c# uses NPOI to operate List to export excel

Need to introduce NPOI, download from Nuget

General method, pro-test available

public class NPOIHelper<T> where T : class
    public static async Task<IActionResult> ExcelDataExrot(string tablename, List<T> list, List<string> ExcelTitle)
            //Create Excel file object
            var workbook = new HSSFWorkbook();
            //Create worksheet sheet0
            var sheet = workbook. CreateSheet(tablename);
            //Set the top title style
            var TitleCellStyleFont = NpoiExcelExportHelper._.CreateStyle(workbook, HorizontalAlignment.Center,
                VerticalAlignment.Center, 20, true, 700, "Italian", true, false, false, true, FillPattern.SolidForeground,
                HSSFColor.Coral.Index, HSSFColor.White.Index,
                FontUnderlineType.None, FontSuperScript.None, false);
            //first row form
            var row = NpoiExcelExportHelper._.CreateRow(sheet, 0, 28);
            var cell = row. CreateCell(0);
            //Merge cells Example: The rectangular area enclosed by the 1st row to the 2nd row, the 3rd column to the 4th column
            //TODO: About Excel row and column cell merging
            //The first parameter: which row to start merging the second parameter: to which row to end the merging third parameter: to which column to start merging the fourth parameter: to which column to end the merging
            CellRangeAddress region = new CellRangeAddress(0, 0, 0, ExcelTitle. Count() - 1);
            sheet. AddMergedRegion(region);
            cell.SetCellValue(tablename); // After merging the cells, just assign a value to the first position (TODO: top title)
            cell.CellStyle = TitleCellStyleFont;
            //Second level title column style setting
            var headTopStyle = NpoiExcelExportHelper._.CreateStyle(workbook, HorizontalAlignment.Center,
                VerticalAlignment.Center, 15, true, 700, "Italian", true, false, false, true, FillPattern.SolidForeground,
                HSSFColor.Grey25Percent.Index, HSSFColor.Black.Index,
                FontUnderlineType.None, FontSuperScript.None, false);
            //header name
            var headerName = list[0];

            row = NpoiExcelExportHelper._.CreateRow(sheet, 1, 24); // second row
            for (int i = 0; i < ExcelTitle. Count; i ++ )
                cell = NpoiExcelExportHelper._.CreateCells(row, headTopStyle, i, ExcelTitle[i]);

                //set cell width
                sheet. SetColumnWidth(i, 7000);

            //#region cell content information

            // cell border style
            var cellStyle = NpoiExcelExportHelper._.CreateStyle(workbook, HorizontalAlignment.Center,
                VerticalAlignment. Center, 10, true, 400);

            //Merge cells in the left column begin
            //TODO: Regarding the merging of Excel row and column cells (after merging cells, you only need to assign a value to the first position)
            // The first parameter: from which row to start merging the second parameter: to which row to end the merging third parameter: to which column to start merging the fourth parameter: to which column to end the merging
            for (var i = 0; i < list. Count(); i ++ )
                row = NpoiExcelExportHelper._.CreateRow(sheet, i + 2, 20); //sheet.CreateRow(i + 2);//Create a row based on the header above
                int y = 0;
                foreach (System. Reflection. PropertyInfo p in list[i]. GetType(). GetProperties())
                    cell = NpoiExcelExportHelper._.CreateCells(row, cellStyle, y,
                        p.GetValue(list[i]) != null ? p.GetValue(list[i]).ToString() : null);
                    y + + ;

            // #endregion

            //excel save file name
            string excelFileName = tablename + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss") + ".xls";
            //Convert the Excel table into a stream and output

            MemoryStream bookStream = new MemoryStream(); //Create a file stream

            workbook.Write(bookStream); //File write stream (write byte sequence to stream)

            bookStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin); //Call Seek before output, specifying position 0 as the starting position

            return await Task. FromResult(
                new FileStreamResult(bookStream, "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet")
                    FileDownloadName = excelFileName
        catch (Exception e)
            Console. WriteLine(e. Message);
            return null;

public class NpoiExcelExportHelper
    private static NpoiExcelExportHelper _exportHelper;

    public static NpoiExcelExportHelper_
        get => _exportHelper  (_exportHelper = new NpoiExcelExportHelper());
        set => _exportHelper = value;

    /// <summary>
    /// TODO: Create the row first, then create the corresponding column
    /// Create the row specified in Excel
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="sheet">Excel worksheet object</param>
    /// <param name="rowNum">Create the first row (starting from 0)</param>
    /// <param name="rowHeight">row height</param>
    public HSSFRow CreateRow(ISheet sheet, int rowNum, float rowHeight)
        HSSFRow row = (HSSFRow) sheet.CreateRow(rowNum); //Create row
        row.HeightInPoints = rowHeight; //Set column header row height
        return row;

    /// <summary>
    /// Create the specified cell in the row
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="row">The row that needs to create cells</param>
    /// <param name="cellStyle">cell style</param>
    /// <param name="cellNum">Create the first few cells (starting from 0)</param>
    /// <param name="cellValue">Assign value to cell</param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    public HSSFCell CreateCells(HSSFRow row, HSSFCellStyle cellStyle, int cellNum, string cellValue)
        HSSFCell cell = (HSSFCell) row.CreateCell(cellNum); //Create a cell
        cell.CellStyle = cellStyle; //bind the style to the cell
        if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(cellValue))
            // cell assignment
            cell. SetCellValue(cellValue);

        return cell;

    /// <summary>
    /// Common style settings for inline cells
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="workbook">Excel file object</param>
    /// <param name="hAlignment">horizontal layout</param>
    /// <param name="vAlignment">vertical layout</param>
    /// <param name="fontHeightInPoints">font size</param>
    /// <param name="isAddBorder">Whether a border is required</param>
    /// <param name="boldWeight">Bold font (None = 0, Normal = 400, Bold = 700</param>
    /// <param name="fontName">Font (imitation Song, Kai, Song, Microsoft Yahei...corresponding to Excel theme font)</param>
    /// <param name="isAddBorderColor">Whether to add border color</param>
    /// <param name="isItalic">Whether to make the text italic</param>
    /// <param name="isLineFeed">Whether to wrap automatically</param>
    /// <param name="isAddCellBackground">Whether to add cell background color</param>
    /// <param name="fillPattern">Fill pattern style (FineDots, SolidForeground, exists when isAddFillPattern=true)</param>
    /// <param name="cellBackgroundColor">Cell background color (exist when isAddCellBackground=true)</param>
    /// <param name="fontColor">font color</param>
    /// <param name="underlineStyle">Underline style (no underline [None], single underline [Single], double underline [Double], single underline [SingleAccounting] for accounting, double underline [DoubleAccounting] for accounting)</ param>
    /// <param name="typeOffset">Font superscript and subscript (normal default value [None], superscript [Sub], subscript [Super]), that is, the upper and lower offsets of the font in the cell</ param>
    /// <param name="isStrikeout">Whether to display strikeout</param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    public HSSFCellStyle CreateStyle(HSSFWorkbook workbook, HorizontalAlignment hAlignment,
        VerticalAlignment vAlignment, short fontHeightInPoints, bool isAddBorder, short boldWeight,
        string fontName = "宋体", bool isAddBorderColor = true, bool isItalic = false, bool isLineFeed = false,
        bool isAddCellBackground = false, FillPattern fillPattern = FillPattern.NoFill,
        short cellBackgroundColor = HSSFColor.Yellow.Index, short fontColor = HSSFColor.Black.Index,
        FontUnderlineType underlineStyle =
            FontUnderlineType.None, FontSuperScript typeOffset = FontSuperScript.None, bool isStrikeout = false)
        HSSFCellStyle cellStyle = (HSSFCellStyle) workbook.CreateCellStyle(); //Create a column header cell instance style
        cellStyle.Alignment = hAlignment; // horizontal center
        cellStyle.VerticalAlignment = vAlignment; //vertically centered
        cellStyle.WrapText = isLineFeed; //Automatic line feed

        //The background color, border color, and font color all use the corresponding palette index in the HSSFColor attribute. For the HSSFColor color index comparison table, refer to: https://www.cnblogs.com/Brainpan/p/5804167.html

        //TODO: After referencing NPOI, the background color setting of the Excel cell can be realized through the FillForegroundColor property of the ICellStyle interface, and FillPattern is the fill pattern of the cell background color

        //TODO: Be very careful, to set the background color of the cell must be two properties FillForegroundColor and FillPattern set at the same time, otherwise the background color will not be displayed
        if (isAddCellBackground)
            cellStyle.FillForegroundColor = cellBackgroundColor; //cell background color
            cellStyle.FillPattern = fillPattern; //fill pattern style (FineDots fine point, SolidForeground three-dimensional foreground)

        //Whether to increase the border
        if (isAddBorder)
            // Commonly used border styles None (no), Thin (thin border, thin), Medium (medium), Dashed (dotted line), Dotted (dotted), Thick (thick), Double (double), Hair ( hair) [top right bottom left order setting]
            cellStyle.BorderBottom = BorderStyle.Thin;
            cellStyle.BorderRight = BorderStyle.Thin;
            cellStyle. BorderTop = BorderStyle. Thin;
            cellStyle.BorderLeft = BorderStyle.Thin;

        // Whether to set the border color
        if (isAddBorderColor)
            //Border color [top right bottom left order setting]
            cellStyle.TopBorderColor = HSSFColor.DarkGreen.Index; //DarkGreen (black green)
            cellStyle.RightBorderColor = HSSFColor.DarkGreen.Index;
            cellStyle.BottomBorderColor = HSSFColor.DarkGreen.Index;
            cellStyle.LeftBorderColor = HSSFColor.DarkGreen.Index;

        //Set the relevant font style
        var cellStyleFont = (HSSFFont) workbook.CreateFont(); //create font

        //If the font size only needs to be bold, then use the following attribute directly
        //cellStyleFont.IsBold = true;

        // cellStyleFont.Boldweight = boldWeight; // font bold
        cellStyleFont.FontHeightInPoints = fontHeightInPoints; //font size
        cellStyleFont.FontName = fontName; //Font (imitation Song, Kai, Song)
        cellStyleFont.Color = fontColor; //Set font color
        cellStyleFont.IsItalic = isItalic; //Whether to change the text into italic
        cellStyleFont.Underline = underlineStyle; // font underline
        cellStyleFont.TypeOffset = typeOffset; // font superscript subscript
        cellStyleFont.IsStrikeout = isStrikeout; //Whether there is a strikethrough

        cellStyle.SetFont(cellStyleFont); //Bind the font to the style
        return cellStyle;