Multi-line formable component ry-edit-table based on Vue3.0 and Element Plus secondary packaging

An editable form ry-edit-table based on Vue3.0 and Element Plus secondary packaging that supports multi-line editing, lightweight, simple and practical.

  • Supports multi-line editing of active tables.
  • Through the table configuration attribute listConfig, the component can render the corresponding table header.
  • The input box type and validation rules of the corresponding column can be set through the table configuration attribute listConfig.
  • Through the table configuration attribute listConfig, you can quickly handle the change, blur, focus events or The state of the input box.
  • Through the in-line button configuration attribute listConfig, the component can render the related buttons, and the related click events and button states can be processed in the configuration attributes.
  • Provide relevant methods to support functions such as single-row verification, multi-row verification, dynamic adjustment of verification rules, clear verification, and obtaining final form data.

Not supported:

  • All complex structures such as header merging and row merging.

Quick start:

npm i ry-edit-table
import {<!-- --> createApp } from "vue";
import App from "./App.vue";
import "./style.css";
import "element-plus/dist/index.css";
import ElementUI from "element-plus";

import ryEditTable from 'ry-edit-table'; // import table plugin
import 'ry-edit-table/dist/style.css';// import ry-edit-table style

  <div id="DemoPage">
      :operationsConfig="{ width: 160 }"
      :cellStyle="{ color: 'orange' }"
      <el-table-column type="selection" width="55px" fixed="left" />
      <el-table-column type="index" label="serial number" width="100px" fixed="left" />

export default {<!-- -->
  name: "demoPage",

  data() {<!-- -->
    return {<!-- -->
      // pull down resource collection
      dropDownOptions: {<!-- -->
        job: [],
      // mock data
      list: [
        {<!-- -->
          name: "Time1",
          age: "26",
          pkid: 1,

          date: "1998-01-30",
          job: "0",
          job$view: "Athlete",
          items$view: "Badminton, swimming",
          items: ["0", "3"],
        {<!-- -->
          name: "cherry",
          age: "13",
          pkid: 2,

          date: "1996-01-30",
          job: "2",
          job$view: "Student",
          items$view: "Badminton, swimming",
          items: ["0", "3"],
        {<!-- -->
          name: "alex",
          age: "28",
          pkid: 3,

          date: "1992-01-30",
          job: "0",
          job$view: "Athlete",
          items$view: "Badminton, swimming",
          items: ["0", "3"],
      // table data
      listData: [],
      // header configuration
      listConfig: [
        {<!-- -->
          mode: "text",
          label: "Name",
          prop: "name",
          minWidth: "100px",
          disabled(row) {<!-- -->
            return === "cherry" ? true : false;
          change: (v, row, index) => {<!-- -->
            console.log("v, row, index: ", v, row, index);
          blur: (v) => {<!-- -->
            console.log("name blur");
          rules: [
            {<!-- -->
              type: "string",
              required: true,
              message: "Name cannot be empty",
        {<!-- -->
          mode: "text",
          label: "age",
          prop: "age",
          minWidth: "100px",
          sortable: true,
          change: (v, row) => (row. job = v <= 22 ? "2" : ""),
          rules: [
            {<!-- -->
              type: "number",
              asyncValidator: (rule, value) => {<!-- -->
                return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {<!-- -->
                  if (value < 1) {<!-- -->
                    reject("Age needs to be greater than 1 year old");
                  } else {<!-- -->
        {<!-- -->
          mode: "date",
          label: "Date of Birth",
          prop: "date",
          minWidth: "150px",
          inputConfig: {<!-- -->
            "value-format": "YYYY-MM-DD",
          rules: [
            {<!-- -->
              type: "date",
              required: true,
              message: "The date of birth cannot be empty",
        {<!-- -->
          mode: "select",
          label: "Occupation/Identity",
          prop: "job",
          renderProp: "job$view",
          minWidth: "100px",
          placeholder: "Please choose",
          inputConfig: {<!-- -->
            clearable: true,
          options: (row) => {<!-- -->
            return row.age > 22
              ? this.dropDownOptions.job.filter((item) => item.value !== "2")
              : this.dropDownOptions.job.filter((item) => item.value === "2");

          rules: [
            {<!-- -->
              required: true,
              message: "Profession/identity cannot be empty",

        {<!-- -->
          mode: "select",
          label: "Participate in competitions",
          minWidth: "300px",
          prop: "items",
          renderProp: "items$view",
          placeholder: "Multiple choice",
          // splitter:' - ',
          inputConfig: {<!-- -->
            clearable: true,
            multiple: true,
          options: [
            {<!-- --> value: "0", label: "Badminton" },
            {<!-- --> value: "1", label: "Basketball" },
            {<!-- --> value: "2", label: "ping pong" },
            {<!-- --> value: "3", label: "swimming" },
          rules: [
            {<!-- -->
              required: true,
              message: "The competition item cannot be empty",

      // row button configuration
      rowButtons: [
        {<!-- -->
          name: "Edit",
          type: "primary",
          vIf: (row) => !row.isEdit,
          click: (ref) => {<!-- -->
            ref. edit();
        {<!-- -->
          name: "Save",
          type: "success",
          vIf: (row) => row.isEdit,
          click: (ref, row) => {<!-- -->
            console.log("save", row);
            ref.validate((valid, fields) => {<!-- -->
              if (valid) {<!-- -->
                console.log("Validation passed");
                ref. cancel();
              } else {<!-- -->
                console.log("Validation failed", fields);
        {<!-- -->
          name: "Cancel",
          type: "danger",
          vIf: (row) => row.isEdit,
          click: (ref) => {<!-- -->
            ref. cancel();

        {<!-- -->
          name: "Delete",
          type: "danger",
          vIf: (row) => !row.isEdit,
          disabled(row, index) {<!-- -->
            return === "ryan";
          click: (ref, row, index) => {<!-- -->
            ref. delete();
  created() {<!-- -->
    this. getDropDownOptions();
    this. getList();
  methods: {<!-- -->
    getList() {<!-- -->
      setTimeout(() => {<!-- -->
        this.listData = [...this.list];
      }, 1000);
    async getDropDownOptions() {<!-- -->
      this.dropDownOptions.job = await Promise.resolve([
        {<!-- --> label: "athlete", value: "0" },
        {<!-- --> label: "Engineer", value: "1" },
        {<!-- --> label: "Student", value: "2" },
    // insert new row
    insert() {<!-- -->
      this.$refs.ryEditTable.insert({<!-- -->
        name: "",
        age: "",
        job: "",
        date: "",
        items: [],

<style scoped></style>

RY-EDIT-TABLE attribute

Attribute name Parameter Description
listData:Array Form data
Table header configuration
mode:String text | select | time | date The input box type of this column: text corresponds to el-input, select corresponds to el-select-time, corresponds to el- time-picker, date corresponds to el-date-picker
label: String header name
prop: String header field
placeholder:String Input box placeholder content
disbaled:Boolean | Function Return input Whether the box disables the condition | Dynamic conditions can return a boolean value through a callback function e.g (row)=>row.age ? true : false
options: Array | Function selector enumerates resources | fixed resources can be assigned directly options:[{label:xxx,value,xxx} ]| for resources requested asynchronously, please use a function to return the resource object e.g: options: (row)=> this.xxxoptions
renderProp:String In the non-editing state, the input box will render this field Value
spliter:String Multiple selector text rendering connector
inputConfig:Object The attribute value bound to the input box (the attribute inherits element plus, please refer to the element UI document)
inputWrapperConfig:Object The attribute value bound by the el-form-item tag outside the input box (the attribute inherits element plus, please refer to the element UI document)
change(value,row,index) input box change event | value: Any input box value, row: Object row data, index:Number row index
blur(value,row,index) input box blur event | value :Any input box value, row: Object row data, index:Number row index
focus(value,row,index) Input box focus event | value:Any input box value, row:Object row data, index:Number row index
rules :Array Input box verification rules
rowButtons:Array Inline button configuration
name:String Button name
type:String Button type primary | danger, etc. refer to element UI
vIf:Boolean | Function Control the rendering condition of the button, which can return a Boolean type, or return the control condition in the form of a callback function e.g (row) => ? true:false;
click(ref,row,index) click event | callback parameter ref object contains four methods to control the state of the row, respectively ref.edit() activates the row Editing state, ref.cancel() cancels the editing state of the row, ref.delete() deletes the row, ref.validate(callback) validates the row, callback(valid:Boolean) valid: whether the verification passes the Boolean value; row : Row content, index: Row index
operationsConfig:Object Adjust operation column parameters Parameters refer to element UI’s el- table-column
trigger:String onChange | onBlur | onSave default:onChange
showFlag:Boolean Whether to enable cell data change flag default:true
exposeRowKey: Boolean Get the final table data, whether each row of data exposes the $uuidKey (each row’s unique identification field) attribute default:false


Source code/DEMO

The component is currently in the initial version stage, and only supports general non-complex functions, but it is also very practical, welcome to experience. © 2021 All Rights Reserved.
Property Name Description Parameter| Return Value
insert(newRow) Insert a new row newRow:Object
recover() Restore table
activateAllRows() Activate the editing status of all rows
hasActivatedRows() Whether there are unedited rows in the table Boolean
getActivatedRows() Get the set of rows that are already activated Array
deactivateAll() Cancel the activation state of all cells
validateAll(callback) Check all fields of the form callback:Function | The callback function receives two parameters | valid: Boolean whether the verification is passed | fields: Object error field collection
clearValidate() Clear all verification information
changeRules(key,callback) Adjust the verification rules key:String | field name, callback(rule:Array,check:Function) | rule: the set of verification rules for this field, check: call this The function can perform a verification immediately
removeCellError(row,field) Cancel the error message of a certain field in the row row:Object The row object and $uuidKey attribute exists | field:String Field name
removeRowError(row) Cancel all verification information of this row row:Object This row object has $uuidKey attribute
getRowByKey($uuidKey) According to the unique identifier of each row The row data $uuidKey:String | is bound in each row Row object when the table is initially rendered.
getData() Returns the current table data Array