Ranger installation and deployment, org.apache.hadoop.ipc.RemoteException: Permission denied: user=jack, access=WRITE, inode

2 Ranger installation

2.1 Environment preparation
Ranger2.0 requires the corresponding Hadoop to be 3.x or above, Hive to be 3.x or above, and JDK to be 1.8 or above!

2.2 Install RangerAdmin

2.2.1 Database environment preparation

Create a database where Ranger stores data in the Mysql database:

mysql> create database ranger;

Create user:

mysql> grant all privileges on ranger.* to ranger@'%' identified by 'ranger';

2.2.2 Install RangerAdmin
Decompression software:
[atguigu@hadoop103 target]tar -zxvf ranger-2.0.0-admin.tar.gz -C /opt/module/ranger
To configure:

[sarah@hadoop103 ranger-2.0.0-admin]$ vim install.properties

Modify the following configuration content:

#mysql driver
#mysql's host name and root user's username and password
The database name and user information required by #ranger correspond one-to-one with the information created in 2.2.1
#Other user passwords required by ranger admin
#ranger stores the path of the audit log, the default is solr, here is not set for convenience
#The url of the policy manager, which machine the rangeradmin is installed on, the host name is the corresponding host name
#Start the linux user information of the ranger admin process
#hadoop configuration file directory

Then switch to the root user and execute the installation

[root@hadoop103 ranger-2.0.0-admin]# ./setup.sh

The following message appears, indicating that the installation is complete

2020-04-30 13:58:18,051 [I] Ranger all admins default password change request processed successfully..
Installation of Ranger Policy Manager Web Application is completed.

Create a ranger configuration file soft link to the web application:

[root@hadoop103 ranger-2.0.0-admin]# ./set_globals.sh
usermod: no change
[2020/04/30 13:58:47]: [I] Soft linking /etc/ranger/admin/conf to ews/webapp/WEB-INF/classes/conf

2.2.3 Start RangerAdmin

Configure the configuration information of the RangerAdmin web application:
[root@hadoop103 ranger-2.0.0-admin]# cd /etc/ranger/admin/conf/
[root@hadoop103 conf]# vim ranger-admin-site.xml
      <description />
[root@hadoop103 conf]# ranger-admin start
Starting Apache Ranger Admin Service
Apache Ranger Admin Service with pid 7058 has started.
ranger-admin has been configured to start automatically when it is installed, so there is no need to start it manually afterwards!

View the process after startup:
[root@hadoop103 ranger-2.0.0-usersync]# jps
7058 EmbeddedServer
8132 Jps


[root@hadoop103 conf]# ranger-admin stop
After that, you can visit http://hadoop103:6080, if the following interface appears, it means that the ranger-admin startup is complete!

2.2.4 Log in to the administrator user
By default, you can use the username: admin, and the password is atguigu123 configured before to log in! After login, the interface is as follows:

Chapter 3 Installing RangerUsersync

3.1 Introduction to Ranger Usersync

RangerUsersync, as a management module provided by Ranger, can synchronize the user and group information on the Linux machine to the RangerAdmin database for management!

3.2 Ranger Usersync installation
Decompression software:

[root@hadoop103 conf]# tar -zxvf /opt/software/apache-ranger-2.0.0/target/ranger-2.0.0-usersync.tar.gz -C /opt/module/ranger/

Configuration software:

[root@hadoop103 ranger-2.0.0-usersync]# vim install.properties

Modify the following configuration information:

url of #rangeradmin
#Synchronization interval, unit (minutes)
# The linux user running this process
#rangerUserSync user password, refer to the configuration of install.properties in rangeradmin
#hadoop configuration file directory

Use root user to install

[root@hadoop103 ranger-2.0.0-usersync]# ./setup.sh

The following message appears, indicating that the installation is complete

ranger.usersync.policymgr.password has been successfully created.
Provider jceks://file/etc/ranger/usersync/conf/rangerusersync.jceks was updated.
[I] Successfully updated password of ranger usersync user

3.3 Ranger Usersync start
Before starting, view the user information on the web-UI interface of ranger admin as follows:

Start with root user

[root@hadoop103 ranger-2.0.0-usersync]# ranger-usersync start
Starting Apache Ranger Usersync Service
Apache Ranger Usersync Service with pid 7510 has started.

After startup, check the user information again:

Description ranger-usersync works fine!
The ranger-usersync service is also self-starting at boot, so there is no need to start it manually afterwards!

Chapter 4 Installing the Ranger Hive-plugin

4.1 Introduction to Ranger Hive-plugin

Ranger Hive-plugin is a plugin for Ranger to manage permissions for hive. Ranger Hive-plugin can only manage permissions for requests to access hive using jdbc, and hive-cli is not limited!

4.2 Ranger Hive-plugin installation

Decompression software:
[root@hadoop103 ranger-2.0.0-usersync]# tar -zxvf /opt/software/apache-ranger-2.0.0/target/ranger-2.0.0-hive-plugin.tar.gz -C / opt/module/ranger/

Configuration software:

[root@hadoop103 ranger-2.0.0-hive-plugin]# vim install.properties
#url address of policy manager
#Component name can be customized
#hive installation directory
The starting user of the #hive component
#hive component starts the group to which the user belongs

Install the hive configuration file as a soft link to the Ranger Hive-plugin directory:

[root@hadoop103 ranger-2.0.0-hive-plugin]# ln -s /opt/module/hive/conf/conf

Enable Ranger Hive-plugin as root user

[root@hadoop103 ranger-2.0.0-hive-plugin]# ./enable-hive-plugin.sh

After that, you need to restart hive to take effect!

4.3 Configure hive plugin on ranger admin

4.4 Test connection to hiveserver2

Start hiveserver2:

[atguigu@hadoop103 hive]$ hive --service metastore &
[atguigu@hadoop103 hive]$ hiveserver2

Test whether the plug-in can connect to hiveserver2
The following prompt appears to indicate that the connection is successful!

Chapter 5 Using Ranger to Manage Hive Rights

5.1 First experience of permission control

View the default access policy, at this time only the admin user has access to all libraries, tables and functions

Verification: Use the atguigu user to try to log in. After the login is successful, execute the query statement:

Then use the admin user to log in to complete all operations of Hive

5.2 Configure permissions for users

For example, configure the read permission of all columns in the emp and dept tables of the default database for the atguigu user, and configure the read and write permissions of all the columns of the emp and dept tables of the default database for the jack user.
Click the Add New Policy button:

Fill in the strategy name, and the library, table, column and other information designed by this strategy:

Fill in the allowed user rights to design this policy:

Then click the Add button and find that it has been added on the panel:

Test: beeline does not need to reconnect to hiveserver2, executes the query again, and finds that the atguigu user can already query, but can only query the table information that he has permission to query

For the following two tables, there is read permission and no write permission:

Test the jack user again, and try to query after writing data to the dept table:

0: jdbc:hive2://hadoop103:10000> insert into table dept values(50,'SECURITY',1800);
0: jdbc:hive2://hadoop103:10000> select * from dept;

5.3 Desensitization operation

Through desensitization operations, users can be restricted from accessing a certain column, and sensitive data will not be exposed to users!

Case: Specify the atguigu user to desensitize the year and month of hiredate when querying the emp table!
First of all, you need to ensure that the user has access to the specified column, you can refer to 5.2 for configuration!
Click the Masing tab, then click Add New Policy

Specify tables and columns

Specify user and desensitization operation:

After that click the save button! Then only atguigu users will trigger this policy when they query!

5.4 Row-level filtering
Through row-level filtering, the data in the table can be conditionally filtered and then exposed to users!
For example: the atguigu user is only allowed to query the user information whose job type is SALESMAN in the emp table.
Similarly, row-level filtering also requires users to have access permissions to the specified table! Refer to the configuration of 5.2!
Select the Row Level Filter tab and click Add New Policy:

Select the corresponding library and table:

Add filter rules and users:

Then hit the add button!

1. I have two users, sarah and jack, and I have set all the permissions for these two users. Now I want to verify whether the table creation and insertion can be successful:
Create a table using the jack user

    id int
) COMMENT 'Event Information Form'
    ROW FORMAT SERDE 'org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.JsonSerDe'
    LOCATION '/tmp/ods_log_inc4';

can succeed
Insert data:

insert into ods_log_inc3 values (2,'1');

Report an error:

org.apache.hadoop.ipc.RemoteException: Permission denied: user=jack, access=WRITE, inode="/tmp/ods_log_inc4":sarah:supergroup:drwxr-xr-x

Solution: Change the permission of /tmp/ods_log_inc4 to 777

hdfs dfs -chmod -R 777 /tmp/ods_log_inc4

verify again

Successful execution!
This bug has been stuck for a long time

Chapter 6 Installing Ranger hdfs-plugin

Normal operation:
Unzip to the ranger directory

[sarah@hadoop102 ranger]$ ll
total 16
drwxrwxr-x. 9 sarah sarah 4096 Apr 8 02:10 ranger-2.0.0-admin
drwxrwxr-x. 4 sarah sarah 4096 Apr 11 21:08 ranger-2.0.0-hdfs-plugin
drwxr-xr-x. 4 sarah sarah 4096 Apr 10 01:27 ranger-2.0.0-hive-plugin
drwxr-xr-x. 10 sarah sarah 4096 Apr 8 05:30 ranger-2.0.0-usersync

Modify the configuration file:

[sarah@hadoop102 ranger-2.0.0-hdfs-plugin]$ vim install.properties

Start under root:

[root@hadoop102 ranger-2.0.0-hdfs-plugin]# ./enable-hdfs-plugin.sh

Distribute ranger-2.0.0-hdfs-plugin, the rule is to distribute several copies by several namenodes

Otherwise, a bug will be reported: Class org.apache.ranger.authorization.hadoop.RangerHdfsAuthorizer not found