urllib+BeautifulSoup crawls and parses 2345 Weather King historical weather data

urllib + BeautifulSoup crawls and parses 2345 Weather King historical weather data

Website: Dongcheng Historical Weather Query_Historical Weather Forecast Query_2345 Weather Forecast


1. Code

import json
import logging
import urllib.parse
from datetime import date, datetime
from random import randint
from time import sleep

from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
#Define target URL
import requests

def weather_req():
    month_list = [1,2,3,4,5,6] # month
    code_list = get_code() # Get all weather codes and region codes
    # Required January 2018 to June 2023
    url = "https://tianqi.2345.com/Pc/GetHistory" # Original URL
    full_url = "" #Finally spelled url
    # Define request headers
    headers = {
        'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 Edg/114.0.1823.58',
    #Define GET parameters
    params = {
        'areaInfo[areaId]': 70809,
        'areaInfo[areaType]': 2,
        'date[year]': 2023,
        'date[month]': 6
    # Traverse the list of weather codes and region codes
    for code_item in code_list:
        weather_code = code_item[0] # Get the weather code
        area_code = code_item[1] # Get the area code
        # Modify the value of url parameter weather code
        params['areaInfo[areaId]'] = weather_code
        # Start traversing the month list
        for month_item in month_list:
            print(f"Crawling the data of month [{month_item}] with weather ID [{weather_code}] and area ID [{area_code}]!")
            # Modify the value of month to the new value
            params['date[month]'] = month_item
            # Encode GET parameters
            encoded_params = urllib.parse.urlencode(params)
            # Splice the complete URL
            full_url = url + '?' + encoded_params
                sleep(randint(1, 3)) # sleep (randomly 1-3 seconds)
                # Initiate a request
                res = requests.get(full_url, headers=headers)
                res_data = json.loads(res.text)
                weather_data = res_data['data']
                # print(weather_data)
                # Analytical data
                soup = BeautifulSoup(weather_data, 'html.parser')
                # Get the required table
                table_data = soup.find('table', attrs={'class': 'history-table'})
                # print(type(table_data),'\\
                all_tr = table_data.find_all('tr') # Get all tr
                # print(all_tr[0])
                weather_list = [] # This is the list to store data
                # Start traversing the tr list. A list stores complete data for a certain month in a certain year in a certain region.
                for i in range(1, len(all_tr)):
                    temp_list = [] # Temporarily store one day's data and refresh it every cycle
                    tr_item = all_tr[i] # Get a tr data
                    all_td = tr_item.find_all("td") # Get all td in a tr, the text in td is the required value
                    rdate = str(all_td[0].text) # Date 2023-01-01 Sunday
                    # The date needs to be converted to format, removing the day of the week
                    rdate_new = rdate.split(" ")[0] # Get the date string
                    # Parse string into date object
                    date_object = datetime.strptime(rdate_new, "%Y-%m-%d")
                    # Format the date object into a date string that MySQL can store
                    mysql_date = date_object.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") # The final date stored
                    wind_and_power = all_td[4].text # Wind direction and wind power are together and need to be parsed
                    wind = str(wind_and_power).split("wind")[0] # Wind direction
                    winp = str(wind_and_power).split("wind")[1] # Wind power
                    temp_max = str(all_td[1].text) # Maximum temperature
                    temp_min = str(all_td[2].text) # Minimum temperature
                    weather = str(all_td[3].text) # Weather conditions
                    # Store the above variables into temp_list and then store them together in weather_list
                    temp_list.append(mysql_date) # Date
                    temp_list.append(weather_code) # Weather code
                    temp_list.append(area_code) #Area code
                    temp_list.append(wind) # Wind direction
                    temp_list.append(winp) # Wind power
                    temp_list.append(temp_max) # Maximum temperature
                    temp_list.append(temp_min) # Minimum temperature
                    temp_list.append(weather) # Weather conditions
                # Start inserting data [data from a certain region, a certain year, a certain month]
                conn_his,cursor_his = get_conn() # Establish a database connection
                # Traverse the data
                for save_item in weather_list:
                    INSERT_SQL = "insert into w_weather_day_history (rdate,weather_code,area_code,wind,winp,temp_max,temp_min,weather) " \
                                 "values(%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s)" \
                                 " "%(""" + save_item[0] + """,
                                                  """ + save_item[1] + """,
                                                  """ + save_item[2] + """,
                                                  """ + save_item[3] + """
                                                 ,""" + save_item[4] + """
                                                 ,""" + save_item[5] + """
                                                 ,""" + save_item[6] + """
                                                 ,""" + save_item[7] + """)

                    cursor_his.execute(INSERT_SQL) #Execute sql statement
                    conn_his.commit() # Submit transaction
                    print("------------------------------------------------ ----")
            except urllib.error.URLError as e:
                print("An error occurred:", e)

def get_code():
    conn,cursor = get_conn()
    SQL = "select fwc.weather_code,fwc.area_code from f_weather_area_code fwc;"
    res = cursor.fetchall()
    return res

def get_conn():
    :return: connection, cursor
    # Create connection
    conn = pymysql.connect(host="",
    #Create cursor
    cursor = conn.cursor() # The result set returned after execution is displayed in tuples by default
    return conn, cursor

def close_conn(conn, cursor):
    if cursor:
    if conn:

if __name__ == '__main__':


2. Analysis

The url is composed as follows:

Basic url: https://tianqi.2345.com/Pc/GetHistory


params = {
        'areaInfo[areaId]': 70809,
        'areaInfo[areaType]': 2,
        'date[year]': 2023,
        'date[month]': 6

areaInfo[areaId] represents the weather code of a certain area, which needs to be obtained by yourself.

areaInfo[areaType] don’t care

The next two parameters are the year and month.

3. Initiate request demo

url = "https://tianqi.2345.com/Pc/GetHistory" # Original URL
    full_url = "" #Finally spelled url
    # Define request headers
    headers = {
        'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 Edg/114.0.1823.58',
    #Define GET parameters
    params = {
        'areaInfo[areaId]': 70809,
        'areaInfo[areaType]': 2,
        'date[year]': 2023,
        'date[month]': 6
    # Parse parameters
    encoded_params = urllib.parse.urlencode(params)
    # Splice the complete URL
    full_url = url + '?' + encoded_params
    sleep(randint(1, 3)) # sleep (randomly 1-3 seconds)
    # Initiate a request
    res = requests.get(full_url, headers=headers)
    res_data = json.loads(res.text)
    weather_data = res_data['data']

4. Parsing data demo

# Parse data
soup = BeautifulSoup(weather_data, 'html.parser')
# Get the required table
table_data = soup.find('table', attrs={'class': 'history-table'})
# print(type(table_data),'\\
all_tr = table_data.find_all('tr') # Get all tr

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