kaggle novice competition Spaceship Titanic with TFDF high score code transfer

Spaceship Titanic Dataset with TensorFlow Decision Forests

This notebook walks you through how to train a baseline Random Forest model using TensorFlow Decision Forests on the Spaceship Titanic dataset made available for this competition.
Roughly, the code will look as follows:

import tensorflow_decision_forests as tfdf
import pandas as pd

dataset = pd.read_csv(“project/dataset.csv”)
tf_dataset = tfdf.keras.pd_dataframe_to_tf_dataset(dataset, label=”my_label”)

model = tfdf.keras.RandomForestModel()

Decision Forests are a family of tree-based models including Random Forests and Gradient Boosted Trees. They are the best place to start when working with tabular data, and will often outperform (or provide a strong baseline) before you begin experimenting with neural networks.

Import the library

import tensorflow as tf
import tensorflow_decision_forests as tfdf
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
print("TensorFlow v" + tf.__version__)
print("TensorFlow Decision Forests v" + tfdf.__version__)

TensorFlow v2.11.0
TensorFlow Decision Forests v1.2.0

Load the Dataset

# Load a dataset into a Pandas Dataframe
dataset_df = pd.read_csv('/kaggle/input/spaceship-titanic/train.csv')
print("Full train dataset shape is {}".format(dataset_df.shape))

Full train dataset shape is (8693, 14)
The data is composed of 14 columns and 8693 entries. We can see all 14 dimensions of our dataset by printing out the first 5 entries using the following code:

# Display the first 5 examples

There are 12 feature columns. Using these features your model has to predict whether the passenger is rescued or not indicated by the column Transported.

Let us quickly do a basic exploration of the dataset



RangeIndex: 8693 entries, 0 to 8692
Data columns (total 14 columns):

Column Non-Null Count Dtype

0 PassengerId 8693 non-null object
1 HomePlanet 8492 non-null object
2 CryoSleep 8476 non-null object
3 Cabin 8494 non-null object
4 Destination 8511 non-null object
5 Age 8514 non-null float64
6 VIP 8490 non-null object
7 RoomService 8512 non-null float64
8 FoodCourt 8510 non-null float64
9 ShoppingMall 8485 non-null float64
10 Spa 8510 non-null float64
11 VRDeck 8505 non-null float64
12 Name 8493 non-null object
13 Transported 8693 non-null bool
dtypes: bool(1), float64(6), object(7)
memory usage: 891.5 + KB

Bar chart for label column: Transported

plot_df = dataset_df.Transported.value_counts()

Numerical data distribution

Let us plot all the numerical columns and their value counts:

fig, ax = plt.subplots(5,1, figsize=(10, 10))
plt.subplots_adjust(top = 2)

sns.histplot(dataset_df['Age'], color='b', bins=50, ax=ax[0]);
sns.histplot(dataset_df['FoodCourt'], color='b', bins=50, ax=ax[1]);
sns.histplot(dataset_df['ShoppingMall'], color='b', bins=50, ax=ax[2]);
sns.histplot(dataset_df['Spa'], color='b', bins=50, ax=ax[3]);
sns.histplot(dataset_df['VRDeck'], color='b', bins=50, ax=ax[4]);

Prepare the dataset

We will drop both PassengerId and Name columns as they are not necessary for model training.

dataset_df = dataset_df.drop(['PassengerId', 'Name'], axis=1)

We will check for the missing values using the following code:


CryoSleep 217
ShoppingMall 208
VIP 203
HomePlanet 201
Cabin 199
VRDeck 188
FoodCourt 183
Spa 183
Destination 182
RoomService 181
Age 179
Transported 0
dtype: int64

This dataset contains a mix of numeric, categorical and missing features. TF-DF supports all these feature types natively, and no preprocessing is required.

But this dataset also has boolean fields with missing values. TF-DF doesn’t support boolean fields yet. So we need to convert those fields into int. To account for the missing values in the boolean fields, we will replace them with zero.

In this notebook, we will replace null value entries with zero for numerical columns as well and only let TF-DF handle the missing values in categorical columns.

Note: You can choose to let TF-DF handle missing values in numerical columns if need be.

dataset_df[['VIP', 'CryoSleep', 'FoodCourt', 'ShoppingMall', 'Spa', 'VRDeck']] = dataset_df[['VIP', 'CryoSleep', 'FoodCourt', 'ShoppingMall' , 'Spa', 'VRDeck']].fillna(value=0)

HomePlanet 201
Cabin 199
Destination 182
RoomService 181
Age 179
CryoSleep 0
FoodCourt 0
Shopping Mall 0
Spa 0
VRDeck 0
Transported 0
dtype: int64

Since, TF-DF cannot handle boolean columns, we will have to adjust the labels in column Transported to convert them into the integer format that TF-DF expects.

label = "Transported"
dataset_df[label] = dataset_df[label].astype(int)

We will also convert the boolean fields CryoSleep and VIP to int.

dataset_df['VIP'] = dataset_df['VIP'].astype(int)
dataset_df['CryoSleep'] = dataset_df['CryoSleep'].astype(int)

The value of column Cabin is a string with the format Deck/Cabin_num/Side. Here we will split the Cabin column and create 3 new columns Deck, Cabin_num and Side, since it will be easier to train the model on those individual data.

Run the following command to split the column Cabin into columns Deck, Cabin_num and Side

dataset_df[["Deck", "Cabin_num", "Side"]] = dataset_df["Cabin"].str.split("/", expand=True)

Remove original Cabin column from the dataset since it’s not needed anymore.

    dataset_df = dataset_df.drop('Cabin', axis=1)
    print("Field does not exist")

Let us display the first 5 examples from the prepared dataset.


Now let us split the dataset into training and testing datasets:

def split_dataset(dataset, test_ratio=0.20):
  test_indices = np.random.rand(len(dataset)) < test_ratio
  return dataset[~test_indices], dataset[test_indices]

train_ds_pd, valid_ds_pd = split_dataset(dataset_df)
print("{} examples in training, {} examples in testing.".format(
    len(train_ds_pd), len(valid_ds_pd)))

7004 examples in training, 1689 examples in testing.
There’s one more step required before we can train the model. We need to convert the dataset from Pandas format (pd.DataFrame) into TensorFlow Datasets format (tf.data.Dataset).

TensorFlow Datasets is a high performance data loading library which is helpful when training neural networks with accelerators like GPUs and TPUs.

train_ds = tfdf.keras.pd_dataframe_to_tf_dataset(train_ds_pd, label=label)
valid_ds = tfdf.keras.pd_dataframe_to_tf_dataset(valid_ds_pd, label=label)

Select a Model

There are several tree-based models for you to choose from.

  • RandomForestModel
  • GradientBoostedTreesModel
  • CartModel
  • DistributedGradientBoostedTreesModel

To start, we’ll work with a Random Forest. This is the most well-known of the Decision Forest training algorithms.

A Random Forest is a collection of decision trees, each trained independently on a random subset of the training dataset (sampled with replacement). The algorithm is unique in that it is robust to overfitting, and easy to use.

We can list the all the available models in TensorFlow Decision Forests using the following code:


Configure the model

TensorFlow Decision Forests provides good defaults for you (e.g. the top ranking hyperparameters on our benchmarks, slightly modified to run in reasonable time). If you would like to configure the learning algorithm, you will find many options you can explore to get the highest possible accuracy.

You can select a template and/or set parameters as follows:

rf = tfdf.keras.RandomForestModel(hyperparameter_template=”benchmark_rank1″)

Create a Random Forest

Today, we will use the defaults to create the Random Forest Model. By default the model is set to train for a classification task.
Type Markdown and LaTeX:





rf = tfdf.keras.RandomForestModel()
rf.compile(metrics=["accuracy"]) # Optional, you can use this to include a list of eval metrics

Use /tmp/tmpgrzv941c as temporary training directory

Train the model

We will train the model using a one-liner.

Note: you may see a warning about Autograph. You can safely ignore this, it will be fixed in the next release.


Visualize the model

One benefit of tree-based models is that we can easily visualize them. The default number of trees used in the Random Forests is 300. We can select a tree to display below.

tfdf.model_plotter.plot_model_in_colab(rf, tree_idx=0, max_depth=3)

Evaluate the model on the Out of bag (OOB) data and the validation dataset

Before training the dataset we have manually separated 20% of the dataset for validation named as valid_ds.

We can also use Out of bag (OOB) score to validate our RandomForestModel. To train a Random Forest Model, a set of random samples from training set are chosenn by the algorithm and the rest of the samples are used to finetune the model.The subset of data that is not chosen is known as Out of bag data (OOB). OOB score is computed on the OOB data.

Read more about OOB data here.

The training logs show the accuracy evaluated on the out-of-bag dataset according to the number of trees in the model. Let us plot this.

Note: Larger values are better for this hyperparameter.

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
logs = rf.make_inspector().training_logs()
plt.plot([log.num_trees for log in logs], [log.evaluation.accuracy for log in logs])
plt.xlabel("Number of trees")
plt.ylabel("Accuracy (out-of-bag)")

We can also see some general stats on the OOB dataset:

inspector = rf.make_inspector()

Evaluation(num_examples=7004, accuracy=0.7961165048543689, loss=0.5221382728343014, rmse=None, ndcg=None, aucs=None, auuc=None, qini=None)
Now, let us run an evaluation using the validation dataset.

evaluation = rf.evaluate(x=valid_ds,return_dict=True)

for name, value in evaluation.items():
  print(f"{<!-- -->name}: {<!-- -->value:.4f}")

2/2 [==============================] – 1s 70ms/step – loss: 0.0000 e + 00 – accuracy: 0.7916
loss: 0.0000
accuracy: 0.7916

Variable importances

Variable importances generally indicate how much a feature contributes to the model predictions or quality. There are several ways to identify important features using TensorFlow Decision Forests. Let us list the available Variable Importances for Decision Trees:

print(f"Available variable importances:")
for importance in inspector.variable_importances().keys():
  print("\t", importance)

Available variable importances:

As an example, let us display the important features for the Variable Importance NUM_AS_ROOT.

The larger the importance score for NUM_AS_ROOT, the more impact it has on the outcome of the model.

By default, the list is sorted from the most important to the least. From the output you can infer that the feature at the top of the list is used as the root node in most number of trees in the random forest than any other feature.

# Each line is: (feature name, (index of the feature), importance score)

[(“CryoSleep” (1; #2), 127.0),
(“Spa” (1; #10), 64.0),
(“RoomService” (1; #7), 48.0),
(“VRDeck” (1; #12), 31.0),
(“ShoppingMall” (1; #8), 16.0),
(“FoodCourt” (1; #5), 8.0),
(“Deck” (4; #3), 6.0)]


# Load the test dataset
test_df = pd.read_csv('/kaggle/input/spaceship-titanic/test.csv')
submission_id = test_df.PassengerId

# Replace NaN values with zero
test_df[['VIP', 'CryoSleep']] = test_df[['VIP', 'CryoSleep']].fillna(value=0)

# Creating New Features - Deck, Cabin_num and Side from the column Cabin and remove Cabin
test_df[["Deck", "Cabin_num", "Side"]] = test_df["Cabin"].str.split("/", expand=True)
test_df = test_df.drop('Cabin', axis=1)

# Convert boolean to 1's and 0's
test_df['VIP'] = test_df['VIP'].astype(int)
test_df['CryoSleep'] = test_df['CryoSleep'].astype(int)

# Convert pd dataframe to tf dataset
test_ds = tfdf.keras.pd_dataframe_to_tf_dataset(test_df)

# Get the predictions for testdata
predictions = rf.predict(test_ds)
n_predictions = (predictions > 0.5).astype(bool)
output = pd.DataFrame({<!-- -->'PassengerId': submission_id,
                       'Transported': n_predictions.squeeze()})


5/5 [==============================] – 1s 69ms/step

sample_submission_df = pd.read_csv('/kaggle/input/spaceship-titanic/sample_submission.csv')
sample_submission_df['Transported'] = n_predictions
sample_submission_df.to_csv('/kaggle/working/submission.csv', index=False)
