Matlab implementation of airspace conflict detection and resolution based on GJK algorithm

  1. Table of Contents

    1. GJK algorithm

    2. Horizontal conflict detection model based on GJK algorithm

    2.1 Establish a spatial rectangular coordinate system and restore the shape of the airspace itself

    2.2 Constructing Minkowski support points

    2.3 Iteratively find support points and construct triangles

    2.4 Check whether the triangle contains the origin

    2.5 Solve the minimum distance between airspace shapes

    2.6 Determine whether there is a horizontal conflict

    3. Matlab implementation of GJK algorithm

    3.1 Main function part

    3.2 Obtain initial direction

    3.3 Obtain new vertices of the simplex based on the given direction and polygon

    3.4 Origin crossing detection function

    3.5 Find the direction based on two support points

    3.6 Determine whether the triangle contains the origin

    3.7 Find the distance from the origin to the edge

    3.8 Determine whether the new support points formed by previous iterations are repeated

  2. 1. GJK algorithm

The GJK algorithm was invented by three scholars: Gilbert, Johnson, and Keerthi. It is used to calculate collision detection and the closest distance between two convex polygons.

Assuming that there is a polygon A composed of a horizontal projection of the airspace shape and a polygon B composed of a horizontal projection of the airspace shape, the horizontal distance d between the airspace demand projections can be expressed as:

d = min(|x-y|:a\in A,b\in B)

At the same time, the concept of Minkowski difference set is introduced.

A point set obtained by subtracting all the points in polygon B from all the points in polygon A can be expressed by the following formula. The schematic diagram is as shown below:


Minkowski difference set diagram

The significance of Minkowski difference set is to obtain the coordinate distribution relationship between the vertices of two polygons: if polygon A intersects polygon B, then the difference set points will be distributed around the origin, which means that the difference set includes the origin point. The shape of the polygon formed by the difference set is not directly related to the distance between the two polygons. The greater the distance between the two polygons, the farther the center position of the difference set is from the origin; conversely, the closer it is to the origin. If intersecting, the difference polygon contains the origin.

Therefore, the conclusion of the GJK algorithm is: if the shapes of two airspaces overlap, then the Minkowski difference set composed of these two polygons will inevitably include the origin. The problem of determining the intersection of two shapes is further simplified to whether three points can be found in the Minkowski difference of polygons A and B to form a triangle containing the origin. This triangle is called a single line.

2. Based on GJK algorithm Horizontal conflict detection model

2.1 Establish a spatial rectangular coordinate system and restore the shape of the airspace itself

Based on the space demand horizontal range of 1000 × 1000 (km), a rectangular coordinate system is established. After selecting the origin, take the horizontal right direction as the positive direction of the x-axis, and the abscissa range from 0 to + 1000; take the vertical upward direction as the positive y-axis direction, and the ordinate range from 0 to + 1000. Since the application location set is generally represented by the vertices of the minimum circumscribed polygon containing the applied airspace, the shape of circular airspace and runway-type airspace should be restored based on its minimum circumscribed polygon.

2.2 Construct Minkowski Support Point

Depending on the properties of the polygon, directions can be mapped to points on the polygon, and the farthest point on the shape that maps the direction vector is called a support point. Select the vector formed by connecting the centers of the two airspace demand polygons to find its support points; then use the opposite direction of this direction as the direction on the second polygon B to find the support points on polygon B. The subtraction of these two points is the support point on the Minkowski difference boundary.

2.3 Iteratively find support points and construct triangles< /strong>

Using this support point as the starting point of the vector, find the vector pointing to the origin as the new direction, and find the second support point.

We can now make a rational judgment to see if we have crossed the origin . We can pass through the origin and draw a line perpendicular to direction D (two-dimensional case). If this line can separate the first point joining the simplex and the second point joining the simplex to both sides A and B, then Explain that it can cross the origin. If it cannot be divided into sides A and B, it means that its simplex cannot contain the origin, and you can directly judge that the two polygons do not intersect (early termination condition).

The two support points are connected into a straight line. The vector perpendicular to the straight line is the new direction d and the new support point is found.

In the same way, we judge whether we have passed the origin.

2.4 Check whether the triangle contains the origin

Construct a triangle based on the connection of three support points. If the triangle contains the origin, it means that the two airspace demand polygons intersect, indicating that there is a horizontal conflict between the two airspace demands;

If the triangle does not contain an origin, the orientation is updated and new support points are added.

Select the vertical vector of the triangle edge closest to the origin and keep this Two points on the side, delete the remaining one point, and use the vertical vector as the new direction to find the third support point again, do the next iteration and determine whether the new triangle contains the origin.

If the new triangle after iteration is the same as the original triangle, it means that there is no triangle containing the origin, and the iteration loop will exit at this time.

2.5 Solve the minimum distance between airspace shapes

If the final triangle does not contain the origin, the minimum distance between the two shapes in the air domain can be found at this time. Using the distance formula between a point and a straight line, the distance from the origin to the edge closest to the origin can be calculated. This distance is the minimum distance between two airspace demand polygons, that is, the horizontal interval between the two airspace demand polygons.

2.6 Determine whether there is a horizontal conflict< /strong>

Between airspace requirements, the Minkowski difference set between airspaces is calculated pairwise, judging its inclusion relationship with the origin, and detecting whether there is a conflict between pairs of airspaces. If the triangular image obtained does not contain the origin, then it is judged whether the horizontal interval between the two airspace requirements is less than the minimum horizontal safety interval. If it is less than the minimum safety interval, it is considered that there is a horizontal conflict between the two airspace demands. Further, it can be judged that there is a horizontal conflict between the two airspace demands. Airspace conflict.

3. Matlab implementation of GJK algorithm

3.1 Main function part

The input sequence shap_1 and shap_2 involve different images, including circles, polygons and runway shapes. The first item in the sequence is the identification item, 1 is a circle, 2 is a quadrilateral, 3 is a pentagon, 4 is a hexagon, and 5 is a runway shape. The second and third items of the circle have no data, the fourth and fifth items are the coordinates of the center of the circle (x, y), and the sixth item is the radius. For the remaining images, the second and third items represent the geometric center of each image, followed by the vertex coordinates (x, y) of each image. The runway shape is represented by the vertices of its circumscribed rectangle.

The output out indicates different situations. 1 indicates that the iteration process failed to pass the origin detection and exited the iteration; 2 indicates that the triangle formed can surround the origin; 3 indicates that the triangle formed by iteration is repeated before and after.

mindiastance is the minimum distance

ci represents the number of loop iterations

function [out,mindistance,ci] = GJK(shap_1,shap_2)
% initialize simplex
out = 0;
simple = [];
origin = [0,0]; % origin
n = 1; % record the number of iterations

% first iteration
direction = getInitDirection(shap_1,shap_2); % Get the initial direction
vertex = getNewVertex(shap_1,shap_2,direction); % Get the new vertex of the simplex based on the given direction and polygon
simple(n,1:2) = vertex;
% second iteration
n = n + 1;
direction = diff_1(origin,vertex);
vertex = getNewVertex(shap_1,shap_2,direction);
% Pass origin check
if isCrossingOriginVector(diff_1([0 0],simple(1,1:2)),vertex) == 1
    out = 1; % At this point it can be proven that no collision can occur
simple(n,1:2) = vertex;
n = n + 1;
% third iteration
direction = getLineFaceToOriginVector(simple(1,1:2),simple(2,1:2));
direction = direction
vertex = getNewVertex(shap_1,shap_2,direction);
% Pass origin check
if isCrossingOriginVector(direction,vertex) == 1
    out = 1; % At this point it can be proven that no collision can occur
    n1 = 1
% if isCrossingOriginVector(simple(2,1:2),vertex) == 0
% out = 1; % At this time, it can be proved that the origin has been passed, and it can be proved that a collision will occur, and it is an edge collision.
% end
simple(n,1:2) = vertex;
n = n + 1;
ci = 0;
% disp(simple);
if out == 0
    % start loop
    for i = 1:10000
        % Determine whether the triangle formed by the three vertices of the current simplex contains the origin
        if isContainOrigin(simple(1,1:2),simple(2,1:2),simple(3,1:2)) == 1
           out = 2; % At this time, it can be proved that it has passed the origin, it can be proved that a collision will occur, and it is an absolute collision.
        % Find the side of the triangle closest to the origin
        minIndex1 = -1;
        minIndex2 = -1;
        for x = 1:length(simple)-1
            for y = x + 1:length(simple)
                distance = calcPointToLineDistance([0 0],simple(x,1:2),simple(y,1:2));
                if minIndex1 == -1 || distance < minDistance
                    minDistance = distance;
                    minIndex1 = x;
                    minIndex2 = y;
        % Find direction
        direction = getLineFaceToOriginVector(simple(minIndex1,1:2),simple(minIndex2,1:2));
        vertex = getNewVertex(shap_1,shap_2,direction);
        % Whether there is a current simplex check
        for z = 1: length(simple)
           if isEquals(simple(z,1:2),vertex) == 1
               out = 3;
        if out == 3
           break; % If the simplex check is not passed, break out of the loop
        % Pass origin check
        if isCrossingOriginVector(direction,vertex) == 1
            out = 1; % At this time, it can be proved that the origin detection has not been passed.
            % update simplex
            vertex1 = simple(minIndex1,1:2);
            vertex2 = simple(minIndex2,1:2);
            simple(1,1:2) = vertex1;
            simple(2,1:2) = vertex2;
            simple(3,1:2) = vertex;

        % update simplex
        vertex1 = simple(minIndex1,1:2);
        vertex2 = simple(minIndex2,1:2);
        simple(1,1:2) = vertex1;
        simple(2,1:2) = vertex2;
        simple(3,1:2) = vertex;
    ci = i;
% Find the side of the triangle closest to the origin
mindistance = 0;
minIndex1 = -1;
for x = 1:length(simple)-1
    for y = x + 1:length(simple)
        distance = calcPointToLineDistance([0 0],simple(x,1:2),simple(y,1:2));
        if minIndex1 == -1 || distance < mindistance
            mindistance = distance;
            minIndex1 = x;

3.2 Get initial direction

Get the direction between the initial two geometries, with the centers of the two geometries subtracted.

function [out] = getInitDirection(shap_1,shap_2)
if(shap_1(1) == 1 )
    out_1(1:2) = shap_1(4:5);
    out_1(1:2) = shap_1(2:3);
if(shap_2(1) == 1 )
    out_2(1:2) = shap_2(4:5);
    out_2(1:2) = shap_2(2:3);
out = out_1 - out_2;

3.3 According to the given direction and polygon, get the new vertex of the simplex

% Get new simplex vertices based on the given direction and polygon.
% First consider the runway trajectory as a rectangle
function [out] = getNewVertex(shap_1,shap_2,direction)
if shap_1(1) == 1
    supportPoint1 = supportCircle(shap_1,direction);
elseif shap_1(1) == 5
    supportPoint1 = supportP(shap_1,direction);
    supportPoint1 = support(shap_1,direction);
if shap_2(1) == 1
    supportPoint2 = supportCircle(shap_2,-direction);
elseif shap_2(1) == 5
    supportPoint2 = supportP(shap_2,-direction);
    supportPoint2 = support(shap_2,-direction);
supportPoint1 = supportPoint1
supportPoint2 = supportPoint2
out = diff_1(supportPoint1,supportPoint2);

If the shape is a circle

% Support function (circle)

function [out] = supportCircle(shap,direction)
theta = calc2DVectorsAngle(direction,[1,0]);
    theta = 2*pi - theta;
out = [shap(4) + shap(6)*cos(theta),shap(5) + shap(6)*sin(theta)];
% Calculate the angle between two two-dimensional vectors [0,PI]

function [out] = calc2DVectorsAngle(direction,shap)
d1 = norm(direction,2);
d2 = norm(shap,2);
out = acos((direction(1)*shap(1) + direction(2)*shap(2))/(d1*d2));

If the shape is a polygon

% support function (regular polygon)

function [out] = support(shap,direction)
maxIndex = 0;
maxDot = dot_1([shap(4),shap(5)],direction);
if shap(1) == 2 || shap(1) == 5
    n = 4;
elseif shap(1) == 3
    n = 5;
elseif shap(1) == 4
    n = 6;
for i = 1:n-1
   d = dot_1([shap(4 + 2*i),shap(5 + 2*i)],direction);
   if d > maxDot
       maxDot = d;
       maxIndex = 2*i;
    out = [shap(4 + maxIndex),shap(5 + maxIndex)]; % Output the polygon and the vertices in the given direction
%Two-dimensional vector dot product

function [out] = dot_1(v1,v2)
out = v1(1)*v2(1) + v1(2)*v2(2);

If the image is a runway

% runway graphics

function [out] = supportP(shap,direction)
r = (shap(11)-shap(9))/2;
low = shap(8) + r;high = shap(4)-r;
% shap_1 = [0 0 0 high shap(5) high shap(7) low shap(7) low shap(5)];
% row = diff_1([low shap(9) + r],[shap(2) shap(3)]);
% row_1 = diff_1([high shap(9) + r],[shap(2) shap(3)]);
if direction(1) <= 0
    out = supportCircle([1,0,0,low,shap(9) + r,r],direction);
    out = supportCircle([1,0,0,high shap(9) + r,r],direction);

% Two-dimensional vector subtraction

function [out] = diff_1(shap_1,shap_2)
out = shap_1 - shap_2;

3.4 Origin crossing detection function

% Pass origin check

function [out] = isCrossingOriginVector(v1,v2)
if dot_1(v1,v2)>=0
    out = 0;
    out = 1;

3.5 Find the direction based on two support points

% Pass in two points and get the normal vector of the edge they form facing the origin.

function [out] = getLineFaceToOriginVector(A,B)
if A(1) == B(1)
    if A(1) >= 0
        out = [-1 0];
        out = [1 0];
elseif A(2) == B(2)
    if A(2) >= 0
        out = [0 -1];
        out = [0 1];
    k = (A(2) - B(2))/(A(1) - B(1));
    k1 = -1/k;
    b = A(2) - k*A(1);
    x = -k*b/(k*k + 1);
    y = k1*x;
    out = diff_1([0 0],[x y]);

3.6 Determine whether the triangle contains the origin

% Pass in three points and determine whether the triangle composed of three points contains the origin.

function [out] = isContainOrigin(p1,p2,p3)
origin = [0 0];
a = calcTriangleArea(origin,p1,p2);
b = calcTriangleArea(origin,p1,p3);
c = calcTriangleArea(origin,p2,p3);
s = calcTriangleArea(p3,p1,p2);
if abs(a + b + c-s) <0.00001
    out = 1; % prove that the origin is within the triangle
    out = 0; % prove that the origin is not within the triangle
% Pass in three points and calculate the area of the triangle according to Heron's formula

function [out] = calcTriangleArea(p1,p2,p3)
a = calcPointToPointDistance(p1,p2);
b = calcPointToPointDistance(p1,p3);
c = calcPointToPointDistance(p2,p3);
p = (a + b + c)/2;
out = sqrt(p*(p-a)*(p-b)*(p-c));
% Calculate the distance between two points

function [out] = calcPointToPointDistance(p1,p2)
out = sqrt((p1(1)-p2(1))^2 + (p1(2)-p2(2))^2);

3.7 Find the distance from the origin to the edge

% Find the distance from the origin to an edge

function [out] = calcPointToLineDistance(p0,p1,p2)
out2 = norm(p1,2);
out3 = norm(p2,2);
if p2(1) - p1(1) == 0
    out = abs(p2(1));
    a = (p2(2)-p1(2))/(p2(1)-p1(1));
    b = -1;
    c = p1(2)-a*p1(1);
    out1 = abs(a*p0(1) + b*p0(2) + c)/sqrt(a*a + b*b);
    x = (-1*a*c)/(a*a + 1);
    if (x >= p1(1) & amp; & amp; x <= p2(1)) || (x >= p2(1) & amp; & amp; x <= p1(1))
        out = out1;
    elseif out2 <= out3
        out = out2;
        out = out3;

3.8 Determine whether the new support points formed by the previous and subsequent iterations are repeated

% Determine whether two-dimensional vectors are equal

function [out] = isEquals(p1,p2)
if abs(p1(1) - p2(1)) == 0 & amp; & amp; abs(p1(2) - p2(2)) == 0
   out = 1;
    out = 0;
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