C++ const members and static members

const members and static members Cont members of class const data members Const data members can only be initialized through a constructor initializer list. class Box {<!– –> private: const int length; //Length const int width; //width const int height; //height public: Box(); Box(int H, int W, int L); }; Box::Box(int H, int W, int […]

Remember the jvm tuning process in detail

Cpu usage is too high If the CPU usage is too high, we need to discuss it on a case-by-case basis. Is it because there is a business activity, and suddenly a large amount of traffic comes in, and the CPU usage drops after the activity is over. If this is the case, you don’t […]

13.2 Member pointer management

Classes that contain pointer members should pay special attention to the behavior of copy control. By default, copying a pointer only copies the pointer address, not the object pointed to by the pointer. Two pointers pointing to the same object will have typical shallow copy behavior, no isolation of modifications, and dangling pointers. There are […]

Remember CVE-2022-39227-Python-JWT vulnerability

Article directory Preface Affected versions Vulnerability analysis Newstar2023 Week5 Summarize Foreword Master Asal1n casually said that there was a CVE like Xiangyun Cup on newstar week 5, so I ran to check it out. It was indeed a CVE vulnerability that I didn’t know about, so I learned python from this question. -The authentication bypass […]

Elementary C++ – Classes and Objects – Implementation of const members and date classes

Article directory const member Implementation of a date class Source code parse Constructor verification Operator reuse Prefix + + and postfix + + Validation of other operators const members The const modified member function is called a const member function. In a member function, the object pointed to by this pointer is hidden, and there […]

Remember a weird TCP hand-waving disorder problem

The content of this article includes but is not limited to: tcp four waves (closed at the same time), seq/ack number rules of tcp packets, tcp state machine, kernel tcp code, tcp sending window and other knowledge. What is the problem? Kernel version linux 5.10.112 In a sentence: During the four waves, due to the […]

Membership system construction based on PHP language (Docker version)

1. Operating system Preparation: ubuntu22 machine Basics: docker: [Selected] Docker Microservices-Basics_v2/_catalog-CSDN Blog 2. Install Docker # Add Docker’s official GPG key: sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install ca-certificates curl gnupg sudo install -m 0755 -d /etc/apt/keyrings curl -fsSL https://download.docker.com/linux/ubuntu/gpg | sudo gpg –dearmor -o /etc/apt/keyrings/docker.gpg sudo chmod a + r /etc/apt/keyrings/docker.gpg # Add the repository […]

[C++] Default member function of a class—-const member function (super detailed analysis)

Table of Contents I. Introduction 2. const member function const modified member function of the class Question 1 Question 2 Frequently asked interview questions for const member functions (key points!!) Address-taking and const address-taking operator overloading 3. Encouragement 1. Foreword In the class we studied earlier, we will define member variables and member functions. These […]

C++ assignment operation overloading, const member, address taking and const address taking operator overloading

C++ assignment operation overloading, const member, address taking and const address taking operator overloading 1. Assignment operator overloading 1.1 Operator overloading 1.2 Assignment operator overloading 1.3 Prefix + + /– and postfix + + /– overloading 2. const members 3. Address retrieval and const address retrieval operator overloading Column: C “Gaga” System Learning > Blogger […]