Application of vue-aMap Gaode map (adding overlay point coordinates, custom icons, adding information form information, etc.)

Repost the original link

Official document reference: aMap official document

1. Install amp

npm install vue-amap --save

2. Introduce amap into main.js

import AMap from 'vue-amap'//Introduce Gaode map and initialize it
AMap.initAMapApiLoader({<!-- --><!-- -->
  //It is best not to send the collection secret key directly, please pay special attention to it.
  //Plug-in collection
    "AMap.Autocomplete", //Input prompt plug-in
    "AMap.PlaceSearch", //POI search plug-in
    "AMap.Scale", //Thumbnail plug-in scale in the lower right corner
    "AMap.OverView", //Map Eagle Eye plug-in
    "AMap.ToolBar", //Map toolbar
    "AMap.MapType", //Category switching control to realize switching control between default layer, satellite image and traffic layer
    "AMap.PolyEditor", //Edit multiple polylines and polygons
    "AMap.CircleEditor", //circle editor plug-in
    "AMap.Geolocation" //Location control, used to obtain and display the latitude and longitude of the user's host
  v: '1.4.4',

3. Use it in components that need to introduce amap, where el-amap-marker is for coordinate identification and el-amap-info-window is for the implementation of information forms.

<div class="aMap-wrapper">
  <el-amap class="amap-box" :zoom="zoom" :center="center" :mapStyle="mapStyle">
                v-for="marker in markers"

4. Initialize data in data area

data() {<!-- --><!-- -->
  return {<!-- --><!-- -->
        center: [121.126757,31.140653],
        mapStyle: "amap://styles/blue", //Modify the background color of the map
        markers: [],

5. Introduce customized coordinate icons according to needs

import location from '../../../assets/img/[email protected]'

6. The methods method defines the pointMarker data. What I write here is static data. Subsequent related data can be obtained through the interface

methods:{<!-- --><!-- -->
            point(){<!-- --><!-- -->
                //Customize map point coordinate icon
                let icon = new AMap.Icon({<!-- --><!-- -->
                    image: location,
                    size: new AMap.Size(2, 2),
                    imageSize: new AMap.Size(2, 2)

                let markers = [];
                let windows=[];
                let that=this;
                let pointMarker=[
                    {<!-- --><!-- -->
                        stationName: "Qingpu Hydrological Station 1",
                        buildTime:'2011-12-08',//Website building time
                        stationAddress:'100m east of Niutoushan Road, Shanghai',//station address
                        rainfall:'5mm',//rainfall amount
                        windDirection:'Northwest',//wind direction
                        windSpend:'2.05m/s',//wind speed
                        waterLevel:'2.65m',//water level
                        waterVelocity:'1.2m/s',//Flow velocity
                        waterTraffic:'2.8m3/s',//flow rate
                    },{<!-- --><!-- -->
                        stationName: "Qingpu Hydrological Station 2",
                        buildTime:'2011-12-08',//Website building time
                        stationAddress:'100m east of Niutoushan Road, Shanghai',//station address
                        rainfall:'5mm',//rainfall amount
                        windDirection:'Northwest',//wind direction
                        windSpend:'2.05m/s',//wind speed
                        waterLevel:'2.65m',//water level
                        waterVelocity:'1.2m/s',//Flow velocity
                        waterTraffic:'2.8m3/s',//flow rate
                pointMarker.forEach((item,index)=>{<!-- --><!-- -->
                    markers.push({<!-- --><!-- -->
                        position: [item.lng,],
                        icon:location, //Do not set the default blue water droplet
                        events: {<!-- --><!-- -->
                            click() {<!-- --><!-- -->
                       => {<!-- --><!-- -->
                                    window.visible = false; //Close the form
                                that.window =[index];
                                that.$nextTick(() => {<!-- --><!-- -->
                                    that.window.visible = true;//Click the point coordinates and an information form will appear.
                    windows.push({<!-- --><!-- -->
                        position: [item.lng,],
                        content:"" +
                            "<div>" + "Site name:" + item.stationName + "</div>" +
                            "<div>" + "Website building time:" + item.buildTime + "</div>" +
                            "<div>" + "Address:" + item.stationAddress + "</div>" +
                            "<div>" + "Temperature:" + "<span style='color: #66A0FF'>" + item.temperature + "</span>" + "</div>" +
                            "<div>" + "Rainfall:" + "<span style='color: #66A0FF'>" + item.rainfall + "</span>" + "</div>" +
                            "<div>" + "Wind direction:" + "<span style='color: #66A0FF'>" + item.windDirection + "</span>" + "</div>" +
                            "<div>" + "Wind speed:" + "<span style='color: #66A0FF'>" + item.windSpend + "</span>" + "</div>" +
                            "<div>" + "Water level:" + "<span style='color: #66A0FF'>" + item.waterLevel + "</span>" + "</div>" +
                            "<div>" + "Flow velocity:" + "<span style='color: #66A0FF'>" + item.waterVelocity + "</span>" + "</div>" +
                            "<div>" + "Traffic:" + "<span style='color: #66A0FF'>" + item.waterTraffic + "</span>" + "</div>"
                        offset:[5,-15],//Form offset
                        visible: false//Whether to display initially
                //Add point label
                this.markers = markers;
                //Generate pop-up window

7. The mounted method area calls the above point() method:

mounted(){<!-- --><!-- -->
