Rockchip Uboot is compiled and programmed separately RK3399 RV1126 RK3588 RKdevtool rkbin

Rockchip Uboot is compiled and programmed separately

  • This article mainly introduces the compilation and programming of RK Uboot and related build scripts.


  • Source code preparation:

    • Get it from the official: git clone
    • Copy from the SDK provided by the development board manufacturer: cp -rfp sdk/u-boot .
  • rkbin preparation (U-Boot dependency):

    • Get it from the official: git clone
    • Copy from the SDK provided by the development board manufacturer: cp -rfp sdk/rkbin .
  • Tool chain preparation (taking gcc 10.3 64-bit as an example):

    • Obtained from arm official website: gcc-arm-10.3-2021.07-x86_64-aarch64-none-linux-gnu.tar.xz
    • Versions of gcc below 10.3 are available from linaro
    • Copy from the SDK provided by the development board manufacturer: cp -rfp prebuilts/gcc/linux-x86/aarch64/gcc-arm-10.3-2021.07-x86_64-aarch64-none-linux-gnu/ .
  • Directory preparation:

    mv rkbin u-boot/
    mkdir -p u-boot/toolchain
    mv gcc-arm-10.3-2021.07-x86_64-aarch64-none-linux-gnu/ u-boot/toolchain/

  • is not only a compilation script, but also a packaging and debugging tool. Can be used to disassemble and package firmware.

    //Help command
    ./ help
    // compile
    ./ board // Build firmware according to board_defconfig configuration
    ./ env // Generate fw_printenv tool
    Output the build products in the current directory, including uboot/trust/loader images
    //Package firmware
    ./ uboot // Package uboot
    ./ trust // Package trust
    ./ loader // Package loader
    // disassembly
    ./ elf // Disassemble elf file, use -D parameter by default
    ./ map // Open
    ./ sym // Open u-boot.sym


  • Modify RKBIN_TOOLS to RKBIN_TOOLS=rkbin/tools
  • If TOOLCHAIN_ARM64 exists, modify TOOLCHAIN_ARM64 to toolchain/gcc-arm-10.3-2021.07-x86_64-aarch64-none-linux-gnu/bin
  • If CROSS_COMPILE_ARM64 exists, modify CROSS_COMPILE_ARM64 to toolchain/gcc-arm-10.3-2021.07-x86_64-aarch64-none-linux-gnu/bin

The connection between and rkbin

  • rkbin: used to store bins, scripts, and packaging tools that are not open source for RK. When U-Boot is compiled, it will index relevant files from this warehouse and package them to generate loader, trust, and uboot firmware.
  • The rkbin/RKBOOT/xxx.ini file and the rkbin/RKTRUST/xxx.ini file specify the firmware that needs to be packaged.
  • In, use the statement ${RKBIN}/RKBOOT/${RKCHIP_LOADER}MINIALL.ini to specify the ini file to be used. RKCHIP_LOADER is generally the platform name. Taking rk3588 as an example, the ini file used is rkbin/RKBOOT/RK3588MINIALL.ini.

Firmware compilation

  • Taking rv1126 as an example, execute the command ./ rv1126, and the actual configuration file used is ./configs/rv1126_defconfig.

Compiled product

  • Compile output, taking rv1126 as an example:

    //Fit format firmware packaging process and referenced ini files
    FIT description: FIT Image with U-Boot/OP-TEE/MCU
    Created: Wed Oct 18 15:43:39 2023
     Image 0 (uboot)
      Description: U-Boot (32-bit)
     Image 1 (optee)
      Description: OP-TEE
     Image 2 (fdt)
      Description: U-Boot dtb
     Default Configuration: 'conf'
     Configuration 0 (conf)
      Description: rv1126-evb
    pack loader ok.(rv1126_spl_loader_v1.08.108.bin)(0.01)
    pack loader okay! Input: /home/ubuntu/rv1126/uboot/rv1126_uboot_v2017.9/rkbin/RKBOOT/RV1126MINIALL.ini
    //uboot packaging process and referenced ini files
    Image(no-signed, version=0): uboot.img (FIT with uboot, trust...) is ready
    Image(no-signed): rv1126_spl_loader_v1.08.108.bin (with spl, ddr, usbplug) is ready
    pack uboot.img okay! Input: /home/ubuntu/rv1126/uboot/rv1126_uboot_v2017.9/rkbin/RKTRUST/RV1126TOS.ini
  • For the closed-source uboot of the front-end loader, taking rk3399pro as an example, the output product is:

    • idbloader.img
    • uboot.img
    • trust.img
    • Generally, is renamed to MiniLoaderAll.bin
    • idbloader.img and are the same product, but the packaging methods are different.
  • For the open source uboot of the front-end loader, taking rv1126 as an example, the output product is:

    • uboot.img, firmware in fit format, does not have trust.img. The trust binary is packaged in uboot.img.
    • Generally, is renamed to MiniLoaderAll.bin

Firmware burning

Use the programming tool

  • The RKDevTool tool provided in the SDK, the directory is sdk/tools/windows/RKDevTool.

  • Open the programming tool and connect the development board to the computer through usb.

  • Put the development board into Maskrom mode or Loader mode (U-Boot). At this time, the lower left corner of the tool will prompt that a device has been found.

  • To import the configuration, right-click in the download configuration area, select “Import Configuration”, select ParameterFile in “File Type”, and find the parameter file.
    Select file

  • Select the partition and file to be burned (the loader partition must be selected). For the first time burning, the partition file (parameter.txt) must be selected, and then click Execute to complete the burning.

  • rk3399pro parameter.txt example:

    MACHINE_ID: 007
    MAGIC: 0x5041524B
    ATAG: 0x00200800
    MACHINE: 3399PRO
    CHECK_MASK: 0x80
    PWR_HLD: 0,0,A,0,1
    CMDLINE: mtdparts=rk29xxnand:0x1f80@0x40(miniloader),0x400@0x1fc0(ubootenv),0x2000@0x4000(uboot),0x2000@0x6000(trust),0x10000@0x8000(boot),0x300000@0x18000 (recovery),-@ 0x318000(rootfs:grow)
  • The corresponding relationship between the files and partitions that need to be burned by rk3399pro uboot:

    Partition File
    miniloader MiniLoaderAll.bin
    uboot uboot.img
    trust trust.img
  • rv1126 parameter.txt example:

    MACHINE_ID: 007
    MAGIC: 0x5041524B
    ATAG: 0x00200800
    MACHINE: 0xffffffff
    CHECK_MASK: 0x80
    PWR_HLD: 0,0,A,0,1
    CMDLINE: mtdparts=rk29xxnand:0x1f80@0x40(miniloader),0x400@0x1fc0(ubootenv),0x2000@0x4000(uboot),0x10000@0x6000(boot),0x100000@0x16000(recovery),-@0x116000( rootfs:grow)
  • Correspondence between files and partitions that need to be burned in rv1126 uboot:

    Partition File
    miniloader MiniLoaderAll.bin
    uboot uboot.img

Use dd command

  • Prerequisite: Can log in to the development board.

  • For the closed-source uboot of the front-end loader, take rk3399pro as an example and execute the following command:

    dd if=idbloader.img of=/dev/mmcblk0 bs=1M seek=64
    dd if=uboot.img of=/dev/mmcblk0 bs=1M seek=16384
    dd if=trust.img of=/dev/mmcblk0 bs=1M seek=24576
  • For the open source uboot of the front-end loader, take rv1126 as an example and execute the following command:

    dd if=MiniLoaderAll.bin of=/dev/mmcblk0 bs=1M seek=64
    dd if=uboot.img of=/dev/mmcblk0 bs=1M seek=16384