Front-end public Js function library usage guide

Article directory

    • @[toc]
    • Front-end public Js function library usage guide
    • Start
        • 1. Access common.js
        • 2. Constructor exposure method reference
        • 3. Initialization constructor
    • Utility function
    • network request
        • 1. Request network request
        • 2. setAuthData sets the interface call credentials
    • WeChat JSSDK
        • 1. wechatConfig WeChat Jssdk authentication method
        • 2. shareConfig configures WeChat sharing
        • 3. getSites Get user location information
    • Page interaction
            • showToast prompt box
            • alert dialog box
            • confirm confirmation box
            • loading loading box
            • hideLoading closes the loading box

Front-end public Js function library usage guide

This plug-in is based on the traditional project development method, integrates commonly used functions in the project development process, and encapsulates a unified ajax network request function for WeChat official jssdk also performs secondary encapsulation, and also provides commonly used page interaction components (no need to write html structure, automatically built by js). This plug-in is suitable for projects developed with traditional html + css + js. Using this plug-in can effectively improve development efficiency.

Getting started

1. Access common.js

Import directly with script tag

2. Constructor exposure method reference

The plug-in will automatically expose the constructor for use based on the current User Module Environment.

 // commonjs module specification
  if (typeof module === "object" & amp; & amp; typeof module.exports === "object") {<!-- -->

    // commonjs module specification
    module.exports = commonFunction();
  } else if (typeof define === "function" & amp; & amp; define.amd) {<!-- -->

    // AMD module specifications
    define(function (require, exports, module) {<!-- -->
      module.exports = commonFunction();
  } else if (typeof define === "function" & amp; & amp; define.cmd) {<!-- -->

    //CMD module specification
    define(function (require, exports, module) {<!-- -->
      module.exports = commonFunction();
  } else {<!-- -->

    //Module-less environment exposes commonFunction to the world
    root.common = commonFunction();
3. Initialization constructor

Constructor parameter description:

Parameter name Purpose Default value
baseUrl Interface request base path Empty string
env Application environment dev development environment prd production environment (vconsole debugging will be turned on in the development environment) dev
requestLoading Whether to display loading when sending a network request true


 const commom = new commonFunction({<!-- -->

Utility functions

method list

Function name Purpose Parameters Return value
getEnvironment Get the current application environment None Return the current application environmentwxapp:WeChat applet wxh5: WeChat h5 browser: Ordinary browser app: Mobile app application
countDown Calculate countdown date: Pass in the timestamp or date string of the countdown end time object countdown information
format Convert timestamp to date string timeStamp: time Stamp Date string such as: 2023-09-20 00:00:00
randomInt Calculate a random integer in a specified range min: minimum value max: maximum value Random integer
randomFloat Specify the range to calculate a random floating point number min: minimum value max: Maximum value Random floating point number
shuffle Disrupt the order of the array array: original array shuffled array
groupBy according to the object properties in the array Classify arr: array object attr: attribute value for classification Classified data
parseQueryString Get the url parameters and combine them into objects to return url: The url address where the parameters need to be obtained Page parameter object
getFromData Get and convert the data in the form into an object at one time id:from the id of the form object:from the data in the form
getQueryVariable Query the specified url parameters variable: parameter name Specified parameter value
checkUrl Determine the network protocol of the current page isReplace: whether to automatically jump to https when the current page is http boolean: Whether it is https protocol

Network request

Method list:

Function name Purpose
request (Promise) Network request
setAuthData Set request header
1. Request network request

This function is a secondary encapsulation based on the Jquery Ajax method. It is used to send requests and interact with the back-end server.


 //Initialization constructor
  const common = new commonFunction()
  //send request
  common.request({<!-- -->
    url:"", //Interface address
    type:"", //Request method
    contentType: "",
    headers:{<!-- -->},
    beforRequest:()=>{<!-- -->},
    data:"" //Request parameters
  }).then(res=>{<!-- -->
    //Request successful
  }).catch(err=>{<!-- -->
    //Request failed

Parameter Description:

Parameter name Description Default value
url (string) Backend interface address None
type (string) Request method GET
data (object) Request parameters None
contentType ( string) Data type JSON
headers (object) Request header None
hsXhrFields (boolean) Whether to carry cross-domain credentials true
beforRequest (function) Function executed before request is sent Function

(If the baseUrl parameter is specified when initializing the common instance object and the url parameter address does not end with http or https< /mark> will concatenate baseUrl and Url)

2. setAuthData sets the interface call credentials

During project development, you may encounter interface requests that require calling credentials (token) in the request header. The setAuthData method is to deal with this situation. By calling this method, you can go to the global interface. Add the desired fields to the request header and call it once for a single page.


 const common = new commonFunction()
  //Add interface call credentials to the global request header
  common.setAuthData('base Token','value****************')

parameter list:

Parameter name Description Default value
key (string) The key of the interface calling certificate None
value (string) Value of interface call credentials None


The plug-in re-encapsulates WeChat weixin-js-sdk, aiming to improve WeChat development efficiency.

Method list:

Function name Purpose
wechatConfig (Promise) WeChat jssdk authentication
shareConfig (Promise) Configure WeChat sharing
getSites (Promise) Get user location information
1. wechatConfig WeChat Jssdk authentication method

This method is used for jssdk authentication operations. To call WeChat-related APIs such as WeChat sharing, obtaining location information, etc., the authentication method needs to be called first and the authentication can only be called after passing the authentication.


const common = new commonFunction()
common.wechatConfig({<!-- -->
  debug: true, // Turn on debugging mode. The return values of all api calls will be alerted on the client side. If you want to view the incoming parameters, you can open it on the PC side. The parameter information will be printed out through the log, only on the PC side. will print.
  appId: '', // Required, the unique identifier of the official account
  timestamp: , // Required, timestamp for generating signature
  nonceStr: '', // Required, generate a random string for signature
  signature: '',// required, signature
  jsApiList: [] // Required, list of JS interfaces that need to be used
}).then(res=>{<!-- -->
  //Authentication successful
}).catch(err=>{<!-- -->
  //Authentication failed

parameter list:

Parameter name Description Default value
configData (object) WeChat authentication parameters None
2. shareConfig configures WeChat sharing

Call this method to configure the title, thumbnail, description and other information of the shared message card in the WeChat application. (You need to call the WeChat authentication method first and the configuration can be successful after the authentication is passed)


const common = new commonFunction()

const isPass = await common.wechatConfig(configData)

//Determine whether the authentication is passed
if(!isPass) return;

common.shareConfig({<!-- -->
    title: window.title, //Share title
    link: location.href, //share address
    desc: "", //Share description
    imgUrl: "", //Share thumbnail
    success(res) {<!-- -->}, //Share success callback function
    cancel(can) {<!-- -->}, //Cancel sharing callback function
    fail(fail) {<!-- -->}, //Sharing failure callback function

parameter list:

Parameter name Description Default value
options (object) WeChat sharing configuration information {title: window.title,link: location.href,desc: "",imgUrl: "",success(res) {},cancel(can) {},fail(fail) {},}
3. getSites obtains user location information

Return the current user location information (You need to call the WeChat authentication method first and the configuration can be successful after the authentication is passed)

 const common = new commonFunction()

  const isPass = await common.wechatConfig(configData)

  //Determine whether the authentication is passed
  if(!isPass) return;

  common.getSites('wgs84').then(res=>{<!-- -->
   // Get success
  }).catch(err=>{<!-- -->
   // Failed to obtain

  //The default is the gps coordinates of wgs84. If you want to return the Mars coordinates directly for openLocation, you can pass in 'gcj02'

parameter list:

Parameter name Description Default value
type (String) Defaults to wgs84 gps coordinates, if you want to return the Mars coordinates used directly to openLocation, you can pass in gcj02 wgs84

Page interaction

method list

Function name Purpose Parameters
showToast Show prompt text text: prompt copy times: duration
alert Pop-up dialog box option: configuration parameters callback: callback function after clicking the pop-up button
confirm Pop up confirmation dialog box option: configuration parameters confirm: click Confirm callback function cancel: Click to cancel callback function
loading Display loading loading layer title: Loading title
hideLoading Close the loading pop-up window callback: callback function after closing
close Close pop-up box type: pop-up window type (Legal values: alert, confirm, toast, loading)

Call example:

showToast prompt box
common.showToast("Loading", 1000, () => {<!-- -->
  //Prompt box close callback
  console.log("toast close");
alert dialog box
common.alert({<!-- -->
  content:'Confirmation box'
},()=>{<!-- -->
  //Callback function after clicking confirmation, the pop-up window will be closed by default
  console.log('close alert')
confirm confirmation box
  {<!-- -->
    title: "Tips",
    content: "Do you confirm *****",
    hsCancel: true, // Whether to display the cancel button
    cancelText: "Forget it", //Cancel button copy
    hsConfirm: true, //Whether to display the confirmation button
    confirm: "confirm",
  () => {<!-- -->
    //Click to confirm
    console.log("confirm click");
  () => {<!-- -->
    //Click to cancel
    console.log("cancel click");
loading loading box
hideLoading closes the loading box

Created Date: 2023.09.28

Developer: Weesion.Zhang(张文璇)

Email: [email protected]

Version: 3.0