voxelidx = voxel_num;
      if (voxel_num >= max_voxels)
      voxel_num += 1;
      coor_to_voxelidx_rw(coor[0], coor[1], coor[2]) = voxelidx;
      for (int k = 0; k < NDim; + + k) {
        coors_rw(voxelidx, k) = coor[k];
    num = num_points_per_voxel_rw(voxelidx);
    if (num < max_points) {
      voxel_point_mask_rw(voxelidx, num) = DType(1);
      for (int k = 0; k < num_features; + + k) {
        voxels_rw(voxelidx, num, k) = points_rw(i, k);
      num_points_per_voxel_rw(voxelidx) += 1;
  for (int i = 0; i < voxel_num; + + i) {
    coor_to_voxelidx_rw(coors_rw(i, 0), coors_rw(i, 1), coors_rw(i, 2)) = -1;
  return voxel_num;

template <typename DType, int NDim>
int points_to_voxel_3d_np_mean(
    py::array_t<DType> points, py::array_t<DType> voxel_point_mask,
    py::array_t<DType> voxels, py::array_t<DType> means, py::array_t<int> coors,
    py::array_t<int> num_points_per_voxel, py::array_t<int> coor_to_voxelidx,
    std::vector<DType> voxel_size, std::vector<DType> coors_range,
    int max_points, int max_voxels) {
  auto points_rw = points. template mutable_unchecked<2>();
  auto means_rw = means. template mutable_unchecked<2>();
  auto voxels_rw = voxels. template mutable_unchecked<3>();
  auto voxel_point_mask_rw = voxel_point_mask. template mutable_unchecked<2>();
  auto coors_rw = coors.mutable_unchecked<2>();
  auto num_points_per_voxel_rw = num_points_per_voxel.mutable_unchecked<1>();
  auto coor_to_voxelidx_rw = coor_to_voxelidx.mutable_unchecked<NDim>();
  auto N = points_rw.shape(0);
  auto num_features = points_rw. shape(1);
  // auto ndim = points_rw.shape(1) - 1;
  constexpr int ndim_minus_1 = NDim - 1;
  int voxel_num = 0;
  bool failed = false;
  int coor[NDim];
  int c;
  int grid_size[NDim];
  for (int i = 0; i < NDim; + + i) {
    grid_size[i] =
        round((coors_range[NDim + i] - coors_range[i]) / voxel_size[i]);
  int voxelidx, num;
  for (int i = 0; i < N; + + i) {
    failed = false;
    for (int j = 0; j < NDim; + + j) {
      c = floor((points_rw(i, j) - coors_range[j]) / voxel_size[j]);
      if ((c < 0 || c >= grid_size[j])) {
        failed = true;
      coor[ndim_minus_1 - j] = c;
    if (failed)
    voxelidx = coor_to_voxelidx_rw(coor[0], coor[1], coor[2]);
    if (voxelidx == -1) {
      voxelidx = voxel_num;
      if (voxel_num >= max_voxels)
      voxel_num += 1;
      coor_to_voxelidx_rw(coor[0], coor[1], coor[2]) = voxelidx;
      for (int k = 0; k < NDim; + + k) {
        coors_rw(voxelidx, k) = coor[k];
    num = num_points_per_voxel_rw(voxelidx);
    if (num < max_points) {
      voxel_point_mask_rw(voxelidx, num) = DType(1);
      for (int k = 0; k < num_features; + + k) {
        voxels_rw(voxelidx, num, k) = points_rw(i, k);
      num_points_per_voxel_rw(voxelidx) += 1;
      for (int k = 0; k < num_features; + + k) {
        means_rw(voxelidx, k) + =
            (points_rw(i, k) - means_rw(voxelidx, k)) / DType(num + 1);
  for (int i = 0; i < voxel_num; + + i) {
    coor_to_voxelidx_rw(coors_rw(i, 0), coors_rw(i, 1), coors_rw(i, 2)) = -1;
    num = num_points_per_voxel_rw(i);
    for (int j = num; j < max_points; + + j) {
      for (int k = 0; k < num_features; + + k) {
        voxels_rw(i, j, k) = means_rw(i, k);
  return voxel_num;

2. Hard voxel feature

This process is easier to understand, it is to sum the same voxel grid, and then calculate the average.

class MeanVFE(VFETemplate):
    def __init__(self, model_cfg, num_point_features, **kwargs):
        self.num_point_features = num_point_features

    def get_output_feature_dim(self):
        return self.num_point_features

    def forward(self, batch_dict, **kwargs):
                voxels: (num_voxels, max_points_per_voxel, C)
                voxel_num_points: optional (num_voxels)

            vfe_features: (num_voxels, C)
        voxel_features, voxel_num_points = batch_dict['voxels'], batch_dict['voxel_num_points']
        points_mean = voxel_features[:, :, :].sum(dim=1, keepdim=False)
        normalizer = torch.clamp_min(voxel_num_points.view(-1, 1), min=1.0).type_as(voxel_features)
        points_mean = points_mean / normalizer
        batch_dict['voxel_features'] = points_mean.contiguous()

        return batch_dict

3. Dynamic voxel generation

The process is also very simple, directly use torch.unique to output the non-repeated coordinates in the voxel coordinates, the index of the original coordinates in the non-repeated coordinates, and the number of non-repeated coordinates. Then use scatter_mean to find the mean directly.

class DynamicMeanVFE(VFETemplate):
    def __init__(self, model_cfg, num_point_features, voxel_size, grid_size, point_cloud_range, **kwargs):
        self.num_point_features = num_point_features

        self.grid_size = torch.tensor(grid_size).cuda()
        self.voxel_size = torch.tensor(voxel_size).cuda()
        self.point_cloud_range = torch.tensor(point_cloud_range).cuda()

        self.voxel_x = voxel_size[0]
        self.voxel_y = voxel_size[1]
        self.voxel_z = voxel_size[2]
        self.x_offset = self.voxel_x / 2 + point_cloud_range[0]
        self.y_offset = self.voxel_y / 2 + point_cloud_range[1]
        self.z_offset = self.voxel_z / 2 + point_cloud_range[2]

        self.scale_xyz = grid_size[0] * grid_size[1] * grid_size[2]
        self.scale_yz = grid_size[1] * grid_size[2]
        self. scale_z = grid_size[2]

    def get_output_feature_dim(self):
        return self.num_point_features

    def forward(self, batch_dict, **kwargs):
                voxels: (num_voxels, max_points_per_voxel, C)
                voxel_num_points: optional (num_voxels)

            vfe_features: (num_voxels, C)
        batch_size = batch_dict['batch_size']
        points = batch_dict['points'] # (batch_idx, x, y, z, i, e)

        point_coords = torch.floor((points[:, 1:4] - self.point_cloud_range[0:3]) / self.voxel_size).int()
        mask = ((point_coords >= 0) & (point_coords < self.grid_size)).all(dim=1)
        points = points[mask]
        point_coords = point_coords[mask]
        merge_coords = points[:, 0].int() * self.scale_xyz + \
                        point_coords[:, 0] * self. scale_yz + \
                        point_coords[:, 1] * self. scale_z + \
                        point_coords[:, 2]
        points_data = points[:, 1:].contiguous()
        unq_coords, unq_inv, unq_cnt = torch.unique(merge_coords, return_inverse=True, return_counts=True)

        points_mean = torch_scatter.scatter_mean(points_data, unq_inv, dim=0)
        unq_coords = unq_coords.int()
        voxel_coords = torch.stack((unq_coords // self.scale_xyz,
                                    (unq_coords % self. scale_xyz) // self. scale_yz,
                                    (unq_coords % self. scale_yz) // self. scale_z,
                                    unq_coords % self.scale_z), dim=1)
        voxel_coords = voxel_coords[:, [0, 3, 2, 1]]
        batch_dict['voxel_features'] = points_mean.contiguous()
        batch_dict['voxel_coords'] = voxel_coords.contiguous()
        return batch_dict


torch. unique(input, sorted=True, return_inverse=False, return_counts=False, dim=None)

input: tensor to be processed

sorted: Whether to arrange the returned non-repeating tensors according to their values, the default is to arrange them in order

return_inverse: Whether to return the index of each element in the original tensor in this non-repeated tensor

return_counts: counts the number of repetitions of each individual element in the original tensor

dim: The dimension along which the value is uniquely processed. I did not understand the mechanism of this after experimenting. If the processed tensors are all one-dimensional, then this does not need to be ignored.

import torch
x = torch.tensor([4,0,1,2,1,2,3])#Generate a tensor as experimental input
out = torch.unique(x) #All parameters are set to default
print(out)# print out the processing result
#The results are as follows:
#tensor([0, 1, 2, 3, 4]) #Pick out the non-repeating elements in x, and the default is the order of birth
out = torch.unique(x,sorted=False)#Change the default order to False
#The output results are as follows:
#tensor([3, 2, 1, 0, 4]) #Find out the independent elements in x, and output them in the original order
out = torch.unique(x,return_inverse=True)#Output the index of each element in the original data in the newly generated independent element tensor
#The output results are as follows:
#(tensor([0, 1, 2, 3, 4]), tensor([4, 0, 1, 2, 1, 2, 3])) #The first tensor is an independent tensor output after sorting , the second result corresponds to the index of each element in the original data in the new independent non-repeated tensor, such as x[0]=4, the index in the new tensor is 4, x[1]=0, in the new The index in the tensor is 0, x[6]=3, and the index in the new tensor is 3
out = torch.unique(x,return_counts=True) #return the number of each independent element
#The output results are as follows
#(tensor([0, 1, 2, 3, 4]), tensor([1, 2, 2, 1, 1])) #0 The number of this element in the original data is 1, 1 This element is in the original The number in the data is 2