Solving ImportError: cannot import name adam from tensorflow.python.keras.optimizers

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Solving ImportError: cannot import name adam from tensorflow.python.keras.optimizers


wrong reason


TensorFlow 1.x version

TensorFlow 2.x version

Update TensorFlow version

in conclusion

Introduction to Adam optimizer

The principle of Adam optimizer

Solving ImportError: cannot import name adam from tensorflow.python.keras.optimizers


When using TensorFlow for deep learning, you often encounter some errors. One of the common errors is ??ImportError: cannot import name adam from tensorflow.python.keras.optimizers??. This article will explain the causes of this error and provide solutions.

Error reason

This error usually occurs when trying to import the Adam optimizer when using TensorFlow as a deep learning framework. In TensorFlow, the Adam optimizer is a commonly used optimization algorithm used to optimize the parameters of deep learning models. Since TensorFlow version updates and iterates quickly, the modules and interfaces are constantly changing. This results in some old code not working properly in the new version of TensorFlow. This error is usually caused because the interface name of the Adam optimizer has changed in the new version of TensorFlow.


To solve this error, different processing needs to be performed depending on the version of TensorFlow.

TensorFlow 1.x version

If you are using TensorFlow 1.x version, when importing the Adam optimizer, the correct code should be:

pythonCopy codefrom tensorflow.keras.optimizers import Adam

Please note that ??tensorflow.keras.optimizers?? here is the path to import the Adam optimizer, not ??tensorflow.python.keras.optimizers??.

TensorFlow 2.x version

If you are using TensorFlow version 2.x, the problem may be with the import path. First, make sure you are using the correct version of TensorFlow, then check that your import code is correct. The correct code should be:

pythonCopy codefrom tensorflow.keras.optimizers import Adam

Please note that ??tensorflow.keras.optimizers?? here is the path to import the Adam optimizer, not ??tensorflow.python.keras.optimizers??.

Update TensorFlow version

If you’re still getting import errors, it’s probably because your version of TensorFlow is too old. To resolve this issue, you can try updating to the latest TensorFlow version. You can update TensorFlow using the following command:

bashCopy codepip install --upgrade tensorflow

Please note that the above commands may vary depending on your operating system and environment configuration. Please check the official TensorFlow website for more details.


When encountering an ??ImportError: cannot import name adam from tensorflow.python.keras.optimizers?? error, first check the TensorFlow version you are using. Depending on the version, choose the correct import path. If the problem persists, try updating to the latest TensorFlow version.

Suppose we are developing an image classification model and want to use the Adam optimizer to optimize the parameters of the model. Here is a sample code:

pythonCopy codeimport tensorflow as tf
from tensorflow.keras.optimizers import Adam
from tensorflow.keras.models import Sequential
from tensorflow.keras.layers import Dense, Flatten
# Preprocessing steps such as loading data sets
# Define model
model = Sequential([
    Flatten(input_shape=(28, 28)),
    Dense(128, activation='relu'),
    Dense(10, activation='softmax')
# Compile model
#Train model, y_train, epochs=10, batch_size=32)
# Evaluate the model on the test set
model.evaluate(x_test, y_test)
# Make predictions
predictions = model.predict(x_test)

The above example code shows how to use the Adam optimizer to train and evaluate a model, and make predictions in an image classification task. Please note that when importing the optimizer, we use ??from tensorflow.keras.optimizers import Adam??, and use ??Adam(learning_rate=0.001)? in the code. ?To instantiate the Adam optimizer object. In this way, you can use the Adam optimizer for model training and optimization according to actual application scenarios. Hope this sample code helps you!

Introduction to Adam Optimizer

Adam optimizer (Adaptive Moment Estimation) is a commonly used gradient descent optimization algorithm used to train deep learning models. It combines the advantages of two other optimization algorithms, AdaGrad and RMSProp, to dynamically adjust the learning rate on different parameters, and has some additional advantages. Unlike traditional gradient descent methods, the Adam optimizer updates parameters through an adaptive learning rate mechanism. It takes into account the ratio of first-moment estimates (average gradient) and second-moment estimates (uncentered variance of gradients) of past gradients while eliminating manual adjustments to the learning rate.

The principle of Adam optimizer

The Adam optimizer uses the following key concepts and formulas to update model parameters:

  1. Momentum: Adam uses the concept of momentum to accelerate learning. Momentum is an exponentially weighted average of previous gradients, which helps converge faster in both smooth and curved gradient directions.
  2. Learning Rate: Adam’s learning rate gradually shrinks, causing the model to converge faster at the beginning of training and slowly updating model parameters when approaching the lowest point.
  3. Adaptive adjustment: Adam takes into account first-order moment estimates (momentum) and second-order moment estimates (uncentered variance) of past gradients. It maintains two variables for each model parameter, m and v. where m represents the first-order moment estimate and v represents the second-order moment estimate. By taking into account first- and second-order moment estimates, Adam can adaptively adjust the learning rate. The parameter update process of the Adam optimizer is as follows:
  4. Initialize variables m and v with the same dimensions as the model parameters.
  5. At each training step, the gradient is calculated and the variables m and v are updated:
  • m = β1 * m + (1 – β1) * gradient
  • v = β2 * v + (1 – β2) * gradient^2 Among them, β1 and β2 are hyperparameters used to control historical gradient information, usually set to 0.9 and 0.999.
  1. Calculate the modified first-order moment estimate and second-order moment estimate based on the updated variables m and v:
  • m_hat = m / (1 – β1^t)
  • v_hat = v / (1 – β2^t) where t represents the number of iterations of the current training step.
  1. Update the model parameters using the modified first and second moment estimates:
  • parameter = parameter – learning_rate * m_hat / (sqrt(v_hat) + epsilon) where learning_rate is the learning rate and epsilon is a small value to avoid division by zero.

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