Analysis of diilist.cpp in OpenGuass source code

Article directory

  • Analysis of dllist.cpp
    • introduction
    • code
      • Basic operations
      • Advanced operations
      • function definition
    • Summarize
    • Summarize

Analysis of dllist.cpp


This file is a typical C++ file, and dllist is the abbreviation of doubly linked list, that is, a doubly linked list. Doubly linked list is a commonly used data structure. Each element (node) contains a pointer to the previous node and the next node, so the linked list can be traversed in both directions. This article continues the analysis of dllist.h in the previous article. It is recommended to read the two blogs in parallel.


code address

Basic operations

Dllist* DLNewList(void)
{<!-- -->
    Dllist* l = NULL;

    l = (Dllist*)palloc(sizeof(Dllist));

    l->dll_head = NULL;
    l->dll_tail = NULL;
    l->dll_len = 0;

    return l;

void DLInitList(Dllist* list)
{<!-- -->
    list->dll_head = NULL;
    list->dll_tail = NULL;
    list->dll_len = 0;

 * free up a list and all the nodes in it --- but *not* whatever the nodes
 * might point to!
void DLFreeList(Dllist* list)
{<!-- -->
    Dlelem*curr = NULL;

    while ((curr = DLRemHead(list)) != NULL)


Dlelem* DLNewElem(void* val)
{<!-- -->
    Dlelem* e = NULL;

    e = (Dlelem*)palloc(sizeof(Dlelem));

    e->dle_next = NULL;
    e->dle_prev = NULL;
    e->dle_val = val;
    e->dle_list = NULL;
    return e;

void DLInitElem(Dlelem* e, void* val)
{<!-- -->
    e->dle_next = NULL;
    e->dle_prev = NULL;
    e->dle_val = val;
    e->dle_list = NULL;

void DLFreeElem(Dlelem* e)
{<!-- -->

This code is a doubly linked list (DLL) implementation written in C language. Below is an explanation of each provided function:

  1. DLNewList:

    • This function creates a new doubly linked list and initializes its properties.
    • It uses palloc (the memory allocation function provided in the environment) to allocate memory for a Dllist structure.
    • Set the dll_head and dll_tail pointers to NULL, and set dll_len to 0.
    • Finally, it returns a pointer to the newly created list.
  2. DLInitList:

    • This function initializes an existing doubly linked list.
    • Set the dll_head and dll_tail pointers to NULL, and set dll_len to 0.
    • If you have allocated memory for the Dllist structure and want to reset it, you can use this function.
  3. DLFreeList:

    • This function releases the doubly linked list and all nodes in it.
    • It traverses the list by repeatedly using DLRemHead to remove the head node and release each node.
    • After all nodes have been removed and freed, it frees the memory of the Dllist structure itself.
    • Be careful when using this function as it does not free the memory pointed to by the element’s dle_val. If necessary, you should handle the release of values separately.
  4. DLNewElem

    • This function creates a new doubly linked list element (node) and initializes its properties.
    • It uses palloc to allocate memory for a Dlelem structure.
    • Sets the dle_next, dle_prev, and dle_list pointers to NULL and the supplied value valis assigned to dle_val.
    • Finally, it returns a pointer to the newly created element.
  5. DLInitElem:

    • This function initializes an existing doubly linked list element (node).
    • Sets the dle_next, dle_prev, and dle_list pointers to NULL and the supplied value valis assigned to dle_val.
    • Use this function if you have allocated memory for a Dlelem structure and want to reset it.
  6. DLFreeElem

    • This function frees the memory associated with a doubly linked list element (node) by calling pfree on the element itself.

This code provides the basis for using a doubly linked list, allowing you to create, initialize and release the list and the elements in it to achieve management of the DLL

Advanced operations

void DLRemove(Dlelem* e)
{<!-- -->
    Dllist* l = e->dle_list;

    if (e->dle_prev)
        e->dle_prev->dle_next = e->dle_next;
    else {<!-- -->
        /* must be the head element */
        Assert(e == l->dll_head);
        l->dll_head = e->dle_next;
    if (e->dle_next)
        e->dle_next->dle_prev = e->dle_prev;
    else {<!-- -->
        /* must be the tail element */
        Assert(e == l->dll_tail);
        l->dll_tail = e->dle_prev;
    if (l != NULL) {<!-- -->

    e->dle_next = NULL;
    e->dle_prev = NULL;
    e->dle_list = NULL;

void DLAddHead(Dllist* l, Dlelem* e)
{<!-- -->
    e->dle_list = l;

    if (l->dll_head)
        l->dll_head->dle_prev = e;
    e->dle_next = l->dll_head;
    e->dle_prev = NULL;
    l->dll_head = e;

    if (l->dll_tail == NULL) /* if this is first element added */
        l->dll_tail = e;
    l->dll_len + + ;

void DLAddTail(Dllist* l, Dlelem* e)
{<!-- -->
    e->dle_list = l;

    if (l->dll_tail)
        l->dll_tail->dle_next = e;
    e->dle_prev = l->dll_tail;
    e->dle_next = NULL;
    l->dll_tail = e;

    if (l->dll_head == NULL) /* if this is first element added */
        l->dll_head = e;
    l->dll_len + + ;

Dlelem* DLRemHead(Dllist* l)
{<!-- -->
    /* remove and return the head */
    Dlelem* result = l->dll_head;

    if (result == NULL)
        return result;

    if (result->dle_next)
        result->dle_next->dle_prev = NULL;

    l->dll_head = result->dle_next;

    if (result == l->dll_tail) /* if the head is also the tail */
        l->dll_tail = NULL;

    result->dle_next = NULL;
    result->dle_list = NULL;

    return result;

Dlelem* DLRemTail(Dllist* l)
{<!-- -->
    /* remove and return the tail */
    Dlelem* result = l->dll_tail;

    if (result == NULL)
        return result;

    if (result->dle_prev)
        result->dle_prev->dle_next = NULL;

    l->dll_tail = result->dle_prev;

    if (result == l->dll_head) /* if the tail is also the head */
        l->dll_head = NULL;

    result->dle_prev = NULL;
    result->dle_list = NULL;

    return result;
/* Same as DLRemove followed by DLAddHead, but faster */
void DLMoveToFront(Dlelem* e)
{<!-- -->
    Dllist* l = e->dle_list;

    if (l->dll_head == e)
        return; /* Fast path if already at front */

    Assert(e->dle_prev != NULL); /* since it's not the head */
    e->dle_prev->dle_next = e->dle_next;

    if (e->dle_next)
        e->dle_next->dle_prev = e->dle_prev;
    else {<!-- -->
        /* must be the tail element */
        Assert(e == l->dll_tail);
        l->dll_tail = e->dle_prev;

    l->dll_head->dle_prev = e;
    e->dle_next = l->dll_head;
    e->dle_prev = NULL;
    l->dll_head = e;
    /* We need not check dll_tail, since there must have been > 1 entry */

 * double-linked list length
uint64 DLListLength(Dllist* list)
{<!-- -->
    Dlelem* cur = list->dll_head;
    uint64 length = 0;

    while (cur != NULL) {<!-- -->
        length + + ;
        cur = cur->dle_next;
    Assert(length == list->dll_len);
    return length;

Note: The Assert function is usually used for assertion testing (Assertion Testing) in programming. An assertion is a condition in a program that is used to check the correctness of the program. If the asserted condition is true, the program continues execution; if the condition is false, the program throws an exception or aborts execution, often used to find and diagnose errors in code.

This code contains some functions for operating doubly linked lists. Let’s explain what each function does one by one:

  1. DLRemove:

    • This function is used to remove a given element (node) e from a doubly linked list.
    • It first obtains the linked list l to which element e belongs.
    • If the element e has a previous node dle_prev, point the previous node’s dle_next to the next element e Node dle_next, thereby removing e from the linked list.
    • If the element e has no previous node, that is, e is the head node, then the head pointer of the linked list l will be dll_head Points to the next node of element e.
    • Similarly, if element e has a next node dle_next, point the next node’s dle_prev to element e the previous node.
    • If the element e has no next node, that is, e is the tail node, then the tail pointer of the linked list l will be dll_tail Points to the previous node of element e.
    • Finally, if the linked list l is not NULL, reduce the length of the linked list dll_len by one, and set the relevant pointer of the element e to NULL.


  2. DLAddHead:

    • This function is used to add an element e to the head of a doubly linked list.
    • It points the dle_list pointer of element e to the linked list l.
    • If the head node of the linked list l exists (not empty), point the previous node of the head node to the element e to ensure that the element e becomes New head node.
    • Then, point the dle_next of element e to the original head node, set dle_prev to NULL, and set the head pointer of the linked list dll_head is updated to the element e.
    • If the tail node of the linked list l is empty, it means that this is the first added element, and the tail pointer dll_tail of the linked list also points to the element e .
    • Finally, add one to the length of the linked list dll_len.
  3. DLAddTail

    • This function is used to add an element e to the end of a doubly linked list.
    • It points the dle_list pointer of element e to the linked list l.
    • If the tail node of the linked list l exists (not empty), point the next node of the tail node to the element e to ensure that the element e becomes New tail node.
    • Then, point the dle_prev of element e to the original tail node, set dle_next to NULL, and set the tail pointer of the linked list dll_tail is updated to the element e.
    • If the head node of the linked list l is empty, it means that this is the first added element, and the head pointer dll_head of the linked list also points to the element e .
    • Finally, add one to the length of the linked list dll_len.
  4. DLRemHead:

    • This function removes and returns the head node from the head of a doubly linked list.
    • If the head pointer of the linked list dll_head is empty, it means that the linked list is empty and NULL is returned.
    • Otherwise, save the head node to result, and then update the head pointer of the linked list to the next node of the head node.
    • If the removed node is also the tail node, set the tail pointer dll_tail of the linked list to NULL.
    • Finally, update the length of the linked list dll_len by one, and set the relevant pointer to NULL.
  5. DLRemTail

    • This function removes and returns the tail node from the tail of a doubly linked list.
    • If the tail pointer dll_tail of the linked list is empty, it means that the linked list is empty and NULL is returned.
    • Otherwise, save the tail node to result, and then update the tail pointer of the linked list to the node before the tail node.
    • If the removed node is also the head node, set the head pointer dll_head of the linked list to NULL.
    • Finally, update the length of the linked list dll_len by one, and set the relevant pointer to NULL.
  6. DLMoveToFront function:

  • The purpose of this function is to move the specified element e to the head of the linked list l to speed up access. If the element e is already at the head of the linked list, the function will return directly without performing any operation.
  • If element e is not at the head of the linked list, it first asserts (Assert) e->dle_prev != NULL to ensure that e is not the head of the linked list.
  • Then, it removes the element e from the linked list and points the dle_next of the previous node of e to that of e The next node, thereby disconnecting e from the linked list.
  • If e has a next node dle_next, point the node’s dle_prev to the previous node of e; otherwise , if e is the tail node of the linked list, update the tail pointer dll_tail of the linked list l to the previous one of e node.
  • Next, point the dle_prev of the head node of the linked list l to e, and point the dle_next< of e to /code> points to the head node of the linked list, sets the dle_prev of e to NULL, and finally updates the linked list head pointer dll_head is e.
  • Since it has already been checked whether e is the head node or tail node of the linked list, there is no need to check dll_tail again


  1. DLListLength function:
  • This function is used to calculate the length of the linked list list, that is, how many elements are contained in the linked list.
  • It initializes a counter length to 0 and uses a loop to traverse the linked list, increasing length by 1 for each element traversed.
  • After the loop ends, it uses an assertion (Assert) to verify that the calculated length of the linked list is equal to the dll_len attribute. If they are not equal, the linked list may have been damaged or operated incorrectly, and an assertion error will be triggered.
  • Finally, the function returns the calculated length of the linked list.

Function definition

DllistWithLock::DllistWithLock() {<!-- -->
    DLInitList( & amp;m_list); // init list
    SpinLockInit( & amp;m_lock); // init lock

DllistWithLock::~DllistWithLock() {<!-- -->
    SpinLockFree( & amp;m_lock); // free lock

bool DllistWithLock::RemoveConfirm(Dlelem* e) {<!-- -->
    bool found = false; // found flag
    START_CRIT_SECTION(); // start critical section, avoid interrupt
    SpinLockAcquire( & amp;(m_lock)); // get lock
    if (e->dle_list == & amp;m_list) {<!-- --> // if e is in list
        found = true;
        DLRemove(e); // remove e from list
    SpinLockRelease( & amp;(m_lock)); // release lock
    END_CRIT_SECTION(); // end critical section
    return found; // return found flag

void DllistWithLock::AddHead(Dlelem* e) {<!-- -->
    START_CRIT_SECTION(); // start critical section
    SpinLockAcquire( & amp;(m_lock)); // get lock
    if (e->dle_list == NULL) {<!-- --> // if e is not in list
        DLAddHead( & amp;m_list, e); // add e to list
    SpinLockRelease( & amp;(m_lock)); // release lock
    END_CRIT_SECTION(); // end critical section

void DllistWithLock::AddTail(Dlelem* e) {<!-- -->
    START_CRIT_SECTION(); // start critical section
    SpinLockAcquire( & amp;(m_lock)); // get lock
    if (e->dle_list == NULL) {<!-- --> // if e is not in list
        DLAddTail( & amp;m_list, e); // add e to list
    SpinLockRelease( & amp;(m_lock)); // release lock
    END_CRIT_SECTION(); // end critical section

Dlelem* DllistWithLock::RemoveHead() {<!-- -->
    Dlelem* head = NULL; // head pointer
    START_CRIT_SECTION(); // start critical section
    SpinLockAcquire( & amp;(m_lock)); // get lock
    head = DLRemHead( & amp;m_list); // remove head from list
    SpinLockRelease( & amp;(m_lock)); // release lock
    END_CRIT_SECTION(); // end critical section
    return head; // return head pointer

Dlelem* DllistWithLock::RemoveTail() {<!-- -->
    Dlelem* head = NULL; // head pointer
    START_CRIT_SECTION(); // start critical section
    SpinLockAcquire( & amp;(m_lock)); // get lock
    head = DLRemTail( & amp;m_list); // remove tail from list
    SpinLockRelease( & amp;(m_lock)); // release lock
    END_CRIT_SECTION(); // end critical section
    return head; // return head pointer

bool DllistWithLock::IsEmpty() {<!-- -->
    START_CRIT_SECTION(); // start critical section
    SpinLockAcquire( & amp;(m_lock)); // get lock
    bool ret = DLIsNIL( & amp;m_list); // judge whether list is empty
    SpinLockRelease( & amp;(m_lock)); // release lock
    END_CRIT_SECTION(); // end critical section
    return ret; // return result

Dlelem* DllistWithLock::GetHead() {<!-- -->
    Dlelem* head = NULL; // head pointer
    head = m_list.dll_head; // get head pointer
    return head; // return head pointer

void DllistWithLock::GetLock() {<!-- -->
    START_CRIT_SECTION(); // start critical section
    SpinLockAcquire( & amp;(m_lock)); // get lock

Dlelem* DllistWithLock::RemoveHeadNoLock() {<!-- -->
    Dlelem* head = DLRemHead( & amp;m_list); // remove head from list
    return head; // return head pointer

void DllistWithLock::ReleaseLock() {<!-- -->
    SpinLockRelease( & amp;(m_lock)); // release lock
    END_CRIT_SECTION(); // end critical section


In multi-threaded programming, when multiple threads access shared resources at the same time, a race condition (Race Condition) may occur, that is, multiple threads try to modify the shared resource at the same time, resulting in uncertain behavior or data inconsistency. To avoid race conditions, critical sections can be used to protect shared resources to ensure that only one thread can access or modify it at any given time.

START_CRIT_SECTION() is a macro or function commonly used in database systems or other multi-threaded applications. Its role is to create a critical section to ensure that the execution of a certain code block will not be interrupted in a multi-threaded environment. And END_CRIT_SECTION() is used to end the critical section. The code in the critical section only allows one thread to execute, and other threads will be blocked or queued waiting for the release of the critical section.

This code is a doubly linked list encapsulation class DllistWithLock with a lock, which adds a lock mechanism to doubly linked list operations to ensure thread safety in multi-threaded or concurrent environments. Below is an explanation of the main functions and methods of this class:

  1. DllistWithLock::DllistWithLock() Constructor:

    • Initialization function, used to initialize objects of the DllistWithLock class.
    • Call the DLInitList function to initialize the internal doubly linked list m_list.
    • Call the SpinLockInit function to initialize the lock m_lock.
  2. DllistWithLock::~DllistWithLock() Destructor:

    • Destructor, used to release lock resources when releasing the object.
    • Call the SpinLockFree function to release the lock m_lock.
  3. DllistWithLock::RemoveConfirm(Dlelem* e) method:

    • Used to remove the specified element e, if it exists.
    • Before performing removal, acquire the lock to ensure thread safety.
    • Check if element e belongs to doubly linked list m_list, if so, remove it.
    • Releases the lock and returns a Boolean value indicating whether the element was successfully removed.


  4. DllistWithLock::AddHead(Dlelem* e) method:

    • Add element e to the head of the doubly linked list.
    • Acquire the lock to ensure thread safety.
    • Check whether the element e already belongs to the linked list, if not, add it to the head of the linked list.
    • Release the lock.
  5. DllistWithLock::AddTail(Dlelem* e) method:

    • Add element e to the end of the doubly linked list.
    • Acquire the lock to ensure thread safety.
    • Check whether the element e already belongs to the linked list, if not, add it to the end of the linked list.
    • Release the lock.
  6. DllistWithLock::RemoveHead() method:

    • Removes the element at the head of a doubly linked list and returns that element.
    • Acquire the lock to ensure thread safety.
    • Call the DLRemHead function to remove elements from the head of the linked list.
    • Releases the lock and returns the removed element.
  7. DllistWithLock::RemoveTail() method:

    • Removes the element at the end of the doubly linked list and returns that element.
    • Acquire the lock to ensure thread safety.
    • Call the DLRemTail function to remove elements from the tail of the linked list.
    • Releases the lock and returns the removed element.
  8. DllistWithLock::IsEmpty() method:

    • Check whether the doubly linked list is empty.
    • Acquire the lock to ensure thread safety.
    • Call the DLIsNIL function to check whether the linked list is empty.
    • Releases the lock and returns a Boolean value indicating whether the linked list is empty.
  9. DllistWithLock::GetHead() method:

    • Get the element at the head of the doubly linked list.
    • No lock is acquired, so calling this method needs to be thread-safe.
  10. DllistWithLock::GetLock() method:

    • Acquire the lock to ensure thread safety.
    • Usually used when multiple linked list operations need to be executed atomically, use ReleaseLock to release the lock.
  11. DllistWithLock::RemoveHeadNoLock() method:

    • Removes the element at the head of a doubly linked list and returns it without acquiring the lock.
    • This method is used in some special cases where manual lock management is required.
  12. DllistWithLock::ReleaseLock() method:

    • Release the lock.
    • Usually used in conjunction with GetLock to ensure lock release.

This class ensures safe operation of doubly linked lists in a multi-threaded or concurrent environment by using a locking mechanism to prevent race conditions and data inconsistencies. Be sure to understand unlock acquisition and release when using these methods to avoid deadlocks or performance issues.


Doubly Linked List (Doubly Linked List) is a common linear data structure, similar to an ordinary linked list (singly linked list), but each node not only points to the next node, but also points to the previous node, so it can be in both directions. Traverse the linked list. This article gives a detailed introduction to the implementation of its related functions.

This blog splits dllist.cpp into three parts to understand its contents, trying to make the module clear and understandable. Since the double-chained list encapsulates many common operations, such as new creation, initialization, recycling, addition, deletion, modification, etc., the amount of code is slightly large. I hope readers can read it patiently. In the process of writing the blog, it also allows us to understand The implementation principles of class functions in various high-level languages are of great help.
– Removes the element at the head of the doubly linked list and returns it without acquiring the lock.
– This method is used in some special cases where manual lock management is required.

  1. DllistWithLock::ReleaseLock() method:
    • Release the lock.
    • Usually used in conjunction with GetLock to ensure lock release.

This class ensures safe operation of doubly linked lists in a multi-threaded or concurrent environment by using a locking mechanism to prevent race conditions and data inconsistencies. Be sure to understand unlock acquisition and release when using these methods to avoid deadlocks or performance issues.


Doubly Linked List (Doubly Linked List) is a common linear data structure, similar to an ordinary linked list (singly linked list), but each node not only points to the next node, but also points to the previous node, so it can be in both directions. Traverse the linked list. This article gives a detailed introduction to the implementation of its related functions.

This blog splits dllist.cpp into three parts to understand its contents, trying to make the module clear and understandable. Since the double-chained list encapsulates many common operations, such as new creation, initialization, recycling, addition, deletion, modification, etc., the amount of code is slightly large. I hope readers can read it patiently. In the process of writing the blog, it also allows us to understand The implementation principles of class functions in various high-level languages are of great help. © 2021 All Rights Reserved.