Vue adaptation to hand Taobao tool adaptation (flexible.js, rem adaptation. Detailed explanation)

1. Download dependencies

npm install lib-flexible –save

If you don’t want to download, just go to utils, create a new file flexible.js, and copy the code below

(function(win, lib) {
  var doc = win.document
  var docEl = doc.documentElement
  var metaEl = doc.querySelector('meta[name="viewport"]')
  var flexibleEl = doc.querySelector('meta[name="flexible"]')
  vardpr = 0
  var scale = 0
  var tid
  var flexible = lib.flexible || (lib.flexible = {})

  if (metaEl) {
    console.warn('The scaling will be set based on the existing meta tag')
    var match = metaEl.getAttribute('content').match(/initial\-scale=([\d\.] + )/)
    if (match) {
      scale = parseFloat(match[1])
      dpr = parseInt(1/scale)
  } else if (flexibleEl) {
    var content = flexibleEl.getAttribute('content')
    if (content) {
      var initialDpr = content.match(/initial\-dpr=([\d\.] + )/)
      var maximumDpr = content.match(/maximum\-dpr=([\d\.] + )/)
      if (initialDpr) {
        dpr = parseFloat(initialDpr[1])
        scale = parseFloat((1 / dpr).toFixed(2))
      if (maximumDpr) {
        dpr = parseFloat(maximumDpr[1])
        scale = parseFloat((1 / dpr).toFixed(2))

  if (!dpr & amp; & amp; !scale) {
    var isAndroid = win.navigator.appVersion.match(/android/gi)
    var isIPhone = win.navigator.appVersion.match(/iphone/gi)
    var devicePixelRatio = win.devicePixelRatio
    if (isIPhone) {
      // Under iOS, for screens 2 and 3, use the 2x solution, and the rest use the 1x solution
      if (devicePixelRatio >= 3 & amp; & amp; (!dpr || dpr >= 3)) {
      } else if (devicePixelRatio >= 2 & amp; & amp; (!dpr || dpr >= 2)) {
      } else {
    } else {
      // On other devices, still use the 1x solution

  docEl.setAttribute('data-dpr', dpr)
  if (!metaEl) {
    metaEl = doc.createElement('meta')
    metaEl.setAttribute('name', 'viewport')
    metaEl.setAttribute('content', 'initial-scale=' + scale + ', maximum-scale=' + scale + ', minimum-scale=' + scale + ', user-scalable=no')
    if (docEl.firstElementChild) {
    } else {
      var wrap = doc.createElement('div')

  function refreshRem() {
    var width = docEl.getBoundingClientRect().width
    if (width / dpr > 1920) {
      width = 1920 * dpr
    // Divide the screen width into 24 parts, one part is 80px (that is, 1rem === 80px)
    var rem = width / 24 = rem + 'px'
    flexible.rem = win.rem = rem

  win.addEventListener('resize', function() {
    tid = setTimeout(refreshRem, 200)
  }, false)
  win.addEventListener('pageshow', function(e) {
    if (e.persisted) {
      tid = setTimeout(refreshRem, 200)
  }, false)

  if (doc.readyState === 'complete') { = 12 * dpr + 'px'
  } else {
    doc.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function(e) { = 12 * dpr + 'px'
    }, false)


  flexible.dpr = win.dpr = dpr
  flexible.refreshRem = refreshRem
  flexible.rem2px = function(d) {
    var val = parseFloat(d) * this.rem
    if (typeof d === 'string' & amp; & amp; d.match(/rem$/)) {
      val + = 'px'
    return val
  flexible.px2rem = function(d) {
    var val = parseFloat(d) / this.rem
    if (typeof d === 'string' & amp; & amp; d.match(/px$/)) {
      val + = 'rem'
    return val
})(window, window['lib'] || (window['lib'] = {}))

2. Modify the source code

 function refreshRem() {
    var width = docEl.getBoundingClientRect().width
    if (width / dpr > 1920) {
      width = 1920 * dpr
    // Divide the screen width into 24 parts, one part is 80px (that is, 1rem === 80px)
    var rem = width / 24 = rem + 'px'
    flexible.rem = win.rem = rem

3. Download the vscode plug-in (calculate equal rem values based on px)

4. Modify the default value of the plug-in

5. Introducing hand shopping tools (2 types)

1. Global adaptation

Introduce it in main.js, or introduce it in index.html

import 'lib-flexible/flexible.js'
2. Adapt some pages

6. rem for development

Adaptation notes:

1. If you use node_modules dependencies, it may not be effective after modifying the source code of the glove tool and deploying it to the formal environment

Because the node_modules package is a file ignored by git, the solution is to find the file and copy it to the utils file

Remember to change the imported files

import '@/utils/flexible'
2. Use echarts in the project to adapt visual components

Provide a simple and crude method, in the page using echarts:

 mounted() {
    window.addEventListener('resize', () => {
      // location.reload() Both methods can re-render the echarts component

Or call the subcomponent (pie chart)

 mounted() {
    window.addEventListener('resize', (event) => {
 methods: {
    resizeEcharts() {
      setTimeout(() => {
      }, 300)

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