EasyExcel basic operation-export [row height, column width, merge, freeze, etc.] import

Tip: After the article is written, the table of contents can be automatically generated. For how to generate it, please refer to the help document on the right.

Article directory

  • Preface
  • 1. Dependence
  • 2. Export to Excel
    • 2.1. Basic export content
    • 2.2. Simple style
    • 2.3. Row height and column width
    • 2.4. Column merging
    • 2.5. Freeze window
  • 3. Import Excel table
    • 3.1. Import information


Official website document: https://easyexcel.opensource.alibaba.com/
This article does not give an overview of the advantages and disadvantages. The official website is very clear. This article directly starts the code and operates the java code to realize the export (style adjustment), import and other operations of the table

1. Dependence

Add maven dependency, the minimum version of poi dependency is 3.17


2. Export Excel

2.1. Basic export content

The code is as follows (example):

package com.easyexcel.easyexcel.service;

import com.alibaba.excel.EasyExcel;
import com.alibaba.excel.EasyExcelFactory;
import com.alibaba.excel.ExcelWriter;
import com.alibaba.excel.write.metadata.WriteSheet;
import com.alibaba.excel.write.metadata.WriteTable;
import com.easyexcel.easyexcel.util.CustomRowHeightStyleStrategy;
import com.easyexcel.easyexcel.util.EasyExcelUtils;
import com.easyexcel.easyexcel.util.LongestCellWidthHandlerProject;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;

public class importTemplate {<!-- -->
    public static void main(String[] args) {<!-- -->

        //Define the location where the computer needs to be saved
        String path = "E:\exercise\Excel\test.xlsx";
        //Construct header content============================================ ===========================================

        //Define simple data. The data here is only used in the table header.
        String[][] headCol = new String[][]{<!-- -->
                {<!-- -->"Header 1"},
                {<!-- -->"Top 2"},
                {<!-- -->"Top three"},
        //Define the data format required for the header
        List<List<String>> headList = new ArrayList<>();
        //Traverse the two-digit array, modify the format and add it
        Arrays.stream(headCol).forEach(item -> headList.add(Arrays.asList(item)));
        //Construct the following content of the table============================================ ===========================================

        //Similar to table header, define simple data
        String[][] contextCol = new String[][]{<!-- -->
                {<!-- -->"A-A", "B-A", "C-A"},
                {<!-- -->"A-B", "B-B", "C-B"},
                {<!-- -->"A-C", "B-C", "C-C"},
                {<!-- -->"A-ding", "B-ding", "C-ding"},
        List<List<Object>> dataList = new ArrayList<>();
        Arrays.stream(contextCol).forEach(item -> dataList.add(Arrays.asList(item)));

        //Build table main style============================================ ===========================================
        ExcelWriter writer = EasyExcelFactory.write(path)

//Define the sheet below the table
        WriteSheet sheet1 = new WriteSheet();
        sheet1.setSheetName("sheet name 1");

        WriteTable writeTable = EasyExcel.writerTable(0).head(headList)

        writer.write(dataList, sheet1, writeTable);

        System.out.println("Export successful...");

After the code is run, the code definition save location can be seen

Table style, the content is displayed, and the style is slowly adjusted later.

2.2, Simple style

In the above code, add a registerWriteHandler handler and create a new tool class

 WriteTable writeTable = EasyExcel.writerTable(0).head(headList)
                .registerWriteHandler(EasyExcelUtils.getStyleStrategy()) //Reference table style

Required styling tool classes

package com.easyexcel.easyexcel.util;

import com.alibaba.excel.write.metadata.style.WriteCellStyle;
import com.alibaba.excel.write.metadata.style.WriteFont;
import com.alibaba.excel.write.style.HorizontalCellStyleStrategy;
import org.apache.poi.ss.usermodel.*;

 * excel style
public class EasyExcelUtils {<!-- -->
    public static HorizontalCellStyleStrategy getStyleStrategy() {<!-- -->
        // Header strategy style adjustment
        WriteCellStyle headWriteCellStyle = new WriteCellStyle();
        //Header background
        // Automatic line wrapping
        //Set thin border
        // horizontal alignment
        //vertical alignment
//------------------------------------------------ ----------------------------------
        // Content strategy Song Dynasty
        WriteCellStyle contentStyle = new WriteCellStyle();
        //Set vertical centering
        // Set horizontal centering
        WriteFont contentWriteFont = new WriteFont();
        //Content font size
        contentWriteFont.setFontHeightInPoints((short) 12);
        // border
        // This strategy is that the header is the style of the header and the content is the style of the content. Other strategies can be implemented by yourself.
        return new HorizontalCellStyleStrategy(headWriteCellStyle, contentStyle);

2.3, row height, column width

 WriteTable writeTable = EasyExcel.writerTable(0).head(headList)
                .registerWriteHandler(new CustomRowHeightStyleStrategy(1))//Reference row height
                .registerWriteHandler(EasyExcelUtils.getStyleStrategy()) //Reference table style
                .registerWriteHandler(new LongestCellWidthHandlerProject())//Set column width

Row height:

package com.easyexcel.easyexcel.util;

import com.alibaba.excel.write.style.row.AbstractRowHeightStyleStrategy;
import org.apache.poi.ss.usermodel.Row;

 * row height
public class CustomRowHeightStyleStrategy extends AbstractRowHeightStyleStrategy {<!-- -->

     * Set the line number for special processing
    Integer rowNum;

    public CustomRowHeightStyleStrategy(Integer rowNum) {<!-- -->
        this.rowNum = rowNum;

     * Set the row height of the table header
    protected void setHeadColumnHeight(Row row, int relativeRowIndex) {<!-- -->
        if (relativeRowIndex + 1 == rowNum) {<!-- -->
            //Specify the height of the row
        }else {<!-- -->
            //Default header height


     * Set the row height of the content
    protected void setContentColumnHeight(Row row, int relativeRowIndex) {<!-- -->
        //Default body height


Column width:

package com.easyexcel.easyexcel.util;

import com.alibaba.excel.metadata.Head;
import com.alibaba.excel.write.style.column.AbstractHeadColumnWidthStyleStrategy;

 * Column width
public class LongestCellWidthHandlerProject extends AbstractHeadColumnWidthStyleStrategy {<!-- -->

* Set the column width of each column
    protected Integer columnWidth(Head head, Integer columnIndex) {<!-- -->
        switch (columnIndex) {<!-- -->
            case 0:
                return 6;
            case 1:
                return 20;
            case 2:
                return 20;
                return 13;


2.4. Column merging

 ExcelWriter writer = EasyExcelFactory.write(path).inMemory(Boolean.TRUE)
               .registerWriteHandler(new ExcelFillCellRowMergeStrategy(0, new int[]{<!-- -->0, 1, 2, 3}))//Merge columns 1, 2, and 3 downward, ↓
package com.easyexcel.easyexcel.util;

import com.alibaba.excel.metadata.Head;
import com.alibaba.excel.metadata.data.WriteCellData;
import com.alibaba.excel.write.handler.CellWriteHandler;
import com.alibaba.excel.write.metadata.holder.WriteSheetHolder;
import com.alibaba.excel.write.metadata.holder.WriteTableHolder;
import org.apache.poi.ss.usermodel.Cell;
import org.apache.poi.ss.usermodel.CellType;
import org.apache.poi.ss.usermodel.Row;
import org.apache.poi.ss.usermodel.Sheet;
import org.apache.poi.ss.util.CellRangeAddress;

import java.util.List;

 * Project Certification Template - Column Merge, ↓
public class ExcelFillCellRowMergeStrategy implements CellWriteHandler {<!-- -->

    //The array stores the columns that need to be merged in this row [0,1,2] Merge columns 0, 1, and 2 in this mergeRowIndex row
    private int[] mergeColumnIndex;

    // Store rows that need to be merged upwards
    private int mergeRowIndex;

    // Do not merge rows
    private Integer noMergeRowIndex;

    public ExcelFillCellRowMergeStrategy(int mergeRowIndex, int[] mergeColumnIndex) {<!-- -->
        this.mergeRowIndex = mergeRowIndex;
        this.mergeColumnIndex = mergeColumnIndex;

    public ExcelFillCellRowMergeStrategy(int mergeRowIndex, int[] mergeColumnIndex, Integer noMergeRowIndex) {<!-- -->
        this.mergeColumnIndex = mergeColumnIndex;
        this.mergeRowIndex = mergeRowIndex;
        this.noMergeRowIndex = noMergeRowIndex;

    public void beforeCellCreate(WriteSheetHolder writeSheetHolder, WriteTableHolder writeTableHolder, Row row, Head head, Integer columnIndex, Integer relativeRowIndex, Boolean isHead) {<!-- -->


    public void afterCellCreate(WriteSheetHolder writeSheetHolder, WriteTableHolder writeTableHolder, Cell cell, Head head, Integer relativeRowIndex, Boolean isHead) {<!-- -->


    public void afterCellDataConverted(WriteSheetHolder writeSheetHolder, WriteTableHolder writeTableHolder, WriteCellData<?> cellData, Cell cell, Head head, Integer relativeRowIndex, Boolean isHead) {<!-- -->


    public void afterCellDispose(WriteSheetHolder writeSheetHolder, WriteTableHolder writeTableHolder,
                                 List<WriteCellData<?>> cellDataList, Cell cell, Head head, Integer relativeRowIndex, Boolean isHead) {<!-- -->
        int curRowIndex = cell.getRowIndex();
        int curColIndex = cell.getColumnIndex();
        if (curRowIndex > mergeRowIndex) {<!-- -->
            for (int i = 0; i < mergeColumnIndex.length; i + + ) {<!-- -->
                if (curColIndex == mergeColumnIndex[i]) {<!-- -->
                    mergeWithPrevRow(writeSheetHolder, cell, curRowIndex, curColIndex);

     * Merge current cells upward
     * .
     * @param writeSheetHolder writeSheetHolder
     * @param cell current cell
     * @param curRowIndex current row
     * @param curColIndex current column
    private void mergeWithPrevRow(WriteSheetHolder writeSheetHolder, Cell cell, int curRowIndex, int curColIndex) {<!-- -->
        Object curData = cell.getCellType() == CellType.STRING ? cell.getStringCellValue() : cell.getNumericCellValue();
        Row preRow = cell.getSheet().getRow(curRowIndex - 1);
        if (preRow == null) {<!-- -->
            // When the previous row of data cannot be obtained, use the data in the cache sheet
            preRow = writeSheetHolder.getCachedSheet().getRow(curRowIndex - 1);
        Cell preCell = preRow.getCell(curColIndex);
        Object preData = preCell.getCellType() == CellType.STRING ? preCell.getStringCellValue() : preCell.getNumericCellValue();
        //Columns that do not need to be merged jump out directly
        if ((noMergeRowIndex != null) & amp; & amp; noMergeRowIndex == (curRowIndex - 1)) {<!-- -->
        // Compare the current cell data with the previous cell data
        boolean dataBool = preData.equals(curData);

        //Note here: So get the first column data of each row and compare it with the first column data of the previous row. If they are equal, merge them
        boolean equals = cell.getRow().getCell(0).getStringCellValue().equals(cell.getSheet().getRow(curRowIndex - 1).getCell(0).getStringCellValue());
        if (dataBool & amp; & amp; equals) {<!-- -->
            Sheet sheet = writeSheetHolder.getSheet();
            List<CellRangeAddress> mergeRegions = sheet.getMergedRegions();
            boolean isMerged = false;
            for (int i = 0; i < mergeRegions.size() & amp; & amp; !isMerged; i + + ) {<!-- -->
                CellRangeAddress cellRangeAddr = mergeRegions.get(i);
                // If the previous cell has been merged, remove the original merged unit first, and then add the merged unit again.
                if (cellRangeAddr.isInRange(curRowIndex - 1, curColIndex)) {<!-- -->
                    isMerged = true;
            // If the previous cell has not been merged, add a new merged cell
            if (!isMerged) {<!-- -->
                CellRangeAddress cellRangeAddress = new CellRangeAddress(curRowIndex - 1, curRowIndex, curColIndex, curColIndex);

2.5, Freeze window

 ExcelWriter writer = EasyExcelFactory.write(path).inMemory(Boolean.TRUE)
                .registerWriteHandler(new FreezeAndFilter())//Freeze window
package com.easyexcel.easyexcel.util;

import com.alibaba.excel.write.handler.SheetWriteHandler;
import com.alibaba.excel.write.metadata.holder.WriteSheetHolder;
import com.alibaba.excel.write.metadata.holder.WriteWorkbookHolder;
import org.apache.poi.ss.usermodel.Sheet;

 * Project Certification Template-Freeze Window
public class FreezeAndFilter implements SheetWriteHandler {<!-- -->

     * Horizontal split position
    private int colSplit = 0;

     * The vertical position of the split
    private int rowSplit = 6;

     * The left column visible in the right pane
    private int leftmostColumn = 0;

     * Top row visible in bottom pane
    private int topRow = 6;

     * Set filter range
     * (Parameters A2:D2 represent the position from the second row, column A to the second row, column J to be used as the filter box)
    public String autoFilterRange = "A2:D2";

    public void beforeSheetCreate(WriteWorkbookHolder writeWorkbookHolder, WriteSheetHolder writeSheetHolder) {<!-- -->


    public void afterSheetCreate(WriteWorkbookHolder writeWorkbookHolder, WriteSheetHolder writeSheetHolder) {<!-- -->
        Sheet sheet = writeSheetHolder.getSheet();
        //Set freeze
        sheet.createFreezePane(colSplit, rowSplit, leftmostColumn, topRow);

3. Import Excel table

3.1. Import information


package com.easyexcel.easyexcel.controller;

import com.easyexcel.easyexcel.service.ImportDataService;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.PostMapping;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RestController;
import org.springframework.web.multipart.MultipartFile;

public class ImportDataController {<!-- -->

    private ImportDataService importDataService;

    public String importData(MultipartFile file) throws Exception {<!-- -->
        String s = importDataService.importData(file);
        return "success~~~";



package com.easyexcel.easyexcel.service;

import org.springframework.web.multipart.MultipartFile;

public interface ImportDataService {<!-- -->

    String importData(MultipartFile file) throws Exception;



package com.easyexcel.easyexcel.service.impl;

import com.easyexcel.easyexcel.service.ImportDataService;
import com.easyexcel.easyexcel.util.EasyExcelUtil;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Service;
import org.springframework.web.multipart.MultipartFile;

import java.util.List;

public class ImportDataServiceImpl implements ImportDataService {<!-- -->

    public String importData(MultipartFile file) throws Exception {<!-- -->

        //Get the data in the table
        List<Object> data = EasyExcelUtil.readExcel(file.getInputStream());
        System.out.println("The data obtained is " + data);
        return null;


package com.easyexcel.easyexcel.util;

import com.alibaba.excel.EasyExcel;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Service;

import java.io.InputStream;
import java.util.List;

public class EasyExcelUtil {<!-- -->
    public static List<Object> readExcel(InputStream fileInputStream) {<!-- -->

        ExcelListener excelListener = new ExcelListener();
        EasyExcel.read(fileInputStream, null, excelListener).sheet().doRead();
        return excelListener.getDataList();


package com.easyexcel.easyexcel.util;

import com.alibaba.excel.context.AnalysisContext;
import com.alibaba.excel.event.AnalysisEventListener;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

public class ExcelListener extends AnalysisEventListener<Object> {<!-- -->

    private List<Object> dataList = new ArrayList<>();

    public void invoke(Object data, AnalysisContext context) {<!-- -->

    public void doAfterAllAnalysed(AnalysisContext context) {<!-- -->


    public List<Object> getDataList() {<!-- -->
        return dataList;

I don’t understand the comments. The levels are very clear. Just follow them and it’s OK.