How to convert HTTP requests to cURL command line


When we use pytest or unittest for interface testing and find a bug, we will provide a detailed description to RD, but often Not enough. In order to reproduce + verify faster, RD usually asks you for curl. Don’t say you don’t have it at this time. As a test and development engineer, this demand is still very high. Easy to solve. At this time, we need to write a function to convert the request into a curl command and that’s the solution. Of course, this article will also introduce the basic knowledge and usage of cURL. cURL is a command line tool for sending and receiving data via URLs. It supports multiple protocols, including HTTP, FTP, SMTP, etc., and offers a wealth of options and features. We will cover cURL installation, sending GET and POST requests, handling responses, and more to help you quickly get started using cURL for network requests.

Introduction to cURL

cURL is an open source command line tool for making network requests. It is a cross-platform tool that can be used on multiple operating systems such as Linux, Windows, and macOS. cURL supports multiple protocols, including HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, SMTP, POP3, and more.

cURL provides a wealth of options and functions, allowing us to flexibly send requests, set request headers, process responses, etc. It also supports advanced functions such as data transfer resumption, file upload and download.

cURL installation


In most Linux distributions, cURL comes pre-installed. If not, you can install it using a package manager. For example, on Ubuntu you can execute the following command:

sudo apt-get install curl

On Windows, you can download the precompiled executable file from the cURL official website ( and add it to the system path.


On macOS, cURL is installed by default. If you need an update or a custom installation, you can install it using a package manager such as Homebrew.

Basic usage

Send GET request

Sending a GET request using cURL is very simple. Just execute the following command in the command line:

curl URL

where URL is the address to be requested. For example:


cURL will send a simple GET request and print the response to the console.

Send POST request

To send a POST request, you specify the request method using the -X option and pass the request data using the -d option. For example:

curl -X POST -d 'username=admin & amp;password=123456'

In the above example, we sent a POST request to the login interface with the username and password.

Set request header

Use the -H option to set request headers. For example:

curl -H 'Content-Type: application/json'

In the above example, we set the Content-Type of the request header to application/json.

Handling responses

cURL outputs responses to standard output by default. If you need to save the response to a file, you can use the -o option to specify a filename. For example:

curl -o response.json

In the example above, cURL saves the response to a file named response.json.

Compression request and decompression response

When sending an HTTP request, the server can choose to compress the transmitted data to reduce the amount of data and improve transmission efficiency. Common compression algorithms include gzip and deflate. When using the --compressed option, cURL will include appropriate header information in the request, instructing the server to compress the response, and automatically decompress the response when it is received. This can reduce network transmission time and resource usage.

Example using the --compressed option:

curl --compressed

The above command will send a GET request with compressed request headers to and automatically decompress it after receiving the response.

Note: Not all servers support compression, and there is no guarantee that all responses will be compressed. But on servers that support compression, using the --compressed option can save bandwidth and improve transmission efficiency.

Verification of server certificate

When using cURL to send an HTTPS request, cURL verifies that the server’s certificate is valid and trusted by default. This is to ensure secure communication with the server and prevent man-in-the-middle attacks. However, sometimes the server’s certificate may be invalid or self-signed, causing verification to fail. In this case, you can use the --insecure option to bypass verification of the server certificate.

Example using the --insecure option:

curl --insecure

The above command will send an HTTPS request to but will not verify the validity of the server’s certificate. This allows the connection to continue under certain circumstances, but also poses a security risk because there is no way to ensure that the communication to the server has not been tampered with.

Note that in production environments it is recommended not to use the --insecure option to ensure secure communication and avoid potential security issues. You should consider using the --insecure option only during development and testing, or if you are confident that the connection to the server is secure.

Advanced features

cURL also provides some advanced features that make network requests more flexible and powerful.

  • Breakpoint resume download: Use the -C option to implement the breakpoint resume download function, which is used to continue downloading interrupted files.
  • File upload: Use the -F option to upload files. For example, curl -F 'file=@path/to/file' will upload the specified file to the server.
  • Cookie support: Use the -b and -c options to handle and send cookies.
  • Timeout setting: Use the -m option to set the request timeout.
  • HTTPS support: cURL supports HTTPS by default, with SSL/TLS encryption.

Realize request transfer to crul

Once you understand the basic usage, this function can be easily implemented.

def to_curl(request, compressed: bool = False, verify: bool = False) -> str:
    parts = [
        ('curl', None),
        ('-X', request.method)
    for k, v in sorted(request.headers.items()):
        parts + = [('-H', f'{k}: {v}')]
    if request.body:
        body = request.body
        if isinstance(body, bytes):
            body = body.decode('utf-8')
        parts + = [('-d', body)]
    if compressed:
        parts + = [('--compressed', None)]
    if verify:
        parts + = [('--insecure', None)]
    parts + = [(None, request.url)]
    flat_parts = []
    for k, v in parts:
        if k:
        if v:
    return ' '.join(flat_parts)

The code is easy to understand. It mainly explains the following two points:

1. When adding request headers to cURL, use the sorted() function to sort the request headers to ensure the order consistency of the request headers.

If the order of HTTP request headers is inconsistent when sent to the server, it may cause server parsing errors or unexpected behavior. Although in most cases the order of request headers will not affect the actual results, to avoid potential problems it is best to maintain a consistent order of request headers.

Sorting the request headers using the sorted() function ensures that the order of the request headers is consistent each time the loop is executed, resulting in the same cURL command. To be safe, especially when it comes to HTTP requests, it is recommended to order request headers to ensure consistency and predictability.

2. The quote function is a method in the shlex module, which is used to safely escape strings when generating command line parameters.

In the command line, some special characters have special meanings, such as spaces, quotation marks, backslashes, etc. If the string contains these special characters, in order to ensure correct parsing of the command line, the string needs to be escaped, that is, the special characters must be processed to prevent them from being misunderstood as part of the command line syntax.

The quote function performs appropriate escape processing on strings according to the rules of different operating systems and command line parsers. It adds a backslash “ before special characters that need to be escaped to ensure normal parsing on the command line.

For example, to pass the string "Hello World" containing spaces as a command line argument, you can use the quote function to escape it to ensure it is correctly Recognized as a single parameter:

from shlex import quote
arg = "Hello World"
quoted_arg = quote(arg)

The output is:

'Hello World'

The quote function returns an escaped string. The string is enclosed in quotation marks to indicate that it is an integral parameter. This way, when concatenating command line parameters, spaces in the string will be correctly recognized and processed as a single parameter when parsing the command line.


At this point, the function of request forwarding to curl has been implemented, which is convenient for yourself and others. Tips to improve efficiency.

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