Spring Boot: A powerful tool for building next-generation Java applications

Article directory

    • What is Spring Boot?
    • Main features of Spring Boot
      • 1. Automatic configuration
      • 2. Independence
      • 3. Microservice support
      • 4. Ecosystem
      • 5. Spring ecosystem integration
    • Advantages of Spring Boot
      • 1. Improve development efficiency
      • 2. Reduce boilerplate code
      • 3. Better deployment and management
      • 4. Multiple deployment options
      • 5. Microservice support
    • How to get started with Spring Boot
      • 1. Install Spring Boot
      • 2. Create a Spring Boot application
      • 3. Write business logic
      • 4. Run the application
      • 5. Deploy the application
    • Example: Building a RESTful API
    • in conclusion

Welcome to the architecture design column ~ Spring Boot: a powerful tool for building the next generation of Java applications

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Java has always been one of the most popular programming languages, and Spring Boot has always been popular as a development framework for Java applications. It provides Java developers with the ability to quickly build and easily maintain applications, and is considered a powerful tool for building the next generation of Java applications. This article will introduce the important features, advantages and how to start using Spring Boot.

What is Spring Boot?

Spring Boot is part of the Spring framework, but it focuses on making building Java applications easier. It provides a set of tools and conventions to quickly build independent, self-contained Java applications. Spring Boot is based on the principle of “convention over configuration”, which reduces the tediousness of configuration and allows developers to focus more on the business logic of the application.

The main features of Spring Boot

1. Automatic configuration

Spring Boot’s auto-configuration feature is one of its most compelling features. It can automatically configure all aspects of an application, including database connections, web servers, security, etc., based on the application’s dependencies and the structure of the project. This means developers no longer need to manually configure these components, significantly reducing development time and the possibility of human error.

2. Independence

Spring Boot applications are self-contained and include an embedded web server such as Tomcat or Jetty. This means you can package your application into an executable JAR file without the need for an external web server. This independence helps simplify deployment and reduce dependence on servers.

3. Microservice support

Spring Boot is great for building microservice applications. It provides integration with Spring Cloud, enabling developers to easily build and manage microservice architectures. With Spring Boot, you can create independent microservices, each with its own database, configuration and business logic, making the system easier to expand and maintain.

4. Ecosystem

Spring Boot has a vast ecosystem of libraries, plugins, and tools that can be used to build various types of applications. Whether you’re building web applications, REST APIs, batch jobs, or message queues, you’ll find the right tools and libraries.

5. Spring ecosystem integration

Spring Boot is built on the Spring framework, so it integrates seamlessly with other Spring projects, such as Spring Security, Spring Data, Spring Cloud, etc. This means you can easily use these projects in your Spring Boot application to add more functionality to your application.

Advantages of Spring Boot

There are many advantages to using Spring Boot, making it a great tool for building Java applications.

1. Improve development efficiency

Spring Boot’s automatic configuration and convention-over-configuration principles enable developers to build applications faster. There is no longer a need to write a large number of XML configuration files, and most configurations can be completed automatically, thus improving development efficiency.

2. Reduce boilerplate code

Spring Boot reduces the writing of boilerplate code. Compared with traditional Java applications, Spring Boot applications are more streamlined, making the code easier to maintain and understand.

3. Better deployment and management

Spring Boot applications are self-contained and include an embedded web server. This makes deployment and management easier. You can deploy your application using a JAR file or package it using a Docker container, simplifying the deployment process.

4. Multiple deployment options

Spring Boot supports a variety of deployment options, including traditional application servers, cloud platforms (such as AWS, Azure, GCP) and Docker containers. This makes application deployment more flexible, and you can choose the appropriate deployment method according to your needs.

5. Microservice support

Spring Boot’s integration with Spring Cloud makes it ideal for building microservice applications. You can easily create and manage multiple microservices to achieve a loosely coupled system architecture.

How to start using Spring Boot

Now you may be wondering how to get started with Spring Boot. Here are some steps to help you get started quickly:

1. Install Spring Boot

First, you need to install Spring Boot. You can download the Spring Boot distribution from the official website or create a new Spring Boot project using a build tool such as Maven or Gradle.

2. Create a Spring Boot application

A new Spring Boot application can be easily created using Spring Boot’s initializers. This initializer allows you to select the type of application (web, data, batch, etc.) and the required dependencies. Once you complete the configuration, the initializer will generate a basic project structure on top of which you can build your application.

3. Write business logic

Once you have created your Spring Boot application, you can start writing your business logic. Spring Boot supports multiple programming languages, including Java, Kotlin and Groovy. You can choose the language that suits you to write your code.

4. Run the application

You can run the application using the command line or an integrated development environment such as IntelliJ IDEA or Eclipse. Spring Boot applications typically run on an embedded web server, and you access the application using a browser.

5. Deploy the application

Once your application is ready, you can choose to deploy it to the platform of your choice. Spring Boot supports a variety of deployment options, and you can choose the appropriate method according to your needs.

Example: Build a RESTful API

Let us demonstrate the usage of Spring Boot through a simple example. We will create a RESTful API for managing task lists.

Step 1: Create a new Spring Boot project

Create a new project using Spring Boot’s initializer. Select “Web” dependency to add web support.

Step 2: Define task entities

public class Task {<!-- -->
    @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
    private Long id;
    private String title;
    private boolean completed;

    // Omit getters and setters

Step 3: Create a task repository

public interface TaskRepository extends JpaRepository<Task, Long> {<!-- -->
    List<Task> findByCompleted(boolean completed);

Step 4: Create REST Controller

public class TaskController {<!-- -->
    private TaskRepository taskRepository;

    public List<Task> getTasks() {<!-- -->
        return taskRepository.findAll();

    public List<Task> getCompletedTasks() {<!-- -->
        return taskRepository.findByCompleted(true);

    public Task createTask(@RequestBody Task task) {<!-- -->
        return taskRepository.save(task);

    // Omit update and delete operations

Step 5: Run the application

Run the application and test the API using tools like curl or Postman. You can add, get, update, and delete tasks.

This is just a simple example, but it shows how Spring Boot makes building RESTful APIs easy. Spring Boot provides automatic configuration and rapid development capabilities, allowing you to focus more on the business logic of your application.


Spring Boot is a powerful tool for building next-generation Java applications, providing automatic configuration, independence, microservice support and a rich ecosystem. Using Spring Boot, developers can build, deploy, and manage applications more efficiently.

End Thank you for your support and encouragement!
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