Unity configuration table reading – data storage – reading Excel files to cs files based on NPOI – reading xlsx files


  1. In game companies, in order to facilitate the interaction of game data between programs and planners, Excel files are generally used. The program needs to write a program that reads xlsx files. It can export xlsx files to json, xml, cs files, etc. and store them for convenience. read
  2. This article introduces how to read xlsx files and export them to cs files
  3. The advantage of exporting cs files is that the game will be automatically loaded as soon as it is run. It is convenient to read through the dictionary, eliminating the trouble of loading and unloading data and data format parsing.
    Disadvantages: configuration data is always in the memory, consuming memory, cs files are generally in the size of medium and large games (5-20M);
    Why choose cs file?
    Configuration data plays a vital role in the game. Almost all functions (loading of pictures, models, sounds and other resources, multi-language implementation, various game guidance, dialogues, tasks, achievements) rely on configuration data, and for a For medium and large games, several detailed model textures may be larger than the memory occupied by the configuration data. Therefore, it has great value and is much easier to read.
  4. Read xlsx files using NPOI plugin

Editor extension

The following codes are placed under an ExportExcel script
The following files are all placed in one file and under the Editor folder

private static string ExcelPath = Application.dataPath.Replace("Assets", "Excel");
private static string IgnoreChar = "#";
private static string exportDirPath = Application.dataPath + "/Scripts/Data/";
private static string templateFile = Application.dataPath + "/Editor/Excel/Template.txt";
[MenuItem("Tools/Export/Quick Export Configuration Table")]
    public static void Export()
    {<!-- -->
        EditorUtility.DisplayProgressBar("Export cs file based on Excel", "Exporting...", 0f);//Create a loading bar
        {<!-- -->
            //Return the paths of all sub-files under the ExcelPath path
            string[] tableFullPaths = Directory.GetFiles(ExcelPath, "*", SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly);
            foreach (string path in tableFullPaths)
            {<!-- -->
                Debug.Log($"Exporting...{<!-- -->path}");
                StartExport(path);//Traverse all excel files
            AssetDatabase.Refresh();//unity re-reads the changed files from the hard disk
            Debug.Log("Export completed");
        {<!-- -->
            Debug.LogError("Export failed");
        {<!-- -->
            EditorUtility.ClearProgressBar();Delete loading bar

Supports two modes: quick export and all export. In the editor menu bar, “Tools/Export/Export all configuration tables”

 public static bool isFastExport = true;
    [MenuItem("Tools/Export/Export all configuration tables")]
    private static void FastExport()
    {<!-- -->
        isFastExport = false;

Export only modified xlsx files

Generally, the Excel file is placed in the same path as the Assets folder to prevent Unity from reloading resources.
The ExportFile method uses NPOI’s API to read each cell of the xlsx file and stores it in the sheetDict dictionary.
How to export only the modified xlsx file?

  1. When the total size of the xlsx file is larger than 2-5M, the export time may be 1-2 minutes, which is a waste of time.
    Exporting only the modified xlsx takes about 2-5 seconds
  2. Save each file name and the hash value of the file in a txt file, compare the hash value of the file, and re-export if the hash value changes.
public static Dictionary<string, string> hashDict = new Dictionary<string, string>();
public static StringBuilder allHash = new StringBuilder();
public static void StartExport(string[] tableFullPaths)
    {<!-- -->
        string hashFile = ExcelPath + "/AllFileHash.txt";//The hash value file is in the same directory as the xlsx file
        bool isExitHashFile = File.Exists(hashFile); //Is this the first time to export?
        if (!isExitHashFile || !isFastExport)//The hash file does not exist or it is not a fast export, export all xlsx files
        {<!-- -->
            foreach (string tableFileFullPath in tableFullPaths)
            {<!-- -->
                if (tableFileFullPath.EndsWith(".xls") || tableFileFullPath.EndsWith(".xlsx"))
                {<!-- -->
                    Debug.LogFormat("Start exporting configuration: {0}", Path.GetFileName(tableFileFullPath));
                    string hash = CalculateFileHash(tableFileFullPath);//Calculate the hash value of the file
                    int startIndex = tableFileFullPath.IndexOf("\");//E:/unitycode/project name/Excel\Test.xlsx
                    string tempFile = tableFileFullPath.Substring(startIndex + 1);//Test.xlsx
                    allHash.Append($"{<!-- -->tempFile}:{<!-- -->hash}\\
                    StartPieceExport(tableFileFullPath);//Export all xlsx files
        {<!-- -->
            ReadFileToDict(hashFile);//Read the hash file into a dictionary, file name->hash value
            foreach (string tableFileFullPath in tableFullPaths)
            {<!-- -->
                if (tableFileFullPath.EndsWith(".xls") || tableFileFullPath.EndsWith(".xlsx"))
                {<!-- -->
                    string hash = CalculateFileHash(tableFileFullPath);//Calculate the market value of Hash
                    int startIndex = tableFileFullPath.IndexOf("\");//E:/unitycode/project name/Excel\Test.xlsx
                    string tempFile = tableFileFullPath.Substring(startIndex + 1);//Test.xlsx
                    allHash.Append($"{<!-- -->tempFile}:{<!-- -->hash}\\

                    if (hashDict.ContainsKey(tempFile))//The dictionary has a file name
                    {<!-- -->
                        if (hashDict[tempFile] != hash)//The file name exists in the dictionary, and the hash values are not equal
                        {<!-- -->
                            StartPieceExport(tableFileFullPath);//The file has changed
                            Debug.Log("Exported" + tableFileFullPath);
                        {<!-- -->
                            //Exists, the file has not changed
                    else//The file name does not exist in the dictionary, the file is a new file
                    {<!-- -->
                        //File added
                    }//The situation where the xlsx file was deleted is not handled, and the corresponding cs file needs to be deleted manually.

        SavehashFile(hashFile);//Write allHash to the file

Storage calculated hash file

The following are methods related to calculating and storing hash

hash related

public static void ReadFileToDict(string hashFile)
    {<!-- -->
        string output = File.ReadAllText(hashFile);//Read the specified path file into a string
        hashDict = ParseStringToDictionary(output);//Parse the string into a dictionary
    public static Dictionary<string, string> ParseStringToDictionary(string input)
    {<!-- -->
//Dialogue system.xlsx:5F6342BC7B03878CFB...Language system.xlsx:530D69327A0FA9A7A6...
        Dictionary<string, string> dictionary = new Dictionary<string, string>();
        //Split the string, each line is a string
        string[] lines = input.Split(new[] {<!-- --> "\\
", "\r\\
" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
//Dialogue system.xlsx:5F6342BC7B03878CFB...
//Language system.xlsx:530D69327A0FA9A7A6...
        foreach (string line in lines)
        {<!-- -->//Dialogue system.xlsx:5F6342BC7B03878CFB...
            string[] parts = line.Split(':');//Use: split string
            if (parts.Length == 2)
            {<!-- -->
                string key = parts[0].Trim();//Dialogue system.xlsx
                string value = parts[1].Trim();//5F6342BC7B03878CFB...
                dictionary[key] = value;
        return dictionary;
public static string CalculateFileHash(string filePath)//Calculate the hash value of a file
    {<!-- -->
        var hash = SHA256.Create();
        var stream = new FileStream(filePath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);//Open file stream
        byte[] hashByte = hash.ComputeHash(stream);//Calculate the hash value of the file stream
        stream.Close();//Close the file stream
        return BitConverter.ToString(hashByte).Replace("-", "");//Convert byte array to string, replace-

public static void SavehashFile(string hashFile)//Store a string in the file
 {<!-- -->
     using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(File.Create(hashFile)))
     Debug.Log("hashFile:" + hashFile);

hash related

Export data

Record xlsx file to two-dimensional array

private static void StartPieceExport(string path)
{<!-- -->
    //Each sheet -> two-dimensional cell
    Dictionary<string, List<List<string>>> sheetDict = new Dictionary<string, List<List<string>>>();
    FileStream stream = new FileStream(path, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);//Create a file stream to read and write each xlsx file
    IWorkbook book = null;
    if (path.EndsWith(".xls"))//If it is an xls file, pass in the binary file stream
        book = new HSSFWorkbook(stream);
    else if (path.EndsWith(".xlsx"))
        book = new XSSFWorkbook(path);//Pass in the file path
    int sheetNum = book.NumberOfSheets;//Get the number of sheets in an excel file
    stream.Close();//Close the file stream
    //process each sheet
    for (int sheetIndex = 0; sheetIndex < sheetNum; sheetIndex + + )
    {<!-- -->
        string sheetName = book.GetSheetName(sheetIndex);//Get the name of each sheet file
        //The name is prefixed with #, the sheet to be ignored is prefixed with sheet, the default name of excel is ignored
        if (sheetName.StartsWith(IgnoreChar) || sheetName.StartsWith("Sheet")) {<!-- --> continue; }
        ISheet sheet = book.GetSheetAt(sheetIndex);//Get each sheet object
        sheet.ForceFormulaRecalculation = true; //Force formula calculation and execute functions supported by excel itself, such as AVERAGE(D2:K5)
        int MaxColumn = sheet.GetRow(0).LastCellNum;//Get the number of columns in the first row
        List<List<string>> FilterCellInfoList = new List<List<string>>();
        //process each row
        for (int rowId = 0; rowId <= sheet.LastRowNum; rowId + + )
        {<!-- -->
            IRow sheetRowInfo = sheet.GetRow(rowId);
            if (sheetRowInfo == null) Debug.LogError("Unable to obtain sheetRowInfo data");
            var firstCell = sheetRowInfo.GetCell(0);//Get the first column
            if (firstCell == null||firstCell.ToString().Contains(IgnoreChar)) {<!-- --> continue; }//The first column of the row is invalid, skip the row
            if (firstCell.CellType == CellType.Blank || firstCell.CellType == CellType.Unknown || firstCell.CellType == CellType.Error) {<!-- --> continue; }
            List<string> rowList = new List<string>();//Storage cells of each row
            //process each cell
            for (int columIndex = 0; columIndex < MaxColumn; columIndex + + )
            {<!-- -->
                ICell cell = sheetRowInfo.GetCell(columIndex);//Get the columIndex cell of the rowId row
                if (cell != null & amp; & amp; cell.IsMergedCell)
                {<!-- -->//The cell is not empty and can be merged
                    cell = GetMergeCell(sheet, cell.RowIndex, cell.ColumnIndex);
                else if (cell == null)
                {<!-- -->// Sometimes the index of the merged grid is empty, so just use the index to find the merged grid directly.
                    cell = GetMergeCell(sheet, rowId, columIndex);
                //Calculation results, supports logical expressions
                if (cell != null & amp; & amp; cell.CellType == CellType.Formula)
                {<!-- -->
                    rowList.Add(cell.StringCellValue.ToString());//Add cells to this row
                else if (cell != null)
                {<!-- -->
                {<!-- -->
            FilterCellInfoList.Add(rowList);//Add row data to the table
        sheetDict.Add(sheetName, FilterCellInfoList);//Add the sheet name and corresponding table data to the dictionary
    foreach (var item in sheetDict)
    {<!-- -->
        string fileName = item.Key;
        string dirPath = exportDirPath;
        ParseExcelToCS(item.Value, item.Key, fileName, dirPath);//Filter the recorded table data->cs file
    }//item.Value=>sheetName (class name), item.Key=>sheet description

GetMergeCell, merge cells

private static ICell GetMergeCell(ISheet sheet, int rowIndex, int colIndex)
{<!-- -->
    //Get the total number of merged units
    for (int i = 0; i < sheet.NumMergedRegions; i + + )
    {<!-- -->
        //Get the first merged cell
        var cellrange = sheet.GetMergedRegion(i);
        //If in cell range
        if (colIndex >= cellrange.FirstColumn & amp; & amp; colIndex <= cellrange.LastColumn
             & amp; & amp; rowIndex >= cellrange.FirstRow & amp; & amp; rowIndex <= cellrange.LastRow)
        {<!-- -->
            //Return to the first cell
            var row = sheet.GetRow(cellrange.FirstRow);
            var mergeCell = row.GetCell(cellrange.FirstColumn);
            return mergeCell;
    return null;

Write recorded data to cs file

ParseExcelToCS, export the data to a cs file, write it to the file, use template replacement, and pre-write a .txt file
The following is the Template.txt file, Assets/Editor/Excel/Template.txt
Write data into dictionary,

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
public class _DataClassName
    public _DataClassName(_DataClassParameter)
public static class _Data_XX
    public static Dictionary<string, _DataClassName> data = new Dictionary<string, _DataClassName>()


The rules for writing xlsx files are as follows: 1: remarks, 2: field name, 3: field type. Lines 1, 2, and 3 can be remarks, followed by fields
Modify according to your own habits

static string _DataClassName = "_DataClassName";
static string _DataClassParameter = "_DataClassParameter";
static string _DataClassFun = "_DataClassFun";
static string _Data_XXDict = "_Data_XX";
static string _DictContent = "_DictContent";
static string _Type = "_Type";
static string _DataClassFields = "_DataClassFields";
private static void ParseExcelToCS(List<List<string>> cellInfo, string tableName, string ExportFileName, string ExportPath)
{<!-- -->
    //Read template file
    TextAsset template = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath<TextAsset>("Assets/Editor/Excel/Template.txt");
    StringBuilder templateStr = new StringBuilder(template.text);
    string saveFullPath = exportDirPath + "Data_" + tableName + ".cs";//The path to the exported file
    if (File.Exists(saveFullPath))//File exists, delete
    List<string> oneRowList = cellInfo[0];//Chinese remarks
    List<string> twoRowList = cellInfo[1];//Field name
    List<string> threeRowList = cellInfo[2];//Field type
    string DataClassName = "Data_" + tableName + "Class";
    templateStr.Replace(_Data_XXDict, "Data_" + tableName);
    templateStr.Replace(_DataClassName, DataClassName);//Data class
    StringBuilder dataClassFields = new StringBuilder();
    StringBuilder dataClassParameter = new StringBuilder();
    StringBuilder dataClassFun = new StringBuilder();
    List<int> vaildColumIndex = new List<int>();
    for (int i = 0; i < oneRowList.Count; i + + )//Loop the first row
    {<!-- -->
        if (oneRowList[i].StartsWith(IgnoreChar)) continue;
        if (twoRowList[i].StartsWith(IgnoreChar)) continue;
        vaildColumIndex.Add(i);//Add the columns that are valid for filtering to an array
        //The following is the result to be output in the following part
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        //public int id;
        dataClassFields.AppendFormat("\t/// <summary>\r\\
\t/// {0}\r\\
\t/// </summary>\r\ \
", oneRowList[i]);//Write remarks
        dataClassFields.AppendFormat("\tpublic {0} {1};\r\\
", threeRowList[i], twoRowList[i]);//public type field name
        //public Data_TestClass(int id,string name)
        //{<!-- -->
        // this.id = id;
        // this.name = name;
        dataClassParameter.AppendFormat("{0} {1}", threeRowList[i], twoRowList[i]);//Constructor
        if (i < oneRowList.Count - 1)
        dataClassFun.AppendFormat("\t\tthis.{0} = {1};", twoRowList[i], twoRowList[i]);
        if (i < oneRowList.Count - 1)
    templateStr.Replace(_DataClassFields, dataClassFields.ToString());
    templateStr.Replace(_DataClassParameter, dataClassParameter.ToString());
    templateStr.Replace(_DataClassFun, dataClassFun.ToString());
    StringBuilder rowData = new StringBuilder();
    string_type = null;
    for (int i = 3; i < cellInfo.Count; i + + )//Write data starting from line 3
    {<!-- -->
        List<string> RowInfo = cellInfo[i];
        string id = null;
        if (threeRowList[0] == "string")//The type is string or int
        {<!-- -->
            id = """ + RowInfo[0] + """;
        {<!-- -->
            id = RowInfo[0];
        StringBuilder inner = new StringBuilder();
        for (int j = 0; j < vaildColumIndex.Count; j + + )//Traverse each row and column
        {<!-- -->
            int ColumIndex = vaildColumIndex[j];//Extract the valid index, such as ColumIndex is not 123456, but 1345
            string cell = RowInfo[ColumIndex];
            string FieldName = twoRowList[ColumIndex];
            if (ColumIndex == 0)
            {<!-- -->
                _type = threeRowList[ColumIndex];
            string FieldType = threeRowList[ColumIndex];
            cell = AllToString(cell, FieldType);
            if (j < vaildColumIndex.Count - 1) inner.Append(",");
        rowData.AppendFormat("{0} ,new {1}({2})", id, DataClassName, inner);
        //public static Dictionary<int, Data_TestClass> data = new Dictionary<int, Data_TestClass>()
        //{<!-- -->
        //{1 ,new Data_TestClass(1,"name")},
        if (i < cellInfo.Count - 1) rowData.Append("\r\\
");//The last row does not need to wrap
    templateStr.Replace(_DictContent, rowData.ToString());
    templateStr.Replace(_Type, _type);
    using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(File.Create(saveFullPath)))
    {<!-- -->
        sw.Write(templateStr.ToString());//Write the last data to the cs file

AllToString converts excel cells into a format that can be instantiated, such as (1,2,3)=>new Vector3(1,2,3)

private static string AllToString(string cell, string type)
{<!-- -->
    StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder();
    switch (type)
    {<!-- -->
        case "int":
            if (cell.Length <= 0) return "0";
        case "int[]":
            if (cell.Length <= 0) return "new int[] { }";
            result.Append("new int[] {");
        case "int[][]":
                if (cell.Length <= 0) return "new int[][] { }";
                result.Append("new int[][] {");
                string[] s = cell.Split(',');
                for (int i = 0; i < s.Length; i + + )
                {<!-- -->
                    result.Append("new int[]" + s[i]);
                    if (i < s.Length - 1)
                    {<!-- -->
        case "string":
            if (cell.Length <= 0) return "null";
        case "string[]":// supports "111", "222" and 111;222
            if (cell.Length <= 0) return "null";
                result.Append("new string[] {");
                if (cell.IndexOf(";") < 0 & amp; & amp; cell.IndexOf(""") < 0)
                {<!-- -->
                    result.Append(cell);//"aaa"=>new string[]{"aaa"}
                {<!-- -->
                    if (cell.IndexOf(";") > 0)
                    {<!-- -->
                        string[] str = cell.Split(';');
                        for (int i = 0; i < str.Length; i + + )
                        {<!-- -->
                            result.Append(str[i]);//"aaa;bbb"=>new string[] {"aaa","bbb"}
                            if (i < str.Length)
                            {<!-- -->
                    {<!-- -->
                        result.Append(cell);//"aaa","bbb"=>new string[] {"aaa","bbb"}
        case "float":
            if (cell.Length <= 0) return "0f";
            result.AppendFormat("{0}f", cell);
        case "double":
            if (cell.Length <= 0) return "0d";
            result.AppendFormat("{0}d", cell);
        case "bool":
            if (cell.Length <= 0) return "false";
        case "Vector3":
            if (cell.Length <= 0) return "null";
            result.AppendFormat("new Vector3{0}", cell);
        case "Vector3[]":
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
            if (cell.Length <= 3) return "null";
            string[] strings = cell.Split(new char[] {<!-- --> '(', ')' }, System.StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
            for (int i = 0; i < strings.Length; i + + )
            {<!-- -->
                if (strings[i].Length <= 1) continue;
                sb.Append("new Vector3");
                sb.AppendFormat("{0}", strings[i]);
                if (i < strings.Length - 1)
            result.Append("new Vector3[]");
            result.AppendFormat("{0}", sb);
    return result.ToString();

How to use
Data_Test.data,Data_Test.data[id] access

//The following is the export key class
public static class Data_Test
public static Dictionary data = new Dictionary()
{ 1, new Data_TestClass(1, “name”) }


This ends the explanation of exporting cs files from Excel files. If you don’t understand the code above or have questions, you can leave a message in the comment area.