[Office-excel] Subtract two times (2) – Subtract time with milliseconds

1. Use internal functions

1.1 Effect display

=TEXT(((RIGHT(TEXT(B2,"yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss.000"),LEN(TEXT(B2,"yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss.000" ))-FIND(".",TEXT(B2,"yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss.000")))-RIGHT(TEXT(A2,"yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss.000 "),LEN(TEXT(A2,"yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss.000"))-FIND(".",TEXT(A2,"yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss.000" )))) + (LEFT(TEXT(B2,"yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss.000"),FIND(".",TEXT(B2,"yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss. 000"))-1)-LEFT(TEXT(A2,"yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss.000"),FIND(".",TEXT(A2,"yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm: ss.000"))-1))*86400000)/86400000,"[h]:m:S.000")

  • B2 End time
  • A2 start time
  • Cell format: yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss.000

1.2 Step breakdown

Steps Start time End time
[B2]2023-09-10 10 :22:24.333 [C2]2023-09-11 10:22:23.222
1. Convert time to string [B3]2023-09-10 10:22:24.333 [C3]2023-09-11 10:22:23.222
2. Get characters String length [B4]23 [C4]23
3. Get the position number in milliseconds [B5]20 [C5]20
4. Interception date + time [B6]2023-09-10 10:22:24 [C6] 2023-09-11 10:22:23
5. Intercept milliseconds [B7 ]333 [C7]222
6. Get the date and time difference (days) [B8]0.999988426
7. Get millisecond difference [B9]-111
8. Date and time difference (days) converted to date and time difference (milliseconds) [ B10]86399000
9. Merge date and time difference (milliseconds) and millisecond difference [B11]86398889
10. Date and time difference (milliseconds) converted to date and time difference (days) [B12]0.999987141
11. Date and time difference (days) formatting [B13]23:59:58.889
  • 1. Convert the time format to a string — =TEXT(B2,"yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss.000")|=TEXT(C2,"yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss. 000")
  • 2. Get String length=LEN(B3)|=LEN(C3)
  • 3. Get Millisecond separator (·) position number=FIND(".",B3)|=FIND(".",C3)
  • 4. InterceptionDate time=LEFT(B3,B5-1)|=LEFT(C3,C5-1)
  • 5. InterceptionMilliseconds=RIGHT(B3,B4-B5)|=RIGHT(C3,C4-C5)
  • 6. CalculationDate time difference (days) =C6-B6
  • 7. CalculationMillisecond difference=C7-B7
  • 8. Date and time difference (days) converted to Date and time difference (milliseconds)=B8*86400000
  • 9. AccumulationDate time difference (milliseconds) and millisecond difference=B10 + B9
  • 10. Date and time difference (milliseconds) converted to Date and time difference (days)=B11/86400000
  • 11. Date and time difference (days)Format– =TEXT(B12,"[h]:m:S.000")

2. Use custom functions

2.1 WPS uses js for function programming

2.1.1 Save file as macro-enabled workbook (*.xlsm)

2.1.2 Custom function DiffDate

Use the shortcut keys Alt + F11 to pop up the WPS Macro Editor and add a custom function


 *DiffDate Macro
 * @param {Date} start
 * @param {Date} end
function DiffDate(start,end)
{<!-- -->
start1= start.Text;
end1= end.Text;

var milliSecondsStart = 0;
{<!-- -->
var startLst1 =start1.split(".");
var startdate1 = startLst1[0];
var startms1 = startLst1[1];
var dateObj1 = new Date(startdate1);
var t1 = parseInt(startms1);
milliSecondsStart = dateObj1.getTime() + t1;
{<!-- -->
var dateObj1 = new Date(start1);
milliSecondsStart = dateObj1.getTime();
var milliSecondsEnd = 0;
{<!-- -->
var endLst1 = end1.split(".");
var enddate1 = endLst1[0];
var endms1 = endLst1[1];
var dateObj2 = new Date(enddate1);
var t2 = parseInt(endms1);
milliSecondsEnd = dateObj2.getTime() + t2;
{<!-- -->
var dateObj2 = new Date(end1);
milliSecondsEnd = dateObj2.getTime();

var milliSeconds = milliSecondsEnd - milliSecondsStart;
var pre = "";
{<!-- -->
milliSeconds = -milliSeconds;
var hours = Math.floor(milliSeconds / 3600000);
var minutes = Math.floor((milliSeconds % 3600000) / 60000);
var seconds = Math.floor(((milliSeconds % 3600000) % 60000) / 1000);
var milliseconds = milliSeconds % 1000;
var timeStr =pre + hours.toString() + ":" + ("00" + minutes.toString()).slice(-2) + ":" + ("00" + seconds.toString()).slice (-2) + "." + ("000" + milliseconds.toString()).slice(-3);

return timeStr;

2.1.3 Using the DiffDate function in the workbook


2.2 Office uses VBA for function programming

Because Office is not installed, readers need to perform similar programming according to wps logic here

Extended reading

[Office-excel] Subtract two times