Vue 3 responsive objects: the use and difference between ref and reactive

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  • introduction
  • 1. Introduction
    • 1.1 Introduction to Vue 3
    • 1.2 The Importance of Reactive Objects
    • 1.3 Overview of ref and reactive
  • 2. Use ref
    • 2.1 How to create ref
    • 2.2 How to use ref
    • 2.3 Applicable scenarios of ref
    • 2.4 Limitations of ref
  • 3. Use reactive
    • 3.1 How to create reactive
    • 3.2 How to use reactive
    • 3.3 Applicable scenarios of reactive
    • 3.4 Limitations of reactive
  • 4. Compare ref and reactive
    • 4.1 Comparison in terms of responsiveness
    • 4.2 Performance comparison
    • 4.3 Comparison of usage scenarios
    • 4.4 Comparison of API usage
  • 5. Summary


Vue.js is a popular JavaScript framework that enables developers to easily create user interfaces. In Vue.js, reactive objects are a very important part, they can automatically update the components that depend on them. In Vue 3, there are two ways to create reactive objects: using ref and using reactive. There are some differences between these two methods, and this article will detail their differences and how to use them.

1. Introduction

1.1 Introduction to Vue 3

Vue 3 is the latest version of Vue.js, which brings many new features and improvements, including better performance, simpler API, better TypeScript support, and more. Vue 3 continues to use the development concepts and patterns of Vue 2.x, while adding some new concepts and tools to enable developers to develop front-end applications more efficiently.

1.2 The importance of responsive objects

In Vue.js, reactive objects are a very important part. When an object’s properties are changed, if the object is used in a Vue component’s template, the component will automatically update to reflect the new property value. This feature allows developers to build user interfaces in a declarative manner without writing a lot of update logic.

1.3 Overview of ref and reactive

In Vue 3, there are two main ways to create reactive objects: using ref and using reactive.

ref is a function in Vue 3 for creating reactive references. It returns a wrapped object whose value can be changed, but its reference cannot. This means you can use a ref in a template and have it automatically update when its value changes.

reactive is a function in Vue 3 for creating reactive objects. It returns a reactive object whose properties and methods can be changed. This means you can use reactive in a template and have it automatically update when its properties or methods change.

2. Use ref

2.1 How to create ref

In Vue 3, you can use the ref function to create a reactive reference. The ref function can accept an initial value and return a reactive object. For example:

import {<!-- --> ref } from 'vue';
const count = ref(0);

In this example, we create a reactive reference named count with an initial value of 0.

2.2 How to use ref

One key point about using ref is that you cannot modify its value directly. To modify the value of ref, you need to use the .value attribute. For example:

count.value + + ; // Modify the value of count

You can also get the current value of ref through the .get method. For example:

console.log(count.get()); // Output 0

2.3 ref applicable scenarios

ref is best used in scenarios where the value needs to change, but the reference does not. For example, if you have an object and a property of the object is reactive, you can use ref to create the property.

2.4 Limitations of ref

One limitation of ref is that it can only be used with primitive data types (such as strings, numbers, booleans, etc.), not objects or arrays. This means that if you need to create a reactive object with multiple properties, you need to use the reactive function instead of ref.

3. Use reactive

3.1 Reactive creation method

In Vue 3, you can use the reactive function to create a reactive object. The reactive function can accept an initial object as a parameter and return a reactive object. For example:

import {<!-- --> reactive } from 'vue';
const state = reactive({<!-- -->
  count: 0,
  name: 'John',

In this example, we create a reactive object named state which contains two properties count and name.

3.2 How to use reactive

A key point of using reactive is that you can modify its properties directly. For example:

state.count + + ; // Modify the count attribute of state = 'Jane'; // Modify the name attribute of state

You can also create a reactive method or computed property through the reactive function. For example:

const doubleCount = reactive({<!-- -->
  get() {<!-- -->
    return this.count * 2;

In this example, we create a reactive method called doubleCount that returns double the count. When you access doubleCount, it calculates its value dynamically.

3.3 Applicable scenarios of reactive

The reactive function is best used for creating reactive objects that contain multiple properties. Since reactive returns a reactive object, you can modify its properties directly without using the .value attribute.

reactive can also be used to create reactive objects that contain methods or computed properties. You can define methods or computed properties in reactive objects and call them directly from templates. This approach is very useful when dealing with complex data logic.

reactive is also suitable for situations where multiple states need to be tracked simultaneously. By using reactive, you can organize multiple states in a reactive object and easily access them in templates.

3.4 Limitations of reactive

While reactive provides broader reactive object functionality, it does have some limitations. First, reactive may have a larger performance overhead than ref. Because reactive needs to track all property changes in the object, while ref only needs to track changes to a primitive value. In performance-sensitive applications, using ref may be a better choice.

Secondly, reactive does not support the .set method. This means that if you want to set the value of a property of a reactive object, you can only assign it directly. This may cause some inconvenience. In addition, if you need to add some additional logic (such as getters or setters) on the reactive object, you may need to use computed or other methods to implement it instead of directly reactive.

4. Compare ref and reactive

4.1 Comparison in responsiveness

Both ref and reactive can create reactive objects, but there are some differences when it comes to responsiveness.

Reactive references created using ref will only respond to changes to the original value. If you use an object or array as the initial value of ref, then when an element in the object or array changes, ref will not respond. ref will only respond if the entire object or array is replaced with a new object or array.

In contrast, reactive can create reactive objects that contain multiple properties. When these properties change, reactive will respond immediately and update the related components. In addition, reactive can also create reactive methods and calculated properties, which ref does not support.

ref is better suited for reactive references with a single value, while reactive is better suited for reactive objects that contain multiple properties or methods.

4.2 Performance comparison

Since ref only focuses on changes to a single primitive value, its performance overhead is relatively small. In contrast, reactive needs to track all property changes in the object, so its performance overhead may be greater. Especially when processing large amounts of data or complex logic, the performance overhead of reactive may be more obvious.

However, it is important to note that this performance difference may not be significant in many cases. For most applications, the performance difference between ref and reactive will not have a large impact on the overall performance of the application. This performance difference only becomes noticeable when processing very large amounts of data or making high-frequency updates.

Therefore, when choosing to use ref or reactive, you need to weigh it based on the specific application scenarios and needs. If you need to process a large amount of data or complex logic, and need to respond immediately to user input or state changes, then using reactive may be more appropriate. If you only need to handle changes to a single value and have high performance requirements, then using ref may be more appropriate.

4.3 Comparison of usage scenarios

ref is more suitable for simple data references, such as single numbers, strings, or Boolean values. When you need to respond to changes in these simple data, you can use ref. For example, if you have a form that contains a number of input fields, you can use ref to store and respond to the value of each input field.

In contrast, reactive is more suitable for complex data structures such as objects or arrays. Use reactive when you need to handle changes to multiple properties at the same time, or when you need to create reactive objects that contain methods or computed properties. For example, if you have a shopping cart that contains multiple items, each with its own quantity and price, you can use reactive to store and respond to the entire shopping cart.

ref is more suitable for simple data references, while reactive is more suitable for complex data structures.

4.4 Comparison of API usage

ref's API is relatively simple, requiring only one function call to create a reactive reference. For example:

const count = ref(0);

And reactive needs to call the function twice, first create a normal object, and then use reactive to wrap it. For example:

const state = reactive({<!-- --> count: 0 });

This means that using the reactive API may be a bit more cumbersome. In addition, reactive also provides more features and options, such as the ability to create reactive methods and calculated properties. But this also increases the difficulty and complexity of learning.

The API of ref is simpler and more direct to use, while the function of reactive is more powerful but relatively difficult to learn. Choosing which function to use depends on the specific application scenario and personal needs.

5. Summary

Vue 3's ref and reactive are two ways to create reactive objects. ref creates a reactive reference and can only be applied to the case of a single primitive value. reactive creates responsive objects, suitable for complex data structures containing multiple properties or methods. ref's API is simple and straightforward, while reactive provides more features and options. Choose which method to use based on specific application scenarios and personal needs.

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