Solve cx_Freeze packaging error importError:can not import name idnadata

Table of Contents

Solve cx_Freeze packaging error importError:can not import name idnadata


wrong reason


in conclusion

Sample code

cx_Freeze packaging


Features of cx_Freeze

Basic usage of cx_Freeze

in conclusion

Resolve cx_Freeze packaging error importError:can not import name idnadata


When developing in Python, we often use some packaging tools to package our code into executable files to facilitate program release and deployment. Among them, cx_Freeze is one of the commonly used packaging tools. However, sometimes when using cx_Freeze for packaging, you may encounter the error ??importError: can not import name idnadata??.

Error reason

This error is usually caused by the missing idna module during the cx_Freeze packaging process. The idna module is a Python library for processing and parsing internationalized domain names. cx_Freeze will perform static analysis on your code when packaging, and try to include all dependent modules in the packaging file, but sometimes some dependent modules may be missed, which causes the packaged program to be unable to find the correct module.


To solve the error of ??importError: can not import name idnadata??, we need to manually add the idna module to the cx_Freeze packaging file. Here’s a workaround:

  1. First, in your Python environment, find the folder where the idna module is located. This can be found in the terminal with the following command:
shellCopy codepip show idna
  1. Find the Location field and it will tell you the folder path where the idna module is located.
  2. In your project, find the cx_Freeze configuration file, usually a file named ??
  3. In the file, find the options or include_files field, which is used for Fields that specify additional files or folders to include in the packaged file. If this field does not exist, you can add one manually as follows:
pythonCopy codeoptions = {
    'build_exe': {
        'include_files': ['path/to/idna/folder']

Make sure to replace ??'path/to/idna/folder'?? with the folder where the ??idna?? module is located that you found in step 2 path. 5. Save and close the file. 6. Run cx_Freeze again to package. This time the error “?importError: can not import name idnadata?” should no longer appear.


Through the above steps, we can solve the problem of ??importError: can not import name idnadata?? when packaging cx_Freeze. This error is usually caused by the lack of the idna module. We can solve it by manually adding the idna module to the cx_Freeze packaging file. Hope this article helps you solve your problem!

Sample Code

The following is a sample code of a practical application scenario, showing how to use cx_Freeze to package a Python program and solve the error of ??importError: can not import name idnadata??.

pythonCopy code#
import requests
def get_weather(city):
    url = f"{city} & amp;appid=YOUR_API_KEY"
    response = requests.get(url)
    data = response.json()
    weather = data["weather"][0]["main"]
    temperature = data["main"]["temp"]
    print(f"The weather in {city} is {weather}. The temperature is {temperature}°C.")
if __name__ == "__main__":
    city = input("Enter the city: ")
pythonCopy code#
import cx_Freeze
executables = [cx_Freeze.Executable("")]
    options={"build_exe": {"include_files": ["path/to/idna/folder"]}},

In the above code, ?? is a simple weather query application that uses the ??requests?? library to get from the OpenWeatherMap API weather data. ?? is the configuration file of cx_Freeze. It specifies the main file to be packaged as ??, and passes ?? The include_files field adds the folder where the idna module is located to the packaged file. Before running ??, you need to replace ??path/to/idna/folder?? with ?? in your Python environment. idna??The folder path where the module is located. Then, run cx_Freeze for packaging by running the following command:

plaintextCopy codepython build

After packaging is completed, an executable file will be generated. You can run the file in the command line and enter the city to obtain weather information. Through the above steps, you can package this simple weather query application and solve the error of ??importError: can not import name idnadata??. Hope this example helps you!

cx_Freeze packaging


In Python development, we usually use some packaging tools to package our Python code into executable files to facilitate program release and deployment. cx_Freeze is a commonly used Python packaging tool. It can package Python code into an executable file, and also includes all dependent libraries and resource files, so that the program can run independently on machines without a Python environment.

Features of cx_Freeze

  • Cross-platform support: cx_Freeze can run on operating systems such as Windows, Linux and macOS, and can package corresponding executable files.
  • Supports multiple scripting languages: In addition to Python, cx_Freeze also supports packaging script files in other languages into executable files, such as Ruby, Perl, etc.
  • Multiple packaging modes: cx_Freeze supports multiple packaging modes, which can package Python source code into executable files, library files or frozen modules.
  • Automatically generate dependencies: cx_Freeze will automatically analyze the dependencies of your Python code and its dependent libraries, and package all dependent libraries and resource files into the executable file.
  • Custom configuration: You can use cx_Freeze’s configuration file to customize the packaging process, including specifying files, directories, icons, etc. to include.

Basic usage of cx_Freeze

Here is a basic usage example of cx_Freeze:

  1. Install the cx_Freeze module:
plaintextCopy codepip install cx_Freeze
  1. Write Python code, such as a simple Hello World program:
pythonCopy code#
print("Hello, World!")
  1. Create the cx_Freeze configuration file (, specify the main file to be packaged and other configuration options:
pythonCopy code#
import cx_Freeze
executables = [cx_Freeze.Executable("")]
    options={"build_exe": {"packages": ["os"], "include_files": []}},
  1. In the above configuration file, we specified the main packaged file as ??, and specified the packages to be included through the ??packages?? field Python module, the ??include_files?? field is used to specify additional files or directories to be included.
  2. Run ?? to package:
plaintextCopy codepython build
  1. After successful packaging, a ??build??folder will be generated in the current directory, which contains the generated executable file and other related files.
  2. The generated executable can be run from the command line:
plaintextCopy code./build/exe.macosx-10.9-x86_64-3.9/hello
  1. operation result:
plaintextCopy codeHello, World!

Through the above steps, we can use cx_Freeze to package Python code into an executable file. You can configure the cx_Freeze options according to actual needs to meet your packaging needs.


cx_Freeze is a powerful Python packaging tool that can package Python code and dependent libraries into executable files to facilitate program release and deployment. By learning and using cx_Freeze, you can quickly package your Python applications and run them independently on machines without a Python environment.

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