RocketMQ active and standby automatic switching mode deployment

RocketMQActive and backup automatic switching mode deployment

In this mode, one node will be elected as the Master node, and the remaining nodes will be Slave nodes.

Environment preparation

Machine Description (Machine A) NameServer, Controller, Broker (Machine B) NameServer, Controller, Broker (Machine C) NameServer , Controller, Broker (machine D) Broker


Machines A, B, and C are started separately.

### Start namesrv
$ nohup sh bin/mqnamesrv &
### Verify whether namesrv starts successfully
$ tail -f ~/logs/rocketmqlogs/namesrv.log

We can see The Name Server boot success…’ in namesrv.log, indicating that NameServer has been started successfully.

Controller deployment

The Controller component provides the ability to elect the master. If you need to ensure that the Controller has fault tolerance, Controller deployment requires three copies or more (following Raft’s majority agreement).

Broker Failover can be completed if only a single copy of the Controller is deployed. However, if the single point Controller fails, the switching capability will be affected, but the normal sending and receiving of the existing cluster will not be affected.

There are two ways to deploy Controller.

  1. One is to embed it in NameServer for deployment, which can be turned on by configuring enableControllerInNamesrv (it can be selectively turned on, and it is not mandatory for every NameServer to be Open), in this mode, NameServer‘s own capabilities are still stateless, that is, if NameServer hangs up the majority in embedded mode, it will only affect the switching ability, not the It affects the original route acquisition and other functions.
  2. The other is independent deployment, which requires the Controller component to be deployed separately.

This tutorial uses a separate deployment of Controller

ControlllerConfiguration information

Machine A vim controller.conf

### Node id must belong to one of controllerDLegerPeers; each node in the same Group must be unique
controllerDLegerGroup = broker-a
### The port information of each node in the DLedger Group, the configuration of each node in the same Group must be consistent.
controllerDLegerPeers = n0-;n1-;n2-
### Node id must belong to one of controllerDLegerPeers; each node in the same Group must be unique
controllerDLegerSelfId = n0

Machine B vim controller.conf

### Node id must belong to one of controllerDLegerPeers; each node in the same Group must be unique
controllerDLegerGroup = broker-a
### The port information of each node in the DLedger Group, the configuration of each node in the same Group must be consistent.
controllerDLegerPeers = n0-;n1-;n2-
### Node id must belong to one of controllerDLegerPeers; each node in the same Group must be unique
controllerDLegerSelfId = n1

Machine C vim controller.conf

### The name of the DLedger Raft Group must be consistent with the same DLedger Raft Group.
controllerDLegerGroup = broker-a
### The port information of each node in the DLedger Group, the configuration of each node in the same Group must be consistent.
controllerDLegerPeers = n0-;n1-;n2-
### Node id must belong to one of controllerDLegerPeers; each node in the same Group must be unique
controllerDLegerSelfId = n2

Start the independently deployed Controller component

Machine A, B, C

### Start controller
$ nohup sh bin/mqcontroller -c controller.conf & amp;
### Verify whether the controller is started successfully
$ tail -f ~/logs/rocketmqlogs/controller.log

We can see **The ControllerManager boot success. serializeType=JSON’** in controller.log, which means that Controller has been started successfully.

Broker deployment

Broker Configuration information

  • Machine A vim broker.conf

    brokerClusterName = rocket_cluster
    brokerName = broker-a
    brokerId = -1
    brokerRole = SLAVE
    deleteWhen = 04
    fileReservedTime = 48
    enableControllerMode = true
    controllerAddr =;;
    namesrvAddr =;;
  • Machine B vim broker.conf

    brokerClusterName = rocket_cluster
    brokerName = broker-a
    brokerId = -1
    brokerRole = SLAVE
    deleteWhen = 04
    fileReservedTime = 48
    enableControllerMode = true
    controllerAddr =;;
    namesrvAddr =;;
  • Machine C vim broker.conf

    brokerClusterName = rocket_cluster
    brokerName = broker-a
    brokerId = -1
    brokerRole = SLAVE
    deleteWhen = 04
    fileReservedTime = 48
    enableControllerMode = true
    controllerAddr =;;
    namesrvAddr =;;
  • Machine D vim broker.conf

    brokerClusterName = rocket_cluster
    brokerName = broker-a
    brokerId = -1
    brokerRole = SLAVE
    deleteWhen = 04
    fileReservedTime = 48
    enableControllerMode = true
    controllerAddr =;;
    namesrvAddr =;;


? Execute the following commands on machines A, B, C, and D to start the broker.

### Start broker
$ nohup sh bin/mqbroker -c broker.conf & amp;
### Verify whether the broker started successfully
$ tail -f ~/logs/rocketmqlogs/broker.log

We can see in broker.log**’The broker[broker-a,] boot success. serializeType=JSON and name server is;192.168. 232.139:9876;’** means broker has been started successfully.

After successful startup, execute the following command to view

 $ sh bin/mqadmin getBrokerEpoch -n localhost:9876 -b broker-a
#clusterName rocket_cluster
#brokerName broker-a
### brokerId=0 represents Master and the others are Slave
#brokerId 0
#Epoch: EpochEntry{epoch=1, startOffset=0, endOffset=0}

#clusterName rocket_cluster
#brokerName broker-a
#brokerId 2
#Epoch: EpochEntry{epoch=1, startOffset=0, endOffset=0}

#clusterName rocket_cluster
#brokerName broker-a
#brokerId 3
#Epoch: EpochEntry{epoch=1, startOffset=0, endOffset=0}

#clusterName rocket_cluster
#brokerName broker-a
#brokerId 4
#Epoch: EpochEntry{epoch=1, startOffset=0, endOffset=0}
 ### View cluster information, cluster, BrokerName, BrokerId, TPS and other information as shown below
 $ sh bin/mqadmin clusterList -n
#Cluster Name #Broker Name #BID #Addr #Version #InTPS(LOAD) #OutTPS(LOAD) #Timer(Progress) #PCWait(ms) #Hour #SPACE #ACTIVATED
rocket_cluster broker-a 0 V5_1_3 0.00(0,0ms) 0.00(0,0ms) 1-0(0.0w, 0.0, 0.0) 0 471544.28 0.1500 true
rocket_cluster broker-a 2 V5_1_3 0.00(0,0ms) 0.00(0,0ms) 2-0(0.0w, 0.0, 0.0) 0 471544.28 0.1400 false
rocket_cluster broker-a 3 V5_1_3 0.00(0,0ms) 0.00(0,0ms) 3-0(0.0w, 0.0, 0.0) 0 471544.28 0.1300 false
rocket_cluster broker-a 4 V5_1_3 0.00(0,0ms) 0.00(0,0ms) 3-0(0.0w, 0.0, 0.0) 0 471544.28 0.1300 false

Use RocketMQ-Dashboard to view cluster information
Please add a picture description

Disaster recovery switchover

In the above example Master is machine B

After killing the Master (in the above example, kill the process where port 27046 is located), wait for about 10 seconds, use the clusterList command to view the cluster, and you will find that the Master has switched to another node.