Use cloudflare to build GitHub acceleration station

Based on the open source project gh-proxy address:

cloudflare address:

First visit cloudflare to register an account of your own

Then click works


After this interface pops up, you need to enter the name of your own workers in the input box.

Please note! Be sure to remember it easily, don’t type it in randomly, this will appear in your URL! !
After entering, click set up.

Then choose the subscription model, it’s free!

The free version has 100,000 visits per day, which should be more than enough!

If this is your first time using cloudflare, there will be email verification. Just go to your email to verify it.

Refresh after verification and click Create


Then fill in the picture and click Create


Then click Quick Edit


'use strict'
 * static files (404.html, sw.js, conf.js)
const ASSET_URL = ''
// Prefix, if the custom route is*, change PREFIX to '/gh/'. Note that missing a dash will cause an error!
const PREFIX = '/'
// Switch for git to use the cnpmjs image and branch files to use the jsDelivr image. 0 means off and is enabled by default.
const Config = {<!-- -->
    jsdelivr: 1,
    cnpmjs: 1
/** @type {RequestInit} */
const PREFLIGHT_INIT = {<!-- -->
    status: 204,
    headers: new Headers({<!-- -->
        'access-control-allow-origin': '*',
        'access-control-allow-methods': 'GET,POST,PUT,PATCH,TRACE,DELETE,HEAD,OPTIONS',
        'access-control-max-age': '1728000',
const exp1 = /^(?:https?:\/\/)?github\.com\/. + ?\/. + ?\/(?:releases|archive)\/. *$/i
const exp2 = /^(?:https?:\/\/)?github\.com\/. + ?\/. + ?\/(?:blob|raw)\/. *$/i
const exp3 = /^(?:https?:\/\/)?github\.com\/. + ?\/. + ?\/(?:info|git-).*$ /i
const exp4 = /^(?:https?:\/\/)?raw\.(?:githubusercontent|github)\.com\/. + ?\/. + ?\/. + ?\/. + $/i
const exp5 = /^(?:https?:\/\/)?gist\.(?:githubusercontent|github)\.com\/. + ?\/. + ?\/. + $/i
const exp6 = /^(?:https?:\/\/)?github\.com\/. + ?\/. + ?\/tags.*$/i
 * @param {any} body
 * @param {number} status
 * @param {Object<string, string>} headers
function makeRes(body, status = 200, headers = {<!-- -->}) {<!-- -->
    headers['access-control-allow-origin'] = '*'
    return new Response(body, {<!-- -->status, headers})
 * @param {string} urlStr
function newUrl(urlStr) {<!-- -->
    try {<!-- -->
        return new URL(urlStr)
    } catch (err) {<!-- -->
        return null
addEventListener('fetch', e => {<!-- -->
    const ret = fetchHandler(e)
        .catch(err => makeRes('cfworker error:\\
' + err.stack, 502))
function checkUrl(u) {<!-- -->
    for (let i of [exp1, exp2, exp3, exp4, exp5, exp6 ]) {<!-- -->
        if ( === 0) {<!-- -->
            return true
    return false
 * @param {FetchEvent} e
async function fetchHandler(e) {<!-- -->
    const req = e.request
    const urlStr = req.url
    const urlObj = new URL(urlStr)
    let path = urlObj.searchParams.get('q')
    if (path) {<!-- -->
        return Response.redirect('https://' + + PREFIX + path, 301)
    // cfworker will merge `//` in the path into `/`
    path = urlObj.href.substr(urlObj.origin.length + PREFIX.length).replace(/^https?:\/ + /, 'https://')
    if ( === 0 || === 0 || === 0 || !Config.cnpmjs & amp; & amp; (path .search(exp3) === 0 || === 0)) {<!-- -->
        return httpHandler(req, path)
    } else if ( === 0) {<!-- -->
        if (Config.jsdelivr) {<!-- -->
            const newUrl = path.replace('/blob/', '@').replace(/^(?:https?:\/\/)?github\.com/, 'https ://')
            return Response.redirect(newUrl, 302)
        } else {<!-- -->
            path = path.replace('/blob/', '/raw/')
            return httpHandler(req, path)
    } else if ( === 0) {<!-- -->
        const newUrl = path.replace(/^(?:https?:\/\/)?github\.com/, '')
        return Response.redirect(newUrl, 302)
    } else if ( === 0) {<!-- -->
        const newUrl = path.replace(/(?<=com\/. + ?\/. + ?)\/(. + ?\/)/, '@$1').replace(/ ^(?:https?:\/\/)?raw\.(?:githubusercontent|github)\.com/, '')
        return Response.redirect(newUrl, 302)
    } else {<!-- -->
        return fetch(ASSET_URL + path)
 * @param {Request} req
 * @param {string} pathname
function httpHandler(req, pathname) {<!-- -->
    const reqHdrRaw = req.headers
    // preflight
    if (req.method === 'OPTIONS' & amp; & amp;
    ) {<!-- -->
        return new Response(null, PREFLIGHT_INIT)
    const reqHdrNew = new Headers(reqHdrRaw)
    let urlStr = pathname
    if (urlStr.startsWith('github')) {<!-- -->
        urlStr = 'https://' + urlStr
    const urlObj = newUrl(urlStr)
    /** @type {RequestInit} */
    const reqInit = {<!-- -->
        method: req.method,
        headers: reqHdrNew,
        redirect: 'manual',
        body: req.body
    return proxy(urlObj, reqInit)
 * @param {URL} urlObj
 * @param {RequestInit} reqInit
async function proxy(urlObj, reqInit) {<!-- -->
    const res = await fetch(urlObj.href, reqInit)
    const resHdrOld = res.headers
    const resHdrNew = new Headers(resHdrOld)
    const status = res.status
    if (resHdrNew.has('location')) {<!-- -->
        let _location = resHdrNew.get('location')
        if (checkUrl(_location))
            resHdrNew.set('location', PREFIX + _location)
        else {<!-- -->
            reqInit.redirect = 'follow'
            return proxy(newUrl(_location), reqInit)
    resHdrNew.set('access-control-expose-headers', '*')
    resHdrNew.set('access-control-allow-origin', '*')
    return new Response(res.body, {<!-- -->
        headers: resHdrNew,

Replace all the original codes, click Save below, wait until the save is successful, and then click Send


It is successful if it is displayed as follows