Hash table package unordered_map+unordered_set


Hash table transformation

hash table structure

functor implementation

hash table iterator


operator* and operator->

operator != and ==

operator ++


copy construction


copy construction

The complete code of the hash table

unordered_set package source code

unordered_map package source code

Hash table transformation

We know that unordered_map is a K-type structure, unordered_map is a K, V-type structure, so how to encapsulate them through a hash table?

Next we transform the hash table. (This article uses an open hash structure to implement a hash table)

T represents the data type stored by the node.

Hash Table Structure

template<class T>
struct HashNode
HashNode<T>* _next;
HashNode(const T & data)


Since unordered_map is a KV structure, we need to add a template parameter to extract the key value, which is KeyofT,

And the hash table needs to convert the key value into an integer that can be modulo, so set a HashFunc parameter, through which we can implement the functor to achieve our goal.

template<class K, class T, class KeyofT, class HashFunc=Hash<K>>
class HashTable
typedef HashNode<T> Node;
vector<Node*> _table;//storage node pointer
size_t _n=0;//Number of valid data

Functor implementation

struct MapKeyofT
const K & amp; operator()(const pair<K, V> & amp; kv)
return kv.first;
struct SetKeyofT
const K & amp; operator()(const K & amp; key)
return key;

The string type is also commonly used as a key, so we specialize the string type.

template<class K>
struct Hash
size_t operator()(const K & key)
return key;
struct Hash<string>
size_t operator()(const string & s)
size_t ret = 0;
for (auto e : s)
ret *= 31;
ret += e;
return ret;

unordered_set structure:

template<class K, class hash = Hash<K>>
class unordered_set
HashTable<K, K, SetKeyofT, hash> _ht;

unordered_map structure:

template<class K, class V, class hash = Hash<K>>
class unordered_map
struct MapKeyofT
const K & amp; operator()(const pair<K, V> & amp; kv)
return kv.first;
HashTable<K, pair<K, V>, MapKeyofT, hash> _ht;

Hash Table Iterator

First of all, it is clear that the unordered_map and unordered_set iterators are one-way, so the iterators of our internal hash table support + + operations.

We use an open hash structure, how to implement iterator ++?

The idea is to find a non-empty hash bucket first, + + is to traverse the bucket, so what if the bucket is traversed? We are going to the next non-empty bucket, so our iterator not only stores the address of the node, but also stores the address of the hash table.


template<class K,class T,class Ref,class Ptr,class KeyofT,class HashFunc>
struct HashTableIterator
typedef HashNode<T> Node;
typedef HashTableIterator<K, T, Ref, Ptr, KeyofT, HashFunc> self;
//Store the node pointer and the address of a hash table
Node* _node;
HashTable<K, T, KeyofT, HashFunc>* _pht;
HashTableIterator( Node* node, HashTable<K, T, KeyofT, HashFunc>* pht)


The iterator internally stores the node address, and you can directly use the node address to compare whether they are equal.

bool operator!=(const self & amp; it)const
return _node != it._node;
bool operator==(const self & amp; it)const
return _node == it._node;

operator + +

If the next node is not empty, traverse directly to the next node.

If empty, find a new non-empty bucket.

self & operator + + ()
if (_node->_next)
_node = _node->_next;
Key of T kot;
HashFunc hf;
Node* cur = _node;
size_t index = hf(kot(cur->_data)) % _pht->_table.size();
index + + ;
while (index < _pht->_table. size())
if (_pht->_table[index])
index + + ;
if (index == _pht->_table. size())
_node = nullptr;
_node = _pht->_table[index];
return *this;


Since the hash table uses vector internally, we don’t need to explicitly write the constructor.

//Specify the compiler to generate the constructor by default
HashTable() = default;

Copy Construction

HashTable(const HashTable<K, T, KeyofT, HashFunc> & amp; ht)
for (size_t i = 0; i < ht._table.size(); + + i)
Node* cur = ht._table[i];
while (cur)
Node* newnode = new Node(cur->_data);
newnode->_next = _table[i];
_table[i] = newnode;
cur = cur->_next;


Traverse each hash bucket and release the nodes in it.

HashTable(const HashTable<K, T, KeyofT, HashFunc> & amp; ht)
for (size_t i = 0; i < ht._table.size(); + + i)
Node* cur = ht._table[i];
while (cur)
Node* newnode = new Node(cur->_data);
newnode->_next = _table[i];
_table[i] = newnode;
cur = cur->_next;

Copy construction

self & amp; operator=(self ht)
swap(_n, ht._n);
return *this;

Full code of the hash table

//open hash, open addressing method, hash bucket
namespace LinkHash
template<class T>
struct HashNode
HashNode<T>* _next;
HashNode(const T & data)


class HashTable;
struct HashTableIterator
typedef HashNode Node;
typedef HashTableIterator self;
//Store the node pointer and the address of a hash table
Node* _node;
HashTable* _pht;
HashTableIterator( Node* node, HashTable* pht)

Ref operator*()
return _node->_data;
Ptr operator->()
return &(operator*());
bool operator!=(const self & it)const
return _node != it._node;
bool operator==(const self & amp; it)const
return _node == it._node;
self & operator ++ ()
if (_node->_next)
_node = _node->_next;
Key of T kot;
HashFunc hf;
Node* cur = _node;
size_t index = hf(kot(cur->_data)) % _pht->_table.size();
index + + ;
while (index < _pht->_table. size())
if (_pht->_table[index])
index + + ;
if (index == _pht->_table. size())
_node = nullptr;
_node = _pht->_table[index];
return *this;
class HashTable
typedef HashNode Node;
friend struct HashTableIterator;
typedef HashTable self;
typedef HashTableIterator iterator;
typedef HashTableIterator const_iterator;
iterator begin()
for (size_t i = 0; i < _table. size(); + + i)
if (_table[i])
return iterator(_table[i], this);
return end();
iterator end()
return iterator(nullptr, this);
const_iterator begin() const
for (size_t i = 0; i < _table. size(); + + i)
if (_table[i])
return const_iterator(_table[i], this);
return end();
const_iterator end() const
return const_iterator(nullptr, this);
//Specify the compiler to generate the constructor by default
HashTable() = default;
HashTable(const HashTable & ht)
for (size_t i = 0; i < ht._table.size(); + + i)
Node* cur = ht._table[i];
while (cur)
Node* newnode = new Node(cur->_data);
newnode->_next = _table[i];
_table[i] = newnode;
cur = cur->_next;
for (size_t i = 0; i < _table. size(); + + i)
Node* cur = _table[i];
while (cur)
Node* next = cur->_next;
delete cur;
cur = next;
_table[i] = nullptr;
self & operator=(self ht)
swap(_n, ht._n);
return *this;
size_t GetNextPrime(size_t num)
static const unsigned long __stl_prime_list[28] =
53, 97, 193, 389, 769,
1543, 3079, 6151, 12289, 24593,
49157, 98317, 196613, 393241, 786433,
1572869, 3145739, 6291469, 12582917, 25165843,
50331653, 100663319, 201326611, 402653189, 805306457,
1610612741, 3221225473, 4294967291

for (size_t i = 0; i < 28; + + i)
if (__stl_prime_list[i] > num)
return __stl_prime_list[i];

return __stl_prime_list[27];
bool erase(const K & key)
if (_table. empty())
return false;
Key of T kot;
HashFunc hf;
size_t index = hf(key) % _table.size();
Node* cur = _table[index];
Node* prev = nullptr;
while (cur)
if (kot(cur->_data) == key)
if (prev == nullptr)
_table[index] = cur->_next;
Node* next = cur->_next;
prev->_next = next;
delete cur;
return true;
prev = cur;
cur = cur->_next;
return false;
iterator Find(const K & key)
if (_table. empty())
return iterator(nullptr, this);
Key of T kot;
HashFunc hf;
size_t index = hf(key) % _table.size();
Node* cur = _table[index];
while (cur)
if (kot(cur->_data) == key)
return iterator(cur, this);
cur = cur->_next;
return iterator(nullptr, this);
pair insert(const T & amp; data)
Key of T kot;
auto ret = Find(kot(data));
if (ret._node)
return make_pair(ret, false);
HashFunc hf;
if (_n == _table. size())
//size_t newsize = _table.size() == 0 ? 10 : _table.size() * 2;
size_t newsize = GetNextPrime(_n);
vector newTable;
for (size_t i = 0; i < _table. size(); + + i)
if (_table[i])
Node* cur = _table[i];
while (cur)
Node* next = cur->_next;
size_t index = hf(kot(cur->_data)) % newsize;
cur->_next = newTable[index];
newTable[index] = cur;
cur = next;
_table[i] = nullptr;
_table. swap(newTable);
size_t index = hf(kot(data)) % _table.size();
Node* newnode = new Node(data);
newnode->_next = _table[index];
_table[index] = newnode;
+ + _n;
return make_pair(iterator(newnode, this), true);
size_t size() const
vector _table;//storage node pointer
size_t _n=0;//Number of valid data

unordered_set package source code

namespace HashArea
template<class K, class hash = Hash<K>>
class unordered_set
struct SetKeyofT
const K & amp; operator()(const K & amp; key)
return key;
typedef typename LinkHash::HashTable<K, K, SetKeyofT, hash>::iterator iterator;
iterator begin()
return _ht.begin();
iterator end()
return _ht. end();
iterator Find(const K & key)
return _ht. Find(key);
bool erase(const K & key)
return _ht. erase(key);
pair<iterator, bool> insert(const K & amp; key)
return _ht.insert(key);

LinkHash::HashTable<K, K, SetKeyofT, hash> _ht;

unordered_map package source code

namespace HashArea
template<class K, class V, class hash = Hash<K>>
class unordered_map
struct MapKeyofT
const K & amp; operator()(const pair<K, V> & amp; kv)
return kv.first;
typedef typename LinkHash::HashTable<K, pair<K, V>, MapKeyofT, hash>::iterator iterator;
iterator begin()
return _ht.begin();
iterator end()
return _ht. end();
bool erase(const K & key)
return _ht. erase(key);
pair<iterator, bool> insert(const pair<K, V> & kv)
return _ht.insert(kv);
iterator Find(const K & key)
return _ht. Find(key);
size_t size() const
return _ht. size();
V & amp; operator[](const K & amp; key)
auto ret = _ht.insert(make_pair(key, V()));
return ret.first->second;
LinkHash::HashTable<K, pair<K, V>, MapKeyofT, hash> _ht;