Use FinalShell to remotely connect to the server and forget the connection password

Use FinalShell to remotely connect to the server and forget the connection password

Export connection information first, json file

Connection name_connect_config.json, find the password of passowrd


import org.apache.commons.codec.digest.DigestUtils;
import javax.crypto.Cipher;
import javax.crypto.SecretKey;
import javax.crypto.SecretKeyFactory;
import javax.crypto.spec.DESKeySpec;
import java.util.Random;

public class EncodeUtil {<!-- -->
    public static long number = 1234984568597093857L;
    private static int num = 8;

    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {<!-- -->
        String s1 = "Cryptotext password in json configuration file";

    public static String decode(String data) throws IOException, Exception {<!-- -->
        if (data == null) {<!-- -->
            return null;
        } else {<!-- -->
            String rs = "";
            if (!fff(data)) {<!-- -->
                byte[] buf = ggg(data);
                byte[] head = new byte[num];
                System.arraycopy(buf, 0, head, 0, head.length);
                byte[] d = new byte[buf.length - head.length];
                System.arraycopy(buf, head.length, d, 0, d.length);
                byte[] bt = jjj(d, kkk(head));
                rs = new String(bt);

            return rs;

    public static String encode(String content) throws Exception {<!-- -->
        byte[] head = aaa(num);
        byte[] d = bbb(content.getBytes("utf-8"), head);
        byte[] result = new byte[head.length + d.length];
        System.arraycopy(head, 0, result, 0, head.length);
        System.arraycopy(d, 0, result, head.length, d.length);
        String rs = ccc(result);
        return rs;

    static byte[] aaa(int len) {<!-- -->
        byte[] data = new byte[len];

        for(int i = 0; i < len; + + i) {<!-- -->
            data[i] = (byte)(new Random()).nextInt(127);

        return data;

    public static byte[] bbb(byte[] data, byte[] head) throws Exception {<!-- -->
        SecureRandom sr = new SecureRandom();
        DESKeySpec dks = new DESKeySpec(kkk(head));
        SecretKeyFactory keyFactory = SecretKeyFactory.getInstance("DES");
        SecretKey securekey = keyFactory.generateSecret(dks);
        Cipher cipher = Cipher.getInstance("DES");
        cipher.init(1, securekey, sr);
        return cipher.doFinal(data);

    public static String ccc(byte[] byteData) throws UnsupportedEncodingException {<!-- -->
        return ddd(byteData, "UTF-8");

    public static String ddd(byte[] byteData, String encoding) throws UnsupportedEncodingException {<!-- -->
        if (byteData == null) {<!-- -->
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("byteData cannot be null");
        } else {<!-- -->
            return new String(eee(byteData), encoding);
    public static final byte[] eee(byte[] byteData) {<!-- -->
        if (byteData == null) {<!-- -->
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("byteData cannot be null");
        } else {<!-- -->
            byte[] byteDest = new byte[(byteData.length + 2) / 3 * 4];
            int iSrcIdx = 0;

            int iDestIdx;
            for(iDestIdx = 0; iSrcIdx < byteData.length - 2; iSrcIdx + = 3) {<!-- -->
                byteDest[iDestIdx + + ] = (byte)(byteData[iSrcIdx] >>> 2 & amp; 63);
                byteDest[iDestIdx + + ] = (byte)(byteData[iSrcIdx + 1] >>> 4 & amp; 15 | byteData[iSrcIdx] << 4 & amp; 63);
                byteDest[iDestIdx + + ] = (byte)(byteData[iSrcIdx + 2] >>> 6 & amp; 3 | byteData[iSrcIdx + 1] << 2 & amp; 63);
                byteDest[iDestIdx + + ] = (byte)(byteData[iSrcIdx + 2] & amp; 63);

            if (iSrcIdx < byteData.length) {<!-- -->
                byteDest[iDestIdx + + ] = (byte)(byteData[iSrcIdx] >>> 2 & amp; 63);
                if (iSrcIdx < byteData.length - 1) {<!-- -->
                    byteDest[iDestIdx + + ] = (byte)(byteData[iSrcIdx + 1] >>> 4 & amp; 15 | byteData[iSrcIdx] << 4 & amp; 63);
                    byteDest[iDestIdx + + ] = (byte)(byteData[iSrcIdx + 1] << 2 & amp; 63);
                } else {<!-- -->
                    byteDest[iDestIdx + + ] = (byte)(byteData[iSrcIdx] << 4 & amp; 63);

            for(iSrcIdx = 0; iSrcIdx < iDestIdx; + + iSrcIdx) {<!-- -->
                if (byteDest[iSrcIdx] < 26) {<!-- -->
                    byteDest[iSrcIdx] = (byte)(byteDest[iSrcIdx] + 65);
                } else if (byteDest[iSrcIdx] < 52) {<!-- -->
                    byteDest[iSrcIdx] = (byte)(byteDest[iSrcIdx] + 97 - 26);
                } else if (byteDest[iSrcIdx] < 62) {<!-- -->
                    byteDest[iSrcIdx] = (byte)(byteDest[iSrcIdx] + 48 - 52);
                } else if (byteDest[iSrcIdx] < 63) {<!-- -->
                    byteDest[iSrcIdx] = 43;
                } else {<!-- -->
                    byteDest[iSrcIdx] = 47;

            while(iSrcIdx < byteDest.length) {<!-- -->
                byteDest[iSrcIdx] = 61;
                 + + iSrcIdx;

            return byteDest;
    public static boolean fff(String str) {<!-- -->
        if (str == null) {<!-- -->
            return true;
        } else {<!-- -->
            String s2 = str.trim();
            return s2.equals("");
    public static final byte[] ggg(String encoded) throws UnsupportedEncodingException {<!-- -->
        return hhh(encoded, "UTF-8");
    public static final byte[] hhh(String encoded, String encoding) throws IllegalArgumentException, UnsupportedEncodingException {<!-- -->
        if (encoded == null) {<!-- -->
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("encoded cannot be null");
        } else {<!-- -->
            return iii(encoded.getBytes(encoding));
    public static final byte[] iii(byte[] byteData) throws IllegalArgumentException {<!-- -->
        if (byteData == null) {<!-- -->
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("byteData cannot be null");
        } else {<!-- -->
            byte[] byteTemp = new byte[byteData.length];

            int reviSrcIdx;
            for(reviSrcIdx = byteData.length; reviSrcIdx - 1 > 0 & amp; & byteData[reviSrcIdx - 1] == 61; --reviSrcIdx) {<!-- -->

            if (reviSrcIdx - 1 == 0) {<!-- -->
                return null;
            } else {<!-- -->
                byte[] byteDest = new byte[reviSrcIdx * 3 / 4];

                int iSrcIdx;
                for(iSrcIdx = 0; iSrcIdx < reviSrcIdx; + + iSrcIdx) {<!-- -->
                    if (byteData[iSrcIdx] == 43) {<!-- -->
                        byteTemp[iSrcIdx] = 62;
                    } else if (byteData[iSrcIdx] == 47) {<!-- -->
                        byteTemp[iSrcIdx] = 63;
                    } else if (byteData[iSrcIdx] < 58) {<!-- -->
                        byteTemp[iSrcIdx] = (byte)(byteData[iSrcIdx] + 52 - 48);
                    } else if (byteData[iSrcIdx] < 91) {<!-- -->
                        byteTemp[iSrcIdx] = (byte)(byteData[iSrcIdx] - 65);
                    } else if (byteData[iSrcIdx] < 123) {<!-- -->
                        byteTemp[iSrcIdx] = (byte)(byteData[iSrcIdx] + 26 - 97);

                iSrcIdx = 0;

                int iDestIdx;
                for(iDestIdx = 0; iSrcIdx < reviSrcIdx & amp; & amp; iDestIdx < byteDest.length / 3 * 3; iSrcIdx + = 4) {<!-- -->
                    byteDest[iDestIdx + + ] = (byte)(byteTemp[iSrcIdx] << 2 & amp; 252 | byteTemp[iSrcIdx + 1] >>> 4 & amp; 3);
                    byteDest[iDestIdx + + ] = (byte)(byteTemp[iSrcIdx + 1] << 4 & amp; 240 | byteTemp[iSrcIdx + 2] >>> 2 & amp; 15);
                    byteDest[iDestIdx + + ] = (byte)(byteTemp[iSrcIdx + 2] << 6 & amp; 192 | byteTemp[iSrcIdx + 3] & amp; 63);

                if (iSrcIdx < reviSrcIdx) {<!-- -->
                    if (iSrcIdx < reviSrcIdx - 2) {<!-- -->
                        byteDest[iDestIdx + + ] = (byte)(byteTemp[iSrcIdx] << 2 & amp; 252 | byteTemp[iSrcIdx + 1] >>> 4 & amp; 3);
                        byteDest[iDestIdx + + ] = (byte)(byteTemp[iSrcIdx + 1] << 4 & amp; 240 | byteTemp[iSrcIdx + 2] >>> 2 & amp; 15);
                    } else {<!-- -->
                        if (iSrcIdx >= reviSrcIdx - 1) {<!-- -->
                            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Warning: 1 input bytes left to process. This was not Base64 input");

                        byteDest[iDestIdx + + ] = (byte)(byteTemp[iSrcIdx] << 2 & amp; 252 | byteTemp[iSrcIdx + 1] >>> 4 & amp; 3);

                return byteDest;
    public static byte[] jjj(byte[] data, byte[] key) throws Exception {<!-- -->
        SecureRandom sr = new SecureRandom();
        DESKeySpec dks = new DESKeySpec(key);
        SecretKeyFactory keyFactory = SecretKeyFactory.getInstance("DES");
        SecretKey securekey = keyFactory.generateSecret(dks);
        Cipher cipher = Cipher.getInstance("DES");
        cipher.init(2, securekey, sr);
        return cipher.doFinal(data);

    static byte[] kkk(byte[] head) {<!-- -->
        long ks = number / (long)(new Random((long)head[5])).nextInt(127);
        Random random = new Random(ks);
        int t = head[0];

        for(int i = 0; i < t; + + i) {<!-- -->

        long n = random.nextLong();
        Random r2 = new Random(n);
        long[] ld = new long[]{<!-- -->(long)head[4], r2.nextLong(), (long)head[7], (long)head[3], r2.nextLong (), (long)head[1], random.nextLong(), (long)head[2]};
        ByteArrayOutputStream bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
        DataOutputStream dos = new DataOutputStream(bos);
        long[] var15 = ld;
        int var14 = ld.length;

        for(int var13 = 0; var13 < var14; + + var13) {<!-- -->
            long l = var15[var13];

            try {<!-- -->
            } catch (IOException var18) {<!-- -->

        try {<!-- -->
        } catch (IOException var17) {<!-- -->

        byte[] keyData = bos.toByteArray();
        keyData = DigestUtils.md5(keyData);
        return keyData;