ffmpeg and sdl library implement video decoding and playback

1. Interpretation of steps

1.1 SDL initialization, initialize the subsystems in SDL. The specific parameters are as follows:

1.2 Opening multimedia files:

Parameters: 1. ps: directly defines the pointer of the AVFormatContext class (null pointer)

2. filename: the path of the audio file

1.3 Get the message of the audio file:

1.4: Get stream encoding

By looping through the audio stream, obtain the encoding of the stream that needs to be decoded.

The types of streams are:

  1. AVMEDIA_TYPE_UNKNOWN: Unknown type. Typically treated as AVMEDIA_TYPE_DATA (data type).
  2. AVMEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO: Video stream type. Used to represent video data in multimedia files.
  3. AVMEDIA_TYPE_AUDIO: Audio stream type. Used to represent audio data in multimedia files.
  4. AVMEDIA_TYPE_DATA: Data stream type. Used to represent opaque data information in multimedia files, usually continuous.
  5. AVMEDIA_TYPE_SUBTITLE: Subtitle stream type. Used to represent subtitle data in multimedia files.
  6. AVMEDIA_TYPE_ATTACHMENT: Attachment stream type. Used to represent opaque data information in multimedia files, usually sparse.
 for(int i=0;i<(int)avformat_context->nb_streams; + + i)

        if(avformat_context->streams[i]->codecpar->codec_type == AVMEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO)
            videoStream = i;

1.5 Get the decoder

1.5.1 Create decoding context

 pCodecCtx = avcodec_alloc_context3(NULL);
    if (pCodecCtx == NULL)
        printf("Could not allocate AVCodecContext\

1.5.2 Copy codec parameters

 if (avcodec_parameters_to_context(pCodecCtx, pFormatCtx->streams[audioindex]->codecpar) < 0)
        printf("Could not init AVCodecContext\

pFormatCtx->streams[audioindex]->codecpar represents the codec parameters of audio and video streams.

1.5.3 Get the decoder

 pCodec = avcodec_find_decoder(pCodecCtx->codec_id);
    if (pCodec == NULL) {
        printf("Codec not found.\
  • Use the avcodec_find_decoder function to find the corresponding decoder based on the encoder ID (pCodecCtx->codec_id) in the decoding context.

1.6 Open the decoder

1.7 SDL_CreateWindow` function is used to create a window

extern DECLSPEC SDL_Window * SDLCALL SDL_CreateWindow(const char *title,
                                                      int x, int y, int w,
                                                      int h, Uint32 flags);
    x, window x coordinate; y, window y coordinate; w, window width; h, window height;
    flags, window attributes (select attributes on enumeration SDL_WindowFlags) 

1.8 The `SDL_CreateRenderer` function is used to create a renderer.

extern DECLSPEC SDL_Renderer * SDLCALL SDL_CreateRenderer(SDL_Window * window,
                                               int index, Uint32 flags);
    window: the rendered window
    index: - `-1`: Index of the renderer, indicating to use the first supported renderer.
               - `0`: The flag of the renderer, which means there is no special flag.
    flags: Select attributes on the enumeration SDL_RendererFlags

1.9 The `SDL_CreateTexture` function is used to create a texture.

extern DECLSPEC SDL_Texture * SDLCALL SDL_CreateTexture(SDL_Renderer * renderer,
                                                        Uint32 format,
                                                        int access, int w,
                                                        int h);
    renderer: the renderer on which to create the texture
    format: The pixel format of the texture, here IYUV format is used (enumeration SDL_PixelFormatEnum)
    access: The access method of the texture, which means that the texture can be accessed through the stream (enumeration SDL_TextureAccess)
    W: The width of the texture, using the width of the decoder context
    h: The height of the texture, using the height of the decoder context

1.10 The `sws_getContext` function is used to create an image conversion context.

struct SwsContext *sws_getContext(int srcW, int srcH, enum AVPixelFormat srcFormat,
                                  int dstW, int dstH, enum AVPixelFormat dstFormat,
                                  int flags, SwsFilter *srcFilter,
                                  SwsFilter *dstFilter, const double *param);

    srcW: width of input image
    srcH: height of input image
    enum AVPixelFormat srcFormat: pixel format of the input image
    dstW: width of the output image
    dstH: height of the output image
    enum AVPixelFormat dstFormat: pixel format of the output image
    flags: Specify the algorithm and options to use for rescaling
    SwsFilter *srcFilter: Row size of source image (NULL is automatically calculated)
    SwsFilter *dstFilter: row size of the target image (NULL is automatically calculated)
    const double *param: additional options

1.11 The `av_image_alloc` function is used to allocate an image data buffer

int av_image_alloc(uint8_t *pointers[4], int linesizes[4],
                   int w, int h, enum AVPixelFormat pix_fmt, int align);
    pointers[4]: array of pointers pointing to image data
    linesizes[4]: array pointing to image data line sizes
    w: width of the image
    h: height of the image
    pix_fmt: pixel format of the image
    align: Alignment of image data (align the value to be used for buffer size alignment)

1.12 Read data (12 to 18 are implemented in a loop)

int av_read_frame(AVFormatContext *s, AVPacket *pkt);
    s:AVFormatContext structure, representing the format context of the video file.
    pkt: AVPacket structure, used to store read data packets. (Need to open up heap space)

1.13 Data decoding

int avcodec_send_packet(AVCodecContext *avctx, const AVPacket *avpkt);
    avctx:AVCodecContext structure, representing the context of the decoder
    avpkt:AVPacket structure, the data packet to be sent
Function: Submit the data packet to the decoder
int avcodec_receive_frame(AVCodecContext *avctx, AVFrame *frame);
    avctx:AVCodecContext structure, representing the context of the decoder
    frame: AVFrame structure, used to store received frame data.
Function: Read from decoder, decode data

frame is created by av_frame_alloc()

1.14 Convert decoded frame data to target format

int sws_scale(struct SwsContext *c, const uint8_t *const srcSlice[],
              const int srcStride[], int srcSliceY, int srcSliceH,
              uint8_t *const dst[], const int dstStride[]);

    c: SwsContext structure, representing the image conversion context
    srcSlice: decoded frame data
    srcStride: The size of each line of decoded frame data
    srcSliceY: the starting line of the source image
    srcSliceH: Number of lines of source image
    dst: array of pointers to target image data
    dstStride: The size of each row of target image data

1.15. Update texture data

extern DECLSPEC int SDLCALL SDL_UpdateYUVTexture(SDL_Texture * texture,
                                                 const SDL_Rect * rect,
                                                 const Uint8 *Yplane, int Ypitch,
                                                 const Uint8 *Uplane, int Upitch,
                                                 const Uint8 *Vplane, int Vpitch);
    texture: the texture to be updated
    rect: plane raw data
    Yplane: Y component data
    Ypitch: The size of each line of the Y component
    Uplane: U component data
    Upitch: The size of each row of the U component
    Vplane:V component data
    Vpitch: The size of each line of the V component
Function: YUV data texture update

1.16 Clear renderer

extern DECLSPEC int SDLCALL SDL_RenderClear(SDL_Renderer * renderer);

Parameters: renderer: clear renderer name

1.17 Copy the texture to the renderer’s render target

extern DECLSPEC int SDLCALL SDL_RenderCopy(SDL_Renderer * renderer,
                                           SDL_Texture * texture,
                                           const SDL_Rect * srcrect,
                                           const SDL_Rect * dstrect);
    renderer: renderer name
    texture: the name of the texture to be copied
    srcrect: source rectangle, indicating copying the entire texture
    dstrect: target rectangle, indicating the position and size copied to the renderer
    dstect needs to set coordinates (x, y) and length and width

1.18 The renderer’s render target is rendered to the window

SDL_Delay(1000 / 30);

1.19 Destruction

SDL_DestroyTexture(texture); used to destroy SDL texture
SDL_DestroyRenderer(renderer); used to destroy the SDL renderer
SDL_DestroyWindow(window); used to destroy the SDL window
SDL_Quit(); used to terminate the use of the SDL library and release the resources occupied by SDL