Henghe Warehouse – role management, enabling or disabling roles, assigning permissions to roles

Role management

Article directory

  • role management
  • 1. Query roles by page
    • 1.1 Entity class
      • 1.1.1 Pagination entity class
      • 1.1.2 Role entity class
    • 1.2 Paging business implementation
      • 1.2.1 Mapper
      • 1.2.2 Service
      • 1.2.3 Controller
      • 1.2.4 Renderings
  • 2. Add roles
    • 2.1 Mapper
    • 2.2 Service
    • 2.3 Controller
    • 2.4 Renderings
  • 3. Enable or disable roles
    • 2.1 Mapper
    • 2.2 Service
    • 2.3 Controller
    • 2.4 Renderings
  • 4. Delete the role
    • 4.1 Mapper
    • 4.2 Service
    • 4.3 Controller
    • 4.4 Renderings
  • 5. Assign permissions to roles
    • 5.1 Entity class
      • 5.1.1 Permission entity class
    • 5.2 Query all permission menu trees
      • 5.2.1 Mapper
      • 5.2.2 Service
      • 5.2.3 Controller
      • 5.2.4 Renderings
    • 5.3 Echoing the permissions of the current role
      • 5.3.1 Mapper
      • 5.3.2 Service
      • 5.3.3 Controller
      • 5.3.4 Renderings
    • 5.4 Assign permissions to roles
      • 5.4.1 Entity class
      • 5.4.2 Mapper
      • 5.4.3 Service
      • 5.4.4 Controller
      • 5.4.5 Renderings

1. Query roles by page


1.1 Entity class

1.1.1 Pagination entity class

 *Paging information entity class:
public class Page {<!-- -->

    //Current page number
    private Integer pageNum;

    //Display the number of rows per page
    private Integer pageSize;

    //Total number of rows
    private Integer totalNum;

    //total pages
    private Integer pageCount;

    //limit function parameter - starting line of each page
    private Integer limitIndex;

    //List<?> collection that stores the data queried on the current page
    private List<?> resultList;

    //Calculate the total number of pages
    public Integer getPageCount() {<!-- -->
        return (totalNum%pageSize==0) ? totalNum/pageSize : totalNum/pageSize + 1;

    //Calculate the limit function parameter - the starting line of each page
    public Integer getLimitIndex() {<!-- -->
        return pageSize * (pageNum-1);

1.1.2 Role entity class

 * Entity class of role table
public class Role implements Serializable {<!-- -->

    private int roleId;//role id

    private String roleName;//role name

    private String roleDesc;//role description

    private String roleCode;//role identification

    private String roleState;//role status

    private int createBy;//User ID to create the role

    //Date format for json conversion
    @JsonFormat(pattern="yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")
    private Date createTime; //Creation time

    private int updateBy;//Modify the user id of the role

    private Date updateTime;//modification time

    private String getCode;//Additional attributes--the username of the user who created the role

1.2 Paging business implementation

1.2.1 Mapper

//Method to query the number of character rows
    public Integer findRoleRowCount(@Param("role") Role role);
// Method to query roles in pages
    public List<Role> findRolePage(@Param("page")Page page,@Param("role")Role role);
 <!--Query the total number of records-->
    <select id="findRoleRowCount" resultType="java.lang.Integer">
        select count(*)
        from role r
            <if test="role.roleName !=null and role.roleName!='' ">
                 r.role_name like concat('%', #{role.roleName}, '%')
            <if test="role.roleCode !=null and role.roleCode!='' ">
                and r.role_code like concat('%', #{role.roleCode}, '%')
            <if test="role.roleState !=null and role.roleState!='' ">
                and r.role_state = #{role.roleState}
    <!--Paging query data-->
    <select id="findRolePage" resultType="com.pn.entity.Role">
        select t1.*, t2.user_code getCode
        from role t1, user_info t2
            t1.create_by = t2.user_id
            <if test="role.roleName != null and role.roleName != ''">
                and t1.role_name like concat('%', #{role.roleName}, '%')
            <if test="role.roleCode != null and role.roleCode != ''">
                and t1.role_code like concat('%', #{role.roleCode}, '%')
            <if test="role.roleState != null and role.roleState != ''">
                and t1.role_state = #{role.roleState}
            order by t1.create_time desc
            limit #{page.limitIndex}, #{page.pageSize}

1.2.2 Service

    public Page queryRolePage(Page page, Role role) {<!-- -->
        Integer roleRowCount = roleMapper.findRoleRowCount(role);
//Set the total number
// Where to start setting
//Set the total number of pages
// Query data by page
        List<Role> rolePage = roleMapper.findRolePage(page, role);
        return page;

1.2.3 Controller

 //Query roles by paging
    public Result roleListPage(Page page, Role role) {<!-- -->
        return Result.ok(roleService.queryRolePage(page,role));

1.2.4 Renderings



2. Add role

Consider whether the new role exists

Query whether a role already exists based on role name or role code


2.1 Mapper

//How to query roles based on role name or role code
    public Role findRoleByNameOrCode(@Param("roleName")String roleName,@Param("roleCode")String roleCode);

//Method to add roles
    public int insertRole(@Param("role")Role role);
<select id="findRoleByNameOrCode" resultType="com.pn.entity.Role">
    select *
    from role
    where role_name = #{roleName}
       or role_code = #{roleCode}
<insert id="insertRole">
    insert into role
        (role_name, role_code, role_desc, role_state, create_by, create_time)
    values (#{role.roleName}, #{role.roleCode}, #{role.roleDesc}, 0, #{role.createBy}, now())

2.2 Service

 @CacheEvict(key = "'all:role'")//Remember to clear the role information in a Redis cache
    public Result saveRole(Role role) {<!-- -->
        Role roleByNameOrCode = roleMapper.findRoleByNameOrCode(role.getRoleName(), role.getRoleCode());
        if (roleByNameOrCode != null){<!-- -->
            return Result.err(Result.CODE_ERR_BUSINESS, "Failed to add role! The role already exists");
        int success = roleMapper.insertRole(role);

        return success > 0 ? Result.ok("Add successfully") : Result.err(Result.CODE_ERR_BUSINESS, "Failed to add role");

2.3 Controller

//Add role
public Result addRole(@RequestBody Role role, @RequestHeader("Token") String token) {<!-- -->
    CurrentUser currentUser = tokenUtils.getCurrentUser(token);
    return roleService.saveRole(role);

2.4 Renderings




3. Enable or disable roles

2.1 Mapper

//Method to modify role status based on role id
    public int setRoleStateByRid(@Param("roleId")Integer roleId,@Param("roleState")String roleState);
<update id="setRoleStateByRid">
    update role
    set role_state=#{roleState}
    where role_id = #{roleId}

2.2 Service

 @CacheEvict(key = "'all:role'")//Remember to clear the role information in a Redis cache
    public Result setRoleStateByRid(Role role) {<!-- -->
        int success = roleMapper.setRoleStateByRid(role.getRoleId(), role.getRoleState());
        return success > 0 ? Result.ok("Status modification successful") : Result.err(Result.CODE_ERR_BUSINESS, "Status modification failed");

2.3 Controller

 //Enable or disable the role's url interface
    public Result updateRoleState(@RequestBody Role role){<!-- -->
        return roleService.setRoleStateByRid(role);

2.4 Renderings



Added that after disabling “Out of Library”, the “Out of Library” role cannot be seen when assigning roles to users.


4. Delete role

When deleting, you can only delete it individually

Also remember to delete the content in the role-user relationship table

Remember to delete the content in the role permissions table

4.1 Mapper

//How to delete a role based on role id
    public int removeRoleById(@Param("roleId") Integer roleId);
<delete id="removeRoleById">
    from role
    where role_id = #{roleId}
//Delete the corresponding relationship in the user_role table based on the role id
    public int deleteRoleUserRelation(@Param("roleId") Integer roleId);
<delete id="deleteRoleUserRelation">
    from user_role
    where role_id = #{roleId}
//Delete the corresponding relationship in the user_role table based on the role id
public int deleteRoleAuthRelation(@Param("roleId") Integer roleId);
<delete id="deleteRoleAuthRelation">
    from role_auth
    where role_id = #{roleId}

4.2 Service

 @CacheEvict(key = "'all:role'")//Remember to clear the role information in a Redis cache
    public Result deleteRoleById(Integer roleId) {<!-- -->
        int successRole = roleMapper.removeRoleById(roleId);
        if (successRole>0){<!-- -->
// Delete the corresponding content in the user role relationship
//Delete role permission relationship
        return Result.ok("Deletion successful");

4.3 Controller

//Delete the url interface of the role
public Result deleteRole(@PathVariable("roleId") Integer roleId){<!-- -->
 return roleService.deleteRoleById(roleId);

4.4 Renderings

Delete the role “Purchasing”, the ID is 11


There is no role_id 11 in the user_role table


There is no data with role_id 11 in the role_auth table


5. Assign permissions to roles

5.1 Entity class

The first is to query all permissions menu trees

/auth/auth-tree Query all permission menu trees

The second is to query the permissions of a certain user (permission echo)

/role/role-auth?roidId=17 Query the permissions of a role based on roleId

5.1.1 Permission entity class

 * Entity class of auth_info table:
public class Auth {<!-- -->

   private int authId; //Permission (menu) id

   private Integer parentId;//parent permission (menu) id

   private String authName; //Permission (menu) name

   private String authDesc; //Permission (menu) description

   private int authGrade; //Permission (menu) level

   private String authType; //Permission (menu) type

   private String authUrl;//URL interface for permission (menu) access

   private String authCode; //Permission (menu) identification

   private int authOrder;//Priority of permissions (menu)

   private String authState; //Permission (menu) status (1. Enabled, 0. Disabled)

   private int createBy;//User ID for creating permissions (menu)

   private Date createTime;//Creation time of permission (menu)

   private int updateBy;//Modify the user ID of permissions (menu)

   private Date updateTime;//Modification time of permissions (menu)

   //Added List<Auth> collection attribute -- used to store sub-level permissions (menu) of the current permissions (menu)
   private List<Auth> childAuth;


5.2 Query all permission menu trees

5.2.1 Mapper

How to query all permission menus

//How to query all permission menus
    public List<Auth> findAllAuth();

Values of auth_type 1 module , 2 list , 3 button

 <select id="findAllAuth" resultType="com.pn.entity.Auth">
        select *
        from auth_info
        where auth_state = 1and auth_type !='3'

5.2.2 Service

How to query all permission menus

    public List<Auth> allAuthTree() {<!-- -->
// Query all permission menus
        List<Auth> allAuth = authMapper.findAllAuth();
// Convert all permission menus into menu trees
        return allAuthToAuthTree(allAuth, 0);

    // Convert all menu List<Auth> into menu tree List<Auth>
//The first time, the pid is 0
    private List<Auth> allAuthToAuthTree( List<Auth> allAuthList,Integer pid){<!-- -->
        List<Auth> firstLevelAuthList = new ArrayList<>();

// Query all n-level menus (for example, first-level menu)
        for (Auth auth:allAuthList){<!-- -->
// pid=0, indicating that it is the first level menu
           if ( auth.getParentId().equals(pid)){<!-- -->
// Get the (n + 1) level menu of each n level menu
        for (Auth firstAuth: firstLevelAuthList){<!-- -->
//Recurse, get (n + 1) level menu
            List<Auth> secondLevelAuthList = allAuthToAuthTree(allAuthList,firstAuth.getAuthId());

        return firstLevelAuthList;

5.2.3 Controller

How to query all permission menus

public class AuthController {<!-- -->
    private AuthService authService;

    public Result loadAllAuthTree(){<!-- -->
        return Result.ok(authService.allAuthTree());

5.2.4 Renderings


5.3 Echoing permissions of the current role

/role/role-auth?roidId=17 Query all permission IDs assigned to the role based on roleId

5.3.1 Mapper

//Method to query all assigned permission menus based on role id
    public List<Integer> findAuthIdByRid(@Param("roleId") Integer roleId);
 <select id="findAuthIdByRid" resultType="java.lang.Integer">
                select auth_info.auth_id
                from role_auth,
                where role_auth.auth_id = auth_info.auth_id
                  and role_auth.role_id = #{roleId}
                  and auth_info.auth_state=1
                  and auth_info.auth_type != 3

5.3.2 Service

    public List<Integer> findAuthByRid(Integer roleId) {<!-- -->
        return authMapper.findAuthIdByRid(roleId);

5.3.3 Controller

    private AuthService authService;

    public Result roleAuth(Integer roleId){<!-- -->
        return Result.ok( authService.findAuthByRid(roleId));

5.3.4 Renderings


5.4 Assign permissions to roles

5.4.1 Entity class

 * Dto class that receives data passed by the front end of assigning permissions (menu) to roles:
public class AssignAuthDto {<!-- -->

    //Receive request parameter roleId -- role id
    private Integer roleId;

    //Receive the request parameter authIds -- the IDs of all permissions (menu) assigned to the role
    private List<Integer> authIds;

5.4.2 Mapper

//Delete the corresponding relationship in the user_role table based on the role id
public int deleteRoleAuthRelation(@Param("roleId") Integer roleId);
<delete id="deleteRoleAuthRelation">
    from role_auth
    where role_id = #{roleId}
//Method to add role permission relationship
    public int insertRoleAuth(@Param("roleId") Integer roleId,@Param("authId") Integer authId);
<insert id="insertRoleAuth">
    insert into role_auth
     values (null ,#{roleId},#{authId})

5.4.3 Service

    public void saveRoleAuth(AssignAuthDto assignAuthDto) {<!-- -->
//Delete the previous correspondence between roles and permissions
//Add role permission relationship
        List<Integer> authIds = assignAuthDto.getAuthIds();
        for (Integer authId : authIds){<!-- -->


5.4.4 Controller

public Result grantAuth(@RequestBody AssignAuthDto assignAuthDto){<!-- -->
       return Result.ok("Permissions assigned successfully");

5.4.5 Renderings
