Echarts draws a horizontal histogram (with up and down scroll bars)

Code (copy directly to the example link on the official website to view the effect):

 * The data is converted to units, and the default is multiplied by 100
 * @param value data to be calculated
 * @parama conversion converted quantifier
 * @param accuracy needs to be accurate to several digits
 * @return {string}
function accuracyCalc (value, conversion, accuracy) {<!-- -->
  let resVal = ''
  if (value) {<!-- -->
    resVal = (parseFloat(value) * conversion).toFixed(accuracy)
  return resVal

let yData = ['Little 1','Little 22','Little 333','Little 4444','Little 55555','Little 6','Little 7','Little 8','Little 9']
let yDataRight = [1310, 2310, 3310, 4310, 56789, 7710, 788190, 67, 189]
let seriesData = []
const legendData = ['Data 1', 'Data 2', 'Data 3', 'Data 4']
const color = ['#2FC25B', '#EF4864', '#FACC14', '#3295FA']
const colorLinear = [
  'rgba(47, 194, 91,0.5)',
  'rgba(239, 72, 100,0.5)',
  'rgba(250, 204, 20,0.5)',
  'rgba(50, 149, 250,0.5)'
const valueData = [
  {<!-- -->
    name: 'Data 1',
    data: [10,20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80 ,90]
  {<!-- -->
    name: 'Data 2',
    data: [100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600, 700, 800, 900]
  {<!-- -->
    name: 'Data 3',
    data: [1000, 2000, 3000, 4000, 5000, 6000, 7000, 8000, 9000]
  {<!-- -->
    name: 'Data 4',
    data: [200, 30, 40, 88, 96, 789, 9870, 76, 456]
for (let i = 0; i < valueData.length; i ++ ) {<!-- -->
  const item = valueData[i]
  const obj = {<!-- -->
    type: 'bar',
    barWidth: 16,
    stack: 'total',
    label: {<!-- -->
      show: false
    tooltip: {<!-- -->
      // valueFormatter: function (value) {<!-- -->
      // const equalVal = !isEmpty(value)
      // ? parseFloat(value).toFixed(2)
      // : '-'
      // return equalVal + 'a'
      // }
    itemStyle: {<!-- -->
      color: new echarts. graphic. LinearGradient(0, 0, 1, 0, [
        {<!-- --> offset: 0, color: color[i] },
        {<!-- --> offset: 1, color: colorLinear[i] }
        i === 0
          ? [100, 0, 0, 100]
          : i === valueData.length - 1
            ? [0, 100, 100, 0]
            : [0, 0, 0, 0]
  seriesData. push(obj)
option = {<!-- -->
    tooltip: {<!-- -->
    trigger: 'axis',
    axisPointer: {<!-- -->
        type: 'shadow' // 'shadow' as default; can also be 'line' or 'shadow'
    textStyle: {<!-- -->
        fontSize: 24
    confine: true
    dataZoom: [
    {<!-- -->
        id: 'dataZoomY',
        yAxisIndex: [0, 1],
        show: true, // Whether to display the slider, does not affect the use
        type: 'slider', // this dataZoom component is a slider type dataZoom component
        start: 100, // default display 0%
        // startValue: 2000000, // start from the end -- reverse order
        // endValue: 4, // display 5 at a time
        width: 6,
        borderColor: 'transparent',
        fillerColor: 'rgba(205,205,205,1)',
        zoomLock: true,
        showDataShadow: false, // whether to display data shadow, default auto
        backgroundColor: '#fff',
        showDetail: false, // That is, whether to display detailed numerical information when dragging and dropping. Default true
        realtime: true, // Whether to update in real time
        filterMode: 'filter',
        handleIcon: 'circle',
        handleStyle: {<!-- -->
        color: 'rgba(205,205,205,1)',
        borderColor: 'rgba(205,205,205,1)'
        handleSize: '80%',
        moveHandleSize: 0,
        maxValueSpan: 3,
        minValueSpan: 3,
        brushSelect: false // brush selection function, set to false to prevent the length of the drag bar from changing ************* (this is a pit)
    {<!-- -->
        type: 'inside',
        yAxisIndex: [0, 1],
        start: 0, // default display 0%
        zoomOnMouseWheel: false, // Whether the scroll wheel triggers zooming
        moveOnMouseMove: true, // Mouse wheel triggers scrolling
        moveOnMouseWheel: true
    legend: {<!-- -->
    data: legendData,
    icon: 'circle',
    itemGap: 32,
    itemWidth: 16,
    itemHeight: 16,
    borderRadius: 16,
    textStyle: {<!-- -->
        width: 96,
        padding: [0, 0, 0, 12],
        fontSize: 24,
        color: '#ccc'
    grid: {<!-- -->
    top: 73,
    left: 100,
    bottom: 0,
    right: 0,
    containLabel: true
    xAxis: {<!-- -->
    type: 'value',
    showMinLabel: true,
    showMaxLabel: true,
    axisLabel: {<!-- -->
        fontSize: 24,
        color: '#999',
        formatter: function (value) {<!-- -->
        // const equalVal = !isEmpty(value)
        const equalVal = value
            ? (Math. abs(parseFloat(value)) > 1000) & amp; & amp; (Math. abs(parseFloat(value)) < 10000)
                ?accuracyCalc(value, 0.001, 0) + 'k'
                : Math.abs(parseFloat(value)) >= 10000
                ?accuracyCalc(value, 0.0001, 0) + 'w'
                : parseFloat(value)
            : '-'
        return equalVal
    splitLine: {<!-- -->
        show: true,
        lineStyle: {<!-- -->
        type: 'dashed',
        width: 2,
        color: ['rgba(255,255,255,0.15)']
    yAxis: [
    {<!-- -->
        type: 'category',
        offset: 110,
        axisLabel: {<!-- -->
        fontSize: 24,
        color: '#999',
        margin: 13,
        align: 'left',
        formatter: (val) => {<!-- -->
            return (val & amp; & amp; val. length) > 4 ? val. slice(0, 4) + '...' : val
        splitLine: {<!-- -->
        show: false
        axisLine: {<!-- -->
        show: false
        axisTick: {<!-- -->
        show: false
        data: yData
    {<!-- -->
        type: 'category',
        yAxisIndex: 1,
        axisLabel: {<!-- -->
        fontSize: 24,
        color: '#999',
        margin: 13,
        formatter: (value) => {<!-- -->
            const equalVal = value
            ? Math.abs(parseFloat) >= 10000
                ?accuracyCalc(value, 0.0001, 2)
                : parseFloat(value).toFixed(2)
            : '-'
            const unit = value
            ? Math.abs(parseFloat(value)) >= 10000
                ? 'ten thousand'
                : ' indivual'
            : ' indivual'
            return equalVal + unit
        splitLine: {<!-- -->
        show: false
        axisLine: {<!-- -->
        show: false
        axisTick: {<!-- -->
        show: false
        data: yDataRight
    series: seriesData

Effect image: