Detailed process of pure front-end export to Excel (including export by column + table with style + table merge + table nested table + two sheets in Chinese and English)

1. Foreword

The vue project is a pure front-end export to Excel. The data structure array contains arrays to export Excel according to the required columns. Using the xlsx-populate plug-in, the exported Excel file: with borders, first column merging, nested tables, and Chinese generation respectively. and english two worksheets. The effect of exporting the table is as follows:

Enterprise WeChat screenshot_16526704113698.png

2. Preparation

1. Install dependencies

npm install file-saver -S //Used version: ^2.0.5
npm install script-loader -S //Using version: ^0.7.2
npm install xlsx -S //Using version: ^0.17.3
//xlsx-populate enables excel to export with style
npm install xlsx-populate -S //Use version: ^1.21.0

2. Introduce js file tool library

Create a new excel folder under the src folder and add the export.js file.

There is a requirement to generate a Chinese and an English worksheet. If you only need to generate one worksheet, you can just create one worksheet.

//Import xlsx module
import XLSX from "xlsx";
//Import xlsxPopulate module
import XlsxPopulate from "xlsx-populate";
// Used to uniformly set the report style "A" "B" EXCEL columns
const alphabetList = ["A","B","C","D","E","F","G","H\ ","I","J","K","L","M","N","O","P", "Q","R","S","T","U","V","W","X"," Y","Z",];
function workbook2blob(workbook) {<!-- -->
  // Generate excel configuration items
  const wopts = {<!-- -->
    //The file type to generate
    bookType: "xlsx",
    // Whether to generate Shared String Table. The official explanation is that if it is turned on, the generation speed will decrease, but it will have better compatibility on lower version IOS devices.
    bookSST: false,
    type: "binary",
  const wbout = XLSX.write(workbook, wopts);
  // Convert string to ArrayBuffer
  function s2ab(s) {<!-- -->
    const buf = new ArrayBuffer(s.length);
    const view = new Uint8Array(buf);
    for (let i = 0; i !== s.length; + + i) view[i] = s.charCodeAt(i) & amp; 0xff;
    return buf;
  const blob = new Blob([s2ab(wbout)], {<!-- -->
    type: "application/octet-stream",
  return blob;
//Export handleExport --> When creating only one worksheet, just pass tableZh, titleZh, dataInfo.
export function handleExport(tableZh,tableEn,titleZh,titleEn,dataInfo) {<!-- -->
  //Create an empty workbook
  const wb = XLSX.utils.book_new();
  //Tabular data - Chinese and English version
  const finalDataZh = [...titleZh, ...tableZh];
  const finalDataEn = [...titleEn, ...tableEn];
  //Convert json data to sheet
  const sheetZh = XLSX.utils.json_to_sheet(finalDataZh, {<!-- --> skipHeader: true,});
  const sheetEn = XLSX.utils.json_to_sheet(finalDataEn, {<!-- --> skipHeader: true,});
  //Create a worksheet, the third parameter is the name of the sheet to generate excel
  XLSX.utils.book_append_sheet(wb, sheetZh, "Chinese");
  XLSX.utils.book_append_sheet(wb, sheetEn, "English");
  const workbookBlob = workbook2blob(wb);
  //dataInfo is the accepted style and merge parameters
  return addStyle(workbookBlob, dataInfo);
//Method to add style
function addStyle(workbookBlob, dataInfo) {<!-- -->
  return XlsxPopulate.fromDataAsync(workbookBlob).then((workbook) => {<!-- -->
    // Loop through all tables to change styles
    for (let index = 0; index < workbook._maxSheetId; index + + ) {<!-- -->
      //Set the row height sheet('sheet number').row(row number).height('row height')
      // Cancel vertical centering
      // workbook.sheet(index).printOptions("verticalCentered", undefined);
      //Print margin pre-template
      //You can add content to the specified grid and merge cells
      // workbook.sheet(index).range("M43:P43").value('Content to be written:').merged(true)
    workbook.sheets().forEach((sheet) => {<!-- -->
      // Center all cells vertically and modify the font
      sheet.usedRange().style({<!-- -->
        fontFamily: "Arial",
        verticalAlignment: "center",
      // Remove all borders (grid lines)
      // sheet.gridLinesVisible(false);
      //Set cell width
      alphabetList.forEach((item) => {<!-- -->
      // Merge Cells
      if(dataInfo.mergesRange){<!-- -->
        for(let i=0;i<dataInfo.mergesRange.length;i + + ){<!-- -->
          sheet.range(dataInfo.mergesRange[i]).merged(true).style({<!-- -->
          //center horizontally
          horizontalAlignment: "center",
          //center vertically
          verticalAlignment: "center",
      // .style is to add style --> title bold, merge and center
      sheet.range(dataInfo.titleRange).merged(true).style({<!-- -->
        bold: true,
        //center horizontally
        horizontalAlignment: "center",
        //center vertically
        verticalAlignment: "center",
        //font size
        fontSize: 14,
      sheet.range(dataInfo.tbodyRange).style({<!-- -->
        horizontalAlignment: "center",
        //Allow line breaks when the content cannot fit
        wrapText: true,
        fontSize: 10,
      if(dataInfo.keystyle){<!-- -->
        for(let i=0;i<dataInfo.keystyle.length;i + + ){<!-- -->
          sheet.column(dataInfo.keystyle[i]).style({<!-- -->
            wrapText: true,
            horizontalAlignment: "left",
      // Header bold and background color
      sheet.range(dataInfo.theadRange).style({<!-- -->
        wrapText: true,
        fill: "C9C7C7",
        bold: true,
        horizontalAlignment: "center",
        fontSize: 10,
      //Table black thin border
      sheet.range(dataInfo.tableRange).style({<!-- -->
        border: {<!-- -->
          style: "thin",
          color: "000000",
          direction: "both",
    return workbook.outputAsync().then(
      (workbookBlob) => URL.createObjectURL(workbookBlob) // Create blob address

3. Code implementation

1. Code file location

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Enterprise WeChat screenshot_16526718399215.png

2. Table data structure

When working on a project, the tabular data is obtained from the backend database. In order to directly define static data, the array contains an object array with a complex structure and the format is:

Enterprise WeChat screenshot_16526700883332.png

3. Component code implementation

3.1 Demos parent component code
        <el-tabs v-model="activeName" type="border-card" style="height: calc(100vh - 62px);">
            <el-tab-pane label="Export Excel on demand" name="first">
                <ExportExcel :totaltableList="totaltableList"></ExportExcel>
                <el-table :data="totaltableList" border>
                    <el-table-column label="Assessment name" prop="kpi_name"></el-table-column>
                    <el-table-column label="Attributable user" prop="user_name"></el-table-column>
                    <el-table-column label="Start date" prop="start_time"></el-table-column>
                    <el-table-column label="Operation" width="130px">
                        <el-button type="primary" icon="el-icon-edit" size="mini"></el-button> & amp;nbsp;
                        <el-button type="danger" icon="el-icon-delete" size="mini"></el-button>
            <el-tab-pane label="Table drag" name="second">Table list drag</el-tab-pane>
            <el-tab-pane label="Drop-down box embedded in table" name="third">Drop-down box embedded in table</el-tab-pane>
import ExportExcel from './ExportExcel';
export default {<!-- -->
    components:{<!-- -->
    data() {<!-- -->
        return {<!-- -->
            activeName: 'first',
                {<!-- -->
                    "id": 1,
                    "kpi_name":'Monthly Assessment Form for April 2022',
                    "user_name":"Zhang San",
                    "goal_list": [
                        {<!-- -->
                            "goal": "Attendance",
                            "goal_en": "attendance rate",
                            "kpi_method": "If the attendance rate reaches 100%, 10 yuan will be deducted for each late arrival.",
                            "kpi_method_en": "If the attendance rate reaches 100%, 10 yuan will be deducted once being late.",
                            "weight": 50,
                            "end_score": 99,
                        {<!-- -->
                            "goal": "Work attitude",
                            "goal_en": "working attitude",
                            "kpi_method": "Be proactive and have a correct attitude.",
                            "kpi_method_en": "Initiative and good attitude.",
                            "weight": 50,
                            "end_score": 98,
                {<!-- -->
                    "id": 2,
                    "kpi_name":'May 2022 Monthly Assessment Form',
                    "goal_list": [
                        {<!-- -->
                            "goal": "Attendance",
                            "goal_en": "attendance rate",
                            "kpi_method": "If the attendance rate reaches 100%, 10 yuan will be deducted for each late arrival.",
                            "kpi_method_en": "If the attendance rate reaches 100%, 10 yuan will be deducted once being late.",
                            "weight": 50,
                            "end_score": 100,
                        {<!-- -->
                            "goal": "Work attitude",
                            "goal_en": "working attitude",
                            "kpi_method": "Be proactive and have a correct attitude.",
                            "kpi_method_en": "Initiative and good attitude.",
                            "weight": 50,
                            "end_score": 100,
<style scoped>
::v-deep .el-table .cell{<!-- -->
    text-align: center;
3.2 ExportExcel sub-component code

Enterprise WeChat screenshot_1652669868195.png

        <div><el-button class="exportBtn" size="small" @click="selectcloumnDrawer = true">Export Excel</el-button></div>
        <!-- Export columns on demand -->
        <el-dialog :visible.sync="selectcloumnDrawer" title="Select Column" @close="closeDialog()">
         <ExportColumn :columnList="columnListModel" @exportExcel="exportExcel"></ExportColumn>
//Introduce the select export pop-up window component by column
import ExportColumn from './ExportColumn'
import {<!-- -->handleExport} from '../../../../excel/export.js'

export default {<!-- -->
  components: {<!-- -->
  props:{<!-- -->
      totaltableList:{<!-- -->
  data(){<!-- -->
    return {<!-- -->
      selectcloumnDrawer:false,//Control the export column pop-up window display
      columnList:[],//Selected column
      columnListModel:[//All columns
        {<!-- --> name:"Assessment name",
          name_en:"Check Name",
          field_code:"kpi_name", },
        {<!-- --> name:"belonging user",
          name_en:"belong user",
          field_code:"user_name", },
        {<!-- --> name:"Start Date",
          name_en:"start time",
          field_code:"start_time", },
        {<!-- --> name:"Target details",
          name_en:"goal detail",
          field_code:"goal_list", },
  methods:{<!-- -->
    //Export excel
    exportExcel(checkedColumn) {<!-- -->
      this.columnList = checkedColumn
    exportExcelfn(){<!-- -->
      const alphabetList = ["A","B","C","D","E","F","G","H\ ","I","J","K","L","M","N","O","P", "Q","R","S","T","U","V","W","X"," Y","Z"]
      //Main table data
      const tHeaderZh =>{<!-- -->return})//Select the Chinese header of the exported column
      const tHeaderEn =>{<!-- -->return p.name_en})//Select the English header of the exported column
      const filterVal =>{<!-- -->return p.field_code})//Select the field key of the exported column
      //Get the original data of the exported table
      var list = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.totaltableList))//totaltableList is table json data
      const isHasChildExcel = filterVal.includes('goal_list')//Determine whether to export the target details subtable
      //Add rows according to the length of goal_list, executed when exporting Excel to include subtables
      if(isHasChildExcel){<!-- -->
        //Subtable data
        const cHeaderZh = ["Assessment items","Assessment methods","Proportion (%)","Final score"]
        const cHeaderEn = ["Check Item","Check Target","weight(%)","Check Method","score"]
        const cfilterVal = ["goal","kpi_method","weight","end_score"]
        const endData = {<!-- --> goalValue:cHeaderZh, goalEnValue:cHeaderEn, keyValue:cfilterVal, }
        var cHeaderLen = cHeaderZh.length
        //Add new rows based on goal_list length
        list.forEach((p,index) => {<!-- -->
          var ret = []
          if(p.goal_list.length === 0){<!-- -->
          }else{<!-- -->
            for(var i = 0;i < p.goal_list.length;i + + ){<!-- -->
        list = [].concat(...list)
        //Exported header data when containing nested table data
        for(var i = 1;i < cHeaderZh.length;i + + ){<!-- -->
          tHeaderZh.push('Target details')
          tHeaderEn.push('goal detail')
      //Convert the array to a two-dimensional array
      const dataZh = this.formatJson(filterVal, list);
      const dataEn = this.formatJson(filterVal, list,"language");
      //Convert the objects in the array to {A:'',B:''} format
      const tableZh = this.changecolmuntokey(tHeaderZh,dataZh,alphabetList)
      const tableEn = this.changecolmuntokey(tHeaderEn,dataEn,alphabetList)
      //Set merged cell rows
      if(isHasChildExcel){<!-- -->
        var rowSpanList = []
        let rowSpan = {<!-- -->}
        const goallength =>p.goal_list.length)
        const columnlen = isHasChildExcel?tHeaderZh.length-cHeaderLen:tHeaderZh.length
        for(let j=0;j<columnlen;j + + ){<!-- -->
          let index = 0
          let i = 0
          for(; i < goallength.length;){<!-- -->
            for(; index < dataZh.length;){<!-- -->
              rowSpan = [[j, index + 3],[j,index + 3 + goallength[i]]] // + 3: Row merging is only required starting from the third row
              index = index + goallength[i] + 1
        //Merge cell rows
        var mergesRange =>{<!-- -->
          var mergeslist = []
          for(let index=0;index<columnlen;index + + ){<!-- -->
            var data =>{<!-- -->
              const ret = alphabetList[index].toString() + q[1].toString()
              return ret
            data = data.join(':')
          return mergeslist
        //Cell column merge
        mergesRange.unshift(`${<!-- -->alphabetList[columnlen]}2:${<!-- -->alphabetList[tHeaderZh.length-1]}2`)
      //Specify attributes such as Excel style and merge range
      const dataInfo = {<!-- -->
        titleCell: "A1",
        titleRange: `A1:${<!-- -->alphabetList[tHeaderZh.length-1]}1`,
        theadRange: `A2:${<!-- -->alphabetList[tHeaderZh.length-1]}2`,
        tbodyRange: `A3:${<!-- -->alphabetList[tHeaderZh.length-1]}${<!-- -->dataZh.length + 2}`,
        tableRange: `A2:${<!-- -->alphabetList[tHeaderZh.length-1]}${<!-- -->dataZh.length + 2}`,
      //Merge cells only when there are subtables
      if(isHasChildExcel) this.$set(dataInfo,'mergesRange',mergesRange.flat())
      //Title of the first row of the table
      const titleZh = [{<!-- --> A: "Employee Appraisal Form" }];
      const titleEn = [{<!-- --> A: "Employee Evaluation Table" }];
      //Pass in the obtained data and export it by referencing the handleExport method.
      handleExport(tableZh,tableEn,titleZh,titleEn,dataInfo).then(url => {<!-- -->
        const downloadAnchorNode = document.createElement("a");
        downloadAnchorNode.setAttribute("href", url);
          "ExportList-Kpis.xlsx" //Customize the name of the export file
      setTimeout(()=>{<!-- -->this.closeDialog('exportexcel')})
    //Convert the objects in the array to {A:'',B:''} format
    changecolmuntokey(tHeaderZh,dataZh,alphabetList){<!-- -->
      const table = []
      const list1 = []
      //Convert the header to {A:'',B:''} format,i)=>{<!-- -->
      //Convert the table body to {A:'',B:''} format => {<!-- -->
        const list = {<!-- -->}
        for(let i=0;i<p.length;i + + ){<!-- -->
      return table
    //Customize two-dimensional array data format
    formatJson(filterVal, jsonData,language) {<!-- -->
      var result1 =,vIndex) => {<!-- -->
        var result = => {<!-- -->
          if(j === "kpi_name"){<!-- -->
            if(language){<!-- -->
              return v[j + '_en']
            }else{<!-- -->
              return v[j]
          }else if(j === "goal" || j === "kpi_method" || j === "weight" || j === "end_score"){<! -- --> //Display according to index when there is subtable data
            var goalIndex = 0
            if(vIndex !== 0){<!-- -->
              for(var i=1;i<=v.goal_list.length;i + + ){<!-- -->
                if(vIndex >= i){<!-- -->
                  if(jsonData[vIndex].id === jsonData[vIndex-i].id){<!-- -->
                    goalIndex = i
            if(v.goal_list[goalIndex]){<!-- -->
              if('keyValue' in v.goal_list[goalIndex]){<!-- -->
                for(var i in v.goal_list[goalIndex].keyValue){<!-- -->
                  if(v.goal_list[goalIndex].keyValue[i] === j){<!-- -->
                    if(language){<!-- -->
                      return v.goal_list[goalIndex].goalEnValue[i]
                    }else{<!-- -->
                      return v.goal_list[goalIndex].goalValue[i]
              if(language & amp; & amp; (j === "goal" || j === "kpi_method" || j === "goal_str")){<!-- -- >
                return v.goal_list[goalIndex][j]?v.goal_list[goalIndex][j + '_en']:''
              }else{<!-- -->
                return v.goal_list[goalIndex][j]?v.goal_list[goalIndex][j]:''
            }else{<!-- -->
              return ''
          }else{<!-- -->
            return v[j]
        return result
      return result1
    closeDialog(){<!-- -->
      this.selectcloumnDrawer = false
<style scoped>
.exportBtn{<!-- -->
    float: right;
    margin: 4px auto;
::v-deep .el-dialog__header {<!-- -->
    background-color: #ecf1f6;
    margin-bottom: 4px;
::v-deep .el-dialog__body {<!-- -->
    padding: 2px 20px 20px;
3.3 Code for exporting columns by ExportColumn subcomponent
        <div class="dialog_body">
            <el-checkbox :indeterminate="isIndeterminate" v-model="checkAll" @change="handleCheckAllChange" style="float:left">Select all</el-checkbox>
            <div style="margin: 15px 0;"></div>
            <el-checkbox-group v-model="checkedColumn" @change="handleCheckedColumnChange" class="flexcolumn">
                <el-checkbox style="display:flex;white-space:normal;width:142px;margin-right:10px;word-break:break-word;height:30px;" v-for="itemKey in columnList" :label="itemKey" :key="">{<!-- -->{}}</el-checkbox>
        <div class="right_sub_btn">
            <el-button type="primary" @click="exportExcel">Confirm export</el-button>
            <el-button @click="resetexportColumn">Reset</el-button>

export default {<!-- -->
    name: 'ExportColumn',
    props:{<!-- -->columnList:Array},
    data() {<!-- -->
        return {<!-- -->
    mounted(){<!-- -->
    methods:{<!-- -->
        handleCheckAllChange(val) {<!-- -->
            this.checkedColumn = val ? [...this.columnList] : [];
            this.isIndeterminate = false;
        handleCheckedColumnChange(value) {<!-- -->
            let checkedCount = value.length;
            this.checkAll = checkedCount === this.columnList.length;
            this.isIndeterminate = checkedCount > 0 & amp; & amp; checkedCount <this.columnList.length;
        exportExcel(){<!-- -->
            if(this.checkedColumn.length === 0){<!-- -->
            }else{<!-- -->
        openmessage(){<!-- -->
            this.$message({<!-- -->message: 'Please select the export column',type: 'error',offset:200,duration:2000})
        resetexportColumn(){<!-- -->
            this.checkAll = false
            this.isIndeterminate = false
<style scoped>
.dialog_body{<!-- -->
    margin-bottom: 50px;
.right_sub_btn{<!-- -->
    position: absolute;
    right: 10px;
    bottom: 20px;
.flexcolumn{<!-- -->
    width: 100%;
    display: flex;
    flex-wrap: wrap;
    justify-content: left;

4. Summary

It should be noted that because the database data formats are different, the data obtained from the background must be converted into the format required for export in order to be exported correctly. If you understand all of these, you will basically be able to export Excel tables on the front end. If you encounter the need to export Excel again, don’t panic! 0