Openpyxl operates Excel files

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  • Openpyxl operates Excel files
        • 1. Install openpyxl third-party library
        • 2.openpyxl reads Excel files
        • 3. Flexibly obtain data in Excel files
        • 4.Openpyxl writes Excel files
        • 5. Flexibly write and operate Excel files

Openpyxl operates Excel files

1. Install openpyxl third-party library
pip install openpyxl -i Python domestic mirror source address (searched in Baidu, if the protocol name cannot be used, change it to https)

Or permanently change the pip package management tool installation address
pip/pip3 config set global.index-url
Then pip install package name
2.openpyxl reads Excel files
import openpyxl
# This third-party library can only operate Excel files with the suffix .xlsx

# 1. Open the Excel file and obtain a workbook object
# 1) (excel file path)
# 2) openpyxl.load_workbook (excel file path)
wb ='./files/data.xlsx')

# 2. Get the table names of all worksheets in the workbook
# workbook object.sheetnames
names = wb.sheetnames

# 3. Get the worksheet
# 1) Workbook - Get the active table (the selected table) in the current Excel file
# 2) Workbook object [table name] - Get the worksheet corresponding to the specified table name
sheet1 =

sheet2 = wb['original data']

# 4. Get the maximum number of rows and columns
# worksheet.max_row - Get the maximum number of rows in the specified worksheet
# worksheet.max_column - Get the maximum number of columns in the specified worksheet
m_r = sheet2.max_row
m_c = sheet2.max_column
print(m_r, m_c)

# 5. Get cells
# Worksheet.cell(row number, column number)
cell1 = sheet2.cell(2, 1)
cell2 = sheet2.cell(19, 3)

# 6. Get the content in the cell
print(cell1.value, cell2.value)
3. Flexible acquisition of data in Excel files

Please add image description

import openpyxl

wb = openpyxl.load_workbook('files/data.xlsx')
sheet = wb['original data']
# sheet =

# 1. Get all the data in the specified row
row = 4
for col in range(1, sheet.max_column + 1):
    cell = sheet.cell(row, col)

print('-----------------------------Gorgeous dividing line------------- ----------------')

# 2. Get all the data in the specified column
for row in range(1, sheet.max_row + 1):
    cell = sheet.cell(row, col)

print('-----------------------------Gorgeous dividing line------------- ----------------')
# 3. Get all the scores of each student
for row in range(1, sheet.max_row + 1):
    for col in range(1, sheet.max_column + 1):
        cell = sheet.cell(row, col)

# 4. Get all the grades of each student and save them in a list. The elements in the list are dictionaries.
# [{'Name': 'Li Nan', 'English': 70, 'Office software operation': 96, 'E-commerce': 73, 'Computer basics': 79}, ]
all_students = []
for row in range(2, sheet.max_row + 1):
    stu = {<!-- -->}
    for col in range(1, sheet.max_column + 1):
        data_cell = sheet.cell(row, col)
        key_cell = sheet.cell(1, col)
        # stu[key_cell.value] = data_cell.value
        stu.setdefault(key_cell.value, data_cell.value)

4.openpyxl writes Excel files
import openpyxl

# 1. Create a workbook (create a new excel file)
wb = openpyxl.Workbook()
wb1 = openpyxl.load_workbook('files/data.xlsx')

# 2. Create a new worksheet
# 1) Create a new worksheet with the default name
sheet1 = wb.create_sheet()

# 2) Create a new worksheet using the specified name
sheet2 = wb.create_sheet('student')

# 3) Insert the worksheet with the specified name before the specified position
sheet3 = wb.create_sheet('teacher', 0)

# 4) Create a new table in the existing workbook
if 'movie information' not in wb1.sheetnames:
    sheet4 = wb1.create_sheet('movie information')

# 3. Delete worksheet
# Workbook.remove(worksheet object)
if 'Sheet1' in wb1.sheetnames:

# 4. Modify cell content
#Cell object.value = data
sheet5 = wb1['original data']

# 1) Add content
sheet5.cell(1, 6).value = 'Average score'

# 2) Modify content
sheet5.cell(6, 2).value = '(absent)'

# 3) Delete cell content
sheet5.cell(2, 2).value = None

# Save the excel file'files/data2.xlsx')'files/data.xlsx')
5. Flexible writing and operation of Excel files
data = [
    {<!-- -->'Name': 'Li Nan', 'English': 78, 'Office software operation': 96, 'E-commerce': 73, 'Computer basics': 79},
    {<!-- -->'Name': 'Fang Peng', 'English': 63, 'Office software operation': 94, 'E-commerce': 91, 'Computer basics': 78},
    {<!-- -->'Name': 'Li Lei', 'English': 89, 'Office software operation': 65, 'E-commerce': 0, 'Computer Basics': 0},
    {<!-- -->'Name': 'Wang Xiaoruo', 'English': 81, 'Office software operation': 77, 'E-commerce': 73, 'Computer basics': 80},
    {<!-- -->'Name': 'Chen Yu', 'English': 0, 'Office software operation': 87, 'E-commerce': 84, 'Computer basics': 88},
    {<!-- -->'Name': 'Shi Lu', 'English': 91, 'Office software operation': 95, 'E-commerce': 84, 'Computer basics': 80},
    {<!-- -->'Name': 'Zhang Ying', 'English': 73, 'Office software operation': 92, 'E-commerce': 92, 'Computer basics': 89},
    {<!-- -->'Name': 'Cheng Xiao', 'English': 80, 'Office software operation': 86, 'E-commerce': 0, 'Computer Basics': 0},
    {<!-- -->'Name': 'Wang Li', 'English': 72, 'Office software operation': 55, 'E-commerce': 88, 'Computer basics': 70},
    {<!-- -->'Name': 'Zhao Junli', 'English': 69, 'Office software operation': 69, 'E-commerce': 63, 'Computer basics': 76},
    {<!-- -->'Name': 'Wang Ming', 'English': 96, 'Office software operation': 80, 'E-commerce': 85, 'Computer Basics': 64},
    {<!-- -->'Name': 'Li Li', 'English': 64, 'Office software operation': 0, 'E-commerce': 74, 'Computer basics': 86},
    {<!-- -->'Name': 'Zhang Fan', 'English': 72, 'Office software operation': 64, 'E-commerce': 97, 'Computer basics': 74},
    {<!-- -->'Name': 'Zhang Shanshan', 'English': 60, 'Office software operation': 95, 'E-commerce': 69, 'Computer basics': 61},
    {<!-- -->'Name': 'Liu Lili', 'English': 78, 'Office software operation': 93, 'E-commerce': 81, 'Computer basics': 0},
    {<!-- -->'Name': 'Shi Jieqing', 'English': 62, 'Office software operation': 63, 'E-commerce': 64, 'Computer basics': 70},
    {<!-- -->'Name': 'Lu Yao', 'English': 0, 'Office software operation': 0, 'E-commerce': 0, 'Computer Basics': 63},
    {<!-- -->'Name': 'Li Guiming', 'English': 84, 'Office software operation': 90, 'E-commerce': 87, 'Computer basics': 99}

data1 = [
    {<!-- -->'name': 'Li Nan', 'gender': 'Female', 'score': 1000, 'email': '[email protected]'},
    {<!-- -->'name': 'Zhao Junli', 'gender': 'Male', 'score': 567, 'email': '[email protected]'},
    {<!-- -->'name': 'Zhang Fan', 'gender': 'Male', 'score': 478, 'email': '[email protected]'},
    {<!-- -->'name': 'Wang Xiaoruo', 'gender': 'Female', 'score': 672, 'email': '[email protected]'},
    {<!-- -->'name': 'Li Guiming', 'gender': 'Male', 'score': 325, 'email': '[email protected]'}

import openpyxl
import os

# 1. If the corresponding excel file already exists, open the file. If it does not exist, create it.
if os.path.exists('files/python data analysis.xlsx'):
    wb = openpyxl.load_workbook('files/python data analysis.xlsx')
    wb = openpyxl.Workbook()

# 2. If the student information table already exists, get this table. If it does not exist, create this table.
if 'Student information' in wb.sheetnames:
    stu_sheet = wb['student information']
    stu_sheet = wb.create_sheet('student information')

#Create the table corresponding to the contact information
contact_sheet = wb.create_sheet('student contact information')

# 3. Write data into the table
# 1) Write the header (the first row of content into the worksheet)
for key in data[0]:
    # print(key, col)
    stu_sheet.cell(1, col).value = key
    col + = 1

# 2) Write all student information starting from the second line
for study in data:
    for key in stu:
        stu_sheet.cell(row, col).value = stu[key]
        col + = 1
    row + = 1

# ============Write the second set of data==========
# 1) Write the header (the first row of content into the worksheet)
for key in data1[0]:
    # print(key, col)
    contact_sheet.cell(1, col).value = key
    col + = 1

# 2) Write all student information starting from the second line
for stu in data1:
    for key in stu:
        contact_sheet.cell(row, col).value = stu[key]
        col + = 1
    row + = 1

# save data'files/python data analysis.xlsx')