uni-app packages apk to achieve automatic updates

1. Just copy and paste it (Haoheng)

Write in app.vue file

//Write in app.vue
export default {<!-- -->
onShow: function() {<!-- -->
console.log('App Show')
onHide: function() {<!-- -->
console.log('App Hide')
onLaunch: function() {<!-- -->
let appVersion = ''
uni.getSystemInfo({<!-- -->
success: function(e) {<!-- -->
appVersion = e.platform
let that = this;
uni.request({<!-- -->
url: 'http://xxx.xxx.xxx:3000/xxx/xxx', //Get version number interface.
method: "POST",
header: {<!-- -->
'custom-header': 'application/json;' //Custom request header information
success: (res) => {<!-- -->
const arr1 = uni.getSystemInfoSync().appVersion.split('.');
const arr2 = res.data.split('.')
if (parseInt(arr2[2]) > parseInt(arr1[2])) {<!-- -->
uni.showModal({<!-- -->
title: "Version Update",
content: 'A new version has been detected, do you want to update it', //Update description
confirmText: 'Update now',
cancelText: 'Proceed later',
success: (r) => {<!-- -->
if (r.confirm) {<!-- -->
//If it is Android, update and download directly
if (appVersion === 'android') {<!-- -->
uni.showLoading({<!-- -->
title: 'Downloading, please wait'
uni.downloadFile({<!-- -->
//The address where the latest installation package is stored
url: 'http://xxx.xxx.xxx:3000/apk/xxx/xxx.apk',
success: (downloadResult) => {<!-- -->
if (downloadResult.statusCode ===200) {<!-- -->
.tempFilePath, {<!-- -->
force: false
function() {<!-- -->
'install success...'
function(e) {<!-- -->
'install fail...'
//If it is ios, jump to the app store
} else {<!-- -->
//In the app information under the App Store in App Store Connect, you can find the appleId
let appleId = plus.runtime.appid
plus.runtime.launchApplication({<!-- -->
action: `itms-apps://itunes.apple.com/cn/app/id${<!-- -->appleId}?mt=8`
}, function(e) {<!-- -->
uni.showToast({<!-- -->
title: 'Failed to open app store'
'Failed to open app store: ' +
} else if (res.cancel) {<!-- -->
console.log('User clicks to cancel');



/*Public css for each page */

2. Detailed explanation (copying and pasting won’t work, just look at the comments of each line in detail. Trust me, it takes three minutes, which is better than clicking on a bunch of links to check step by step. Hehe! Unless you want to fish. )

export default {<!-- -->
onLaunch: function() {<!-- -->
let appVersion = ''
uni.getSystemInfo({<!-- --> //Get the current apk whether it is Android or ios,
success: function(e) {<!-- -->
appVersion = e.platform //The value printed by the console is android
let that = this;
uni.request({<!-- -->
url: 'http://xxx.xxx.xxx:3000/xxx/xxx', //Get version number interface.
method: "POST",
header: {<!-- -->
'custom-header': 'application/json;' //Custom request header information
success: (res) => {<!-- -->
//uni.getSystemInfoSync() returns the apk package information, which is provided by uni and can be printed and viewed by yourself.
const arr1 = uni.getSystemInfoSync().appVersion.split('.');
//The version information (1.0.0) returned by the arr2 interface is processed into an array.
const arr2 = res.data.split('.')
console.log(uni.getSystemInfoSync(), 'This is uni.getSystemInfoSync()')
console.log(arr1, 'This is arr1')
console.log(arr2, "This is arr2arr2")
//parseInt(arr2[2]) > parseInt(arr1[2]) I want to be lazy and only check the size of the last version number. If you want to check the version number in a very regular way, just write your own js logic , judge the first position first, then the second position, and then the third position
if (parseInt(arr2[2]) > parseInt(arr1[2])) {<!-- -->
uni.showModal({<!-- -->
title: "Version Update",
content: 'A new version has been detected, do you want to update it', //Update description
confirmText: 'Update now',
cancelText: 'Proceed later',
success: (r) => {<!-- -->
if (r.confirm) {<!-- -->
//If it is Android, update and download directly
if (appVersion === 'android') {<!-- -->
uni.showLoading({<!-- -->
title: 'Downloading, please wait'
//This uses downloadFile to download the latest apk package.
uni.downloadFile({<!-- -->
//The address where the latest installation package is stored
url: 'http://xxx.xxx.xxx:3000/apk/xxx/xxx.apk',
success: (downloadResult) => {<!-- -->
if (downloadResult.statusCode ===200) {<!-- -->
//What is plus.runtime.install? Don’t ask. I don’t know if I ask, and it still reports an error when running it in the browser. That’s right. Just package it directly on the real machine. I believe you will be fine.
.tempFilePath, {<!-- -->
force: false
function() {<!-- -->
'install success...'
function(e) {<!-- -->
'install fail...'
//If it is ios, jump to the app store
} else {<!-- -->
//In the app information under the App Store in App Store Connect, you can find the appleId
//I still don’t know about this ios update, because we only do Android. Whether it works or not, try it yourself.
let appleId = plus.runtime.appid
plus.runtime.launchApplication({<!-- -->
action: `itms-apps://itunes.apple.com/cn/app/id${<!-- -->appleId}?mt=8`
}, function(e) {<!-- -->
uni.showToast({<!-- -->
title: 'Failed to open app store'
'Failed to open app store: ' +
} else if (res.cancel) {<!-- -->
console.log('User clicks to cancel');



If you have any questions or better implementation solutions, please comment and discuss them together.