Frida modifies Android device information, imsi, imei, mac, utdid and other device information generation algorithms

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function main() {<!-- -->
    Java. perform(function()
    {<!-- -->
        function modifyUtdid(){<!-- -->
            var SettingsSystem = Java.use('android.provider.Settings$System');
            // Get a reference to the android.content.Context class
            var Context = Java.use('android.content.Context');
            // Get the Context instance of the current application
            var appContext = Java.use('').currentApplication().getApplicationContext();
            // delete
  , appContext.getContentResolver(), 'mqBRboGZkQPcAkyk', null);
  , appContext.getContentResolver(), 'dxCRMxhQkdGePGnp', null);

        var newModel = "Pixel 4 XL";
        var newManufacturer = "Google";
        var newBrand = "google";
        var newDevice = "Pixel_4_XL";
        var newProduct = "Pixel_4_XL";
        var newID = "RQ3A.210905.001";
        var newSerialNumber = "3LJ9VCBI8J0M7DYL"

        // Get a reference to the android.os.Build class
        var Build = Java.use('android.os.Build');

        // Modify property value
        Build.MODEL.value = newModel;
        Build.MANUFACTURER.value = newManufacturer;
        Build.BRAND.value = newBrand;
        Build.DEVICE.value = newDevice;
        Build.PRODUCT.value = newProduct;
        Build.ID.value = newID;
        Build.SERIAL.value = newSerialNumber;

        console.log("Device properties changed successfully.");

        var Signature = Java.use('');
        Signature.sign.implementation = function(priKey,str){<!-- -->
            // console.log("priKey:" + priKey)
            // console. log("str:" + str)
            var result = this. sign(priKey, str);
            // console.log("sign:" + result)
            return result
        Signature.bytesToHexStr.implementation = function(bcd){<!-- -->
            var result = this.bytesToHexStr(bcd);
            console.log("bytesToHexStr:" + result)
            return result
        var SGMWrapper = Java.use("com.yunos.tvtaobao.uuid.utils.SGMWrapper");
        SGMWrapper.encryptUUID.implementation = function(uuid){<!-- -->
            var result = this.encryptUUID(uuid);
            console.log("uuid:" + result)
            console.log("encryptUUID:" + result)
            return result
        var NetworkSdkSetting = Java.use("")
        NetworkSdkSetting.init.overload("","java.util.HashMap").implementation = function(application,params){<!-- -->
            var tb_name = this.init(application,params);
            console.log("params:" + params.tostring())

        var TelephonyManager = Java.use('android.telephony.TelephonyManager');
        var getSubscriberIdMethod = TelephonyManager.getSubscriberId.overload();
        getSubscriberIdMethod. implementation = function() {<!-- -->
            return Java.use('java.lang.String').valueOf("460001683194238");

        var TelephonyManager = Java.use('android.telephony.TelephonyManager');
        var getDeviceIdMethod = TelephonyManager.getDeviceId.overload();
        getDeviceIdMethod. implementation = function() {<!-- -->
            return Java.use('java.lang.String').valueOf("223424882910925");

        var WifiInfo = Java.use('');
        var getMacAddressMethod = WifiInfo.getMacAddress.overload();
        getMacAddressMethod. implementation = function() {<!-- -->
            return Java.use('java.lang.String').valueOf("E4:CF:41:75:0F:A1");
        var ZPDeviceImpl = Java.use('com.tvtao.user.dclib.impl.ZPDeviceImpl');
        ZPDeviceImpl.getWifiMac.implementation = function(ct){<!-- -->
            var result = this. getWifiMac(ct);
            console.log("getWifiMac:" + result);
            return "E4:9E:E2:2B:DB:75"

        var Secure = Java.use('android.provider.Settings$Secure');
        Secure.getString.overload('android.content.ContentResolver', 'java.lang.String').implementation = function(contentResolver, name) {<!-- -->
            if (name === 'android_id') {<!-- -->
                return "7efa777a98538df8db12ea1e2866ea8351d83d8a";
            return this. getString(contentResolver, name);
        console.log("WifiInfo changed successfully.");

        var newCpuInfo = 'processor\t: 0\\
' +
            'model name\t: Custom CPU\\
' +
            'BogoMIPS\t: 200.00\\
' +
            'Features\t: fp asimd evtstrm aes pmull sha1 sha2 crc32\\
' +
            'CPU implementer\t: 0x41\\
' +
            'CPU architecture: 8\\
' +
            'CPU variant\t: 0x0\\
' +
            'CPU part\t: 0xd03\\
' +
            'CPU revision\t: 4\\
        var openFunc = Module.findExportByName(null, "open");
        var readFunc = Module.findExportByName(null, "read");
        var openPtr = Interceptor.attach(openFunc, {<!-- -->
            onEnter: function (args) {<!-- -->
                var path = Memory. readUtf8String(args[0]);
                if (path === "/proc/cpuinfo") {<!-- -->
                    this.cpuInfoReplace = true;
            onLeave: function (retval) {<!-- -->
                if (this.cpuInfoReplace) {<!-- -->
                    this.fd = retval.toInt32();
        var readPtr = Interceptor. attach(readFunc, {<!-- -->
            onEnter: function (args) {<!-- -->
                if (this.cpuInfoReplace & amp; & amp; args[0].toInt32() === this.fd) {<!-- -->
                    var buf = args[1];
                    var cpuInfoBuf = Memory.allocUtf8String(newCpuInfo);
                    Memory.copy(buf, cpuInfoBuf, newCpuInfo.length);
                    this.cpuInfoRead = true;
            onLeave: function (retval) {<!-- -->
                if (this.cpuInfoRead) {<!-- -->
        console.log("CPU information changed successfully.");

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import os
import sys
import string
import json
import hashlib
import random
import subprocess
import time

def genDescription(line, release, name):
    value = line. split("=")[1]
    list_value = value. split(" ")
    list_value[0] = name.replace(' ', '') + "-user"
    list_value[1] = release
    description = ' '.join(list_value)
    return description

def genFinger(line, release, model, brand, name):
    value = line. split("=")[1]
    list_value = value. split("/")
    list_value[0] = brand
    list_value[1] = name. replace(' ', '')
    list_value[2] = name.replace(' ', '') + ":" + release
    finger = '/'.join(list_value)
    return finger

def modify(release, model, brand, name, manufacturer):
    for line in open("./o/build.prop"):
        rline = line
        if "" in line:
            rline = "" + str(release) + "\\
        elif "ro.product.model=" in line:
            rline = "ro.product.model=" + str(model) + "\\
        elif "ro.product.brand=" in line:
            rline = "ro.product.brand=" + str(brand) + "\\
        elif "" in line:
            rline = "" + str(name) + "\\
        elif "ro.product.manufacturer=" in line:
            rline = "ro.product.manufacturer=" + str(manufacturer) + "\\
        elif "" in line:
            rline = "" + str(genDescription(line, release, name)) + "\\
        elif "" in line:
            rline = "" + str(genFinger(line, release, model, brand, name)) + "\\

        with open("./n/build.prop", "a") as f:
            f. write(rline)

def main_modify():
    json_data = open("phone.json",encoding='utf-8').read()
    json_data = json. loads(json_data)
    array_phone = json_data['phone']
    pid = random. randint(0, len(array_phone))
    item_phone = array_phone[pid]
    name = item_phone['name']
    manufacturer = item_phone['manufacturer']
    model = item_phone['model']

    array_release = json_data['release']
    rid = random. randint(0, len(array_release))
    release = array_release[rid]

    brand = manufacturer
    if os.path.exists("./n/build.prop"):
        os. remove("./n/build. prop")
    modify(release, model, brand, name, manufacturer)

def run_adb_command(command):
        subprocess. check_output(["adb"] + command. split(" "))
    except Exception as e:
        print("Error: ", e)
        return None

def change_device_properties():
    # Modify the device model
    new_model = "Pixel 4 XL"
    run_adb_command(f"shell setprop ro.product.model {<!-- -->new_model}")

    # Modify the device manufacturer
    new_manufacturer = "Google"
    run_adb_command(f"shell setprop ro.product.manufacturer {<!-- -->new_manufacturer}")

    # Modify the device brand
    new_brand = "google"
    run_adb_command(f"shell setprop ro.product.brand {<!-- -->new_brand}")

    # Modify the device version number
    new_version = "12.0"
    run_adb_command(f"shell setprop {<!-- -->new_version}")

    print("Device properties changed successfully.")

def generate_custom_mac():
    Wi-Fi MAC (Media Access Control) address is a unique hardware identifier used by a device to communicate in a local area network.
    It consists of 12 hexadecimal characters, usually expressed in 6 groups of 2 characters, for example: A1:B2:C3:D4:E5:F6.
    In real life, Wi-Fi MAC addresses are assigned by the manufacturer of the Network Interface Controller (NIC), ensuring worldwide uniqueness.
    However, you can also generate a fake Wi-Fi MAC address for some specific scenarios, such as testing, privacy protection, etc. Here's how to generate a random Wi-Fi MAC address.
    The Wi-Fi BSSID is usually the same as the AP's MAC address
    return "E4: X: X: X: X: X" % (
        random.randint(0, 255),
        random.randint(0, 255),
        random.randint(0, 255),
        random.randint(0, 255),
        random.randint(0, 255),

def generate_random_imei():
    IMEI (International Mobile Equipment Identity, International Mobile Equipment Identity) is a 15-digit unique identifier,
    Used to identify GSM, UMTS, LTE and other wireless communication devices. The IMEI code usually consists of four parts:
    TAC (Type Allocation Code, model allocation code): the first 8 digits, obtained by the manufacturer's application.
    SNR (Serial Number, serial number): the next 6 digits, a unique serial number assigned to each device by the manufacturer.
    Luhn check code: the last 1 digit, used to ensure the validity of the IMEI code.
    To generate a random IMEI code, you can follow these steps:
    1. Generate a 14-digit random number string.
    2. Calculate the Luhn checksum and add it to the end of the random number string.
    imei_base = [random.randint(0, 9) for _ in range(14)]

    def calculate_luhn_checksum(digits):
        checksum = 0
        for i, digit in enumerate(digits):
            if i % 2 == 0:
                doubled_digit = digit * 2
                if doubled_digit > 9:
                    doubled_digit -= 9
                checksum += doubled_digit
                checksum += digit
        return (10 - (checksum % 10)) % 10

    return ''.join(map(str, imei_base))

def generate_random_imsi(mcc, mnc):
    # China Mobile (MCC: 460, MNC: 00 or 02 or 07 or 08)
    :param mcc:MCC (Mobile Country Code): 3 digits, indicating the country/region.
    :param mnc:MNC (Mobile Network Code, mobile network code): 2 or 3 digits, indicating a specific mobile operator.
    msin = ''.join(str(int(time.time())))
    return mcc + mnc + msin

import base64
import struct

def decode_unique_id(encoded_unique_id):
    # Base64 decoding
    decoded_bytes = base64.b64decode(encoded_unique_id)

    # Convert bytes to four integers
    t1, t2, t3, t4 = struct.unpack('>IIII', decoded_bytes)

    return t1, t2, t3, t4

def generate_serial_number(length=16):
    Android device serial number
    :param length:
    characters = string.ascii_uppercase + string.digits
    serial_number = ''.join(random.choice(characters) for _ in range(length))
    return serial_number

def generate_device_info():
    android_version = "Android " + str(random.randint(2, 12)) + "." + str(random.randint(0, 4))
    device_type = random.choice(["Phone", "Tablet", "Smart TV"])
    manufacturer = random.choice(["Samsung", "Google", "Xiaomi", "OnePlus", "Huawei", "LG", "Sony"])
    model = ""
    if manufacturer == "Samsung":
        model = random.choice(["Galaxy S21", "Galaxy S20", "Galaxy Note 20", "Galaxy A52"])
    elif manufacturer == "Google":
        model = random.choice(["Pixel 6", "Pixel 5", "Pixel 4a", "Pixel 3"])
    elif manufacturer == "Xiaomi":
        model = random.choice(["Redmi Note 10", "Mi 11", "Mi 10T", "Poco X3"])
    elif manufacturer == "OnePlus":
        model = random.choice(["OnePlus 9 Pro", "OnePlus 8T", "OnePlus Nord 2", "OnePlus 7T"])
    elif manufacturer == "Huawei":
        model = random.choice(["Mate 40 Pro", "P40 Pro", "Nova 8", "Honor V40"])
    elif manufacturer == "LG":
        model = random.choice(["LG V60 ThinQ", "LG Velvet", "LG G8 ThinQ", "LG K92 5G"])
    elif manufacturer == "Sony":
        model = random.choice(["Xperia 1 III", "Xperia 5 II", "Xperia 10 II", "Xperia L4"])
    return [manufacturer, model, device_type, android_version]

def generate_android_id(hardware_info, system_info):
    input_str = hardware_info + system_info
    sha1 = hashlib.sha1(input_str.encode())
    android_id = sha1.hexdigest()
    return android_id

if __name__ == "__main__":
    random_mac = generate_custom_mac()
    mcc = "460"
    mnc = "00"
    random_imsi = generate_random_imsi(mcc, mnc)