easyExcel exports complex table headers with customized styles

The effect is as follows

Specific code:

Dynamic header data
     * Export rent property header
     * @return
 public List<List<String>> buildHead() {<!-- -->
        R<List<RentalProperty>> rentalPropertyR = smartPropertyClient.getRentalPropertyListByTenantId(AuthUtil.getTenantId());
        List<String> feeProjectNameList = new ArrayList<>();
        if (rentalPropertyR.isSuccess() & amp; & amp; rentalPropertyR.getData().size() > 0) {<!-- -->
            for (RentalProperty rentalProperty : rentalPropertyR.getData()) {<!-- -->
        List<List<String>> head = new ArrayList<>();
        String headFirst = "Historical bill import template\
 (statistical starting time: May 2018, ending time: the month before the month of filling in the form)";
        String headSecond = "Instructions for filling in the form:\
" +
                "1. Items marked with * are required, and the contracts under each company are stored in a separate file\
" +
                "2. This data is an example, payment cycle: monthly\
" +
                "3. Each start time and end time are the billing dates of the contract payment cycle: if quarterly, the start time is 2023/1/5 and the end time is the last month, and so on.\
" +
                "4. Supports batch import, just fill in the bill content of all contracts directly in the form\
" +
                "5. Please make sure that the contract number and bill content are filled in correctly";
        head.add(Lists.newArrayList(headFirst, headFirst, headSecond, "*Contract Number", "*Contract Number"));
        head.add(Lists.newArrayList(headFirst, headFirst, headSecond, "belonging to the property", "belonging to the property"));
        head.add(Lists.newArrayList(headFirst, headFirst, headSecond, "House Description", "House Description"));
        head.add(Lists.newArrayList(headFirst, headFirst, headSecond, "*starting time", "*starting time"));
        head.add(Lists.newArrayList(headFirst, headFirst, headSecond, "*Termination time", "*Termination time"));
                .forEach(temp -> head.add(Lists.newArrayList(headFirst, headFirst, headSecond, "*Items Receivable", temp)));
        head.add(Lists.newArrayList(headFirst, headFirst, headSecond, "*actual receipt items", "transfer actual receipts (yuan)"));
        head.add(Lists.newArrayList(headFirst, headFirst, headSecond, "*Uncollected rent (yuan)", "*Uncollected rent (yuan)"));
        return head;

Download method
     * Export execl
     * @param response output stream
     * @param fileName file name
     * @param headList header
     * @param data data
     * @throwsIOException
 public static void download2(HttpServletResponse response, String fileName, List<List<String>> headList,
                                 List data) throws IOException {<!-- -->
        String excelName = StringUtil.isNotBlank(fileName) ? fileName : "" + DateUtil.format(new java.util.Date(), "yyyy-MM");
        response.addHeader("Access-Control-Expose-Headers", "Content-Disposition");
        excelName = URLEncoder.encode(excelName, "UTF-8").replaceAll("\ + ", " ");
        response.setHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment;filename*=utf-8''" + excelName + ".xlsx");
        //The main title and subtitle are 0-4 in excel, a total of five lines
        List<Integer> columnIndexes = IntStream.range(0, 4).boxed().collect(Collectors.toList());

        //Custom title and content strategy (specifically defined below)
        CellStyleStrategy cellStyleStrategy = new CellStyleStrategy(columnIndexes, new WriteCellStyle(), new WriteCellStyle());
                .inMemory(true) // Rich text
                .registerWriteHandler(new WriteHandlerStrategy())
                .registerWriteHandler(new CellRowHeightStyleStrategy())

    public static HorizontalCellStyleStrategy getData2Style() {<!-- -->
        //Create a style for setting content cells with borders
        WriteCellStyle borderedCellStyle = new WriteCellStyle();
        return new HorizontalCellStyleStrategy(borderedCellStyle, borderedCellStyle);
The most important method
 * Description: - Set the style of the table header and fill content
 * @author Lin Li
 * @date 2023/10/13 16:17
public class CellStyleStrategy extends HorizontalCellStyleStrategy {<!-- -->

    private final WriteCellStyle headWriteCellStyle;
    private final WriteCellStyle contentWriteCellStyle;

    private final List<Integer> columnIndexes;

    public CellStyleStrategy(List<Integer> columnIndexes, WriteCellStyle headWriteCellStyle, WriteCellStyle contentWriteCellStyle) {<!-- -->
        this.columnIndexes = columnIndexes;
        this.headWriteCellStyle = headWriteCellStyle;
        this.contentWriteCellStyle = contentWriteCellStyle;

    protected void setHeadCellStyle(CellWriteHandlerContext context) {<!-- -->
        WriteFont headWriteFont = new WriteFont();
        headWriteFont.setFontHeightInPoints((short) 11);

        //Set header style
        //Set the header font to bold

        //Apply different styles to headers at different levels based on row index
        if (context.getRowIndex() == 1 || (context.getRowIndex() >= 3 & amp; & amp; context.getRowIndex() <= 4)) {<!-- -->
            //Level 1, 3, and 4 header styles (center-aligned)
            headWriteCellStyle.setHorizontalAlignment(HorizontalAlignment.CENTER); // Center alignment

        } else if (context.getRowIndex() == 2) {<!-- -->
            // Secondary header style (left aligned)
            headWriteCellStyle.setHorizontalAlignment(HorizontalAlignment.LEFT); // Left aligned

        if (stopProcessing(context)) {<!-- -->

        WriteCellData<?> cellData = context.getFirstCellData();
        WriteCellStyle.merge(headWriteCellStyle, cellData.getOrCreateStyle());

Set the * number to red
 * Description:
 * @author Lin Li
 * @date 2023/10/16 16:14
public class WriteHandlerStrategy implements CellWriteHandler {<!-- -->

    public void beforeCellCreate(final WriteSheetHolder writeSheetHolder, final WriteTableHolder writeTableHolder,
                                 final Row row, final Head head, final Integer columnIndex,
                                 final Integer relativeRowIndex, final Boolean isHead) {<!-- -->


    public void afterCellCreate(final WriteSheetHolder writeSheetHolder, final WriteTableHolder writeTableHolder,
                                final Cell cell, final Head head, final Integer relativeRowIndex, final Boolean isHead) {<!-- -->


    public void afterCellDispose(final WriteSheetHolder writeSheetHolder, final WriteTableHolder writeTableHolder,
                                 final List<WriteCellData<?>> list, final Cell cell, final Head head, final Integer integer,
                                 final Boolean aBoolean) {<!-- -->
        if (cell.getStringCellValue().contains("*")) {<!-- -->
            Sheet sheet = writeSheetHolder.getSheet();
            Workbook workbook = sheet.getWorkbook();
            //xlsx format, if it is an old version format, use HSSFRichTextString
            XSSFRichTextString richString = new XSSFRichTextString(cell.getStringCellValue());
            Font font = workbook.createFont();
            // From where to where, you can set it to whatever font you want startIndex, endIndex
            richString.applyFont(0, 1, font);
            // Set it back to each cell



Set row height
public class CellRowHeightStyleStrategy extends AbstractRowHeightStyleStrategy {<!-- -->

    protected void setContentColumnHeight(Row row, int relativeRowIndex) {<!-- -->


    protected void setHeadColumnHeight(Row row, int relativeRowIndex) {<!-- -->
        //Set the main title row height to 17.7
        if (relativeRowIndex == 2) {<!-- -->
            //If excel needs to display a row height of 15, then set it here to 15*20=300
            row.setHeight((short) (3200));