Building APIs in Python using Falcon

In the world of web development, building solid and green APIs is crucial. APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) act as a bridge between software program structures, allowing easy verbal exchange and recording of changes. Python is a popular choice for growing APIs due to its flexibility and flexibility. Among the many Python frameworks used for this purpose, Falcon prides itself as a high-performance, highly simple framework explicitly designed for building fast and responsive APIs. Create an API and provide some illustrative examples.

What is Falcon?

Falcon is a Python web framework that focuses on providing an extremely lightweight, ultra-comprehensive performance platform for building APIs. It’s not a full-stack framework like Django or Flask, but a special device designed to do one thing very well: handle API requests and responses efficiently. Falcon’s main goal is speed, which makes it the best for building APIs. The best choice, where performance and scalability are critical.

Falcon’s layout philosophy revolves around minimalism and simplicity. It has a smaller code base and a simple API, making it easy to analyze and use. The framework is designed for developers who need to quickly build APIs and operate functionality at first-class granularity.

Concepts related to Falcon

Before we dive into building APIs with Falcon, please familiarize yourself with some important standards and additions to the framework:

1.Resource handler

  • In Falcon, a useful helper handler is a Python class that defines how a specific endpoint (URL) needs to reply to incoming HTTP requests.
  • This training is usually inherited from the Falcon. resources and implement various policies to handle specific HTTP technologies such as GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, etc.
  • Resource handlers are at the core of Falcon’s design, allowing you to shape the true judgment of your API in a simple and organized way.

2.Request and response objects

  • Falcon provides request and reaction facilities that encapsulate incoming HTTP requests and outgoing HTTP responses.
  • These tools provide a convenient way to obtain permission to request data and collect responses.
  • You can use them inside useful resource handlers to interact with clients and servers.


  • Routing in Falcon maps incoming HTTP requests to the precise useful resource handler.
  • Falcon provides a simple and intuitive way to outline the path to elegant usage of falcon.App.
  • You can easily schedule your API’s endpoints by specifying routes by attaching helper handlers to specific URL patterns.


  • Middleware is a powerful idea in Falcon that allows you to perform pre-processing and submission processing tasks on requests and responses.
  • You can use middleware to implement authentication, logging, or any other functionality that needs to be done across multiple API endpoints.

5.Request parsing and verification

  • Falcon provides small tools for parsing and validating incoming request information, including question parameters, request headers, and request bodies.
  • This makes it easier to ensure that your API receives valid and well-formatted input.

Steps required to build an API using Falcon

Now that we have solid expertise in Falcon’s central principles, let’s walk through the steps required to build an API with Falcon:

1. Installation

First, you need to put in the Falcon. You can do this using the Python package manager pip

pip install falcon

2. Create a Falcon application

The foundation of any fully Falcon-based API is the falcon.App item. You create this elegant example to outline your API, set up routing, and configure middleware.


import falcon

app = falcon.App(middleware=[
# Add your middleware here

3. Define resource handlers

Next, define the auxiliary handlers as Python instructions. These directives inherit from falcon.Resource and enforce methods similar to the HTTP methods they should handle (e.g., on_get, on_post, on_put, on_delete).


class HelloWorldResource:
def on_get(self, req, resp):
resp.status = falcon.HTTP_200
resp.text = 'Hello, World!'

4. Mapping URLs to resource handlers

You can map URLs into useful resource handlers by adding them to your Falcon application’s router. This is done using the add_route technique of the falcon.App instance.


app.add_route('/hello', HelloWorldResource())

5. Run the Falcon application

Finally, you can run the Falcon software using your desired web server. Falcon is WSGI compliant, which means you can use a variety of WSGI servers (such as Gunicorn or uWSGI) to serve your API.


if __name__ == '__main__':
from wsgiref import simple_server

httpd = simple_server.make_server('localhost', 8000, app)

That’s it! You’ve created a basic Falcon API. You can now make HTTP requests to defined endpoints and get responses from resource handlers.

Build To-Do List API

In this case, we created a TodoResource to handle GET and POST requests to manipulate the To-Do gadget list. The API allows you to retrieve a to-do list using GET requests and add new to-do items using POST requests.


import falcon
import json

def __init__(self):
self.todos = []
def on_get(self, req, resp):
resp.status = falcon.HTTP_200
resp.body = json.dumps({'todos': self.todos})
def on_post(self, req, resp):
data =
todo = data.get('todo')
if todo is not None:
resp.status = falcon.HTTP_201
resp.body = json.dumps({'message': 'Todo added successfully'})
resp.status = falcon.HTTP_BAD_REQUEST
resp.body = json.dumps({'error': 'Invalid request'})

app = falcon.App()
app.add_route('/todos', TodoResource())

if __name__ == '__main__':
from wsgiref import simple_server

httpd = simple_server.make_server('localhost', 8000, app)



Building a to-do list API with authentication

Adding authentication to an API is not an unusual need. Falcon middleware capabilities make authentication easy to apply. The following is a usage example of Falcon’s built-in falcon.Auth middleware. For this example, you may need to install the falcon_auth package. Use the following command to install the falcon_auth package using pip.

pip install falcon_auth

In this example, we use the Falcon falcon-auth middleware to perform initial authentication on a unique technology. ProtectedResource requires authentication, PublicResource does not currently. You can customize authentication judgments to meet the needs of your application.


import falcon
from falcon_auth import FalconAuthMiddleware, BasicAuthBackend
auth_backend = BasicAuthBackend(lambda username, password: username == 'user' and password == 'password')
app = falcon.App(middleware=[
FalconAuthMiddleware(auth_backend, exempt_routes=['/public']),
class ProtectedResource:
def on_get(self, req, resp):
resp.status = falcon.HTTP_200
resp.text = 'Authenticated resource'
class PublicResource:
def on_get(self, req, resp):
resp.status = falcon.HTTP_200
resp.text = 'Public resource'

app.add_route('/protected', ProtectedResource())
app.add_route('/public', PublicResource())

if __name__ == '__main__':
from wsgiref import simple_server
httpd = simple_server.make_server('localhost', 8000, app)


Falcon is an efficient subroutine for building high overall performance APIs in Python. Its compact design and focus on speed make it an excellent choice for programs that need fast and green API endpoints. By understanding the basic concepts of Falcon, following the steps to create an API with Falcon, and exploring real-life examples, you can use this framework to create a powerful and green API that meets your wishes, especially regarding whether to build a simple To-Do column Exporting APIs or implementing complex authentication mechanisms, Falcon provides the features and functionality you need in your Internet API projects.

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