Implement a todoList that can directly manipulate data (move up, move down, top, bottom)


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HTML part

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>Table example</title>
    <table border="1">
                <th>Update time</th>
        <tbody id="tableBody">
            <!-- Here are dummy data rows, you can add more as needed -->
                <td>2023-10-13 10:00 ---- PM</td>
                    <button onclick="moveUp(this)">Move Up</button>
                    <button onclick="moveDown(this)">Move down</button>
                    <button onclick="moveToTop(this)">Pick to top</button>
                    <button onclick="moveToBottom(this)">Move to bottom</button>
                    <button onclick="removeRow(this)">Delete</button>
                <td>2023-10-13 02:30 ---- AM</td>
                    <button onclick="moveUp(this)">Move Up</button>
                    <button onclick="moveDown(this)">Move down</button>
                    <button onclick="moveToTop(this)">Pick to top</button>
                    <button onclick="moveToBottom(this)">Move to bottom</button>
                    <button onclick="removeRow(this)">Delete</button>

    <button onclick="addRow()">Add data row</button>

        var dataList = [
            {<!-- --> time: "2023-10-13 10:00 PM", operation: "Sample operation 1" },
            {<!-- --> time: "2023-10-13 02:30 AM", operation: "Example operation 2" },
            //Add more data rows

        //Initialize form
        function initializeTable() {<!-- -->
            var tableBody = document.getElementById("tableBody");
            tableBody.innerHTML = ""; // Clear table content

            dataList.forEach(function (data) {<!-- -->
                var newRow = document.createElement("tr");
                newRow.innerHTML = `
                    <td>${<!-- -->data.time}</td>
                        <button onclick="moveUp(this)">Move Up</button>
                        <button onclick="moveDown(this)">Move down</button>
                        <button onclick="moveToTop(this)">Pick to top</button>
                        <button onclick="moveToBottom(this)">Move to bottom</button>
                        <button onclick="removeRow(this)">Delete</button>
        // console.log(" ~ file: tabel.html:47 ~ dataList:", dataList)

        // add row
        function addRow() {<!-- -->
            var newTime = getCurrentTime() + ' ---- ' + Math.round(Math.random() * 100 + 1);
            dataList.push({<!-- --> time: newTime, operation: "new operation" });
            initializeTable(); // Re-render the table


        //remove row
        function removeRow(button) {<!-- -->
            // var row = button.closest("tr"); // Get the row containing the button // Find the ancestor element closest to the specified selector in the DOM tree
            var row = button.parentNode.parentNode; // twice parentNode gets the <td> element and <tr> element of the button respectively
            var rowIndex = row.rowIndex - 1; // Decrease 1 to account for header rows
            console.log(" ~ file: tabel.html:83 ~ removeRow ~ row:", row)
            if (rowIndex >0) {<!-- -->
                dataList.splice(rowIndex, 1); // Remove the corresponding data from the data list
                console.log(" ~ file: tabel.html:85 ~ removeRow ~ dataList:", dataList)
                initializeTable(); // Re-render the table
            }else{<!-- -->
                alert('Okay, delete it and it will be gone')
        function getCurrentTime() {<!-- -->
            var now = new Date();
            var year = now.getFullYear();
            var month = (now.getMonth() + 1).toString().padStart(2, '0');
            var day = now.getDate().toString().padStart(2, '0');
            var hours = now.getHours().toString().padStart(2, '0');
            var minutes = now.getMinutes().toString().padStart(2, '0');
            var time = `${<!-- -->year}-${<!-- -->month}-${<!-- -->day} ${<!-- -->hours} :${<!-- -->minutes}`;
            return time;

Move up

 //Move up
        function moveUp(button) {<!-- -->
            var row = button.closest("tr"); // Find the row containing the button
            var rowIndex = row.rowIndex - 1; // Table row index (decrease 1 to take into account header row)
            if (rowIndex > 0) {<!-- --> // Make sure it is not the first row
                //Exchange the data of the current row and the previous row
                var temp = dataList[rowIndex];
                dataList[rowIndex] = dataList[rowIndex - 1];
                dataList[rowIndex - 1] = temp;

                initializeTable(); // Re-render the table
            }else{<!-- -->
                alert('Don't click anymore, it's already the first line')

Move down

        // move down
        function moveDown(button) {<!-- -->
            var row = button.closest("tr"); // Find the row containing the button
            var rowIndex = row.rowIndex - 1; // Table row index (decrease 1 to take into account header row)

            if (rowIndex < dataList.length - 1) {<!-- --> // Make sure it is not the last row
                //Exchange the data of the current row and the next row
                var temp = dataList[rowIndex];
                dataList[rowIndex] = dataList[rowIndex + 1];
                dataList[rowIndex + 1] = temp;

                initializeTable(); // Re-render the table
            }else{<!-- -->
                alert('Don't click anymore, it's the last line')

Pick it

        function moveToTop(button) {<!-- -->
            var row = button.closest("tr"); // Find the row containing the button
            var rowIndex = row.rowIndex - 1; //Table row index (decrease 1 to account for header row)

            if (rowIndex > 0) {<!-- --> // Make sure it is not the first row
                //Move the current row data to the beginning of the array
                var movedRowData = dataList.splice(rowIndex, 1)[0];
                console.log(" ~ file: tabel.html:135 ~ moveToTop ~ movedRowData:", movedRowData)

                initializeTable(); // Re-render the table
            }else{<!-- -->
                alert('Okay, it's already the first one')

Put it to the bottom

        //Set at the end
        function moveToBottom(button) {<!-- -->
            var row = button.closest("tr"); // Find the row containing the button
            var rowIndex = row.rowIndex - 1; //Table row index (decrease 1 to account for header row)

            if (rowIndex < dataList.length - 1) {<!-- --> // Make sure it is not the last row
                //Move the current row data to the end of the array
                var movedRowData = dataList.splice(rowIndex, 1)[0];

                initializeTable(); // Re-render the table