Python operation cad package

#!uer/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf8 -*-
import csv
import datetime
import time
import pythoncom
import win32com.client
import win32com.client as win32
from comtypes.gen._1B47FC7F_AFF7_44A9_88BE_873CC5B70A6E_0_1_0 import acExtendNone

class Base():

    def connect_cad(self):
        # connect cad
        wincad = win32com.client.Dispatch("AutoCAD.Application")
        doc = wincad.ActiveDocument
        return doc

    def send_cad(self,str="Please select polyline, right click to end\\
        :param str: the content to be printed in cad
        wincad = win32com.client.Dispatch("AutoCAD.Application")
        doc = wincad.ActiveDocument
        doc. Utility. Prompt(str)

    def selectObject(self):
        # Selection set, returns all objects selected
        wincad = win32com.client.Dispatch("AutoCAD.Application")
        doc = wincad.ActiveDocument
            print("Delete selection failed")
        slt = doc. SelectionSets. Add("SS1")
        doc.Utility.Prompt("Please select a polyline, right click to end\\
        slt. SelectOnScreen()
        return slt

    # data conversion
    def vtpnt(self,x,y,z=0):
        """The coordinate point is converted into a floating point number"""
        return win32.VARIANT(pythoncom.VT_ARRAY | pythoncom.VT_R8, (x, y, z))

    def vtpnt_tuple(self,xyz=(0,0,0)):
        """The coordinate point is converted into a floating point number"""
        return win32.VARIANT(pythoncom.VT_ARRAY | pythoncom.VT_R8, (xyz))

    def vtpnt_tuple1(self,x=0):
        """The coordinate point is converted into a floating point number"""
        return win32.VARIANT(pythoncom.VT_ARRAY | pythoncom.VT_R8, (x))

    def vtobj(self, obj):
        """ into object array"""
        return win32.VARIANT(pythoncom.VT_ARRAY | pythoncom.VT_DISPATCH, obj)

    def vtlstf(self, lst):
        """The list is converted to a floating point number"""
        return win32.VARIANT(pythoncom.VT_ARRAY | pythoncom.VT_R8, lst)

    def vtlInt(self, lst):
        """ list converted to integer """
        return win32.VARIANT(pythoncom.VT_ARRAY | pythoncom.VT_I2, lst)

    def vtlstvariant(self,lst):
        """list converted to variants"""
        return win32.VARIANT(pythoncom.VT_ARRAY | pythoncom.VT_VARIANT, lst)

    def line_start_end(self, slt):
        @funtion: Select the line and return the coordinates of the starting point and end point of the line
        :return: Return the starting point and end point coordinates of the line
        start_line_point = []
        end_line_point = []
        if slt. Count == 0:
            print("No object selected")
            entity = slt[0]
            name = entity. EntityName
            for i in slt:
                if name == "AcDbLine":
                    coor_lst1 = list(i.StartPoint)
                    # coor_lst1.insert(0, 'Straight line (end point)')
                    coor_lst2 = list(i.EndPoint)
                    # coor_lst2.insert(0, '')
        return start_line_point, end_line_point

    def point_intersection(self, slt):
        @funtion: Get the intersection point of the selection set object and return the intersection point coordinates
        @param slt: slt, select all objects
        @return: Returns the coordinates of the intersection point
        # wincad = win32com.client.Dispatch("AutoCAD.Application")
        # doc = wincad.ActiveDocument
        # try:
        # doc.SelectionSets.Item("SS1").Delete()
        # print("Delete selection failed")
        # slt = doc. SelectionSets. Add("SS1")
        # doc.Utility.Prompt("Please select polyline, right click to end\\
        # slt. SelectOnScreen()
        retval = []
        if slt. Count == 0:
            print("No object selected")
            print("%s objects have been selected"%slt.Count)
            entity = slt[0]
            name = entity. EntityName
            for i in range(slt. Count):
                print("Get the intersection point for the %sth time" % (i + 1))
                for j in range(1, slt. Count):
                    entity = slt[i]
                    name1 = entity. EntityName
                    entity1 = slt[j]
                    name2 = entity1. EntityName
                    # print(entity,entity1)
                    RetVal = entity. IntersectWith(entity1, acExtendNone)
                    if RetVal == ():
                        print("The current object %s and %s have no intersection:" % (name1, name2))
                        print("The current object %s and %s intersect at: %s" %(name, name1,RetVal))
                        if RetVal not in retval:
            # print(retval)
            return retval

    def send_command(self, str):
        @funtion: send commands to cad
        @param str: Default command: Trim + Enter + Enter, SendCommand("trim" + chr(13) + chr(13))
                    chr(13) ASCII carriage return key encoding
        wincad = win32com.client.Dispatch("AutoCAD.Application")
        doc = wincad.ActiveDocument
        doc. SendCommand(str)

    def send_command_trim(self,point,name="dd"):
        # break line intersection
        wincad = win32com.client.Dispatch("AutoCAD.Application")
        doc = wincad.ActiveDocument
        for i in range(len(point)):
            print("Interrupt %s article"%(i + 1))
            doc.SendCommand(name + chr(13) + point[i] + chr(13))
            time. sleep(0.5)

    def tuple_to_list(self, point_list, num=1):
        @funtion: convert the obtained coordinates into a list, and delete the Z-axis coordinates
        :param point_list:
        :return: Returns the x and y coordinates of the intersection. String format: ["x,y","x1,y1","x2,y2"]
        point = []
        point1 = []
        # first convert to a list
        for i in range(len(point_list)):
            point[i][0] = round(point[i][0], num)
            point[i][1] = round(point[i][1], num)
        # Delete the Z-axis coordinates
        for j in range(len(point)):
            if point[j][2] == 0.0:
                point[j]. remove(point[j][2])
            # remove duplicates
            if point[j] not in point1:
        # Convert to string format: ["x,y","x1,y1","x2,y2"]
        b = ","
        for k in range(len(point1)):
            a = str(point1[k][0])
            c = str(point1[k][1])
            point1[k] = str(a + b + c)
        return point1

    def wipe_off_list(self, intersect_point, start_point, end_point):
        Intersection screening to remove T-shaped and right-angle intersections
        :param intersect_point: all intersection points
        :param start_point: The coordinates of the starting point of the line
        :param end_point: coordinates of the end point of the line
        :return: Return the coordinates of the intersection point
        point = []
        for i in range(len(intersect_point)):
            if intersect_point[i] not in start_point and intersect_point[i] not in end_point:
        return point

    def paixun(self, point_list: list, xy=0):
        @funtion: Bubble sort, from small to large
        :param point_list: incoming list
        :param xy: xy=0 sort x coordinates, xy=1 sort y coordinates
        :return: return a list sorted from small to large
        for i in range(1, len(point_list)):
            for j in range(0, len(point_list) - i):
                if point_list[j][xy] > point_list[j + 1][xy]:
                    point_list[j][xy], point_list[j + 1][xy] = point_list[j + 1][xy], point_list[j][xy]
        return point_list

    def now_time(self, date=True):
        # Get the current time
        i =
        now_time = str(i)
        if date:
            now_time = now_time. replace(" ", "_")
            now_time = now_time.replace("-", "_")
            now_time = now_time.replace(":", "_")
            now_time = now_time. split(".")[0]
            now_time = now_time. split(" ")[0]
            now_time = now_time.replace("-", ".")
        return now_time

    def csv_reader(self, file):
        # csv file read
        zhclb = []
        # file = r'E:\pythonProject2\fittings.csv'
        with open(file, encoding="utf-8") as f:
            reader = csv.reader(f) # create reader
            header_row = next(reader) # Get the first row of the table (usually the column name)

            for row in reader: # Loop to get all the data behind
        return zhclb