Encyclopedia of C language functions — functions starting with x (3)

C language function collection

This article introduces the complete set of C language functions — functions starting with x

1. xdr_opaque

1.1 Function Description

Function declaration Function function
bool_t xdr_opaque(XDR *xdrs, char *buf, u_int len); Used to encode or decode binary data of any length


  • xdrs : Pointer to the XDR data structure representing the data stream to be encoded or decoded
  • buf: Pointer to the binary data to be encoded or decoded
  • len : The length (in bytes) of the binary data to be encoded or decoded

Return value:

  • If the encoding or decoding is successful, the return value is TRUE;
  • Otherwise the return value is FALSE.

1.2 Demonstration example

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <rpc/xdr.h>

int main()
{<!-- -->
    // encode data
    char data[] = "hello, world!";
    XDR xdr;
    xdrmem_create( & xdr, NULL, 0, XDR_ENCODE);
    if (!xdr_opaque( & xdr, data, sizeof(data)))
    {<!-- -->
        printf("Error: failed to encode data.\\
    // Get encoded data and print
    char *encoded_data = malloc(xdr_getpos( & amp;xdr));
    xdrmem_create( & amp; xdr, encoded_data, xdr_getpos( & amp; xdr), XDR_DECODE);
    printf("Encoded data: ");
    for (int i = 0; i < xdr_getpos( & xdr); + + i)
    {<!-- -->
        printf(" x ", encoded_data[i]);
    // decode data
    char decoded_data[sizeof(data)];
    if (!xdr_opaque( & xdr, decoded_data, sizeof(decoded_data)))
    {<!-- -->
        printf("Error: failed to decode data.\\
    printf("Decoded data: %s\\
", decoded_data);
    return 0;

In the sample code above,

  • First, we define a string "hello, world!" as the data to be encoded, and create a XDR structure;
  • Then, call the xdrmem_create() function to initialize the XDR structure so that it can read and write data from the memory;
  • Next, use the xdr_opaque() function to encode the string and convert it to XDR format;
  • Then, get the encoded data and print it; among them,
    • We first use the xdr_getpos() function to get the length of the encoded data;
    • Then use the xdrmem_create() function to create a new XDR structure to decode it;
    • Finally, loop through the encoded data and print it out in hexadecimal.
  • Then, use the xdr_opaque() function to decode the encoded data;
  • Finally, print the decoded data.

2. xdr_opaque_auth

2.1 Function Description

Function declaration Function function
bool_t xdr_opaque_auth(XDR *xdrs, struct opaque_auth *ap); used Used to encode or decode authentication information


  • xdrs : A pointer to the XDR structure, used to specify the codec context
  • ap : Pointer to opaque_auth structure, used to specify authentication information

Return value:

  • If the encoding or decoding is successful, the return value is TRUE;
  • Otherwise the return value is FALSE.

2.2 Demonstration example

2.2.1 opaque_auth
// defined in <rpc/auth.h>
struct opaque_auth {<!-- -->
    int oa_flavor; // authentication method (authentication flavor)
    caddr_t oa_base; // opaque data
    u_int oa_length; // data length
2.2.2 test.c
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <rpc/xdr.h>
#include <rpc/auth.h>

int main()
{<!-- -->
    // encode data
    struct opaque_auth auth;
    auth.oa_flavor = AUTH_NONE;
    auth.oa_base = NULL;
    auth.oa_length = 0;
    XDR xdr;
    xdrmem_create( & xdr, NULL, 0, XDR_ENCODE);
    if (!xdr_opaque_auth( &xdr, &auth))
    {<!-- -->
        printf("Error: failed to encode authentication information.\\
    // Get encoded data and print
    char *encoded_data = malloc(xdr_getpos( & amp;xdr));
    xdrmem_create( & amp; xdr, encoded_data, xdr_getpos( & amp; xdr), XDR_DECODE);
    printf("Encoded data: ");
    for (int i = 0; i < xdr_getpos( & xdr); + + i)
    {<!-- -->
        printf(" x ", encoded_data[i]);
    // Decode authentication information
    struct opaque_auth decoded_auth;
    xdrmem_create( & amp; xdr, encoded_data, xdr_getpos( & amp; xdr), XDR_DECODE);
    if (!xdr_opaque_auth( &xdr, &decoded_auth))
    {<!-- -->
        printf("Error: failed to decode authentication information.\\
    // Print the decoded authentication information
    printf("Decoded authentication information:\\
    printf("oa_flavor = %d\\
", decoded_auth.oa_flavor);
    printf("oa_length = %u\\
", decoded_auth.oa_length);
    return 0;

In the example above,

  • First, we create a opaque_auth structure and initialize its member variables.

Note: Since the authentication method used is AUTH_NONE, that is, no authentication information is required; therefore, the oa_length member variable is set to 0. In actual development, we may need to use other authentication methods, and set the member variables of the opaque_auth structure accordingly. 】

  • Then, use the xdrmem_create() function to create an XDR structure and specify it as the encoding mode.

  • Then, call the xdr_opaque_auth() function to encode the authentication information, obtain the encoded data and print it out [here is the same as in 1.2, no more details].

  • Then, use the xdrmem_create() function to create a new XDR structure and specify it as the decoding mode.

  • Then, call the xdr_opaque_auth() function to decode the encoded authentication information, and obtain the decoded authentication information by accessing the member variables of the opaque_auth structure.

  • Finally, print the decoded authentication information.

3. xdr_pointer

3.1 Function Description

Function declaration Function function
bool_t xdr_pointer(XDR *xdrs, char **objpp, u_int obj_size, xdrproc_t xdr_obj) Used to encode and decode pointer type data


  • xdrs : A pointer to an XDR structure to encode or decode data
  • objpp: The address of the data to be encoded or decoded
  • obj_size: The size in bytes of the data to be encoded or decoded
  • xdr_obj: Used to encode or decode the data pointed to by the pointer

Return value:

  • If the encoding or decoding is successful, the return value is TRUE;
  • Otherwise the return value is FALSE.

For the use of the xdr_pointer() function, refer to the following:

  • For encoding operations, the xdr_pointer() function encodes the data pointed to by the pointer objpp into the XDR stream. If objpp is NULL, a special flag is written to represent a null pointer. If objpp is not NULL, first write a non-zero value to represent a non-null pointer, and then call the specified XDR encoding program to encode the data to encode.

  • For decoding operations, the xdr_pointer() function reads some bytes from the XDR stream and creates a new data object from those bytes. If the bytes read represent a null pointer, set objpp to NULL. Otherwise, set objpp to a pointer to the new object and call the specified XDR encoder to decode the data.

3.2 Demonstration example

#include <stdio.h>
#include <rpc/xdr.h>

int main()
{<!-- -->
    char buffer[1024];
    XDR xdrs;
    xdrmem_create( & amp;xdr, buffer, sizeof(buffer), XDR_ENCODE); // create XDR stream

    // encode the pointer as an integer in the XDR stream
    int pointer_value = 42;
    xdr_pointer( &xdrs, (char **) &pointer_value, sizeof(int), (xdrproc_t)xdr_int);

    // print the encoded value
    printf("Encoded value: %d\\
", pointer_value);

    // decode the integer, restore the pointer
    xdr_setpos( & xdrs, 0);
    xdr_pointer( &xdrs, (char **) &pointer_value, sizeof(int), (xdrproc_t)xdr_int);

    // print the decoded pointer value
    printf("Decoded value: %d\\
", pointer_value);

    // close the stream
    xdr_destroy( & xdrs);

    return 0;

In the sample code above,

  • First, we create a XDR stream object xdrs and bind it to the buffer array;
  • Then, use the xdr_pointer() function to write the integer pointer pointer_value into the stream; and output the value of pointer_value, which is the encoded integer;
  • Then, use the xdr_setpos() function to set the position of the XDR stream to 0;
  • Then, use the xdr_pointer() function to decode the integer value from the XDR stream and store it back into the pointer_value variable; and output the pointer_value, which is the decoded integer pointer;
  • Finally, use the xdr_destroy() function to close and release the XDR stream object and end the program.

4. xdr_replymsg

4.1 Function Description

Function declaration Function function
bool_t xdr_replymsg(XDR *xdrs, struct rpc_msg *msg); used Used to encode or decode reply messages


  • xdrs : A pointer to an XDR structure to encode or decode data
  • msg: Pointer to enum type data to be encoded or decoded

Return value:

  • If the encoding or decoding is successful, the return value is TRUE;
  • Otherwise the return value is FALSE.

Before using the xdr_replymsg() function, each field in the rpc_msg structure needs to be set. The rpc_msg structure is used to represent the RPC message, which includes the following fields:

  • uint32_t xid : Indicates the identifier of this message.
  • enum msg_type msg_type : Indicates the message type, which can be CALL or REPLY.
  • union rpc_body : Indicates the main part of RPC, including:
    • call_body : Indicates the body of the CALL message, including the program number, version number, and process number of RPC, as well as the parameters passed to the process.
    • reply_body : Indicates the body of the REPLY message, including the return value and possible error messages.

4.2 Demonstration example

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <rpc/xdr.h>

int main()
{<!-- -->
    // create XDR stream object
    char buffer[1024];
    XDR xdrs;
    xdrmem_create( & xdrs, buffer, sizeof(buffer), XDR_ENCODE);

    // Set rpc_msg structure
    struct rpc_msg msg = {<!-- -->.xid = 12345, .msg_type = REPLY};
    msg.acpted_rply.ar_verf = AUTH_NULL;
    msg.acpted_rply.ar_results.where = (char *)"Success";
    msg.acpted_rply.ar_results.proc = (xdrproc_t)xdr_string;

    // Encode the reply message
    if (!xdr_replymsg( &xdrs, &msg))
    {<!-- -->
        fprintf(stderr, "Failed to encode reply message\\
        return 1;

    // print the encoded result
    printf("Encoded message: ");
    for (int i = 0; i < xdr_getpos( & amp; xdrs); i ++ )
    {<!-- -->
        printf("x", buffer[i] & 0xff);

    // decode the reply message
    struct rpc_msg decoded_msg;
    if (!xdr_replymsg( &xdrs, &decoded_msg))
    {<!-- -->
        fprintf(stderr, "Failed to decode reply message\\
        return 1;

    // print the decoded result
    printf("Decoded message:\\
    printf("XID: %d\\
", decoded_msg.xid);
    printf("Message Type: %d\\
", decoded_msg.msg_type);
    printf("Verf Flavor: %d\\
", decoded_msg.acpted_rply.ar_verf.oa_flavor);
    printf("Verf Length: %d\\
", decoded_msg.acpted_rply.ar_verf.oa_length);
    char *result;
    if (!xdr_string( &xdrs, &result, sizeof(result)))
    {<!-- -->
        fprintf(stderr, "Failed to decode result string\\
        return 1;
", result);

    return 0;

In the example program above,

  • First, create an XDR stream object and set up an rpc_msg structure containing the required information.
  • Next, use the xdr_replymsg() function to encode the rpc_msg structure into XDR format. If encoding fails, output an error and exit the program.
  • Then, print the encoded result so you can see the serialized data.
  • Next, use the xdr_replymsg() function to decode the encoded data back into the rpc_msg structure. If decoding fails, output an error and exit the program.
  • Then, print the decoded result, including transaction ID, message type, verification flag, result and other information;
  • Finally, the program exits normally.

5. xdr_reference

5.1 Function Description

Function declaration Function function
bool_t xdr_reference(XDR *xdrs, char **objp, u_int obj_size, xdrproc_t xdr_func); is used to encode or decode a reference to an object


  • xdrs : A pointer to an XDR structure to encode or decode data
  • objp: A reference to a pointer object to encode or decode
  • obj_size : the size of the referenced pointer object
  • xdr_func: Pointer to the XDR function used to encode or decode the data object pointed to by objp

Return value:

  • If the encoding or decoding is successful, the return value is TRUE;
  • Otherwise the return value is FALSE.

5.2 Demonstration example

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <rpc/xdr.h>

int main()
{<!-- -->
    // create XDR stream object
    char buffer[1024];
    XDR xdrs;
    xdrmem_create( & xdrs, buffer, sizeof(buffer), XDR_ENCODE);

    // set string pointer
    char *str = "Hello, world!";

    // encoded string pointer
    if (!xdr_reference( &xdrs, &str, strlen(str) + 1, (xdrproc_t)xdr_string))
    {<!-- -->
        fprintf(stderr, "Failed to encode string reference\\
        return EXIT_FAILURE;

    // print the encoded result
    printf("Encoded message: ");
    for (int i = 0; i < xdr_getpos( & amp; xdrs); i ++ )
    {<!-- -->
        printf("x", buffer[i] & 0xff);

    // Create a new XDR stream object and deserialize the string pointer
    XDR new_xdrs;
    xdrmem_create( & new_xdrs, buffer, sizeof(buffer), XDR_DECODE);

    char *decoded_str = NULL;
    if (!xdr_reference( &new_xdrs, &decoded_str, strlen(str) + 1, (xdrproc_t)xdr_string))
    {<!-- -->
        fprintf(stderr, "Failed to decode string reference\\
        return EXIT_FAILURE;

    // print the decoded result
    printf("Decoded message: %s\\
", decoded_str);

    return EXIT_SUCCESS;

In the sample code above,

  • First, we call the xdrmem_create() function to create a XDR stream object xdrs, and bind it to buffer;
  • Then, a string pointer str is defined and initialized to "Hello, world!";
  • Then, call the xdr_reference() function to encode str and store the result in buffer. If the encoding is successful, print out the encoded message;
  • Then, call the xdrmem_create() function to create a new XDR stream object new_xdrs and bind it to buffer Certainly;
  • Then, call xdr_reference() function to decode decoded_str, and read encoded data from new_xdrs object. If the decoding is successful, print out the decoded message.
  • Finally, the program exits normally.

6. xdr_rpc_gss_data

6.1 Function Description

Function declaration Function function
bool_t xdr_rpc_gss_data(XDR * xdrs, rpc_gss_data * gd); for Encode or decode RPC GSS data


  • xdrs : A pointer to an XDR structure to encode or decode data
  • gd : Pointer to rpc_gss_data structure

Return value:

  • If the encoding or decoding is successful, the return value is TRUE;
  • Otherwise the return value is FALSE.

6.2 Demonstration example

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <rpc/rpc.h>
#include <rpc/auth_gss.h>

int main()
{<!-- -->
    rpc_gss_data gd;
    XDR xdr;
    char buffer[1024];
    bool_t status;
    memset( & gd, 0, sizeof(gd));
    memset( & xdr, 0, sizeof(xdr));
    xdrmem_create( & xdr, buffer, sizeof(buffer), XDR_ENCODE);
    status = xdr_rpc_gss_data( &xdr, &gd);
    if (!status)
    {<!-- -->
        fprintf(stderr, "Serialization failed.\\
    xdrmem_create( & xdr, buffer, sizeof(buffer), XDR_DECODE);
    status = xdr_rpc_gss_data( &xdr, &gd);
    if (!status)
    {<!-- -->
        fprintf(stderr, "Deserialization failed.\\
    return 0;

7. xdr_rpcb

7.1 Function Description

Function declaration Function function
bool_t xdr_rpcb(XDR *xdrs, struct rpcb *objp); used For encoding and decoding RPCBIND program number and version number, as well as program address information


  • xdrs : A pointer to an XDR structure to encode or decode data
  • objp: A pointer to the rpcb structure

Return value:

  • If the encoding or decoding is successful, the return value is TRUE;
  • Otherwise the return value is FALSE.

7.2 Demonstration example

// RPCBIND program number and version number, and program address
struct rpcb {<!-- -->
    char *r_progname;
    u_long r_progvers;
    struct netbuf r_addr;
    char *r_netid;
// network address information
struct netbuf {<!-- -->
    u_int maxlen;
    u_int len;
    char *buf;
#include <stdio.h>
#include <rpc/rpc.h>

int main()
{<!-- -->
    struct rpcb rpcb_obj = {<!-- -->"my_program", 1, {<!-- -->0, 0, NULL}, "tcp"};

    XDR xdr;
    char buffer[1024];

    xdrmem_create( & xdr, buffer, sizeof(buffer), XDR_ENCODE);

    if (xdr_rpcb( &xdr, &rpcb_obj))
    {<!-- -->
        printf("Serialization success!\\
    {<!-- -->
        printf("Serialization failed!\\

    return 0;

8. xdr_short

8.1 Function Description

Function declaration Function function
bool_t xdr_short(XDR *xdrs, short *sp); for Encode or decode short integer data


  • xdrs : A pointer to an XDR structure to encode or decode data
  • sp: Pointer to data of type short to encode or decode

Return value:

  • If the encoding or decoding is successful, the return value is TRUE;
  • Otherwise the return value is FALSE.

8.2 Demonstration example

#include <rpc/xdr.h>
#include <stdio.h>

int main()
{<!-- -->
    XDR xdr;
    char buf[256];
    short num = 42;

    // Initialize the XDR stream structure
    xdrmem_create( & xdr, buf, sizeof(buf), XDR_ENCODE);

    // marshal short type variable
    if (!xdr_short( &xdr, &num))
    {<!-- -->
        fprintf(stderr, "Marshalling failed!\\
        return 1;

    // reset stream position
    xdr_setpos( & xdr, 0);

    // unmarshal short type variable
    short decoded_num;
    if (!xdr_short( &xdr, &decoded_num))
    {<!-- -->
        fprintf(stderr, "Unmarshalling failed!\\
        return 1;

    printf("Marshaling value: %d, unmarshalling value: %d\\
", num, decoded_num);
    return 0;

9. xdr_string

9.1 Function Description

Function declaration Function function
bool_t xdr_string(XDR *xdrs, char **cpp, u_int maxsize); Used to encode or decode string data


  • xdrs : A pointer to an XDR structure to encode or decode data
  • cpp: Pointer to the string data to be encoded or decoded
  • maxsize: the maximum allowed string length

Return value:

  • If the encoding or decoding is successful, the return value is TRUE;
  • Otherwise the return value is FALSE.

9.2 Demonstration example

#include <stdio.h>
#include <rpc/xdr.h>

int main()
{<!-- -->
    char *str = "hello world!";
    char buf[1024];
    XDR xdrs;

    xdrmem_create( & xdrs, buf, sizeof(buf), XDR_ENCODE);

    if (!xdr_string( &xdrs, &str, strlen(str)))
    {<!-- -->
        printf("Serialization failed.\\
    {<!-- -->
        printf("Serialized data:\\
        for (int i = 0; i < xdr_getpos( & amp; xdrs); i ++ )
        {<!-- -->
            printf(" x ", buf[i]);

    return 0;

10. xdr_string_ptr

10.1 Function Description

Function declaration Function function
bool_t xdr_string_ptr(XDR *xdrs, char **cpp, const uint_t maxsize); Used to encode or decode pointers to strings


  • xdrs : A pointer to an XDR structure to encode or decode data
  • cpp: Pointer to the string data to be encoded or decoded
  • maxsize: the maximum allowed string length

Return value:

  • If the encoding or decoding is successful, the return value is TRUE;
  • Otherwise the return value is FALSE.

10.2 Demonstration example

#include <stdio.h>
#include <rpc/xdr.h>

int main()
{<!-- -->
    char str[50] = "Hello, world!";
    XDR xdrs;
    xdrmem_create( & xdrs, str, sizeof(str), XDR_ENCODE);
    xdr_string_ptr( &xdrs, &str, sizeof(str));
    printf("Encoded string: %s\\
", str);

    char decoded_str[50];
    xdrmem_create( & xdrs, str, sizeof(str), XDR_DECODE);
    xdr_string_ptr( & amp; xdrs, & amp; decoded_str, sizeof(decoded_str));
    printf("Decoded string: %s\\
", decoded_str);

    return 0;