Typical configuration of DNS server in Linux

Table of Contents

BIND installation and deployment

Forward analysis

Programming zone configuration file

Programming data configuration file

Change the DNS address parameters in the network card to the local IP address (

Reverse analysis

Programming zone configuration file

Programming data configuration file

Check the results. Change the DNS address parameter in the network card to the local address? Edit

Master-slave server deployment

Allow update requests from slaves in the master’s zone configuration file

Turn off the firewall on the main server or add rules to allow DNS protocol traffic to pass

Install the bind-chroot package on the slave server

Fill in the IP address of the master server and the area information to be captured in the slave server.

Check the analysis results

Encrypted transmission

Generate key in master server

Create key verification file in master server

Enable and load the key verification function of the bind service

Configure slave server

Create a key authentication file to support key authentication

Enable and load the key verification function of the slave server

DNS synchronizes domain name zone data from server

Perform parsing verification again? Edit

DNS caching server

Add cache forwarding parameters in the main configuration file of the bind service program

Separate analysis

Modify the main configuration file of the bind service

Programming zone configuration file

Create data configuration file

Change the DNS server addresses of different clients to corresponding addresses

BIND installation and deployment

Install bind service program

#Install bind service program plus chroot (commonly known as cage mechanism) expansion package
yum install bind-chroot

In Linux, the name of the bind service program is named. Find the main configuration file of the service program in the directory and change the addresses in lines 11 and 19 to any, which means that all IP addresses of the server can provide DNS domain name resolution. Services and owners can make DNS requests to this server

vim /etc/named.conf

Forward analysis

Programming area configuration file
#Clear the original data of the file and only retain its own domain name resolution information
vim /etc/named.rfc1912.zones
#Replace the original content with the following content
zone "g.com" IN {
        type master;
        file "g.com.zone";
        allow-update { none; };
Programming Data Configuration File
#Switch directory
cd /var/named

Check the file
ls -al named.localhost

#Copy this forward parsing template file
cp -a named.localhost g.com.zone

vim g.com.zone

#Modify to the following content
@ IN SOA g.com. admin.g.com. (
                                        1D; refresh
                                        1H; retry
                                        1W; expire
                                        3H ) ;minimum
        NS ns.g.com.
ns IN A
www IN A

#Restart the named service program
systemctl restart named

systemctl enable named

Change the DNS address parameter in the network card to the local IP address (
#Modify network card parameters
#Close the network to check whether it is successful

Reverse analysis

Programming area configuration file
vim /etc/named.rfc1912.zones

#Add the following content
zone "10.20.172.in-addr.arpa" IN {
        type master;
        file "172.20.10.arpa";
        allow-update { none; };
Programming data configuration file
#Switch directory
cd /var/named/

cp -a named.loopback 172.20.10.arpa

vim 172.20.10.arpa

#Add the following content
@ IN SOA g.com abmin.g.com. (
                                        1D; refresh
                                        1H; retry
                                        1W; expire
                                        3H ) ;minimum
        NS ns.g.com.
ns A
3 PTR ns.g.com.
3 PTR www.g.com.
4 PTR bbs.g.com.

#Restart service
systemctl restart named
Verification results, the DNS address parameters in the network card are changed to the local address

Master-slave server deployment

Main clause name Main clause IP Address
Main Server Virtual Machine 1
Slave Server Virtual Machine 2

Allow update requests from the slave server in the master server’s zone configuration file
vim /etc/named.rfc1912.zones

#Restart the service program
systemctl restart named
Close the firewall on the main server or add rules so that DNS protocol traffic can be passed
#Close firewall
systemctl stop firewalld
Install the bind-chroot software package on the slave server
dnf install bind-chroot
#After installation, modify the configuration file so that the slave server can also provide DNS services to the outside world.
vim /etc/named.conf
#Modify to any

Fill in the IP address of the master server and the area information to be captured in the slave server
#Open configuration file
vim /etc/named.rfc1912.zones
#Replace all content inside with the following content
zone "g.com" IN {
        type slave;
        masters {; };
        file "slaves/g.com.zone";

zone "10.20.172.in-addr.arpa" IN {
        type slave;
        masters {; };
        file "slaves/172.20.10.arpa";

#Restart service
systemctl restart named
Check analysis results
#Configure the network parameters of the slave server and change the DNS address parameters to
#Start viewing the parsing results

Encrypted transmission

This experiment still uses the above two servers

Generate key in master server
dnssec-keygen -a HMAC-MD5 -b 128 -n HOST master-slave

#View the generated key file
ls -l Kmaster-slave. + 157 + 16153.*

#View the value of the generated key and record it, that is, the bold text after the key
cat Kmaster-slave. + 157 + 16153.private

Create a key verification file in the main server
#Switch directory
cd /var/named/chroot/etc

#open a file
vim transfer.key

#Add the following content, /BR2E/za4kqfXAlbg1K8Iw== is the value of the key, everyone is different
key "master-slave" {
        algorithm hmac-md5;
        secret "/BR2E/za4kqfXAlbg1K8Iw==";

#For security reasons, the group to which the file belongs needs to be changed to named.
chown root:named transfer.key

#Set the file permissions to be smaller
chmod 640 transfer.key

#Set a hard link to the file and point to /etc
ln transfer.key /etc/transfer.key
Enable and load the key verification function of the bind service
#Load the key verification file in the main configuration file of the main server, and then set it
vim /etc/named.conf

#Add the following two lines, as shown in the figure
include "/etc/transfer.key";
        allow-transfer { key master-slave; };

#Then restart the service
systemctl restart named

Configure slave server
#Clear all data configuration files in the synchronization directory
rm -rf /var/named/slaves/*

Restart the bind service program
systemctl restart named
ls /var/named/slaves/
Create a key certification file to support key verification
#Switch directory
cd /var/named/chroot/etc/

#Configuration file content
vim transfer.key

#Copy the following content, which is the same as the main server content

key "master-slave" {
        algorithm hmac-md5;
        secret "/BR2E/za4kqfXAlbg1K8Iw==";

#Set permissions and hard links
chown root:named transfer.key
chmod 640 transfer.key
ln transfer.key /etc/transfer.key
Enable and load the key verification function of the slave server
vim /etc/named.conf

#Enter the following content, the position is as shown in the figure below, the position is line 9, line 51
include "/etc/transfer.key";

        keys { master-slave; };

DNS synchronizes domain name zone data from the server
#Restart bind service program
systemctl restart named

#You can find that the data configuration file can be successfully synchronized again.
ls /var/named/slaves/
Perform parsing and verification again

DNS cache server

Host name Main clause IP Address
Cache Server Virtual Machine 1

NIC 1: Bridged NIC

Network card 2: Only the host IP is

Client Virtual Machine 2 Only the host IP is
Add cache forwarding parameters in the main configuration file of the bind service program
vim /etc/named.conf

#Add a line of parameters "forwarders { upper-level DNS server address; };" at about line 20,
 forwarders {; };

#Restart the DNS service
systemctl restart named

#Remember to turn off the firewall
systemctl stop firewalld

Set the DNS server address parameters of the client host

Separate analysis

Host name IP address
Client 2
Modify the main configuration file of the bind service
vim /etc/named.conf

#Change the allowed hosts in lines 11 and 19 to any, and delete the root domain information in lines 52~55

Programming area configuration file
vim /etc/named.rfc1912.zones

#Add the following content
acl "china" {; };
acl "america" {; };
view "china"{
    match-clients { "china"; };
    zone "g.com" {
    type master;
    file "g.com.china";
view "america"{
    match-clients { "america"; };
    zone "g.com" {
    type master;
    file "g.com.america";
Create data configuration file
cd /var/named
cp -a named.localhost g.com.china
cp -a named.localhost g.com.america
vim g.com.china

#Enter the following content
@ IN SOA g.com. rname.invalid. (
                1D; refresh
                1H; retry
                1W; expire
                3H ) ;minimum
        NS ns.g.com.
ns IN A
www IN A

#Open another
vim g.com.america

#Enter the following content
@ IN SOA g.com. rname.invalid. (
                1D; refresh
                1H; retry
                1W; expire
                3H ) ;minimum
        NS ns.g.com.
ns IN A
www IN A

#Restart service
systemctl restart named
Change the DNS server addresses of different clients to the corresponding addresses

Client with IP

Client with IP

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