Worok: A cyber espionage group that specifically targets Asian entities

ESET researchers have discovered a new attack group, Worok, which has been active since 2020. The toolset used by Worok includes a C++
A loader written in CLRLoad, a backdoor written in PowerShell called PowHeartBeat, and a loader written in C#
PNGLoad, the attacker uses steganography to extract the payload hidden in the PNG file.


During the ProxyShell (CVE-2021-34523) vulnerability disclosure in early 2021, researchers discovered exploitation campaigns by various APT groups. Which was found to be related to TA428
Organize similar characteristics:

Activity time

Target Industry

How to use ShadowPad

But the rest of the toolset is quite different, so analysts concluded there was insufficient evidence that Worok had the same affiliation as TA428, identifying it as a new attack group. According to telemetry data from ESET, Worok
It has been active since late 2020.

At the end of 2020, Worok targeted governments and companies in multiple countries for attacks, specifically:

A telecommunications company in East Asia

A bank in Central Asia

A shipping company in Southeast Asia

A government unit in the Middle East

A private company in South Africa

From May 2021 to January 2022, the attackers entered a quiet period. Worok resurfaced in February 2022, attacking:

An energy company in Central Asia

A public sector company in Southeast Asia

The image below shows a visualization of the impact of the attack:

External link image transfer failed, the source site may have an anti-leeching mechanism, it is recommended to save the image and upload it directlyAttack map

Based on their analysis, researchers believe Worok’s main goal was to steal secrets.

Technical Analysis

The attacker will exploit the ProxyShell vulnerability and successfully upload the Webshell for persistence and subsequent attack stages.

After gaining access, the attacker deployed several publicly available reconnaissance tools such as Mimikatz, EarthWorm, ReGeorg, and NBTscan. The subsequent two-stage attack will then be deployed
payload, but the final attack payload was not discovered. In 2021, the first stage loader is CLRLoad, while in 2022 it has been replaced by the fully functional
PowerShell backdoor replaced by PowHeartBeat.

The execution chain looks like this:

image.png-313.5kBTwo execution chains


CLRLoad is a Loader written in C++ that loads the next stage PNGLoad sample. This sample is a DLL file with 32-bit and 64-bit
Two versions. Samples are also loaded through files in legitimate directories and used to appear as legitimate software.

The CLRLoad sample looks for the full path to the file, the path is single-byte XOR encoded, and a different key is used in each sample. Part of the path is as follows:

C:\Program Files\VMware\VMware Tools\VMware VGAuth\xsec_1_5.dll

C:\Program Files\UltraViewer\msvbvm80.dll

C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\Jsprofile.dll

C:\Program Files\WinRar\RarExtMgt.dll

C:\Program Files (x86)\Foxit Software\Foxit Reader\lucenelib.dll

A mutex used by the sample is named Wo0r0KGWhYGO, so it is named Worok.


PowHeartBeat is a full-featured backdoor written in PowerShell that is obfuscated using compression, encoding, and encryption. According to ESET
Telemetry data, PowHeartBeat recently replaced CLRLoad as the tool used to launch PNGLoad.

The first layer of code consists of multiple blocks of base64-encoded PowerShell code, which is reorganized into Payloda and passed through IEX
implement. After decoding, another layer of obfuscated code is executed, as shown below:


The second layer first decodes the next layer of its code using base64 and then decrypts it using the Triple DES algorithm in CBC mode. After decryption, use the gzip algorithm to decompress and obtain
The third layer of code in PowerShell is the real backdoor code.

The backdoor uses HTTP or ICMP protocols to communicate with the C &C server. The principle is as follows:

image.png-95.9kBHow it works


There are a number of optional fields in the configuration, as follows:

Field name Description
nouse Not used
ClientId Client ID
Version Version number
ExecTimes Number of command execution attempts
UserAgent User-Agent for C &C communication
Referer Referer for C &C communication
AcceptEncoding Not used
CookieClientId/CookieTaskId/CookieTerminalId For C & amp; Cookies for C communication
UrlHttps Protocol for C &C communication
UrlDomain/IPAddress/Domains Addresses used for C &C communication
UrlSendHeartBeat Used for C & URL path for C communication
UrlSendResult URL path for C &C communication
GetUrl Full URL
PutUrl Full URL
currentPath Not used
ProxyEnableFlag Whether to enable the proxy
Proxymsg Proxy address
Interval Request interval
BasicConfigPath Basic configuration path
UpTime Start running time
DownTime Downtime
DomainIndex Current domain name used for C &C communications
SecretKey Key used for encryption and decryption
IfLog Not used
IfLogFilePath Whether to enable logging
logpath Log file path
ProxyFile Proxy configuration file path
IfConfig Whether to enable the configuration file

The extracted configuration from the PowHeartBeat sample looks like this:

$Script:nouse = 100;if(Test-Path $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path){Remove-item $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path -Force;}$Script:ClientId = "83";$Script:Version = "";$Script:ExecTimes = 10;$Script:UserAgent = "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/69.0.3487.100 Safari/537.36";$Script :Referer = "www.adobe.com";$Script:AcceptEncoding = "text/html,app1ication/xhtml + xml,app1ication/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8";$Script:CookieClientId = " s_ecid";$Script:CookieTaskId = "aam_uuid";$Script:CookieTerminalId = "AAMC_adobe_0";?$Script:UrlHttps = "http://";$Script:UrlDomain= " 118.193.78[.]22:443" ;$Script:UrlSendHeartBeat = "/latest/AdobeMessagingClient.js";$Script:UrlSendResult = "/content/dam/offers-homepage/homepage.jpg";$Script:GetUrl = $Script:UrlHttps + $Script:UrlDomain + $Script:UrlSendHeartBeat;$Script:PutUrl = $Script:UrlHttps + $Script:UrlDomain + $Script:UrlSendResult;$Script:currentPath = Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Definition;$Script:ProxyEnableFlag = $false; $Script:Proxymsg;$Script:Interval = 10;$Script:BasicConfigPath = "C:\ProgramData\unins.dat";$Script:UpTime = 0;$Script:DownTime = 24;$Script:Domains;$Script: DomainIndex;$Script:SecretKey = "###ConfigKey###";#$Script:IfLog = $true;$Script:IfLogFilePath = "C:\ProgramData\tpncp.dat";$Script:logpath = "C: \ProgramData\unins000.dat";$Script:ProxyFile = "C:\ProgramData\hwrenalm.dat";$Script:IfConfig = $false;?

C &C Communications

PowHeartBeat used HTTP for C & C communications before version 2.4, then switched to ICMP, both of which were unencrypted.


The format of a GET request is as follows:

GET <UrlSendHeartBeat> HTTP/1.1User-Agent: <UserAgent>Referer: <Referer>Host: <Domain>Cookie: <CookieClientId>=<ClientId>Connection: close?

The command to be executed is provided in the response through command_id. The encryption algorithm is as follows:

o[int] $pos = $taskId % 256;for ($i = 0; $i -lt $tmpBytes.Value.Length; $i + + ){$pos = $pos + $clientId;if ( $pos -ge 256){$pos = $pos % 256;}$tmpBytes.Value[$i] = [byte]($tmpBytes.Value[$i] -bxor $hexEnc[$pos]);}

Starting with version 2.4 of PowHeartBeat, HTTP was replaced by ICMP, possibly as a way to evade detection.

The updated code has some minor modifications:

Before requesting a command, PowHeartBeat will send a heartbeat packet containing the string abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz in each loop to inform C &C
The server is ready to receive commands

The request to obtain the backdoor execution command contains the string abcdefghijklmnop

The heartbeat packet is as follows:

External link image transfer failed, the source site may have an anti-leeching mechanism, it is recommended to save the image and upload it directlyHeartbeat package layout

The difference between Client ID and Client Flag is that the Client ID of each sample is different, and Client Flag
It’s the same in every sample. Heartbeat Flag indicates that the backdoor is sending heartbeat packets. The response looks like this:

External link image transfer failed, the source site may have an anti-leeching mechanism, it is recommended to save the image and upload it directlyResponsive layout

The Flag here indicates whether a command has been issued. The request to obtain the command is as follows:

image.png-50kBGet the requested layout of the command

ICMP communication allows the backdoor to receive unlimited data, and the response to the request looks like this:

image.png-53.6kBGet the response layout of the command

Like the HTTP response, the third byte in data is the command identifier.

C &C communication is considered complete after seven consecutive ICMP responses with empty or inconsistently formatted content.

Backdoor commands

PowHeartBeat has a variety of functions, and the supported commands are as follows:

Command Identifier Description
Cmd 0x02 Execute PowerShell command
Exe 0x04 Execute program
FileUpload 0x06 Compress and upload files to the compromised host
FileDownLoad 0x08 Download files on the compromised host
FileView 0x0A Get file information of a specific directory
FileDelete 0x0C Delete files
FileRename 0x0E Rename/Move File
ChangeDir 0x10 Change working directory
Info 0x12 Get information about the compromised host
Config 0x14 Update configuration file and reload
N/A 0x63 Program exit

If an execution error occurs, the backdoor uses the specific command identifier 0x00 in a POST request to the C &C server.


The second-stage payload is PNGLoad, which downloads and executes additional payloads from the C &C server through the backdoor PowHeartBeat. PNGLoad is a Loader that uses
bytes in the PNG file to create the payload to be executed.

The file is a 64-bit .NET executable and uses .NET
Reactor is obfuscated and disguised as a WinRAR DLL file.

image.png-653.2kBFake file information

Deobfuscation revealed that the file only had one class and had a MainPath property containing the directory path that the backdoor searched for files with the extension .png, as shown below.

File List

Steganographic embedded content in each .png file found by this MainPath search. Use SecretKeyBytes stored in PNGLoad
attribute, perform a multibyte XOR decryption of the remainder of the buffer, and then gzip the decrypted buffer. What you get should be a PowerShell script that will be executed immediately.

image.png-182.7kBImage steganography

The operations performed by PNGLoad are logged in a file whose path is stored in the variable LogFilePath. Only if its path exists by internal variable IfLogFilePath
The operation will be recorded only when the file is specified.

Due to limited view of the data, the researchers were unable to obtain sample .png files for use with PNGLoad. Attackers hide malicious payloads in harmless-looking PNGs
In the picture, the malicious content is hidden in plain sight.


Worok is an attack group that can develop its own attack tools to invade targets. The attackers focus on launching attacks on government departments in Asia and Africa. Judging from the time and tool set of the attack, it may be related to TA428
There is a link, but there is no reliable evidence for it.



Reference sources



Reference sources



Many people who are new to the computer industry or graduates of computer-related majors from universities encounter difficulties in finding employment due to lack of practical experience. Let’s look at two sets of data:

The number of college graduates nationwide in 2023 is expected to reach 11.58 million, and the employment situation is grim;

Data released during the National Cyber Security Awareness Week show that by 2027, the shortage of cyber security personnel in our country will reach 3.27 million.

On the one hand, the employment situation for fresh graduates is grim every year, and on the other hand, there is a shortage of one million cybersecurity talents.

On June 9, Max Research’s 2023 Employment Blue Book (including the “2023 China Undergraduate Employment Report” and “2023 China Higher Vocational Students Employment Report”) was officially released.

The top 10 majors with the highest monthly income for college graduates in 2022

Undergraduate computer majors and higher vocational automation majors have higher monthly incomes. The monthly incomes of the 2022 undergraduate computer majors and higher vocational automation majors are 6,863 yuan and 5,339 yuan respectively. Among them, the starting salary of undergraduate computer majors is basically the same as that of the 2021 class, and the monthly income of higher vocational automation majors has increased significantly. The 2022 class overtook the railway transportation major (5,295 yuan) to rank first.

Looking at the major specifically, the major with the highest monthly income for the 2022 undergraduate class is information security (7,579 yuan). Compared with the class of 2018, undergraduate majors related to artificial intelligence such as electronic science and technology and automation performed well, with starting salaries increasing by 19% compared to five years ago. Although data science and big data technology are new majors in recent years, they have performed well and have ranked among the top three majors with the highest monthly income for 2022 undergraduate graduates six months after graduation. French, the only humanities and social sciences major that entered the top 10 highest-paying undergraduates five years ago, has dropped out of the top 10.
The external link image transfer failed. The source site may have an anti-leeching mechanism. It is recommended to save the image and upload it directly

“There is no national security without cybersecurity.” At present, network security has been elevated to the level of national strategy and has become one of the most important factors affecting national security and social stability.

Characteristics of the network security industry

1. The employment salary is very high and the salary increases quickly. In 2022, Liepin.com announced that the employment salary in the network security industry is the highest in the industry at 337,700 per capita!


2. There is a large talent gap and many employment opportunities

On September 18, 2019, the official website of the “Central People’s Government of the People’s Republic of China” published: my country’s demand for cyberspace security talents is 1.4 million, but major schools across the country train less than 1.50,000 people every year. Liepin.com’s “Cybersecurity Report for the First Half of 2021” predicts that the demand for network security talents in 2027 will be 3 million. Currently, there are only 100,000 employees engaged in the network security industry.

The industry has huge room for development and there are many jobs

Since the establishment of the network security industry, dozens of new network security industry positions have been added: network security experts, network security analysts, security consultants, network security engineers, security architects, security operation and maintenance engineers, penetration engineers, information security management Officer, data security engineer, network security operations engineer, network security emergency response engineer, data appraiser, network security product manager, network security service engineer, network security trainer, network security auditor, threat intelligence analysis engineer, disaster recovery professional , Practical attack and defense professionals…

Great career value-added potential

The network security major has strong technical characteristics, especially mastering the core network architecture and security technologies at work, which has an irreplaceable competitive advantage in career development.

As personal abilities continue to improve, the professional value of the work they do will also increase with the enrichment of their experience and the maturity of project operations, and the room for appreciation will continue to increase. This is the main reason why it is popular with everyone.

To a certain extent, in the field of network security, just like the medical profession, the older you get, the more popular you become. Because the technology becomes more mature, your work will naturally be taken seriously, and promotion and salary increases will come naturally.

Hacking & Cyber Security How to Learn

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1. Learning roadmap

The industry has huge room for development and there are many jobs

Since the establishment of the network security industry, dozens of new network security industry positions have been added: network security experts, network security analysts, security consultants, network security engineers, security architects, security operation and maintenance engineers, penetration engineers, information security management Officer, data security engineer, network security operations engineer, network security emergency response engineer, data appraiser, network security product manager, network security service engineer, network security trainer, network security auditor, threat intelligence analysis engineer, disaster recovery professional , Practical attack and defense professionals…

Great career value-added potential

The network security major has strong technical characteristics, especially mastering the core network architecture and security technologies at work, which has an irreplaceable competitive advantage in career development.

As personal abilities continue to improve, the professional value of the work they do will also increase with the enrichment of their experience and the maturity of project operations, and the room for appreciation will continue to increase. This is the main reason why it is popular with everyone.

To a certain extent, in the field of network security, just like the medical profession, the older you get, the more popular you become. Because the technology becomes more mature, your work will naturally be taken seriously, and promotion and salary increases will come naturally.

Hacking & Cyber Security How to Learn

As long as you like my article today, my private network security learning materials will be shared with you for free. Come and see what is available.

1. Learning roadmap

External link image transfer failed, the source site may have an anti-leeching mechanism, it is recommended to save the image and upload it directly

There are a lot of things to learn about attack and defense. I have written down the specific things you need to learn in the road map above. If you can complete them, you will have no problem getting a job or taking on a private job.

2. Video tutorial

Although there are many learning resources on the Internet, they are basically incomplete. This is an Internet security video tutorial I recorded myself. I have accompanying video explanations for every knowledge point in the roadmap above.

The content covers the study of network security laws, network security operations and other security assessments, penetration testing basics, detailed explanations of vulnerabilities, basic computer knowledge, etc. They are all must-know learning contents for getting started with network security.
The external link image transfer failed. The source site may have an anti-leeching mechanism. It is recommended to save the image and upload it directly

(They are all packaged into one piece and cannot be expanded one by one. There are more than 300 episodes in total)

Due to limited space, only part of the information is displayed. You need to click on the link below to obtain it.

If you are interested in getting started with network security, you can click here if you need it Big benefits of network security: Getting started & advanced full set of 282G learning resource package to share for free!

3. Technical documents and e-books

I also compiled the technical documents myself, including my experience and technical points in participating in large-scale network security operations, CTF, and digging SRC vulnerabilities. There are more than 200 e-books. Due to the sensitivity of the content, I will not display them one by one.

The external link image transfer failed. The source site may have an anti-leeching mechanism. It is recommended to save the image and upload it directly

Due to limited space, only part of the information is displayed. You need to click on the link below to obtain it.

If you are interested in getting started with network security, you can click here if you need it Big benefits of network security: Getting started & advanced full set of 282G learning resource package to share for free!

4. Toolkit, interview questions and source code

“If you want to do your job well, you must first sharpen your tools.” I have summarized dozens of the most popular hacking tools for everyone. The scope of coverage mainly focuses on information collection, Android hacking tools, automation tools, phishing, etc. Interested students should not miss it.

There is also the case source code and corresponding toolkit mentioned in my video, which you can take away if needed.

Due to limited space, only part of the information is displayed. You need to click on the link below to obtain it.
If you are interested in getting started with network security, you can click here if you need it Big benefits of network security: Getting started & advanced full set of 282G learning resource package to share for free!

Finally, here are the interview questions about network security that I have compiled over the past few years. If you are looking for a job in network security, they will definitely help you a lot.

These questions are often encountered when interviewing Sangfor, Qi Anxin, Tencent or other major companies. If you have good questions or good insights, please share them.

Reference analysis: Sangfor official website, Qi’anxin official website, Freebuf, csdn, etc.

Content features: Clear organization and graphical representation to make it easier to understand.

Summary of content: Including intranet, operating system, protocol, penetration testing, security service, vulnerability, injection, XSS, CSRF, SSRF, file upload, file download, file inclusion, XXE, logical vulnerability, tools, SQLmap, NMAP, BP, MSF…


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If you are interested in getting started with network security, you can click here if you need it Big benefits of network security: Getting started & advanced full set of 282G learning resource package to share for free!