Budokan membership management website based on Python

IT Jump Valley Graduation Exhibition
Personal profile: I am a computer ape who has been in the computer industry for ten years and has rich experience. I have worked hard in various programming languages and software projects, from the initial rookie to the later computer professional training instructor. I love sharing experiences, recording practical videos explaining projects, and leading people. Good at Python, Java, big data, crawlers, applets, Android, C#/.NET, PHP, Golang, machine learning, etc.
1Python practical project
2 Java practical projects
3Big data practical projects
4WeChat Mini Program Practical Project
5Machine learning practical projects


  • Get the source code of the computer practical project at the end of the article
  • Budokan membership management website based on Python – project background
  • Budokan membership management website based on Python – technology selection
  • Python-based Budokan membership management website-demo picture
    • Python-based Budokan membership management website-registration
    • Python-based Budokan membership management website-system announcement
    • Python-based Budokan membership management website-Homepage
    • Python-based Budokan membership management website-membership management
    • Budokan membership management website based on Python – online message
    • Python-based Budokan membership management website-announcement list
    • Python-based Budokan membership management website-course management
    • Python-based Budokan membership management website-login
    • Budokan membership management website based on Python – exam management
  • Python-based Budokan membership management website-document display
  • Budokan membership management website based on Python – code reference

Get the source code of the computer practical project at the end of the article

Budokan membership management website based on Python – project background

With the development of technology and the popularity of the Internet, more and more industries have begun to rely on online platforms for daily management and operations. As a special type of sports and fitness venue, Budokan’s membership management method is also in urgent need of informatization and intelligence. Traditional membership management models, such as paper files and simple manual statistics, can no longer meet the development needs of modern martial arts halls. Therefore, developing a Python-based Budokan membership management website is of great practical significance for improving the operational efficiency and management level of the Budokan.
Currently, although there are some membership management websites on the market, most of them have the following problems: first, insufficient security, and data is prone to malicious attacks and leaks; second, poor scalability and inability to adapt to changes in the business scale of Budokan; finally , the user experience is poor and the operation process is cumbersome, which discourages users. These problems have seriously restricted the development of Budokan membership management work. Therefore, it is particularly important to develop a Python-based Budokan membership management website.
This project aims to develop a Python-based Budokan membership management website to achieve the following goals: first, improve the security and reliability of member information management; second, enhance the scalability of the system to adapt to the business scale of the Budokan development and changes; third, optimize user experience, simplify operating procedures, and improve user satisfaction. Through the research on this topic, we will be committed to building an efficient, safe, and easy-to-use Budokan member management website to provide strong support for the operation and management of the Budokan.
The significance of this topic is mainly reflected in the following aspects: First, by developing a Python-based Budokan member management website, the efficiency and security of member information management can be greatly improved, and losses caused by data leakage or loss can be effectively avoided; secondly, , the website has strong scalability, can adapt to the development and changes of Budokan’s business scale, and provides guarantee for the long-term development of Budokan; finally, the research results of this topic will help to promote the Python language in the development of management websites The application promotes the application and development of Python language in more fields. In addition, the research results of this topic can also provide reference and reference for the membership management work of other similar fitness venues, and promote the informatization and intelligent development of the fitness industry.

Budokan membership management website based on Python – technology selection

Development language: Python language
Database: MySQL
System architecture: B/S
Backend framework: Django/Flask framework
Front-end: HTML + CSS + JavaScript + Vue + ElementUI
Development tools: PyCharm

Budokan membership management website based on Python-demo picture

Budokan membership management website based on Python – registration

Python-based Budokan membership management website - registration

Budokan membership management website based on Python – system announcement

Python-based Budokan membership management website-system announcement

Budokan membership management website based on Python-Homepage

Python-based Budokan membership management website-Homepage

Budokan membership management website based on Python-membership management

Budokan membership management website based on Python - membership card management

Budokan membership management website based on Python – online message

Python-based Budokan membership management website - online message

Budokan membership management website based on Python – announcement list

Python-based Budokan membership management website-announcement list

Budokan membership management website based on Python – course management

Python-based Budokan membership management website-course management

Budokan membership management website based on Python – login

Python-based Budokan membership management website-login

Budokan membership management website based on Python – exam management

Budoka membership management website based on Python - examination management

Budokan membership management website based on Python-document display

Budokan membership management website based on Python – code reference

from django import forms
from .models importCustomerInfo
# from apps.setting.models import SysParam
from apps.app_setting.models import SysParam

class AddCustomerForm(forms.ModelForm):
    Add guest information class

    # Foreign key filtering
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super(AddCustomerForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        # access object through self.instance...
        self.fields['customer_gender'].queryset = SysParam.objects.filter(
        self.fields['customer_source'].queryset = SysParam.objects.filter(

    class Meta:
        model = CustomerInfo # Specify the ORM class to be compared
        default_class = {<!-- -->'class': 'layui-input'}

        #Specify which fields to associate
        # fields = ('title','authors','publisher','publication_date')
        exclude = (
            'create_date', 'customer_type', 'customer_store_name',
            'buy_card_mark', 'customer_state', 'introducer_mark'
        ) # You can also specify which fields should not be associated.

        help_texts = {<!-- -->
            'introducer_customer': 'Fill in which customer recommended',

        widgets = {<!-- -->
            'customer_name': forms.TextInput(attrs=default_class),
            'customer_gender': forms.Select(attrs=default_class),
            'customer_birthday': forms.DateInput(attrs={<!-- -->
                'placeholder': 'Please select the customer's birthday',
                'class': 'layui-input date-item',
                'autocomplete':'off', 'readonly':'true',
                'id': 'c_birthday'
            'customer_joindate': forms.DateInput(attrs={<!-- -->
                'placeholder': 'Please select the customer joining date',
                'class': 'layui-input date-item',
                'autocomplete': 'off', 'readonly': 'true',
                'id': 'c_join_date',
            'customer_mobile': forms.TextInput(attrs=default_class),
            'customer_tel': forms.TextInput(attrs=default_class),
            'customer_qq': forms.TextInput(attrs=default_class),
            'customer_email': forms.TextInput(attrs=default_class),
            'customer_weixin': forms.TextInput(attrs=default_class),
            'introducer_customer': forms.TextInput(attrs=default_class),
            'introducer_mark': forms.CheckboxInput(attrs=default_class),
            'customer_vocation': forms.TextInput(attrs=default_class),
            'customer_source': forms.Select(attrs=default_class),
            'customer_memo': forms.Textarea(attrs={<!-- -->
                'placeholder': 'Please enter customer remarks',
                'class': 'layui-textarea'
        # The attributes previously defined in the field can be defined separately here.
        error_messages = {<!-- -->
            'customer_name': {<!-- -->'required': u'The name cannot be empty', 'invalid': u'The book title is written incorrectly'},
</code><img class="look-more-preCode contentImg-no-view" src="//i2.wp.com/csdnimg.cn/release/blogv2/dist/pc/img/newCodeMoreBlack. png" alt="" title="">

1Python practical project
2 Java practical projects
3Big data practical projects
4WeChat Mini Program Practical Project
5Machine learning practical projects
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