Turn on the browser javascript function, and enable javascript in the browser settings

This article will talk about the benefits of turning on JavaScript in the browser and how to set up the browser to support JavaScript. I hope it will be helpful to you. Don’t forget to bookmark this site.

(1) JavaScript about browsers

JavaScript about browsers

JavaScript runs in browsers. Different browsers have different support for JavaScript. When writing JavaScript, you must consider the differences in browsers and try your best to make it run in different browsers.

1. Objects in the browser


Window: Represents the window opened by the browser and serves as the global scope for python for statement usage. There is no need to specify it when using the properties and methods of Windows objects (generally follow the custom: for example, window.alert() is usually alert()).

Attribute name



Specify the name of the window


The parent window of the current window (frame), use it to return the methods and properties of the object


Returns the window object that created the current window, using its methods and properties to return the object


Represents the main window, which is the top-level window and the parent window of all other windows. The methods and properties of the current window can be accessed through this object


Returns an object of the current window through which the methods and properties of the current window can be accessed


Returns or sets the default content that will be displayed in the browser status bar


Returns or sets the specified content that will be displayed in the browser status bar

Method name



Displays an alert dialog box containing a message and an OK button


Show a confirmation dialog


Displays a prompt dialog box prompting the user to enter data


Open an existing window or create a new window and load a document in it


Close an open window


Display the specified web page in the current window


Set a timer to call a function after a specified interval


Reset the specified timer


Gives a Window object the current focus


Causes a Window object to lose its current focus




Occurs when an HTML file is loaded into the browser


Occurs when an HTML file is deleted from the browser


Occurs when a window gains focus


Occurs when a window loses focus


Occurs when the user presses the F1 key


Occurs when the user resizes the window


Occurs when the user scrolls the window


Occurs when there is an error loading the HTML file

Some operations for Window:

alert('window inner size: ' + window.innerWidth + ' x ' + window.innerHeight);//Get the window size
window.confirm('Information displayed in the dialog box!');
mu = window.open("http://www.baidu.com","","width=200,height=100");//Open a web page, you can also have only the url in it, and the other defaults
mu.moveTo(1600,584);//Where to move the window
mu.moveBy(-111,-111);//How much is the displacement based on xy
mu.resizeTo(800,400);//Change the window size to w800, h400
var a =prompt("Please enter your name", "Contents of the text box when empty");//Input prompt box and return the input content

Some timing operations:

There are four timing operation functions: window.setInterval, window.clearInterval, window.setTimeout, and window.clearTimeout. These four functions are all methods of the window object, which shows that timing operations in the browser are completed by the browser window. (unit ms)

① window.setInterval sets the timer and executes the specified code at regular intervals window.setInterval(code,time);

② window.clearInterval clears the timer set by the setInterval function window. clearInterval(time);

③ window.setTimeout sets the timer and executes the specified code at regular intervals. window.setTimeout(code, time); the code is only executed once.

④ window.clearTimeout clears the timer set by the setTiimeout function window.clearTimeout(time);

A piece of code for dynamically displaying time: Set a timer, the timer executes the clock() function every 1000ms, and assigns the value to the text box in the function.

    var int=self.setInterval("clock()",1000);
    function clock(){
      var t=new Date();
<input type="text" id="clock" size="35" />
<button οnclick="int=window.clearInterval(int)">Stop timer</button>

A code that displays the time on the page:

    var int=self.setInterval("clock()",1000);
    function clock(){
      var t=new Date();
      var hehe = document.getElementById("ck");
<p id="ck">...</p>
<button οnclick="int=window.clearInterval(int)">stop</button>

The navigation object contains information about the browser itself; this information can be modified, so use this to determine what is incorrect.

The navigator object represents browser information. The most commonly used attributes include:

navigator.appName: browser name;

navigator.appVersion: browser version;

navigator.language: The language set by the browser;

navigator.platform: operating system type;

navigator.userAgent: User-Agent string set by the browser

alert('appName = ' + navigator.appName + '\
' +
      'appVersion = ' + navigator.appVersion + '\
' +
      'language = ' + navigator.language + '\
' +
      'platform = ' + navigator.platform + '\
' +
      'userAgent = ' + navigator.userAgent);

The screen object contains information about the client screen and rendering capabilities;

screen.width: screen width, in pixels;

screen.height: screen height, in pixels;

screen.colorDepth: Returns the number of color digits, such as 8, 16, 24.

alert('Screen size = ' + screen.width + ' x ' + screen.height)


The location object contains the browser’s current URL information;

var b = location.href;//Get the complete URL
location.protocol; // Protocol 'http'
location.host; //Address 'www.xxx.com'
location.port; //Port number '8080'
location.pathname; // path '/path/index.html'

The location method reloads the page, reloads the current page and loads a new page.

if (confirm('Reload current page' + location.href + '?')) {
} else {
    location.assign('https://www.baidu.com/index.php?tn=monline_3_dg'); // Set a new URL address

The document object represents the document object of the page loaded in the browser;

document.getElementById('unid');//Get this object

The document object also has a cookie attribute, which can obtain the cookie of the current page. (The server can distinguish users from this)


JavaScript can read the cookie of the page. When setting the cookie on the server side, you should always insist on using httpOnly; this behavior is implemented by the browser. After setting, JavaScript cannot read the cookie. All mainstream browsers support httpOnly. options.


The forward and back methods are like the browser’s forward and back functions.
