The front end creates a local wallet and implements signature transfer (BSC, Polygon, ETH)

Article directory

    • 1. Project preparation
    • 2. Wallet-related concepts
    • 3. Randomly create a wallet
    • 4. Import the wallet according to the mnemonic
    • 5. Import wallet according to keystore
    • 6. Signature transfer

The front end creates a local wallet and implements signature transfer (BSC, Polygon, ETH)

1. Project preparation

  1. Install ether.js
npm install --save ethers

Three ways to introduce ether.js:

  • es3:
var ethers = require('ethers');
  • es5/es6
const ethers = require('ethers');
  • javascript/typescript-es6
import ethers from 'ethers';

2. Wallet-related concepts

The default here is that you already understand the relationship between address, password, private key, mnemonic, and Keystore, so I won’t introduce too much, just list the relationship between them:

address = bank card number

password = bank card password

Private key = bank card number + password

Mnemonic phrase = bank card number + password

Keystore = encrypted private key

Keystore + password = private key

3. Randomly create a wallet

The Wallet class of ethers used:


createRandom returns a new wallet with a random private key, generated from a cryptographically secure source of entropy. An error is thrown if the current environment does not have a safe source of entropy.
Wallets created using this method will have the mnemonic phrase

 createNewWallet() {<!-- -->

    let walletRandom = ethers. Wallet. createRandom()
    // wallet mnemonic object
    let mnemonic = walletRandom.mnemonic
    //Wallet mnemonic words
    let phrase = mnemonic. phrase
    //path: "m/44'/60'/0'/0/0",
    let path = mnemonic.path
    // wallet address
    let address = walletRandom.address
    //Wallet public key
    let publicKey = walletRandom. publicKey
    //Wallet private key
    let privateKey = walletRandom. privateKey
    //Generate the keystore file through the password set by the user
    let password = "123456"
    walletRandom.encrypt(password).then((keystory_string) => {<!-- -->
      let keystory_json = JSON. parse(keystory_string)
      //The keystore string of the wallet
      this.keystory = keystory_string
//The mnemonic of the wallet can be encrypted and stored locally through AES symmetric encryption
let encryptPassword = "1234qwer"
    let encryptedPhrase = encryption(phrase, encryptPassword)
    console.log('encrypted mnemonic:', encryptedPhrase)
    let decryptedPhrase = decryption(encryptedPhrase, encryptPassword)
    console.log('decrypted mnemonic:', decryptedPhrase)
import * as CryptoJS from 'crypto-js'

//Data symmetric encryption
function encryption(data, password) {<!-- -->
  let encrypted = CryptoJS.AES.encrypt(data, password);
  return encrypted. toString()

//Data decryption
function decryption(encrypted, password) {<!-- -->
  let decrypted = CryptoJS.AES.decrypt(encrypted, password);
  return decrypted.toString(CryptoJS.enc.Utf8);

4. Import the wallet according to the mnemonic

 ethers.Wallet.fromMnemonic( mnemonic [ , path , [ wordlist ] ] ) ? Wallet

Create an instance from a mnemonic phrase.

If no path is specified, the default path of Ethereum (such as m/44’/60’/0’/0/0) will be used.

If wordlist is not specified, English Wordlist is used.

 async createWalletByPhrase() {<!-- -->
  //default path
    let path = ethers.utils.defaultPath

//Wallet mnemonic words to be imported
    let phrase =
      'able fee damage express distress visit fine claim similar attract awkward market'
    let mnemonic = ethers.Wallet.fromMnemonic(phrase)

//Wallet private key
    let privateKey = mnemonic. privateKey
//Create a wallet instance through the wallet private key
    let wallet = new ethers. Wallet(privateKey)
    //Wallet public key
    let publicKey = wallet. publicKey

// wallet address
    let address = wallet.address

//Generate the keystore file through the password set by the user
    let password = "123456"
    wallet.encrypt(password).then((keystory_string) => {<!-- -->
      let keystory_json = JSON. parse(keystory_string)
      let keystory = keystory_string

5. Import wallet according to keystore

ethers.Wallet.fromEncryptedJson( json , password [ , progress ] ) ? Promise< Wallet >source

Create an instance from an encrypted JSON wallet.

If progress is provided, it will be called during decryption with a value between 0 and 1, indicating a completed progress.

 createWalletByKeystory() {<!-- -->
  //Wallet keystore to be imported
    let keystory =
      '{"address":"df9e902814baba3ddc6b4a1ac9db11bc79eda07f","id":"60db3db5-ef64-400a-b25e-3615a9bdfa24","version":3,"crypto":{ "cipher":"aes-128-ctr","cipherparams":{"iv":"f4c7ece791d112dc408537203aa2bb10"},"ciphertext":"acba3333e3d7078e2186ebd561c28bf0e4a8c105e4b1eec40bec20616441cc31"," kdf":"scrypt","kdfparams":{"salt":"f1e8acd43868559c1ecda1c9b31489efd12f6c7c9302710b957a3b779dd6ec54","n":131072,"dklen":32,"p" :1,"r":8},"mac":"e466473ae761f98b1f26354e27305ce23e41b5d5c8a5674b65675bdfbf848718"},"x-ethers":{"client":"ethers.js"," gethFilename":"UTC--2023-03-25T03-36-38.0Z--df9e902814baba3ddc6b4a1ac9db11bc79eda07f","mnemonicCounter":"e4482220566b9a9f9d821c1352d1708f","mnemonicCiphertext":"7357682acae64479641611e17e1c6473",\ "path":"m/44'/60'/0'/0/0","locale":"en","version":"0.1" }}'
     //Change the password used when the keystore was created
     let password = "123456"
    ethers.Wallet.fromEncryptedJson(keystory, password).then((wallet) => {<!-- -->
      console.log('wallet instance:', wallet)

// wallet address
      let address = wallet.address
      //Wallet public key
      let publicKey = wallet. publicKey
      //Wallet private key
      let privateKey = wallet. privateKey
      // default path
      let path = ethers.utils.defaultPath

6. Signature transfer

 async sendTransaction() {<!-- -->
    // let network = 'goerli'
    // let contractAddress = ''

    // let network = 'maticmum'
    // let contractAddress = ''

    // let network = ''
    let network = ''
    let contractAddress = ''

//Use Infura as RPC
//let projectId = ''
    // let provider = new ethers.providers.InfuraProvider(network, projectId)
    let provider = new ethers.providers.JsonRpcProvider(network);
    let privateKey = '0x0fb9146e20a3bd3497b47de967316c8aa7f83818ddc62429a24774f0df1f8065'
    let wallet = new ethers. Wallet(privateKey, provider)
    // let balance = await wallet. getBalance('latest')
    // console.log('balance:', balance)
    // console.log('balance:', ethers.utils.formatEther(balance))
    // console.log(await wallet.getChainId())
    // return
    //ETH transfer
    let tx = {
      to: '',
      value: ethers.utils.parseEther('0.001'),
      chainId: ethers.BigNumber.from('5').toHexString()
    let res = await wallet. sendTransaction(tx)
    console. log(res)

    //Use signers for ERC20 transfer
    let contract = new ethers.Contract(contractAddress, GBK.abi, wallet)
    console. log(contract)
    let balance = await contract.balanceOf(wallet.address)
    balance = ethers.utils.formatEther(balance)
    console. log(balance)
    let res = await contract. transfer('', ethers. utils. parseUnits('1'))
    console. log(res)