The Eleventh Lesson of MySQL Database———SQl Statement Uplift——-Level Improvement

Foreword by the author

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Table of Contents

SQL Improvement

Date functions






case when


grouping sets

Sort function

Window function


Built-in functions

Date functions


select now();

Get the current time (get to seconds)


select year(now());

Get the current year, pay attention to the () in the year () to fill in now ()


select month(now());

Get the current month


select day(now());

get the current date


select first_name, length(first_name) from new_employees limit 0,10;

View character length


select round(1.22, 3)

Note that the reserved decimals here will not be automatically completed, and will be rounded


string flip

select first_name, reverse(first_name) from new_employees limit 0,10;


Intercept string

-- intercept string
-- The starting position of start, if not, it will start from the first position by default, the length intercepted by length
SUBSTRING(column, start, length)

column: field

start: which one to start from

length: the length of the interception

select first_name, substring(first_name,1,5) from new_employees limit 0,10;


Empty judgment

will turn null (empty) into an alias

select ifnull(`daa`, '111') from aaa;;




All three have the same effect

case when (when…)

This function is a bit special. Take python’s if…elif….else (or C language if…..else if…..else), we only need to write the conditions and code The block is fine, but the way this function is written is like this

case when condition
    then 'run content 1'
when condition
    then 'run content 2'
else "run content"

end as alias

In fact, the sql statement has no format. It is written in this way to make everyone look good. when is equivalent to else if()


Different types of data in the previous database could not be added and subtracted, but some of the current databases can, mysql is one of them

It is no longer supported and cannot be demonstrated here

-- cast(column as data_type)
-- change field type
select cast(column as int(10)) from table
select cast(column as char(10)) from table

grouping sets

We have learned a group before, group by, this method divides all qualified ones into a group, only shows the group, does not show the individual, simply understood as grouping plus aggregation

As shown in the figure, while grouping sets

This is also unavailable in mysql, but we can make such an effect

,count(id) cnt
from table
grouping sets(
(depart) -- department dimension
,(gender) -- gender dimension
,(depart, gender) -- the dimension of department and gender
,() -- no grouping, all people

But we can analyze using this method compared to grouping three times and then using union distinct to connect

The first time is to group depart

The second time is grouping gender

The third grouping depart, gender


coalesce(gender, 'people and 1')
, null `age`
, count(0)
from new_employees
group by `gender`
with rollup
union distinct
null `gender`
, coalesce(age, 'renhe 2')
, count(0)
from new_employees
group by `age`
with rollup
union distinct
, `age`
, count(0)
from new_employees
group by `gender`, `age`
with rollup;


Sorting function

We have learned an order by in the front

And what this sorting function does is to give a number so that we can find it easily

Divided into three categories

row_number() over() as alias ==== “from small to large, in turn down

rank() over() as alias ====== “From small to large, the same data ranks the same, but the ranking of different data remains the same

dense_rank() over() as alias ===== “From small to large, the same data ranks the same, and the ranking starts from 1 without faults

-- row_number() Sort according to the selected field, if there is the same data, the order will be randomly sorted
-- Sort by age from oldest to youngest
row_number() over (order by age desc) rk
from table
-- rank() Sort according to the selection field, if there is the same data, the rankings will be tied, but the number of rankings still occupies
-- Sort by age from youngest to oldest
rank() over (order by age) rk
from table
-- dense_rank() Sort according to the selection field, if there is the same data, the ranking will be tied, but the number of rankings will not be occupied
-- Sort by age from youngest to oldest
dense_rank() over (order by age) rk
from table

Window function

-- function([column]) OVER(partition by column [order by column])
-- function is usually an aggregate function, and it can also be a sorted function
-- Sort heights by gender and age group
row_number() over(partition by gender, age order by high) rk
from table
-- Group by gender and age to find the number of people
count(id) over(partition by gender, age) cnt
from table
where id is not null

Remember that there must be a function function, which can be avg() sum(), etc.

partition by isWe can understand it as the front body of group by, only grouping without aggregation, because group by has the effect of aggregation, and the window function lacks the effect of aggregation. Simply put, grouping male and female gender will show Who is male and related information

row_number() over () as alias

, age
, dept_no
,row_number() over(partition by dept_no,gender order by age desc) as kkk
from (
, a.gender
, b.dept_no
from new_employees as a join dept_emp as b on a.emp_no =b.emp_no
) as c
limit 30;

count(0) over() as alias

, age
, dept_no
,count(1) over(partition by dept_no,gender) as kkk
from (
, a.gender
, b.dept_no
from new_employees as a join dept_emp as b on a.emp_no =b.emp_no limit 30
) as c;

It can be seen that kkk has duplicate data, so let’s take the first piece of data and say that this piece of data belongs to these 19 data. If you replace the count function with avg (age), you can clarify who is above the average and who is not.


The sql statement will be introduced here first, if you don’t understand the cuteness, you can chat privately