C++ const members and static members

const members and static members Cont members of class const data members Const data members can only be initialized through a constructor initializer list. class Box {<!– –> private: const int length; //Length const int width; //width const int height; //height public: Box(); Box(int H, int W, int L); }; Box::Box(int H, int W, int […]

Elementary C++ – Classes and Objects – Implementation of const members and date classes

Article directory const member Implementation of a date class Source code parse Constructor verification Operator reuse Prefix + + and postfix + + Validation of other operators const members The const modified member function is called a const member function. In a member function, the object pointed to by this pointer is hidden, and there […]

Membership system construction based on PHP language (Docker version)

1. Operating system Preparation: ubuntu22 machine Basics: docker: [Selected] Docker Microservices-Basics_v2/_catalog-CSDN Blog 2. Install Docker # Add Docker’s official GPG key: sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install ca-certificates curl gnupg sudo install -m 0755 -d /etc/apt/keyrings curl -fsSL https://download.docker.com/linux/ubuntu/gpg | sudo gpg –dearmor -o /etc/apt/keyrings/docker.gpg sudo chmod a + r /etc/apt/keyrings/docker.gpg # Add the repository […]

[Elementary C++]–Initialization list&static members&friends&inner classes&anonymous objects

================================================ ========================== Click to go directly to the personal homepage: Xiaobai is not a program Yuan C++ series column: C++ headache Code repository: Gitee ================================================ ========================== Table of Contents Preface Let’s talk about the constructor again initialization list explicit keyword anonymous object static member friends friend function Friend class inner class Understand classes and objects […]

Budokan membership management website based on Python

IT Jump Valley Graduation Exhibition Personal profile: I am a computer ape who has been in the computer industry for ten years and has rich experience. I have worked hard in various programming languages and software projects, from the initial rookie to the later computer professional training instructor. I love sharing experiences, recording practical videos […]

valarray class containing object members (cpp Chapter 14)

C++ code reuse 1. Public inheritance can be achieved 2. Containment, private inheritance, and protected inheritance are used to implement the has-a relationship, that is, the new class will contain objects of another class. (Using class members that are themselves objects of another class is called containing (composition or hierarchy).) 3. Function templates, class templates […]

Directory Enlightenment: Access to namespaces and their members in PHP

Article directory refer to environment Use of namespaces global namespace members Subnamespace members namespace keyword Two major functions of namespace Use namespace\ to access elements under the current namespace Prepare for a rainy day The first affectionate Breakout upward undefined constant under (fully) qualified name PHP8 or below PHP8 and above Undefined constant under (fully) […]