10. C++ operator overloading

1. Operator + overloading #include <iostream> #include <string.h> #include <unistd.h> using namespace std; class Point { private: int x; int y; public: Point() {} Point(int x, int y) : x(x), y(y) {} int getX(){ return x; } int getY(){ return y; } void setX(int x){ this->x = x; } void setY(int y){ this->y = y; […]

14.1 Operator overloading

Table of Contents 1. How to overload operators 1. Non-member function overloading 2. Member function overloading 2. Support overloaded operators 3. Overload restrictions 1. There must be a class type parameter 2. No short circuit characteristics 3. Priority and combination 4.Default actual parameters are not supported 4. Overloading principle 1. Do not redefine operators with […]

C++ assignment operation overloading, const member, address taking and const address taking operator overloading

C++ assignment operation overloading, const member, address taking and const address taking operator overloading 1. Assignment operator overloading 1.1 Operator overloading 1.2 Assignment operator overloading 1.3 Prefix + + /– and postfix + + /– overloading 2. const members 3. Address retrieval and const address retrieval operator overloading Column: C “Gaga” System Learning > Blogger […]

[CPP] Overloading of operators

1- Operators in OpenCV Function overloading If the functions have the same function name, but the input parameters are different, you can define functions for different situations without having to repeatedly define new function names. More convenient to code as follows Operators for cv::Mat matexample.cpp #include <iostream> #include <opencv2/opencv.hpp> using namespace std; int main() {<!– […]

[C++] Function overloading, references, inline functions.

Table of Contents 1. The concept of function overloading Specific implementation examples Functions with the same name have different numbers of parameters Functions with the same name have different parameter types Parameter types of functions with the same name are in different order Why C++ supports function overloading Replenish: 2. Quote Quoting concepts: Specific usage: […]

[CPP] Function overloading, templates

1-Default Arguments Default arguments A feature in C++ (not C) To call a function without providing one or more trailing arguments default-argument.cpp #include <iostream> #include <cmath> using namespace std; float norm(float x, float y, float z); float norm(float x, float y, float z = 0); float norm(float x, float y = 0, float z); int […]

C++ operator overloading

The essence of overloading is function overloading. It can give multiple meanings to operators, so that operators have different types of behaviors when acting on different types of data. The specific format of operator overloading: Return value type operator operator (formal parameter list) { … } Operator overloading as a normal function When operators are […]

Explore the internal mechanism of C++ assignment operator overloading: a step-by-step guide to mastering it

W…Y’s homepage Code repository sharing Foreword: In the previous blog, we have understood and learned the constructors and destructors in the initialization and cleanup modules, as well as the copy and copy functions in copy and copy. They are all important members of classes and objects. Today we are going to talk about them. Let’s […]

[c++] Operator overloading example

Overloaded auto-increment and decrement operators Intger num(2); num + + ; + + num; The overloading of the increment operator should distinguish between prefix and postfix. There is a question that needs to be considered before overloading, whether num++ returns a temporary variable or the ontology of the num object. In order to solve this […]

C++: Default member function of class ——copy constructor && assignment operator overloading

Table of Contents I. Introduction 2. Copy constructor Concept of copy constructor Copy constructor characteristics Explanation feature 2: The copy constructor has only one parameter and must be passed by reference. Using the pass-by-value method will cause infinite recursive calls. Explanation feature 3: If no definition is displayed, the system generates a default copy constructor. […]