Modern C++ conversion constructors and type conversion functions

In C/C++, different data types can be converted to each other. The type that does not require the user to specify how to convert is called automatic type conversion (implicit type conversion), and the type that requires the user to explicitly specify how to convert is called forced type conversion. Whether it is automatic type […]

Spring dependency injection methods: set injection and constructor injection

Spring Spring6 enables Log4j2 logging framework dependency injection set injection set injects simple types Classic case: injecting values into attributes of the data source: Inject into array Inject into List collection Inject Set collection Inject into Map collection constructor injection Spring6 enables Log4j2 logging framework Starting from Spring 5, the integrated logging framework supported by […]

6. C++ constructor (Part 1)

1. Why do we need a constructor? #include <stdio.h> class Person { private: char *name; int age; char *work; public: void setName(char *name) { this->name = name; } int setAge(int age) { if (age < 0 || age > 150) { this->age = 0; return -1; } this->age = age; return 0; } void printInfo(void) […]

Preliminary analysis of C++ constructor

There are six default member functions in C++, namely constructor, destructor, copy constructor, assignment operator overloading, const member function, address taking and const address taking operator overloading. A default member function refers to a member function in a class that if the user does not explicitly implement it, the compiler will automatically generate a member […]

C++ copy constructor

Article directory Preface 1. Concept 2.Characteristics 3.Default copy constructor 4. Deep copy, shallow copy a.Shallow copy b. Deep copy Summarize Foreword In the last article, I briefly introduced the two special functions of the class-Constructor and destructor. The constructor is mainly used to initialize the member variables of the object, and the analysis function The […]

Why you should stop using field annotations in SpringBoot and use constructor injection instead

Stop using field injection in SpringBoot! This article is a translation, and I have added some of my own understanding. Translation source: In the context of Spring Boot dependency injection, there is a debate about best practices for injecting dependencies: field injection, setter injection, and constructor injection. ?In this article, we will focus on […]

mybatis conditional constructor (enhanced version CURD)

Article directory 1.Wrapper introduction 2.QueryWrapper 3.UpdateWrapper 4.condition 5.LambdaQueryWrapper 6.LambdaUpdateWrapper 1.Wrapper introduction Wrapper: conditionally constructed abstract class, the top parent class AbstractWrapper : used to encapsulate query conditions and generate sql where conditions QueryWrapper : Query condition encapsulation UpdateWrapper : Update conditional packaging AbstractLambdaWrapper : Use Lambda syntax LambdaQueryWrapper : Query Wrapper for Lambda syntax use […]

C++ copy constructor

Directory copy constructor 1. Why use copy construction? 2. Copy constructor 1. Concept 2. Characteristics 1. The copy constructor is an overloaded form of the constructor. 2. Copy constructor parameters 3. If not explicitly defined, the compiler will generate a default copy constructor. 4. Typical calling scenarios of copy constructor Copy constructor 1. Why use […]

Classes and Objects: Constructors and Destructors

1. Definition of constructor and destructor Constructor: is a function called after the class is initialized. It contains parameters and can be overloaded. Destructor: A function called when a class is destroyed. It contains no parameters, cannot be overloaded, and is called only once. Among them, the syntax of the destructor is: name() { information…… […]

copy constructor, copy assignment operator, move constructor, move assignment operator

Hello everyone, my name is Xu Jintong, and my personal blog address is I usually record the knowledge gained in the process of learning computers, as well as my daily tossing experience. Everyone is welcome to visit. When we use the copy constructor, if we accidentally use a shallow copy, it will be over […]