Use flink sqlserver cdc to synchronize data to StarRocks

Frontier: flink cdc is becoming more and more powerful and supports more data sources. This article introduces the implementation of flink cdc:

sqlserver-》(using flink cdc)-》flink -》(using flink starrocks connector)->starrocks entire process

1. sqlserver environment preparation (you must use sqlserver versions below 16, flink cdc currently only supports sqlserver versions below 16)

I am using the docker environment:

xiuchenggong@xiuchengdeMacBook-Pro ~ % docker images
REPOSITORY TAG IMAGE ID CREATED SIZE latest 4d3c0066a012 3 days ago 4.71GB 2019-latest e7fc0b49be3c 4 weeks ago 1.47GB 2022-latest 683d523cd395 5 weeks ago 2.9GB
federatedai/standalone_fate latest 6019ec787699 9 months ago 5.29GB
milvusdb/milvus v2.1.4 d9a5c977c414 11 months ago 711MB
starrocks/dev-env main 8f4edba3b115 16 months ago 7.65GB
minio/minio RELEASE.2022-03-17T06-34-49Z 239acc52a73a 17 months ago 228MB
kicbase/stable v0.0.29 64d09634c60d 20 months ago 1.14GB v3.5.0 a7908fd5fb88 2 years ago 110MB
docker run -e 'ACCEPT_EULA=Y' -e 'SA_PASSWORD=abc@123456' -p 30027:1433 --name sql_server_2019 -d

docker exec -it --user root sql_server_2019 bash

Turn on the agent, restart the sqlserver environment, and connect:

xiuchenggong@xiuchengdeMacBook-Pro ~ % docker exec -it --user root sql_server_2019 bash
root@99e196828047:/# /opt/mssql/bin/mssql-conf set sqlagent.enabled true
SQL Server needs to be restarted in order to apply this setting. Please run
'systemctl restart mssql-server.service'.
root@99e196828047:/# exit
xiuchenggong@xiuchengdeMacBook-Pro ~ % docker restart sql_server_2019
xiuchenggong@xiuchengdeMacBook-Pro ~ % docker exec -it --user root sql_server_2019 bash

root@99e196828047:/# /opt/mssql-tools/bin/sqlcmd -S localhost -U SA -P "abc@123456"

Enable sqlserver cdc function:

root@99e196828047:/# /opt/mssql-tools/bin/sqlcmd -S localhost -U SA -P "abc@123456"
1> use cdc_test;
2> go
Changed database context to 'cdc_test'.
1> EXEC sys.sp_cdc_enable_db;
2> go
1> SELECT is_cdc_enabled FROM sys.databases WHERE name = 'cdc_test';
2> go

1> CREATE TABLE orders (id int,order_date date,purchaser int,quantity int,product_id int,PRIMARY KEY ([id]))
2> go
3> EXEC sys.sp_cdc_enable_table
4> @source_schema = 'dbo',
5> @source_name = 'orders',
6> @role_name = 'cdc_role';
7> go

Job 'cdc.cdc_test_capture' started successfully.
Job 'cdc.cdc_test_cleanup' started successfully.


Insert some data:

1> select * from orders;
2> go
id order_date purchaser quantity product_id
--------------------------- ----------- ----------- - ----------
          1 2023-07-07 1 1 1
          2 2023-07-07 2 2 2
          3 2023-07-07 3 3 3
          4 2023-07-07 4 4 4
         45 2023-07-07 5 5 5

(5 rows affected)
1> update orders set quantity = 100 where id =1;
2> go

(1 rows affected)
1> select * from orders;
2> go
id order_date purchaser quantity product_id
--------------------------- ----------- ----------- - ----------
          1 2023-07-07 1 100 1
          2 2023-07-07 2 2 2
          3 2023-07-07 3 3 3
          4 2023-07-07 4 4 4
         45 2023-07-07 5 5 5

(5 rows affected)
1> update orders set quantity = 200 where id = 2;
2> go

2. Prepare the flink environment:

  • Download flink 1.16.2 (official website download)
  • Download flink sqlserver cdc 2.2.0 (Central Repository: com/ververica/flink-cdc-connectors)
  • Download flink starrocks connector 1.15 (you should also download the corresponding version 1.16.2, but the official version has not been released yet. I tested it with 1.15 and it was ok) Download link: Release Release 1.2.6 · StarRocks/starrocks-connector-for-apache- flink · GitHub

3. Prepare starrocks docker environment:

See link: Deploying StarRocks with Docker @ deploy_with_docker @ StarRocks Docs

4. Start the flink environment (cd {FLINK_HOME}):

xiuchenggong@xiuchengdeMacBook-Pro bin % ./
Starting cluster.
Starting standalonesession daemon on host xiuchengdeMacBook-Pro.local.
Starting taskexecutor daemon on host xiuchengdeMacBook-Pro.local.
xiuchenggong@xiuchengdeMacBook-Pro bin % ./ embedded
SLF4J: Class path contains multiple SLF4J bindings.
SLF4J: Found binding in [jar:file:/Users/xiuchenggong/flink/flink-1.16.2/lib/log4j-slf4j-impl-2.17.1.jar!/org/slf4j/impl/StaticLoggerBinder.class]
SLF4J: Found binding in [jar:file:/Users/xiuchenggong/flink/hadoop-3.3.1/share/hadoop/common/lib/slf4j-log4j12-1.7.30.jar!/org/slf4j/impl/StaticLoggerBinder. class]
SLF4J: See for an explanation.
SLF4J: Actual binding is of type [org.apache.logging.slf4j.Log4jLoggerFactory]

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    ______ _ _ _ _____ ____ _ _____ _ _ _ BETA
   | ____| (_) | | / ____|/ __ \| | / ____| (_) | |
   | |__ | |_ _ __ | | __ | (___ | | | | | | | |_ ___ _ __ | |_
   | __| | | | '_ \| |/ / \___ \| | | | | | | | | |/ _ \ '_ \| __|
   | | | | | | | < ____) | |__| | |____ | |____| | | __/ | | | |_
   |_| |_|_|_| |_|_|\_\ |_____/ \___\_\______| \_____|_|_|\___|_| |_|\__|
        Welcome! Enter 'HELP;' to list all available commands. 'QUIT;' to exit.

Command history file path: /Users/xiuchenggong/.flink-sql-history

Flink SQL>

Create sqlsever to flink table:

Flink SQL> CREATE TABLE t_source_sqlserver (
> id INT,
> order_date DATE,
> purchaser INT,
> quantity INT,
> product_id INT,
> PRIMARY KEY (id) NOT ENFORCED -- primary key definition (optional)
> ) WITH (
> 'connector' = 'sqlserver-cdc', -- Use the SQL Server CDC connector
> 'hostname' = 'localhost', -- SQL Server host name
> 'port' = '30027', -- SQL Server port
> 'username' = 'sa', -- SQL Server username
> 'password' = 'abc@123456', -- SQL Server password
> 'database-name' = 'cdc_test', -- database name
> 'schema-name' = 'dbo', -- schema name
> 'table-name' = 'orders' -- the name of the table to capture changes
> );

Then create the flink to starrocks table:

Flink SQL>
> CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `orders_sink` (
> id int,
> order_date date,
> purchaser int,
> quantity int,
> product_id int,
> ) with (
> 'load-url' = 'localhost:8030',
> 'sink.buffer-flush.interval-ms' = '15000',
> '' = '\x02',
> '' = '\x01',
> 'connector' = 'starrocks',
> 'database-name' = 'test',
> 'table-name' = 'orders',
> 'jdbc-url' = 'jdbc:mysql://localhost:9030',
> 'password' = '',
> 'username' = 'root'
> )
> ;
[INFO] Execute statement succeed.

Flink SQL> show tables;
 + -------------------- +
| table name |
 + -------------------- +
| orders_sink |
| t_source_sqlserver |
 + -------------------- +
2 rows in set

submit homework:

Flink SQL> insert into orders_sink select * from t_source_sqlserver;
[INFO] Submitting SQL update statement to the cluster...
WARNING: An illegal reflective access operation has occurred
WARNING: Illegal reflective access by (file:/Users/xiuchenggong/flink/flink-1.16.2/lib/flink-dist-1.16.2.jar) to field java.lang .Class.ANNOTATION
WARNING: Please consider reporting this to the maintainers of
WARNING: Use --illegal-access=warn to enable warnings of further illegal reflective access operations
WARNING: All illegal access operations will be denied in a future release
[INFO] SQL update statement has been successfully submitted to the cluster:
Job ID: 746cc173cd71133e96d080f25327e9bc

Flink webui sees long-resident jobs:

5. Verify whether the data in sqlserver has been synchronized to starrocks, insert/update/delete:

StarRocks > select * from orders;
 + ------ + ------------ + ----------- + ---------- + ------ ------+
| id | order_date | purchaser | quantity | product_id |
 + ------ + ------------ + ----------- + ---------- + ------ ------+
| 1 | 2023-07-07 | 1 | 100 | 1 |
| 3 | 2023-07-07 | 3 | 3 | 3 |
| 4 | 2023-07-07 | 4 | 4 | 4 |
| 45 | 2023-07-07 | 5 | 5 | 5 |
| 2 | 2023-07-07 | 2 | 200 | 2 |
 + ------ + ------------ + ----------- + ---------- + ------ ------+
5 rows in set (0.016 sec)

StarRocks >

All additions, deletions and modifications to data are synchronized;