GitLab (2) – Install Gitlab using Docker

Table of Contents

I. Introduction

2. Install Gitlab

1. Search for gitlab-ce image

2. Download the image

3. View the image

4. Create a mounted data volume in advance

5. Run the image

3. Configure Gitlab files

1. Configure the /etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb file in the container

2. Restart the container

3. Log in to Gitalb

① View the password of the initial root user

② Visit the gitlab address and enter the username and password

4. Set the language to Simplified Chinese

① Click preference

② Select Simplified Chinese

③ Save configuration

5. Change default password

① Click Preferences

② Change password

1. Foreword

The previous article talked about how to use the rpm package to install gitlab, but during the actual installation process, I encountered an error message about missing dependencies. The problem of missing dependencies is actually a distressing thing, so this article is used to introduce how to Install gitlab using Docker

2. Install Gitlab

docker search gitlab-ce

Choose different images according to your different needs. Generally, there are two choices, namely the official gitlab/gitlab-ce and the Chinese version of twang2218/gitlab-ce-zh. This article chooses the gitlab/gitlab-ce image.

2. Download image

Download the latest version of the image

docker pull gitlab/gitlab-ce

3. View mirror

After the download is complete, remember to check whether the image exists

docker images

4. Create a mounted data volume in advance

mkdir -p /data/docker/gitlab/etc # Map to the configuration directory in the Glitlab container
mkdir -p /data/docker/gitlab/log # Map to the log directory in the Glitlab container
mkdir -p /data/docker/gitlab/data # Map to the data directory in the Glitlab container

5. Run Image

docker run -d -p 8443:443 -p 8080:80 -p 8022:22 --restart always --name gitlab -v /data/docker/gitlab/etc:/etc/gitlab -v /data/ docker/gitlab/log:/var/log/gitlab -v /data/docker/gitlab/data:/var/opt/gitlab --privileged=true gitlab/gitlab-ce

The following explains the meaning of each parameter

docker run -d # Run in the background

-p 8443:443 # Map the container’s port 443 to the host’s port 8443

-p 8080:80

-p 8022:22

–restart always # Set the container to start automatically

–name gitlab # Set container NAMES to gitlab

-v /data/docker/gitlab/etc:/etc/gitlab # Mount the container’s /etc/gitlab to the host’s gitlab/etc directory

-v /data/docker/gitlab/log:/var/log/gitlab

-v /data/docker/gitlab/data:/var/opt/gitlab

–privileged=true # Set root permissions

gitlab/gitlab-ce # Running image name

3. Configure Gitlab files

1. Configure the /etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb file in the container

Since the host has mounted /etc/gitlab/ to the data/docker/gitlab/etc directory, you can directly enter data/docker/gitlab/etc to modify the gitlab.rb file.

vim /data/docker/gitlab/etc/gitlab.rb

The default configuration of gitlab is annotated with #, so we don’t have to modify the file, we only need to add the configuration we need.

Add the following configuration to the gitlab.rb file and save it

external_url 'The IP address of your own server'
# ssh port
gitlab_rails['gitlab_shell_ssh_port'] = 8022
# Modify the time zone to Shanghai
gitlab_rails['time_zone'] = 'Asia/Shanghai'

2. Restart the container

docker restart container ID

3. Log in to Gitalb

① View the password of the initial root user

vim /data/docker/gitlab/etc/initial_root_password

② Visit the gitlab address, enter the user name and password

4. Set the language to Simplified Chinese

① Click preference

② Select Simplified Chinese

③ Save configuration

5. Change default password

The initial password is a bunch of garbled characters, so we definitely need to change the initial password.

① Click Preferences

② Change password

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