Financial data statistical analysis system based on big data

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  • 1. Project introduction
  • 2. Development environment
  • 3. System display – financial data statistical analysis system based on big data
  • 4. Code display
  • 5. Project Summary
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1. Project introduction

1. Background

With the expansion of enterprise scale and the growth of business volume, traditional financial data processing methods can no longer meet the needs of enterprises. The processing efficiency is low and financial data cannot be provided in a timely and accurate manner, which affects the decision-making and development of enterprises. Therefore, the emergence of financial data statistical analysis systems based on big data aims to solve these problems and improve the efficiency and quality of financial data processing.

2. Problems with existing solutions

Although some statistical analysis systems for financial data already exist, they have some problems. First, they cannot handle large-scale data and have low data processing efficiency. Secondly, they cannot conduct in-depth analysis and mining of data, and cannot discover the information and patterns hidden in the data. Finally, their security and reliability cannot be guaranteed, and data leakage and corruption often occur.

3. Research purpose and significance

The research purpose of this topic is to develop a financial data statistical analysis system based on big data, which can process large-scale data, improve data processing efficiency and quality, and at the same time conduct in-depth analysis and mining of data to discover the information hidden in the data. and rules. In addition, the research on this topic can also improve the security and reliability of the system and avoid data leakage and damage.

2. Development environment

  • Big data technology: Hadoop, Spark, Hive
  • Development technology: Python, Django framework, Vue, Echarts
  • Software tools: Pycharm, DataGrip, Anaconda, VM virtual machine

3. System display-financial data statistical analysis system based on big data

4. Code display

import sys
from utils import eemd_tools, data_tools, networks_factory, data_metrics
from utils.constants import const

# fix random seed for reproducibility

data_multi = np.load(const.PROJECT_DIR + "data/eemd/apple/data_multi.npy")
print("# shape", data_multi.shape) # not .shape()
# print(data_multi)
n_dims = data_multi.shape[1] # magic number!
print("# dims: ", n_dims)

# normalize features
scaler = data_tools.Po_MinMaxScaler
scaled = scaler.fit_transform(data_multi)

lag = const.LOOK_BACK

reframed = data_tools.series_to_supervised(scaled, lag, output)
# drop columns we don't want to predict
index_drop = [-j-1 for j in range(data_multi.shape[1] - 1)]
reframed.drop(reframed.columns[index_drop], axis=1, inplace=True)
data_supervised = reframed.values
print("# shape:", reframed.shape)
print(len(data_multi) == len(reframed) + lag)
# print(reframed.head(3))

# split into train and test sets
train_size = int(len(data_supervised) * const.TRAIN_SCALE)
test_size = len(data_supervised) - train_size
train_data, test_data = data_supervised[0:train_size,:], data_supervised[train_size:len(data_multi),:]
print(len(train_data), len(test_data))
print(len(data_supervised) == len(train_data) + len(test_data))
# print(train_data)

# split into input and outputs
train_X, train_Y = train_data[:, :-1], train_data[:, -1]
test_X, test_Y = test_data[:, :-1], test_data[:, -1]
print("# shape:", train_X.shape)
print("# shape:", train_Y.shape)

from sklearn.utils import shuffle
from scipy.sparse import coo_matrix

# shuffle train set (include validation set)
trainX_sparse = coo_matrix(train_X) # sparse matrix
train_X, trainX_sparse, train_Y = shuffle(train_X, trainX_sparse, train_Y, random_state=0)

time_steps = lag
n_lstm_neurons = [8, 16, 32, 64, 128]
# n_lstm_neurons = [8] # for once
n_epoch = networks_factory.EPOCHS
n_batch_size = networks_factory.BATCH_SIZE

# reshape input to be 3D [samples, timesteps, features]
train_X = train_X.reshape((train_X.shape[0], time_steps, train_X.shape[1]//time_steps))
test_X = test_X.reshape((test_X.shape[0], time_steps, test_X.shape[1]//time_steps))
print(train_X.shape, train_Y.shape)
print(test_X.shape, test_Y.shape)

for i, n_lstm_neuron in enumerate(n_lstm_neurons):
    print("----------n_lstm_neuron: %d--------------" % n_lstm_neuron)
    s, model = networks_factory.create_lstm_model_dropout(lstm_neurons=n_lstm_neuron, hidden_layers=2,
                                                          lenth=time_steps, dims=n_dims, n_out=1)
    model.compile(loss='mean_squared_error', optimizer='adam')
    history =, train_Y, epochs=10, batch_size=n_batch_size, validation_split=const.VALIDATION_SCALE,
                    verbose=0, callbacks=[networks_factory.ES]) # callbacks=[networks_factory.ES]
    print("# Finished Training...")
    # make a prediction
    train_predict = model.predict(train_X)
    test_predict = model.predict(test_X)
    # invert predictions
    inv_trainP, inv_trainY = data_tools.inv_transform_multi(scaler, train_X, train_predict, train_Y)
    inv_testP, inv_testY = data_tools.inv_transform_multi(scaler, test_X, test_predict, test_Y)

    # calculate RMSE, MAPE, Dstat
    train_rmse = sqrt(mean_squared_error(inv_trainP, inv_trainY))
    test_rmse = sqrt(mean_squared_error(inv_testP, inv_testY))
    print('Train RMSE: %.4f, Test RMSE: %.4f' % (train_rmse, test_rmse))
    train_mape = data_metrics.MAPE(inv_trainP, inv_trainY)
    test_mape = data_metrics.MAPE(inv_testP, inv_testY)
    print('Train MAPE: %.4f, Test MAPE: %.4f' % (train_mape, test_mape))
    train_ds = data_metrics.Dstat(inv_trainP, inv_trainY)
    test_ds = data_metrics.Dstat(inv_testP, inv_testY)
    print('Train Dstat: %.4f, Test Dstat: %.4f' % (train_ds, test_ds))
print("# All Done!")

5. Project summary

This study clarifies its necessity and advantages in corporate financial management through in-depth research on financial data statistical analysis systems based on big data. Traditional financial data processing methods have obvious deficiencies in processing efficiency and quality, and cannot meet the needs of modern enterprises for real-time, accuracy and in-depth analysis of financial data. The financial data statistical analysis system based on big data can solve these problems to a large extent, improve the efficiency and quality of financial data processing, and provide enterprises with more timely and accurate financial data support.

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